The astrophysics Milky Way Galaxy battle code Y2K --> Runway 26 Kentucky
Post date: Sep 11, 2020 11:49:46 PM
RD-blog-number-2235 by Herb Zinser
The astrophysics view of the living EARTH cell and its surface area problems
The astrophysics war to recapture EARTH ---> atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life have become astrophysics military tools in the real L. Ron Hubbard's "Battlefield Earth".
Battlefield EARTH at HUBB → Hubbleton, Wisconsin
Science fiction books often contain REAL CLUES about the true Nature of affairs on EARTH as reported in the news. Those clues coupled with basic college math, computer science, physics, chemistry, and biochemistry textbooks ..... provide the symbolic and conceptual tools for understanding EVENTS.
Assume for the moment ...that a galactic battle for control of EARTH was in progress in year 2012.
What hints suggest such a possibility?
a) year 1616 ..Galileo the Defender code 16 and 16.
An incomplete phrase. Galileo the Defender of WHAT? Possibility an invasion that geography region of EARTH.
Portugal --> Port U gal --> I/O Port Universe galaxy ( some galactic computer structure)
Spanish --> Spanned data record formats
Italy --->Ital + y --> add orb --> orb + ITAL + Y --> orbital Y x,y,z, algebra/geometry space
b) around 1900 thru 1927 we have a expression of UNIVERSAL Suffage ....with women.
Let's take the general concept...the Duality Principle ...and expand it to the WORDS:
UNIVERSAL Sufferage implies the DUAL / parallel concept ... Universe Suffers (Nature)
.............AL S .......are subset symbols of possible astronomy / astrophysics message
.............AL S ....... examples of human agents ..that represent the universe / astrophysics
.............ALS .........astrophysics illness signal
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ALS ....Stephen Hawking living parallel of Milky Way Universe suffering
..............ALS....the other medical name the DUAL name
Remember, Galileo book of year 1632 ......
"2 Chief World Systems" ..........thus ...we see at Cambridge University ....
the convergence of the "2 Chief WORD ALS formats" ...the convergence into 1 human and his transformation of the ALS problem into his symbolic books .........explaining the universe, its success, and its current sufferage problems LINKED to Earth. The concepts below...might be helpful tools in understanding this new situation.
Classical physics was on loose footing with problems of wave/particle duality, but was caught completely off-guard with the discovery of the uncertainty principle.
Physics: duality principle, quantum mechanics, law of conservation ...
Let's look at a recent signal.
Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne. It crashed just past the end of ...
The airport covers an area of 911 acres (3.69 km2) and has two runways. ... carrier Comair on behalf of Delta Connection, overran Runway 26 and crashed after ...
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A CRJ-100ER in Comair livery at the gate in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Accident summary
Comair Flight 191, marketed as Delta Connection Flight 5191, was a scheduled United States (US) domestic passenger flight from Lexington, Kentucky, to Atlanta, Georgia, operated on behalf of Delta Connection by Comair. On the morning of August 27, 2006, the Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet 100ER that was being used for the flight crashed while attempting to take off from Blue Grass Airport in Fayette County, Kentucky, four miles (6 kilometers) west of the central business district of the City of Lexington.
The aircraft was assigned the airport's Runway 22 for the takeoff, but used Runway 26 instead. Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne.
Let's take the words:
Lexington Ky runway 26 .... subset alphabet letters
L..............KY way 2
which is also subset of the universal mind Label...
MILKY Way Galaxy ......... subset symbols
....LKY Way ..........where is the 2 .....
Let's look at the mathematical-physics space that the air plane geometry exists within ...and let's consider subscripts ..
MILKY1 Way2 Galaxy3
.....LKY ...Way2 ..........3
LKY = LUCKY Number
LKY = LUCKY = LU = Logical Unit Comair KY ...Darwinian symbolic selection
Number 2 X 3 = 6 ...that may be a factor in this astrophysics calculation.
.....LKY ...Way2 ..........3
Lexicon, KY ...RunWay2 ..........3 = 26
Now, the above itself is not significant.
But it's part of a list of many small, trivial clues ..that slowly add up to a big picture.
What other information exists?
--> the central business --> Central (data) bus ---> Central processing unit data bus
--> business --> bus + in + ess --> data bus input entry sequenced system
--> airport --> port --> the Lexington (Lexicon ...symbolic universe dictionary) - Similar
In computer hardware, a port serves as an interface between the computer and other computers or peripheral devices.
The city of Lexington is composed of bio-computers... --> the central business district --> Central processing unit with the airport terminal ...attached to the city CPU. Thus the Lexington airport terminal ..... from an astrophysics VIEW of the surface of EARTH and its various devices and structures.....could perceive the airport as equivalent to the electronic model........
652 × 442 - With this master controller you can access all your computer's IO ports in
On the back of computers are several I/O, (or Input/Output), ports. Above, on the very top are two PS/2 ports, normally used for mouse and keyboard connections
The Lexington airport ..... when viewed as a subset of Computer Earth system 370 geography ..LAND = Local Area Network Data region.
Thus viewed ...... what would constitute a computer mouse at the (airport) terminal. Within the terminal are human Republicans and Democrats.
Nature laws of Darwinian conceptual symbolic equivalence ..... would equate the computer mouse and a bio-computer human DEMO. rat (the Democrat mission in life as an Earth Lab experimental specimen).
Computer Structure and Logic > I/O Ports and Devices - Pg. : Safari ...
Input/output (I/O) devices enable us to control the computer and display information in a variety of ways. There are a plethora of ports that connect these devices ... › Solutions › EncyclopediaCached
Definition of: I/O port (1) (Input/Output port) A pathway into and out of the computer. See port. (2) (Input/Output port) In a PC, an address used for input or output.
The runway 26 pathway ...pathology way --> pathology MILKY WAY 26 signal
Approximate paths at Blue Grass Airport (picture before airport construction done weeks before the crash):
Desired path via Runway 22
Actual path via Runway 26, ending at approximate crash site.
X marks the closed taxiway
Actual path via Runway 26
Actual path via Runway 26
Highway 19 to close down - Watertown Daily Times Online : Local ...
Mar 20, 2010 – State Highway 19 on the east side of the city is expected to be closed near the end of the month as part of the Highway 26 bypass project. ...the contract with Michels consists of grading, nine bridge structures, pipe installation, ...
Dec 5, 2010 – Watertown, Wisconsin Al's Airway Airport (WS74) ... Location, State: Wisconsin,
County: Jefferson, City: Watertown, GPS (Degrees): Lat: 43° 09' ...
Watertown Municipal Airport
Watertown, Wisconsin, USA
The Base 16 Hex"FAA" Computer Earth
hexadecimal identifiers are
FAA Identifier:
43-10-10.7000N / 088-43-23.6000W
43-10.178333N / 088-43.393333W
43.1696389 / -88.7232222
833 ft. / 253.9 m (surveyed)
Photo taken 25-Sep-2006
Above, aerial photo of Watertown Municipal Airport.
Below, Nature's view of the EARTH a Solar System space-station ....
Actual path via Runway 26
Actual path via Highway 26
Highway 26 nearby .......... parallel geo-physics Runway 26.
Parallel universe may refer to: [edit] Science, physics and philosophy. Multiverse, the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes; The many-worlds ...
A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypothetical self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called ...
A parallel universe is said to be related to ours, branch off from ours and may contain extinct animals or humans. Is a parallel universe out there?
The ZINJAN skull update project of Nature with Zin + Janesville, Wisconsin ...and the closing of the GM assembly line for intellectual violations of the ZINJAN project.
Brian Greene: A Physicist Explains 'The Hidden Reality' Of Parallel ... › News › Science › Space
Jan 24, 2011 – It is possible that there are many other universes that exist parallel to our universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant ...
.Apr 5, 2010 – Look past the details of a wonky discovery by a group of California scientists -- that a quantum state is now observable with the human eye ...
The quantum state of Wisconsin ...... world astronomy/physics headquarters.....HUBBLE(ton) and Watertown astronomy region.
Watertown Municipal Airport (Wisconsin) - Wikipedia, the free ...
Watertown Municipal Airport (ICAO: KRYV, FAA LID: RYV) is a public use airport located in and owned by the city of Watertown,
in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, ...
Watch Jefferson Airplane: White Rabbit, Somebody To Love & more, plus 89 pictures. Jefferson Airplane was a psychedelic rock group formed ...
White Rabbit
Somebody To Love
Surrealistic Pillow
Surrealistic Pillow
Surrealistic Pillow
Embryonic Journey
Surrealistic Pillow
Surrealistic Pillow - Wikipedia › wiki › Surrealistic_Pillow
Surrealistic Pillow is the second album by the American rock band Jefferson Airplane, released ... A comment by Garcia about the music being "as surrealistic as a pillow is soft" also reportedly inspired the album title. "My Best Friend" was …
Surrealistic Pillow for the Jefferson Country airplane DEAD
at West Road / Clifford Lane …..
Watertown Wisconsin
Recorded: October 31 – November 22, 1966
Board issues report on fatal plane crash - Watertown Daily Times ...
Feb 21, 2008 – The first plane crashed to the ground and burst into
flames near West Road and Clifford Lane in the town of Watertown. Jefferson County. Killed in the crash were ...
Other mathematical libraries in Cambridge ... material is retained at the main University Library building on
West Road. ... Astronomy and Astrophysics, QB ...
University of Cambridge Centre for Mathematical Sciences ...
University of Cambridge Centre for Mathematical Sciences Faculty contains Department of Applied ... Library car park, Garden Hostel's car park is the narrow one just South,
off West Road. Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge ...
The first plane geometry crash to ground zero and burst into
flames near West Road and
Clifford Lane in the town of Watertown.
Clifford --> BAL instruction CLI = Compare Logical Immediate
Messages to North Europe and the BAL region of the BALTIC
GB = Gravity Base = Great Britian with
GiB --> Gravity interface Base -->
GiBBons and his associates in communications silence.
Actual path via Runway 26 --> The IRON LADY
Actual path via Runway 56 ---> Iron Man project
neglected by
Fer --> Ferrous oxide atoms of hemoglobin at
Fer = FermiLAB
the relationship between 26 protons and 26 atomic English alphabet letters and Illinois highway ROUTE 56 to atomic mass 56 research area of FER --> proper inFER suggests FER--> FERmiLAB ought learn some Margaret Mead nuclear family diplomacy in atomic anthropology communications and the Department of Energy ought go to the Department of En at Virginia TECH and learn the basics of atomic English and television electron guns .....that influenced the MR.Cho atomic brain electrons.
Above .....26 protons of HEME group(ii) ion bio-physics format may use atomic symbolic highway .....Route 56 to reach the FER LAB.
Thus we see...that the Runway 26 tragic EVENT was a profound signal regarding the atomic/ astrophysics continuum WAR on EARTH.
Both...atomic researchers and astrophysics specialists are under citizen/government orders
to ignore REALITY
...and to LIE about the existence of the WAR...the Recapture of Planet EARTH for Logic and Reason.
Thus the consequence of violations of UTOE project ---> Unfied Theory of Everything --> UTOE war casualties at Utoeya.
ignore REALITY
..nore -->nor + e --> norway europe
..nore -->nor + e --> .... way... rope
ignore the MILKY WAY Galaxy ...string theory rope....
....NO + WAY ---> NORWAY casualties at Utoeay
LIE ... false conclusions ....incomplete conclusions .......
give the LIEGE., Belgium tragedy
Thus we see many small, individual components of REALITY ...... a dozen individual EVENTS and seemingly diverse SIGNALs ..... have some underlying common denominators ...that converge to give us a picture/ an outline of an interesting puzzle.
Don't forget ...the MILKY WAY Galaxy ....Computer Earth system 370 abend dump signal.
The IBM System/370 (S/370) was a model range of IBM mainframes announced on June 30, 1970 as the successors to the System/360 family.
IBM Basic assembly language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
BAL (Basic Assembly Language) is a low-level language used on IBM mainframes from the earliest 360 series, through systems 370
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
operation of your IBM system, consult the IBM System/370 ... This guide is designed as a handy, quick reference for System 370 operators of all ..... with a dump ..... Branch and Link. BAL. 45. RX. Rl,021X2,B21. Branch on Condition. BCR. 07 ...
DUMP ....... BAL region of the BALTIC geography data processing regions
System dump processing IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition, V6 System dump processing System dumps are debugging files produced by the virtual
Your system generates a system dump when a severe error occurs. System dumps can also be user-initiated by users with root user authority. A system dump …
Sep 16, 2009 – Belgian farmers sprayed 790000 gallons of fresh milk onto their fields Wednesday, furious over the low milk prices they say are bankrupting …
Sep 23, 2009 – Belgian farmers dump on
September 16, 2009 some three million liters of milk in a field in Ciney, southern Belgium, to protest against …
Belgian farmers dump milk in massive protest
Sep 19, 2009 – Milk dumped on roads and farmland to protest drastically lower prices... European milk farmers have dumped three million litres of fresh milk ...
Thus the Europe MILK Link to the MILK state of Wisconsin, USA.
The war in Yugoslavia ...with MIL agent ....Milky way war code MIL -->
Slobodan Milošević - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaševićCached - Similar
Jump to Milošević's role in the Yugoslav wars: Slobodan Milošević was the President of Serbia (originally the Socialist Republic of Serbia) ...
Early life of farm grains and agents-
Milo ….Milošević's role in the ... - Milošević's views
grain molecule super-visor call › newcrop › afcm › sorghum
In the United States, sorghum is used primarily as a feed grain for livestock. Feed value of grain sorghum is similar to corn (Cornelius Vanderbilt LINUX corn kernel systems).
The grain has more protein and fat than ...
BBC (British Bio-Computer) News | Europe |
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic led his country on a course of conflict and violent disintegration. During his 13 years of power, the people of Yugoslavia ...
That is another LINK to the MIL WAY Galaxy war in Computer Earth region ...BAL region...the Balkans.
The name = MIL + OS + evic --> played some possible role in the OS/JCL bio-computer OSLO tragedies.
OS + evic --> OSLO evicted ......suggesting something is wrong with the Norway community MIND.
They ought try to help understand these SCIENCE WAR events..... the SCIENCE WARS have officially existed since around 1995/ 1996 with the Alan Sokal and the famous Arch DUKE Ferdinand announcements of DUKE University.
We live in an interesting world ...... basic college textbooks in math, computer science, physics, biochemistry, genetics, etc..... make the world a fascinating, intellectual puzzle.