NASA gravity agents .... attempted assasination of gravity government agent G = Gabby Giffords

Post date: Oct 21, 2020 7:29:25 PM

The shooting tragedy of Gabby Gifford in Arizona has provided scientists with valuable CLUES about the gravity data field war.

Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician. ... On January 8, 2011, Giffords was a victim of a shooting near Tucson, which was

Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly Visit French Alps

Jul 23, 2012 – CHAMONIX, France, July 23 (Reuters) - Former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, still recovering from wounds after being shot last ...

Fortunately, she is recovering.

Let's look at the tragic gravity EVENT and the clues it provides.

1) The attack method used in the GRAVITY WARS for the NASTY gravity data fields to link with the human brain atomic mass ....and modify the atomic mass thoughts. Gravity interacts with atomic mass ...this process takes place in the external world (outside the human body) and gravity interacts with the internal biology world of humans.

Tus NASTY gravity field data .....can interact with atomic brain bio-computer data thought fields...... and sometimes can modify the human thought process ...instructing the human bio-computer to perform a NASTY task. The human bio-computer performs the job instructions ...just like a copper wire computer executes instructions. The gravity field WAR message DEVICE consists of several components .....some mentioned below....

The Universal Law of Gravitation

G = universal gravitation constant

G un ..... a gravity message device in the physical world ...that makes invisible gravity conflicts very visible for serious, unbiased researchers. In addition,

a GUN bullet input to an atomic, biophysics human ...

...........bullet in ............provides empirical data for the

The experimental value of

G equal to 6.6734 x 10 -11 Nm2/kg2 was measured by Sir Henry Cavendish in 1798.

in June 8, 1970

........the EARTH Mother Road gave birth VIA EARTH process control signals ... › ItinerariesCached - Similar

Tour historic Route 66 across AZ with Arizona Office of Tourism. Check out our itineraries for detailed guides to Route 66 and more in AZ.

The experimental value of

G = Gabby G. equal to 6.6734 x 10 -SKU11 Nm2/kg2 was measured in 2012.

Above, the gravity governmental equation uses the EARTH geography post office address Nm --> Route 66 thru New Mexico.

Let's look at some more gravity clues.

First, let's consider some ideas from others.

1) Charles Dickens " Tale of 2 Cities"

.....Galileo book " 2 Chief Worlds"

..J.R Tolkein book " Two Towers'

C.P. Snow physics lecture " 2 Culture" there some idea....that I may have missed. Okay, let's re-open the concept .... and consider it an unsolved riddle.

2) Let's consider the year 1872 concepts of Herbert Spencer...

    1. Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result


    3. John Arthur Thomson - 1906 - Biography & Autobiography - 284 pages

    4. Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the

    5. fact of ... If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then ...

    6. Herbert Spencer's Theory of Causation*


    8. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

    9. by GH Smith - Cited by 2 - Related articles

    10. In An Autobiography Herbert Spencer recalls that he "early became possessed by the ..... the correspondence between our ideas and unknowable reality? Since we are ... adjustment of internal relations to external relations." ...

THus ...lets consider gravity ......

external gravity ........ drop ball and it falls to the ground ..with the big number SIGNAL 66.

internal gravity ....inside the brain would Nature's symbolic biology system get a message from the internal biology world and its symbols to the external world. We know some well-known examples:

a) the LIVER of Jonathan Swift in year 1726 expressed the LIVER/gland intellectual views of external human daily activities VIA the LIVER book..known as Gullible LIVER travels (Gulliver) which travel via symbolic data streams of consciousness to the United states to become year 2012 ... Traveler's Insurance company comprised of people with internal biology liver's AND LIVER scientists and engineers that do RD at Livermore Labs in California with their Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness leader .... who has brought the information to a level of consciousness VIA his SWIFT automobile signals ...and his book.

Keep in mind ..... that he is an extension of the Galapagos Islands, DARWIN and the Santa Cruz Islands ..... thus the extension to the city/island of Santa CRUZ, California .. and the Livermore study of the Margaret Mead nuclear family....atomic social anthropology and various human thought species ...that is do the various atomic bio-physics human brains process symbols, concepts, musics, art , etc..

    1. - Home


    3. Welcome to the "Power of Alpha" website and its ultimate product - the "70 MeV" mass quantum. Alpha is the universal fine structure constant whose

    4. Alphabet of the atomic English language alliance

    5. with the atomic EARTH geography …. Alps Mountain altitude/attitude language

    1. - 2007 -

Thus we see the signal above ...The Power of Alpha....

and its expression by NASA ...and the TIME message of 23 atomic chromosome pairs (below, July 23) and the 7th month(July) being a nitrogenous bases signal.

Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly Visit French Alps

Jul 23, 2012 – CHAMONIX, France, July 23 (Reuters) - Former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, still recovering from wounds after being shot last ...


G = Universal Gravitational constant agent G

7th month JULY --> nitrogen atom with year 2012 --> 20 standard amino acids

CHAMONIX --> Ch + Am + On --> am --> amino acid SOCIAL signal repeated

French ALPS ---> Alphabets signal from Arizona (abbreviation AZ) --> A thru Z alphabet letters

The National Science Foundation DEATH equation ….

France A. Córdova and PSSC physics and

NSF errors cause 150 DEAD - Wikipediaórdova

France Anne-Dominic Córdova (born August 5, 1947) is an American astrophysicist and administrator of orifice holes (BEDROOM pussy holes and grave holes),

who was the

Nitrogen atomic mass 14 …. fourteenth director of the

Nat ...Nitrogen atom ...Nat -> -National Science Foundation LINK to

Satyendra NATH Bose and the

5th existential expression state of reBECca Blank (BEC = Bose-Einstein-Condensate).

Previously, she was the SKU11 ...number 11 = eleven →

eleventh President of Purdue …. PROJECT DUE ….

University from the PH Litmus TEST range ( 0 … 7 …..12) 2007 to 2012.

France A. Córdova

Thus we see that Nature ..and Gabby .... Gabby as a bio-computer sensor .....Her subliminal MIND ...her subconscious mind has detected some problems in the continuum ...... that are impossible to express directly ....thus Nature uses indirect methods to communicate..such as one's choice of a vacation ..etc. Thus we see ..the book...... POWER of Alpha ....LINK ..... French Alpha represented by the French Alps .....

the Earth geology/geography land/mountains alphabet of Nature ...expressed VIA humanoid interface processor ......who ought pay attention to the language WORD of HONOR ....... and that excludes the bull-stories of the Department of En --> English and its the supposed accurate agents at the Department of En ---> Energy and the citizen/ government approved experiments in the project

Department of En ---> Energy of atomic bio-physics thoughts Via humans ........

Department --> commands to the human brain symbolic bio-computer

Depart men theory of En = English language BS

Depart men --> Virginia TECH ENGLISH tricks and scams

Depart men ---> Lexicon, Kentucky the Runway 26 alphabet letters

Depart men ---> Cole Hall and the George Orwell shooting in Oceania classroom

Depart men --> Columbine High School library BOOK signal

Depart men --> Fort HOOD Soldier READ Center battle Center Nervous System 370 eye/optical computer and biochemistry processor of input photon data to the eye/iris/retina/pupil

The list goes on...the Department of Education and citizens have dinner parties, wedding parties, birthday parties, political parties ...all to busy with the party system pay attention to SIMPLE, obvious, explicit messages with a common thread. Even the reader of this BLOG is to busy or to lazy to help understand and fix the problems of the SOCIAL SCIENCE wars.

Let's continue with

John Arthur Thomson - 1906 - Biography & Autobiography - 284 pages

Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the

fact of ... If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then

The theory is that the external gravity NUMBER is 66

and the

internal brain gravity signal sent to the external world is 99 cents ...a price in a grocery store ...

and the 99 cent signal

and the 99 cent --> Centrifugal force field messages for the frugal Federal Reserve Bank ...and the gravity, Earth government monetary policy questions.

Thus the locations of the GRAVITY battlefield with gravity agent G = GI JOE ...gravity soldier GI.FF.ORDS.

Congresswoman Shot In Arizona (LIVE ...

Jan 8, 2011 – Rep. G (Gravity constant of NASA) ….

Rep G (representing the Galapagos Island reptile brains in human brains) Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot

in the head (Galapagos

Reptilian brain battle in

Arizona and California)

San Bernardino

………………….dinosaur SOFTWARE battle

Played out at

the SYMBOL & CONCEPT Machine

selected proper noun site …

Nature social engineering systems

THEATER of WAR stage performance ….

the DINO .. shooting: At least 14 dead -

BBC → British Brain Cortex News

Dec 03, 2015 · At least 14 people have been killed in a mass shooting in California involving up to three gunmen. Officers said 17 people were also wounded in the attack at a social service centre in San...

Jan 8, 2011 – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday

when an assailant opened fire

outside a grocery store during a meeting with ...

..... ide a g............ a meeting with ...

ide a g............. a meeting with ...

ide a g a meeting with ...

    1. Acceleration due to gravity may refer to: ... of the Earth;

    2. Standard gravity, or g,

    3. Standard gravity, or g,

    4. Standard gravity, or grocery store message to NASA gravity BRAIN people ,

        1. Standard gravity, or g,

Thus we have a puzzle...a theory about Nature's messages........ Nature's languages and signals ... that some people ought try to understood.

We are reminded of our SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature as outlined by John LOCKE and others .... and the message was ignored at the JOHN LOCKE trial at Penn State ...the LOCKE room trial with Nature's NASA signal ..... Jerry SanduSky.

Thus we have NASA code .......the sand of Cape Kennedy, Florida and the rockets going into the sky.

Previous NASA signals ......Monica SKY + CLI = CLIMATE ...represented by messenger humanoids named Monica Lewinsky and President CLINTON with astronomy legal messenger Ken STARR . Symbolism... symbolic life ..... indirect,subtle message formats

Thus the DUAL signal of the gravity agent G = GI JOE ...gravity soldier GI.FF.ORDS

GI = Gravity interface with

FF --> Base 16 Hex'FF" = 255 = High-Values NASA agent ...astronaut Mark Kelly ....

ORDS --> ORbital DATA sets ...that is the EARTH orbital continuum comprised of the range

atomic/molecular orbitals ----> human intermediates with BP oil <---- astronomy/astrophysics orbitals

Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions enables this VIEW of life and existence on EARTH. › News › Science › Space

Block all results

Jan 24, 2011 – Our universe might be really, really big — but finite. Or it might be infinitely big. Both cases, says physicist Brian Greene, are possibilities, but if ...

    1. NOVA | The Elegant Universe: Series ...


    3. Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings. ... Bestselling author and physicist Brian Greene offers a tour of this seemingly .... Newton was harboring an embarrassing secret: he had no idea how gravity actually works. ... After nearly ten years of wracking his brain he found the answer in a new ...

Thus we have several clues.....some more concepts come from EARTH cellulose newspaper columnist

DEAR ABBY ...a message to

DEAR G.ABBY from EARTH Ann Landers ......with more signals to the moon Landers Team at NASA.

Again, we have several levels of VIEWS and several different types of VIEWING formats ....that ought be brought together by theorists in the GUT = Grand Unified Theory of existence on EARTH ...with mathematical-physics at the leading edge of theory ........ and the empirical data of EVENTS provided by the SCIENCE WAR..... BLOG site examples.

The atomic English language character of Nature's agent identifier code ANN Landers ...

AN --> Atomic Number

AN --> Alpha/Numeric base 16 hexadecimal for Base 16 Computer Earth system 370 ...geography computer addressing 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,

Washington, DC in the major EARTH BAL geography computer region/ computer LAND at BALTIMORE.

BAL = Basic(k) Assembler Language with the Y2K brain computer failure of the biological clock

LAND at --> geography LAN + Dat --> local area network DATE + Data (of events/ activities are Time Stamped for later analysis)

Thus the John Hopkins University bio-computer science experiments ....the

geography region assembler language program

with the Base 16 feature of 1600 Pennsylvania computer address location

of DC = Define Constant ...that is Washington, DC ...when viewed from the BIG Picture that EARTH is a computer science LAB of Nature and its intellect ....... and that humans are subsets living within the larger set ..known as the EARTH WORLD .....itself a subset of the astronomy SOLAR SYSTEM 370 processor with 9 data bit planets ( 8 planets + 1 error correction bit planet known as EARTH).

NASA and the Lone Star State deny such possibilities.......... hence. the LONE shooting STAR in the STATE of TEXAS ...State of MIND and Fort Hood and elsewhere in TEXAS.

Thus the VIRGO Cluster astronomy bio-chemistry battle at FORT HOOD via Darwinian selection of the biochemistry Major from the Virgo Cluster campus in Blacksburg, Virginia ............ ask physics and Briane Green about parallel processing in the atomic/astrophysics continuum with the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology conflicts with FermiLAB, Office of Science, and universities ..... and their biased, incomplete explanations about our obvious atomic bio-physics nature.

Welcome to year 2102 BRAVE NEW WORD and the social psychology wars for social control of the physics professor brain cells ...those brain cells that are used for social and political perceptions. Their math-physics brain cells used for technology hardware are left untouched.

Now, let's return to Gabby Gifford ... a theoretical gravity agent with Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic attributes in the atomic human sub-species Fe=Female.

Nature has divided then humans into 2 ferrous oxide sub-species

s) The internal biology iron and the thoughts of Fe atom ...

the Female spaces ...with Fe atom as part of her label within Nature's North/South Pole magnetic field.

Female .... a sub-species of humanoid with various math curves,etc.

Male + Fe (that is external Ferrous oxide relationship with iron automobiles, metal rockets, iron bridges, etc ...consequently their atomic direction as engineerings, auto mechanics, building skyscrapers, etc. the external world (outside the human body)

In summary ..... an atomic partition of biology structures

Fe + male = Female, mom, mother, she, her

Male + fe = Male and separate metal Fe objects such as 4-wheeled iron automobile mechanics.

What is FermiLAB in Batavia, Illinois?

Unknown life formats .....because they do not communicate properly regarding the Hierarchy Problem of iron Hemoglobin structures.

Thus they are classified by the oxygen atomic bio-computer Base 16 hexadecimal LUNG system data processor ......

UFO brain structures IBM system 370 bio-computer language

UFO = Undefined FORMATS. Are aliens? In physical appearance they are normal looking, thus using the IBM system 370 bio-computer brain analysis subroutines we review the symbolic messages from the bio-computer Office of Science ..JOB Control Language in charge of physics thoughts in Chicago region. Thus the OS/JCL human brain data processing experimental region is primarily at UC = University of Chicago, Argonne with the WIND, Northwest Territories with the Sgt.Preston school of Journalism in the brain city of Dr.Robley D. Evans ..1955 "The Atomic Nucleus" of Evanston Ill/sick Noise University with atomic bio-physics BRAIN diplomatic communication problems, etc.

Now, continuing with Gabby Gifford ... a theoretical gravity agent with Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic attributes in the atomic human sub-species Fe=Female.

Nature has divided then humans into 2 ferrous oxide sub-species

s) The internal biology iron and the thoughts of Fe atom ...

the Female spaces ...with Fe atom as part of her label within Nature's North/South Pole magnetic field.

U.S. Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was a highway within the U.S. Highway System.

One of the original U.S. Highways, Route 66 was established on November 11, 1926—with road signs erected the following year

What signals exist for Gabby and NASA ....about the excistence of EARTH and solid ground ...and respectful relationships with book WALDEN POND.

One of the original U.S. Highways (see Hawking, Gibbon, Thorne and others on the origin of EARTH solids),

Route 66 ---> In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:

was established on November 11, --> the message for the head / SKU11 .....the EARTH warehouse of symbolic ideas and its inventory of ideas, conscoets, math equations, chemistry formula for social chemistry , physics experimental data, Hertzian waves and J.Clerk Maxwell, etc..... thus form Nature's warehouse with products inventory ...we have the human SKU11 --> Stock keeping Unit 11 ...

starting at FermiLAB with the ODDONE = 1 odd integer , 3 Pi of 3.1459 Pier, 5 Toes of the Theory of Everything structure, C.P. Snow and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs ...with Sleepy and Dopey in the Illinois STATE of MIND, the female CAT has 9 lives in her Schrodinger BOX, the SKU11 of the ODD integer math space agent from PERU.

The extension ...needs 13 dead integers with M-theory of MURDER at Fort Hood, and Base 16 Hex"F' = 15 ...such as Base 16 hexadecimal FermiLAB with the modern bio-computer and EARTH system 370 relationship to the SYS1. Catalog of Nature and Galileo astronomy project for EARTH space/time started in year 16 16.

1926—with road signs erected the following year

26 proton atomic English prose of Fe = Ferrous oxide atoms in the Fe = Females of the iron atom ....a Fe= Federal Government level that Fe=FermiLAB does not recognize. Does Nature exist?

Does NATURE think?

Answer. Only the supreme HUMAN citizen is capable of superior though.

Nothing else matters .....except the subjective opinion of a humanoid !

Thus we have some intellectual controversy.

In year 1926 ...the Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic Fe= Federal government of EARTH decided to build a highway VIA the ion Heme group biological structures known as humanoids. Thus from a big system point of VIEW ...we see humans as one component of a large process ...of Nature and its formats and methods of expression.

Thus we look at the Gabby G. internal iron structure ...her Fe=Female iron Heme group Fe(ii) ion ...and its LINK to the other end of the atomic/astronomy continuation ....... the ion LINK from her atomic bio-physics Fe(ii) ion to the NASA ion ......of the ionosphere VIA Mr. Kelly of the UnIverse SNA and its subset humanoid institution known the U.S. NAVY and its Captains ....... involved in complex projects with deeper meanings...deeper levels of REALITY.

    1. Structural Biochemistry/Protein function/Heme group/Myoglobin ...


    3. Jump to Structure‎:

    4. Myoglobin contains a heme group which is responsible for its ... However, when iron oxidized from ferrous ion (Fe2+) to ferric ion ...

    5. At the center of the heme group is the iron +2 metal ion.

Thus we see the NASA signal about the ions, ionosphere and iron skyscrapers ..that the myoglobin proteins and globular proteins responsible for the attack on the WORLD TRADE CENTER and its 2 iron TOWER s .............thus we see the hidden reality mentioned by physics professors or the concepts of Herbert Spencer that some INTERNAL realities may have a correspondence mapping relationship to EXTERNAL events and activities .

 G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.

Above BIOLOGY bio-computer INTERNET rackets

………...B...LOG ---> BLOG hosting sites …..

Buy a protein machine BLOG site DOMAIN

In the molecular protein continuum of humans, beef cattle,

chickens, and pigs

The myoglobin proteins used the method of

proteins.....subset word

..rote program the bio-computer brains of those humans selected by Darwinian biochemistry perform the nasty terror task to provide empirical data for university and government social biochemistry researchers.

Thus we live on Planet earth and ought to try to understand the various systems that exist ...and their interaction with humans ...and the messages some of us are expected to perceive ..........the older and wiser and experienced people whose IRON heme groups are over 56 years old AND who may live or work NEAR 56 Street or Highway 56 .

Finally ...we have the ganglion battle of Gabby ...that is the g = the gravity components that interact with brain atomic mass in the form of the gravity biology structure the ...... ganglion = g + angl + ion --> gravity angle .....ionosphere of EARTH geology/atmosphere.

Thus we we that Miss G and Mr Kelly have covered a wide range of data FORMAT experiences the Name of Science help understand our subset existence in the multi-faceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism, puppet string theory physics, M-theory physics of MURDER. Thus year 2012 heralds a new age for the mathematical-physics aspects of crime, gravity wars, biochemistry protein wars, etc. ...and a new chapter in the legal system for defense attorneys they pioneer the TRUE NATURE of what's happening .....and their clients role as a player.... originally stated by the law books of William Shakespeare ..... .