Halls of the Lizard King

This map comes from page 38 of the Holmes' 1981 book titled Fantasy Roleplaying Games. It's provided as an example of a dungeon map, with no further explanation given. The map shows part of the first level of a dungeon, with an entrance in the upper left corner and further areas heading off the map to the east, and stairs down to the next level. The map itself provides a lot of information on the contents of the dungeon. One key feature is the "Lizard King Throne Room", which has led to one proposed title, "Halls of the Lizard King", which I've used here.

Another notable room is the Cave that holds the "Giant Gila Monster", the only monster actually illustrated on the map. This monster may have been inspired by a 1959 monster movie of the same name.

Scan courtesy austrodavicus at OD&D Discussion