Or, Things I've Written that You Can Read Elsewhere

Most of my RPG-related writing can be found on the Zenopus Archives blog, various forums, or here (Google Sites), but I do have some articles and other publications that have been published in print or pdf.

In reverse chronological order, these are:

"Forward" in Islands of Peril: A Holmes Campaign Adventure, June 2024, by Bill Barsh and J. Eric Holmes, Pacesetter Games. Available in print and/or PDF from the

"'Doctor Holmes I Presume?' How a California Neurology Professor Penned the first Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set", co-written with Tony A. Rowe, in Fifty Years of Dungeons & Dragons, May 14th, 2024, The MIT Press. Available from Amazon in print or Kindle.

"It's Not Just Rats and Centipedes" in KNOCK! issue #3, 2022. Kickstarter completed in June 2022, and currently available for order in Print & PDF. This is a revised version of my original blog post titled "One Hit Point Monsters"

Interview in the D&D Classics Column in Dragon+ Issue 32, June 2020. I answer six questions posed by columnist Bart Carroll. 

The Ruined Tower of Zenopus: A Conversion, Jan 2020. A conversion of the original dungeon to Fifth Edition (5E) D&D. Available on DMsGuild as a pdf that comes with three png files (two for VTT, one for printing). See also this post. Version 2.0 was released in November 2020 and includes a new illustration by Chris Holmes and a printer-friendly dungeon map.

"Commentary" on a reprint of a J. Eric Holmes' 1983 Review of Call of Cthulhu in Bayt al Azif #2, October 2019. With an illustration by Chris Holmes. Currently available in pdf or print (softcover or hardcover).

"Clerical Cosmic Horror: The Brief Era of the Cthulhu Mythos as Dungeons & Dragons Pantheon" in Bayt al Azif #1, October 2018. With an illustration by Chris Holmes. Currently available in pdf or print (softcover or hardcover). See also this post.

"Holmes and the Lost City" in The Lost City Campaign Sourcebook, March 2018. With an illustration of Zargon by myself. This is a fan compilation of supplementary material for the module B4; see this DF thread. Currently available as a free pdf

"Axel the Dwarf" (NPC) in FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! #2, Nov 2017, Inner Ham. With an illustration by Jon Wilson. Currently available in pdf from DrivethruRPG or in print directly from the publisher.

"Green Grabber" and "Old One" (new monsters) in BLUEHOLME Journeymanne Rules, Fall 2017, Dreamscape Design. Old One illustrated by Bradley K. McDevitt. Currently available in pdf from DrivethruRPG, or in hardcover or in softcover from Lulu. See also the original posts here and here.

"The Writings of J. Eric Holmes" and "Annotated Bibliography for J. Eric Holmes" in Tales of Peril, the Complete Boinger and Zereth Stories of J. Eric Holmes, Summer 2017, Black Blade Publisher. Currently available in print directly from the publisher. See also this post.

"Regal Lizard Man" (new monster) and "Harpy Axe" (new magic item) in FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! #1, March 2017, Inner Ham. Currently available as a free pdf from DrivethruRPG or in print directly from the publisher. See also this post.

"Lesser Magic Items" (20 new magic items) in Dungeon Crawl #3, Summer 2013. With three illustrations by John Blaszczyk. Currently available in pdf from DrivethruRPG or in print from Lulu. See also this post.

I also contributed to proofreading the original release of the OD&D retroclone Delving Deeper, 2012, Immersive Ink, currently available in pdf or free on the web.

(All DrivethruRPG, DMs Guild and Amazon links include an affiliate number. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)