Nature's Mitochondria molecular cell biology WAR against MIT, Virginia TECH, Harvard, and the University of Wisconsin

Post date: Sep 12, 2020 11:37:01 PM

RD-blog-number-2174 by Herb Zinser


The modern social science wars of DNA, its symbolic life permutations and its English language expressions. In year 2012, DNA speaks and writes English. . . . . .Nature's internal MIT = mitochondria thought cells have CONFLICTS with the MIT university brain cell thought ERRORS . . . . . . Escherichia coli and the new architecture of its societal expressions AND message processing systems.

The living EARTH cell has many conceptual parallels to the human body cell and human cell thoughts. College textbooks in genetics, biochemistry, hematology, and molecular cell biology provide empirical lab data and symbolic models that explain many of the human cell processes. Using super-symmetry physics / mirrors ..... we may use some of their knowledge to understand the living EARTH cell and its many processes ...which include Nature's social engineering projects with subset humans and their institutions.

In a way, Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions allows us to use this approach.

The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is a interesting test site. A distant astrophysics observer ....looking at EARTH ....may think of it as a living cell ..a bio-solid living in the MIlky Way Universe of mathematical-physics life.

Thus an astrophysics geneticists .....with EARTH LAB ... would try screening procedures ..... especially with the proximity of CALTECH astrophysics to Hollywood screens with GENE GENE Autry. What would such an influence .....of Western COWBOY movie genes ......have upon astrophysics genetic thought structures.

We see the influence ...with astrophysics intellectual cowboy HAWKING at the West Road, Cambridge, England.

The living Earth cell, its social engineering structure and EARTH societal diseases

Let's look at the architecture of a subtle message from Nature. We outline a theory bases on empirical data. The data are various tragic social science events that have occurred. The theory is that the origin of these tragedies at some biochemistry cellular thought level. Anger at that level is taken by NATURE and used to construct some message EVENT ...using humans as actors carry out the tragic message script. The messages are tragic ... because Nature realizes that causes the message to be printed as front page news. Hence, the message receives the maximum possible news audience ....Nature hoping that someone, someday ....will realize the deeper significance of the message.

The living EARTH cell battlefield takes on its own unique format ...... via various expressions .....that is ....tragic events in the daily life of some CHOSEN People.

In this BLOG post.....we perceive the process of Darwinian selection originating at the MITOCHONDRIA biochemistry governmental level ....... the MITOCHONDRIA selection of human agents/ messengers that could best explain the complex physical and symbolic relationships of NATURE's social science problem. Thus...Nature is like a theater director with a script for a play ....but, the play is performed in the REAL life world .....consequently, the Darwinian selected actors/ people that are playing DEAD become have become biologically dead ..such as the dead students at the shooting on April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - PLAY in a simulated reality, temporary theater

Who's Afraid of Virginia Tech? - PLAY in real, permanent life/death theater.

Ler's look at Nature's message ...which is hidden within the tragic EVENT.

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others[1] in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, before committing suicide.

Cho, a senior English major at Virginia Tech, had previously been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder. During much of his middle school and high school years, he received therapy and special education support. After graduating from high school, Cho enrolled at Virginia Tech.

Let's translate this data in the context of the world-wide SCIENCE WARS.

The SCIENCE concepts ...the symbolic knowledge tools that will help us understand the tragedy ..are:

a) CHO is as subset word of mitoCHOndria. Thus we see the cellular selection of MR CHO as an appropriate choice for a human messenger vehicle to be sacrificed in the Molecular Cell Biology WAR component of the SCIENCE WARS.

b) anxiety --> an X = atomic number X of the periodic atomic table of life and atomic feelings

c) middle --> mid a symbolic component of blood plasmid

d) special education --> Carl Jung and Einstein's theory of special relatives and their Margaret MEAD atomic anthropology the Jungian deeper levels of the atomic continuum in the unconscious mind of the university collective group of students.

Oct 5, 1999 – Jung saw the human psyche as made up of layers or strata (see diagram above). First is the conscious mind. The ego is the term given to the ...

Thus we the supersymmetry physics / parallel processing/ mirrors ............ MR. CHO ...... Nature's agent for mito.CHO.ndria.

Above we have the INTERNAL biology structure ...sending a mito.CHO.ndria message

Below, we have the EXTERNAL format of the message .....VIA Mr.CHO ....and the dead students in their mito.CHO.ndria pose.


The INTERNET phase/sentence below .......

Cho, a senior English major at Virginia Tech, had previously been diagnosed

rewritten in Nature's biochemistry English . style............. would say

MitoCHOndria, a senior atomic biochemistry English major at Virginia Technology, had previously been diagonal nose education (this means he studied the right triangle of bio-math in high school)Nod

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is a play by Edward Albee that opened on Broadway at the Billy Rose Theater on October 13, 1962. The original cast featured ...

Overview - Plot summary -

Thus we see an interesting puzzle .....unfortunately a tragic puzzle. Yet, it ought be understood.

Maybe, someday Virginia TECH will help with the research on the deeper levels of REALITY underlying this EVENT.

What other messages exist? Let's look at another situation.

MIT --> Cambridge, Mass universities involved in the MIT = MIT.ochondria social engineering VECTOR DRIVER wars. Apparently, camBRIDGE lacks a communications bridge to Nature's philosophy messengers ...who are explaining the SOCIAL SCIENCE WAR conflicts VIA INTERNET reports. Because of their unwillingness to help understand tragic EVENTS, more tragic events have occured with explicit SIGNALS identifying thru parallels/ symbolism ...... the identified ...MIT, Harvard, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics....along with the University of Wisconsin.

Thus the MIT --> MITochondria cellular military maneuver that resulted in 2 dead and others in prison. Let's look at the event and its components.

11 posts - 6 authors - Oct 8, 2008

Zoellick, of Watertown, was obsessed with obtaining a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. On Oct. 1, Zoellick told LaFave he had located one for sale ...Let's translate › News › Milwaukee CountyCached - Similar

Oct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it.

Milwaukee County

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say

UWM student was ...dnapped

UWM student was ...dna pp = parallel processing

Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it.

When Khan put his up for sale, Zoellick answered the ad.

But instead of showing up with cash or a checkbook, Zoellick met Khan armed with a handgun, zip ties and duct tape.

Within days, both men would end up dead.

Khan, a 31-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman, was reported missing Wednesday, the day he told his family he was showing his car to prospective buyers and the day he didn’t show up for dinner at his parents’ house in Mequon to celebrate the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

According to court documents filed Monday, it was also the day Zoellick and his girlfriend drove from Watertown to Khan’s home near the UWM campus, kidnapped him, returned to Watertown and killed him.

Apparently Zoellick couldn’t keep his mouth shut and confessed to several friends what he had done. He also gave friends rides in Khan’s Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, known as an “Evo,” a sleek, fast car that Zoellick coveted. Khan’s Evo was tricked out with a new turbo engine, tinted windows, black rims and a carbon fiber wing.

Two of those friends reported the slaying to authorities, but before Zoellick could be arrested, he shot himself to death Friday night at his parents’ home. The next day authorities discovered Khan’s body in a shallow grave.

What messages exist in the above EVENT.

Let's consider Nature's signals that are within the tragedy.

1st we have the 919 Charles (Darwin) Street, Watertown, Wisconsin message about advances in the theory of evolution and empirical data ...that NATURE wants recognized by the intellectual community. In FACT, Nature insists that universities and institutions explicitly acknowledge the SCIENCE WARS....... their neglect in such aspects of REALITY resulted in the REALITY signal for MIT, Harvard, and Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics. The University of Wisconsin's lack of simple awareness and lack of responsibility attention ...... regarding social science signals.....such as the Kahn/Zoellick tragedy.





2nd signal ...the 26 protons of IRON ...ferrous oxide atom message to the iron HEME group humanoids that live and write in a parallel dimension on EARTH LAB.

Thus the iron automobile .... Lancer Evolution ......message to parallel symbolic life ..

.......the iron myoglobin protein thought EVOLUTION at Lancet publishing .... - Home Page

The Lancet is the world's leading general medical journal and specialty journals in



and Infectious Diseases.

Neurology ...with subset word euro ........euro dollar of Neurology financial systems


The Lancet is the world's leading general medical journal and ...

3rd signal ...the MIT signal from

Nature’s MITochondria systems …

Shooting battle at MIT …. = Massachusetts Institute of Technology and their failure to show proper diplomatic respect for Nature's systems.

Code words ..Cambridge MA Patch …

See MAP attachments in the atomic

communications continuum

4th signal ....proper noun HAR --> signals to Harvard and Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics pay attention to modern EVOLUTION.....which includes symbolic evolution of words, math equations, music, chemistry social formula, etc The sacrifice of HAR = HAROON Khan was to create a message to be recognized by intellectuals in camBRIDGE. The message has been ignored by the various universities ...that includes the IVY league schools ...and their serious problems with the IVY equation of Nature's systems.

IVY = IV + Y --> Intra-veinous + Y 2k data stream problems of their brain symbolic computer ...failure to upgrade their bio-computer systems in year 2000.

Well, who cares. They certainly don't. Thus Nature's continues to improve its Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer ...for those who understand the Darwin mission. Meanwhile, the university policy of intellectual decay continues. Thus we see the RISE of a new group of thinkers AND the decline of the in-bred superior faculty ......who do NOT need to communicate. They are superior to Nature . They are superior to the universe.

Anyhow, that's what they think and that's how they behave. Consequently, a new generation of lawyers will have many opportunities to challenge the secret manipulation systems of universities and some governments that violate a whole spectrum of laws. But if universities cooperated .... they it could be said ...that it was an oversight ...a mistake ...that could happen to any group...... thus avoiding serious penalties in the BRAVE NEW WORLD battles.

5th signal --> duct tape --> mathematical logic WAR......a logical deduction ....a sequence of steps like a string theory information flow...or a computer magnetic tape …

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › news › milwaukee

Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. ... Zoellick met Khan armed with a handgun, zip ties and duct tape


about logic deductions and information tape sequences).

6th signal --> Ramadan holiday --> RAM holiday --> human bio-computer RAM = Random Access Method

Welcome to year 2012 ........and advanced social psychology warfare ... with accidents and crimes that need not happen, etc.