Darryl Adams of Queens DATABASE
Post date: Oct 22, 2020 4:11:42 AM
RD-blog-number-2229 by Herb Zinser
Math and physics diseases, accidents, and crime plague the world. Are you the next math victim?
The modern social disease of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.
The modern mathematical-physics war claims hundreds of civilian casualties every week.
Z-insurance is valuable (presently not available).
Z = atomic number of positive protons inside your brain
Z = complex variable math health improves facial complexion for adult older females
Z = integer bio-math life
Z = X,Y,Z geometry coordinates for 3-D algebra social activities
How does this work!
THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
by Herbert Spencer ... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more of that abridged and less specific formula, in which Life is said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations. (§7 ¶1) ...
In other words.....we live in an atomic/ astrophysics continuum on Earth Lab. Our lives are embedded in the continuum. Our daily activities occur within that continuum.
That said......let's look at the atomic side of the continuum. Atoms and molecules of Nature ...via atomic evolution ...over millions of bio-chemistry development years ....constructed many biology structures .. including humans.
We are composed of atoms and molecules. We are a Carl Jung atomic collective with thoughts. The atoms within us ..have their INTERNAL thoughts ...and some of those thoughts rise to a level of conscious expression ...and thus may appear in the EXTERNAL world of daily activities .... in display format VIA the messenger vehicle... the atomic bio-physics humanoid.
Thus ..when accidents or crimes occur......there may be a deeper level of REALITY expressed ..... that deeper REALITY being comprised of mathematical-physics components, biochemistry structures, music audio commands, etc.
Let's look at examples of the modern Margaret Mead atomic anthropology war analysis of war casualties.
--> Example ... tragic data event
Sep 29, 2011 – Kyanna Thomas, 16, of 19th Road in Rosedale, was stabbed to death in Brooklyn over the weekend, and the NYPD is still looking for the ...
The report of September 29, 2011 is a signal regarding 29 electrons of copper, 20 standard amino acids, and math integer 11 within the SKU11.
FermiLAB bio-physics math-life director of odd integers in atomic math has identifiers: Odd Integers start at one = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 . 11.
For Earthly SCIENCE NEWS reports, science magazine editors refer to the proper noun: Pier ODDONE.
Here the key physics words/numbers are
....... Thomas, 16, of 19th Road with the key COULOMBS signal
.................... 16, of 19th Road ---> see numbers below
www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/140084/Coulomb-forceCached - Similar
attraction or repulsion of particles or objects because of their electric charge. One of the basic physical forces, the electric force is named for a French physicist, ...
---> example
KANSAS CITY, Kan. - A KCK mother is grieving the loss of her sister and boyfriend after both were shot to death Sunday at the Rosedale Ridge Apartment complex.
Sowell's sister, 16-year-old Renesha Jones, and her boyfriend, 21-year-old Keith Barrett, were found dead when officers responded to a report of a shooting at about 2 a.m.
Here the keyword ---> Apartment complex --> a complex variable math shooting
The number a is called the real part of a + bi, and b is called its imaginary part. Traditionally the letters z and w are used to stand for complex numbers
The set of all complex numbers is denoted by ........ The real number a of the complex number z = a + bi is called the real part of z, and the ...
are fixed complex numbers, we will get different series by selecting different values for z. For example,
Military–industrial complex - Wikipedia
Military–industrial complex. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. resident Dwight Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about ...
Thus we see the COMPLEX variable math war.... the math battle fought in Kansas City VIA buman agents for the Carl Jung mathematics collective unconsciousness of the United States and its symbolic life and activities ...best understood by the the brain symbolic military Central Command of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer of math/ physics/ chemistry/ engineering/ electronic professors.
President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about the "military-industrial
complex" in his farewell address.
Applied math-life in Kansas City -->
Rosedale Ridge Apartment complex .....
farewell to 16-year-old Renesha Jones, and her boyfriend, 21-year-old Keith Barrett
--> example
On Sunday morning, two days after 19-year-old Darryl Adams was murdered outside South Jamaica Houses, his mother was methodically placing candles outside the door to their apartment complex. A makeshift memorial had sprung up and friends and family members dropped by to give her hugs and write messages on a poster.
Shanta Merritt arranges candles in a makeshift memorial for her son Darryl Adams. Photo by Christina Santucci
Darryl Adams’ mother sets up memorial to slain son in South Jamaica
The secret mathematical-physics life and death of Darry Adams.
----> mother sets up memorial --> orbital physics....see electron orbitals below
----> Adams’ mother sets up memorial ........ secret message of Nature
Adam and Eve + Mother Nature set up of bio-computer murder message
--> Mr. Adams was an atomic bio-physics humanoid of the Margaret Mead nuclear family ,,,,,, atomic social anthropology ...
as such he was an atomic bio-computer with oxygen base 16 hexadecimal LUNG ...with the
ADAM feature = Atomic Direct Access Method . The Office of Science of the Federal government can explain these elements of the Science WAR murder.
--> he was a special agent for Nature's organic chemistry government ...he was an undercover agent for carbon black chemistry ---> social chemistry.
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
A typical carbon black consists of parallel layer groups which give rise to 00/ crystalline reflections and ... In the graphite structure, half of the atoms in a layer are ...
---> thus we see that the atomic stone (atomic living stone per DR. David Living-stone) ….cement/brick apartment buildings .....with several floors /levels ....
each level contains apartments/rooms filled with carbon black agents...atomic humanoids.
Thus the Jamaica Gardens building ...from as astrophysics VIEW of Earth Lab ..... would see the structure as some carbon black
parallel layer groups which give rise ...to a building high-rise.
---> the Maurice Wilkens war of CamBridge University and DNA Time war of the 24 hour biological clock , year 2000 with Y2K brain bio-computer TIME ERRORS.
Sep 30, 2003 – DNA, molecular structure, The double helix,
James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Nobel Prize,
Below ....we see DNA double agent Maurice engaged in a complex battle within the Carl Jung DNA collective unconsciousness of the community GROUP MIND.
Boo Boo 134 G-unit from Guy r brewer Blvd. says:
Darryls friends killed the
24 year old Maurice in Rochdale a week later
Maurice in Roc
Maurice in Roc
Maurice in Roc
Maurice in Roc
Maurice in Roc
Mau-Mau Roc in Omaha battle
At Mau Mau selected site
of Von Maur
it's never gonna end ,and the police make it worst having kids tell on each other and snitch and give each other up that's just as sad as killing one another hate for one another is created everyday with this media instigating ,then they put these. Guys address in the news now it's really gonna be a retaliation most likely with everyone knowing smh
March 18, 7:59 pm ---> an organic humanoid sent above message regarding the social chemistry war of ORGANIC MOLECULES via humanoid agents .....as stated by William Shakespeare...
" The WORLD is a stage ( South Jamica theater) and Darryl and Maurice are players (p layers = processing layers) "
--> Darryl = D + arry + l = data array linear algebra matrices ....... bio-math life and death WAR casualty
More About Matrices = Rice, Secrets of Secretary of State
www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/.../more_about_matrices_and_arrays.htmCached - Similar
Linear Algebra. Informally, the terms matrix and array are often used interchangeably. More precisely, a matrix is a two-dimensional numeric array that ...
Thus...we see the word MAN contain M rows and N columns....the bio-math life of Darryl.
Upon death ..theory suggests he underwent a linear transformation to another dimension of space on earth.
Feb 10, 2006 – Matrix algebra for beginners, Part II linear transformations, eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Jeremy Gunawardena. Department of Systems ...
www.physicsforums.com › ... › Calculus & BeyondCached
6 posts - 3 authors - Jul 10, 2010
Range of a Matrix Transformation linear algebra & Beyond discussion.
--> Merritt arranges candles in a makeshift memorial for her son Darryl
The math life signal .... ARRAY arranges ......memorial for her son Data ARRAY.
Merritt actions .....helps explain the Merit Badge murder of BOY Scout Sam Hengel in the Badger State....Wisconsin citizens lost their intellectual merrit badges with the vast volume of brain nonsense expressions.
Thus ...at some deep LEVEL of the Carl Jung collective unconscoiusness of the Unites States group of people ...the murder of Darry Adams and Sam Hengel have a common LINK .... regarding the HONOR CODE.
Of course, we see the battle of HONOR at Fort HO......with the 13 dead...symbols of 13 stars and 13 stripes honor.
Now, we have the MERIT death signals.
In Europe, we have the battles of the LIE/ the falsehoods WAR casualties in LIE city of LIEGE, Belgium.
--> the DATA of the coulomb physics component factor in the murder
Police cuffed 16-year-old Alexander Burgess,
of 88-34 161 St. in Jamaica and
19-year-old Sean Barnhill, of 137-39 224 St. in
Laurelton minutes after Adams was gunned down near 107-11 159th St. at about 12:20 a.m, according to police.
ages 16 and 19 .....give us the coulombs bio-physics war signal
2nd) cuffed 16-year-old Burgess
--- word --> cuffed implies atom symbol Cu = 29 electron cops /copper police of elementary physics VIA human police ...representatives for the periodic atomic table government of Margaret Mead nuclear family atomic anthropology
------ name Burgess implies electrons and electricity systems
Charles Frederick Burgess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
His relationship with the French Battery Company deteriorated, and so in 1917
he founded the Burgess Battery Company, which became an important ...
A Burgess battery was a specialized dry cell battery that was marketed to professionals such as...
Thus we have molecular cell biology and Central Nervous System cell electron circuits and their thoughts ......on social engineering and brain engineering ....... messages about the atomic bio-physics human brain and its symbolic abilities and self-awareness.
Thus we see the Virginia TECH invent new technology .....the new English language sentence ....the DEATH sentence word commands.
Police cuffed 16-year-old Alexander Burgess ......
becomes the new Darwinian evolution version of the
Burgess eliminator
...... the shooting murder.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battery_(crime)Cached - Similar
For the tortious aspects of battery, see Battery (tort). .... Woollin [1998] 4 All ER 103; although this decision specifically applies to the law of murder, it is generally ...
Generally - Specific countries - See also - References
If you are charged with assault, battery, manslaughter or murder, call the Law Firm for representation.
Assault / Battery / Murder - Law Firm
Thus we see the TALE of 2 Cities.
1) the city of symbols, nouns, verbs, math equations, science formula and their influence on the brain symbolic bio-computer and its social behavior decisions.
then a process/ a mapping / a transformation from symbolic life TO
2) the physical world of humans and daily events. The anger of the symbolic world may then be expressed VIA violence by human agents .
Thus William Shakespeare clearly explained the fundamental, underlying process around year 1600
" The WORLD is a stage and Burgess Battery is a player via Alexander Burgess".
Virginia TECH English department and other universities can explain the language word command tricks, schemes and the crime scripts ....
used to program student brain bio-computers.
Virginia TECH will not help explain the William Shakespeare performance of a tragedy on April 16 with Mr.CHO ....the CHOSEN Shakespearean actor".
Virginia TECH is very familiar with the biochemistry performance of HAMLET ---> a General Carter HAM letter / message from biochemistry actor Nidal Hasan.
The University of Wisconsin, Madison id the DANE county setting for the DANE theater line from HAMLET -->
Dane county … downtown Madison ...State street
State Street & Downtown Madison - 2020 All You Need to ...
We recommend booking State Street & Downtown Madison tours ahead of time to secure your spot. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. See all 1 State Street & Downtown Madison tours on Tripadvisor
Jul 5, 2008 – Hamlet - The quotation:
"Something is rotten in the State of Denmark"at the end of act I, scene 4.
Who says this and what does it refer to?
Act 1, scene 4 --> The 4 bombers of Sterling Hall math-physics in August 1970
Repeat in a different format ...
State of Denmark ..becomes
State Street Dane County ......... with REAL rotten ..
empirical DATA signals ....... that are ignored by intellectuals
host.madison.com/data/crime_stats/Cached - Similar
The Madison Police Department is boosting the number of weekend officers patrolling the area around State Street, including the 600 block of U…
www.cityofmadison.com/police/Cached - Similar
5 days ago – CrimeReports.com · Crime Maps · Crime Stats ... The Madison Police Department is challenging stereotypes by helping ... 200 block State St.
The above is a bio-computer police region ...blocked data records with LRECL = 200 --> Logical Record Length.
The University is most familiar with human brain computer experiments at that
Computer Earth geography address space of 200 block State Street --> State of MIND.
Thus we see pieces to many puzzles about SCIENCE, language commands to the brain, and crime.