LexA protein WAR with football protein ROTE command codes

Post date: Oct 24, 2020 3:50:42 AM

RD-blog-number-2171 by Herb Zinser

LexA protein WAR

with football protein ROTE commands and instructions ……

SPORT social engineering codes


Aug 27, 2006 – The flight crew then proceeded to an area on the air carrier ramp where two ...

This instruction authorized the airplane to cross runway 26 (the ...

Above we the words

--> instruction authorized the airplane to cross runway 26 ....... translated

........instruction author ...............plan ......double-cross 26 English alphabet letters

........instructions Waterown airplane airPORT and double-cross of the EARTH English language regions ...the ROTC Land Grant agreements with universities. The double-cross of the concrete automobile runway.....known as 26 proton ferrous oxide atomic Highway 26 of Wisconsin ..the symbolic atomic IRON alphabet Highway 26 bypass project ....violations of the grammer school book " DICK and Jane" by Janesville, Wisconsin and violations of the IRON MAN movie agreements with human audiences.

Thus we have a correlation amongst various RUNAWAY 26 components.

Above, we see the words ---> lexA-encoded protein, LexA .... of the airline pilots and the control towers at the EARTH DNA location of LexA = Lexington America ...a city in Kentucky.

LexA --> Lexicon A=Alphabet of 26 English language letters ....and the intellectual treason by the citizens of Lexington ...and their bull-stories. They are a sample city ...that reflect the arrogant ERRORS and attitudes of a billion adult citizens in the world.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comair_Flight_191Cached - Similar

Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the ... The flight was sold under the Delta Air Lines brand as Delta Flight 5191 ... Most of the passengers were US citizens from the Lexington area, ranging in ...

The MeKONG DELTA war ..repeated.

1968 supersymmetry physics with Georgia TECH and their incomplete. biased social science stories

1968 DELTA airlines, southeast geography section of America AND the parallel WAR

1968 MeKOng DELTA..southeast geography section of ASIA

www.comairflight5191crash.com/Cached - Similar

The flight was apparently cleared for takeoff by Air Traffic Control on Runway 22, not Runway 26.” Blue Grass Airport. Lexington's Blue Grass Airport is a modern, ...

Above coded words

… RecA protein →

Rectum data RECORDS


Asshole alphabet mentality

….. the EAT and SHIT

Philosophy of life

Below, was see the induced state of the STATE of Kentucky.

We have the cleavage of the Lexington A citizen proteins...VIA the DNA war cleavage of the Comair air plane structure VIA the programming of the bio-computer brains of the pilots.

Above ..the city of Lexicon ......city of words and dictionaries has high doses of human mutagens...that is humans with brain symbolic bio-computer language nonsense.

WORDS above --> cell death may result --> examples

a) Virginia Tech English language shooting

b) Columbine High School library shooting

c) Fort Hood Soldier Read Center shooting with biochemistry TEXTBOOK major Hasan

String theory physics predicts that the atomic English language words : English language, library, read biochemistry TEXTbook ....may have some possible explanation about processes in the publishing industry ...about how the human eye/optical nerve receives input data VIA cellulose paper informational pages.

FermiLAB near PAGE county.....more accurately labeled vith the geo-political proper noun ....DuPAGE county ......might consider applied string theory AND the Theory of Everything ...might include Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology wars and atomic bio-physics wars......atomic and biochemistry BATTLES that are called accidents. Insurance companies ought have their actuaries properly categorize these tragic events ..... that require special analysis tools and techniques .. not licensed for usage by the FAA.

Below, the cleavage of the LexA physical metal engine ......representative of the

city of Lexington and their citizen LexA protein problems......their cleavage of the LexA symbolic engine of English language nouns, verbs, math equations, physics formula, etc.

cleavage of the LexA physical metal engine

cleavage of the LexA physical metal engine

cleavage of the LexA physical metal engine

How can Nature's biochemistry social engineering government use the LexA protein as a military to influence human destiny.

Catch 22 book lexicon ---> RUN A WAY task...bio-computer societal systems ERROR at RUNWAY 26.

How is the

LexA protein used.... subset words .......

..........rote ......rote ...the hypnosis of pilots and air traffic controllers VIA body ROTE proteins.

Thus we have the city of Lexington

....rote....... citizens of Lexicon ...in Lexington

p.ROTE.Ins ....


...COMA ....IR --> COMAIR airplane signal about the human BRAIN big mouth air/ air lines ...lines of verbal intellectual dribble nonsense lines ..... ERRORS

...COMA ....IR --> COMA IRS and the Joe Stack airplane signal about the AUSTIN, TEXAS human BRAIN big mouth air/ air lines ...lines of verbal intellectual dribble nonsense lines ..... ERRORS. IRS = Infra-RED spectrum ..body heat secret bedroom languages of TEXAS and the real estate bedroom housing schemes of TEXAS ..and other HOT women States of MIND.

Virgin TECH university will explain the secret ENGLISH languages used by Madison Avenue marketing/advertising to manipulate the symbolic brain processors of the male population. They ought NOT omit important details about the shooting on April 16, 2007.