March 3 NT Seminar

Aspiring: Opening opportunities to see the world of possibilities

5:00-7:00 PM

Overview of the March seminar:


Participants will: 


Live Session Options

Participants may choose to attend a live classroom session for this New Teacher Seminar at one of three school sites throughout the county - Esperanza Middle, Leonardtown Elementary, and Chopticon High. 

The live sessions will offer the opportunity to meet other new teachers and participate in sessions within an active classroom with master teachers who have been working with students in-person and online. Each live session will have a different session offered at 6:15 PM, so participants can make their selection based on location, grade level, or session topic. 

We recognize that travelling to the sessions will take more effort than participating solely online from home, so there will be a few incentives for in-person attendance. Dr. Smith will share his opening remarks from one of the school sites and then travel to each of the other sites throughout the seminar to chat with participants! Dr. Montgomery will also visit the school sites to speak with new teacher participants. That is how much they really want to meet with teachers in person!!!

In addition, we will be holding a series of drawings at each of the locations for door prizes!

To respect social distancing, participants will need to sign up in advance with their selected location. Please use this SHEET.

**** March 3rd New Teacher Seminar In-Person Schedule Clarification:

If participants are attending the live sessions in-person, there is no need to bring your SMCPS device.

Google Meets Small Groups

Based on your current teaching assignment, select the most appropriate group from the list below. 

Live Session Participants will collaborate with facilitators in their classrooms.

Click on the Checkmark to Indicate Your Attendance 

At the end of the evening, complete this form ONCE to indicate your attendance in the sessions you attended.

Those present at the live sessions will have a sign-in sheet at the school location to indicate attendance.

Session Resources

Missing the updates and notifications from the Schoology Group? 

Consider revisiting the Notifications box in the top right corner of the Group page. Check next to each type of notification you would like to receive via your school email and stay in the loop with New Teacher Induction News!