Jim Roslof

Bibliography of Illustrations

This is a list of illustrations that Jim Roslof (1946-2011) did for TSR & other game companies. Thanks to misterspock at the Acaeum for help compiling this.


B2 Keep on the Borderlands - front cover (see study here); title page (owlbear battle)


DEITIES & DEMIGODS - Finnish & Greek mythos; Thor (full-page, Norse); Wild Hunt (Celtic); Valkyries (Norse); various others

C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness - front cover; interior art

Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits - front cover; interior art

Player Character Record Sheets - front cover

TS002 Rapidstrike - front cover

S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - back cover; interior art

SAGA minigame - gameboard "frame" art work

A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity - interior art

TOP SECRET rulebook - interior art, later reprinted in TS/SI Boxed Set Administrator's Guide

DRAGON #41 - silkie (new monster)

DRAGON #42 - two illustrations for the Mansion of Mad Professor Ludlow module

DRAGON #44 - koodjanak, cryoserpent (new monsters)


DUNGEON! boardgame - box top, board art, game piece art

Dragon #46 - illustrations for Holmes story "The Sorceror's Jewel" (Grognardia tribute)

FIEND FOLIO - interior art (4 illustrations)

A2 Secret of the Slaver's Stockade - front cover

D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth - front cover

X2 Castle Amber - back cover, also used as the front cover for the second printing of the French translation; interior art

I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City - back cover, interior art

DRAGON DICE - Random Number Generators and Percentage Generators - background art (dragon)

BOOT HILL Referee's Screen - front cover

B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (orange and green covers) - interior art

S2 White Plume Mountain (revised version with color cover) - interior art

D&D BASIC & EXPERT SETS - interior art

VAMPYRE minigame - game board artwork (a headstone near the Catacombs reads "ROSLOF").


DAYS OF THE DRAGON Calendar - one month

MONSTER CARDS: Set 1 - g. weasel, kobold, lizard man, neo-otyugh, red dragon; Set 2 - goblin, hill giant, hippogriff; Set 3 - sylph, wemic

TSR Product Sales Display - dragon artwork on sides

Artists of TSR - portfolio with 12 full-page art prints; two are by Roslof including Thor from D&DG; dragon cover illustration also by Roslof (recycled from FF). Also has an introduction by Roslof inside the front cover

BH1 Mad Mesa - interior art

DRAGON #67 - grugach, valley elf, cooshee (new monsters)

AD&D Pen & Poster Set



B5 Horror on the Hill - front cover

ARES magazine #16 (Winter 1983, TSR) - interior art for "Quest", a Poul Anderson short story sequel to the novel "The High Crusade"


B6 Veiled Society - interior art plus color art for cut-outs

AC3 Kidnapping of Princess Arelina - color art for cut-outs

XSOLO1 Lathan's Gold - front cover

XL1 Quest for the Heartstone - interior art

SF3 Sundown on Starmist - interior art


UNEARTHED ARCANA - interior art inc title page plus iconic illustrations for Barbarian, Cavalier, Thief-Acrobat classes

LAIR OF THE LICH - ENDLESS QUEST #27 - interior art

CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls - interior art

I7 Baltron's Beacon - interior art



DUNGEON magazine #1 - interior art


LEGENDS & LORE - interior art reprinted from Deities & Demigods

plus various other DRAGON magazines not listed above (at least 100, 104, 106, 115, 135, 148, 149 and 164)

Goodman Games

Dungeon Crawl Classics #29: The Adventure Begins (2006) - front cover

Dungeon Crawl Classics #43: Curse of the Barrens (2007) - front cover

Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (2011) - interior art

This list originally posted in this Acaeum thread.

See also:

Jim Roslof page at Tome of Treasures (includes seven pictures of original artwork)

Scans of original artwork previously sold at Noble Knight (click on individual items to see larger picture of artwork)

Other tributes at Grognardia:




Wizards.com tribute page