Nature's data processing bio-computer system VERSUS the Wisconsin Supreme Court

Post date: Sep 13, 2020 1:13:20 AM

RD-blog-number-2275 by Herb Zinser

Science War reports

- Part 2

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Da Pro --> Data Processing bio-computer agent David Prosser


Justice Ann --> Alpha-numeric number Base 16 HEX 'fe' = 254 female agent

--> Justice Ann = the A determinant of a Calvanism theological nn = n X n square matrix

---> SENDS a data signal to string / neck theorists at the University of Wisconsin, Madison

---> theory of string/ rope of Hung neck of 1956 Hungary, euROPE helps explain

the STRING of authorized deaths ...such as

DP argument death = President Kenndy and the FFA math argument death = Matt Anderson. › News › WisconsinCached

Jun 27, 2011 – A Wisconsin Supreme Court justice said Saturday that reports he placed his hands around a

fellow justice's neck during an argument in her

William Feller ….. moment / data generating events

explained by secret agent for Camp David

Mathematical-physics empirical data CLUES:

fellow --> William Feller book of Probability published by JOHN WILEY & SONS...message to physics graduates with degrees ..such as symbolic son of math symbols ........and probability /chance --> Chance jOHN WILEY ought not ignore his MESSAGES fro NATURE's 11-dimension of neck/string theory. - Similar

Argument. The word argument is used in several differing contexts in mathematics. The most common usage refers to the argument of a function, but is also ...

Complex Argument - Variation of Argument - Elliptic Argument

An introduction to probability theory and its ... - Google Books

Rating: 4.5 - 4 reviews

An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Volume 2.

fellow justice's neck during an argument in her ...


John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1966. .

    • Chancellor Wiley's

    • Chancellor Wiley's

    • Chancellor Wiley's

    • Chance…...Wiley

    • John D. Wiley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    • - Similar

    • John Duncan Wiley (born March 23, 1942 in Evansville, Indiana) is a faculty member and former chancellor of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Wiley was ...

    • Messages waiting in year 2012 ...from

    • Max BORN physics and bio-physics

    • Jerry March advanced organic chemistry

    • 23 chromosome student hostages in Marionette High School....Boy Scouts string theory with KNOTS and PHYSICS book by Louis H. Kaufm

    • year 1942 the astrophysics projects and time origination point of Stephen Hawking

    • 42 ---> base 4 exponent 2 = base 16 and the FFA base 4 animals and baee 2 humans like Matt Anderson

42--> Times Square 42nd and equation of social FORCE = Ma --> Manhattan probability it FELL on SEPT 11, 2001

DR.Robley D. Evans and the MIT textbook " The ATOMIC Nucleus" of brain cells born in Evansville, India, NA = North America the parallel to the

HINDU 4=legged HOLY COW and Wisconsin Matt Anerson and 4-legged Dairy cows.

Extend the horizons of science, scholarship and research. WILEY. FOSTERS COLLABORATION. Connect to the ... DISCOVERY. Share knowledge across disciplines, professions and borders.

John WILEY ...

Science. Mathematics & Statistics ...

Physical Sciences & Engineering.

Astronomy ... Get the most out of pub --> beer pub bio-computers -->publishing with us ... › News › Science › Space

Jan 24, 2011 – It is possible that there are many other universes that exist parallel to our universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant ...

'The Hidden Reality' Of Parallel -> --> UW experiments › BusinessCached

Aug 16, 2009 – John D. Wiley, former physics professor and chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 2001 to 2008, knows firsthand the power of ...

former physics professor --> base 16 Hex'fo' = 240 former physics

knows firsthand the power of --> exponents and complex math power series








Jun 25, 2011 – Wisconsin state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed one of his colleagues around the neck prior to the court's recent ...

Wisconsin Supreme Court spat got physical | Wisconsin

Wisconsin Watch --> TIME /Space Supreme spat

Jun 25, 2011 – Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley around the neck in an argument in her ...

    • Theological Determinism - Calvin


    • Theological Determinism - Calvinism ... The Philosophy of Calvinism .... The philosophical/theological system known as "Calvinism" spread into France through ...

    • Calvinism is Theological Determinism (Fatalism) « DoubleThink


    • Mar 4, 2010 – Muslim's, Buddhists, first year philosophy students,

    • my twelve year-old

    • ... Many forms of Calvinism are variations of theological determinism.” ...

    • Above, a subliminal mind reference to carbon atomic thoughts....that is humans are composed of organic chemistry molecules that express themselves via social chemistry thoughts. - Similar

Theological determinism is a form of determinism which states that all events that ... mediaeval French Christian who was the main influence behind Calvinism, .

Thus we begin to see a pattern....a collection of CLUES ........when gathered together ....become like pieces to a puzzle about the social and , political climate in the state of Wisconsin. The intellectual environment does not exist ...since no one at the universities or elsewhrer has any interest in EVENTS and their possible signals about deeper levels of that ought to be important to physics, math, and chemistry professors .

Let's look at the Matt Anderson tragedy ..........and consider it as one of many tragic SIGNALS ....... in the STRING of DEATH death......advanced theoretical physics based on data events as reported in newspapers.

The SECRET WORLD of university graduate students and the Wisconsin state assembly /legislature of bio-computer humanoids that write basic assembler language behavior instructions for citizen bio-computers.

Let's look at the Matt Anderson brain bio-computer report ...that is the ABEND of the Base 16 Hex'FFA" intellectual programming structure.

The bio-computer brain ABEND report .....

Base 16 test ...1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

FFA --> Bas2 16 HEX'FF' = High-Values America

Base 16 ---> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue President K year 1963

Oct 27, 2009 – Past State FFA President Killed in Farm Mishap ... the Sauk County Sheriff's Department, Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer ...

    • Let's look at the Computer EARTH system 370 concept signals ...that need to be understood

    • ---> frivimg implies subroutine drivers

    • --> loader implies the parallel .....a concept signal .....with few concepts to be studied ...

A view of concept 1 of the loader accident of Matt Anderson ......regarding Computer EARTH systems 370 geography farm LAND at ....

LAND at ...such and such location = Local Area Network Data ......the geology/geography computer with gravity/magnetic field processors well known to geo-physics professors.

The following programs are some of the IBM System 370 Assembler and JCL programs that I wrote back in 1993. These assembler programs were reinterant and worked with an IBM system called InfoMange that ran ... Single record loader ...

Since then several large IBM System/370 mainframes have been made to run the UNIX ..... the various C compilers to test all the compiler, assembler, and loader functions, ...

A 2nd view of the loaderr accident on Base 16 HEX'Fa' = 250 =Farm land

...a SYS1.Load.Library ERROR - Similar

A load library contains programs ready to be executed. ... A load library can be any of the following: System library ... The most-used system library is SYS1.LOAD.LIBRARY

The STEPLIB DD statement specifies the name of the IBM® load library, SYS1.SIFALIB, where the usage report program, IFAURP, resides. This library is ...

Above...we see the Matt Anderson accident scene .......with the trailer / flatbed ...a STEP above ground level.

Thus bio-computer scientists have a possible CLUE on where to look ...and what to fix in earthly mathematical-physics SPACE/TIME and the 11 dimensions of string theory.

A 3ed view of the Base 16 tragedy of farmers and Matt Anderson

SCHCLOAD could be used as the load library to execute InfoSphere CDC but ... LOAD data set must be performed by personnel authorized to update 'SYS1.

Above, words were written about a copper-wire computer system

In the human bio-computer world with the eye/brain optical computer .........we see the COMMANDS to accidentally kill Matt Anderson.

the execution load --> the execution /killing of the driver of the load(er)

Thus we have the authorized execution ..........but string theory ... that is the STRING of DEATH.. i....s well-known to university and business computer science departments.

The Base 16 1 HEX/ curse of death ........

a) President Kennedy killed in DP = Data Processing region DP = Dallas Public with under OS/JCL --> Job Control Language used to

control human bio-computer OSWALD. OSWALD was killed by the SNA/VTAM agent Ruby --> Request Unit byte.

Thanks to Wisconsin undercover agent DP = David Prosseror his string theory/gallows signal to comatose university students.

b) The assassination of AN= Alpha/numberic Base 16 WAR agent --> AN + WAR --> ANWAR Sadat of Egypt

...that is the human parallel was assassinated ....... in the super-symmetry physics WAR (represented by the geography country of Syria conflicts) ...... the human ANWAR was a parallel to the symbolic life form......

the Egypt equation --> Egypt = E + gy +pt = E gravity pointer

In year 2012 ..the applied Egypt equation .......

Egypt = county road E in Watertown + Gypsy Road + West Road pointer ...thus Wisconsin ranks in Nature's hierarchy of things.

Below, Gypsy Road and County Road T

Thus Justice Ann Walsh Bradley ..........

with her Ann --> Alpha/numeric number powers ought wonder about the meaning of the William Shakespeare year 1660 message

"The WORLD is a stage and Justice Prosser and Justice Bradley are players".

Thus we must try to figure out .-

    • MadStage - Theater, Dance and Comedy in Wisconsin

    • - Similar

    • ... comprehensive listings for live theater activities anywhere near Madison, Wisconsin. ... Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

    • Wisconsin Theater and Comedy Companies

    • - Similar

    • Professional, community and school-based theater companies in Wisconsin. ... Street Theater (Madison); Cambridge-Deerfield Players Theater (Cambridge) ...

    • Other bio-computer tragedies are:

    • - Base 16 Hex of April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH

    • - The shooting of Waukeaha Police LU = logical Unit = LUTZ by DOS agent ( teD OSwald)

    • - The shooting of Jake Gerard by LU = Logical Unit = Lugo, Gabrielle ....thus the G = universal gravitational constant murder of Jake

    • UW-Milwaukee: Center for Gravitation and Cosmology - About Us

    • - Similar

    • Relativity group at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Includes information on staff, events, collaborations and publications. Research interests include ...

Jake G. --> ke G --> key Gravitational mechanics message for the university of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

    • Weekend shooting victim hoped to become a mechanic - JSOnline

    • › Blogs › News and Opinion BlogsCached

    • Apr 21, 2008 – Jake G. worked two jobs to pay his way through school and had already completed one year of training toward becoming an mechanic, his mother said. ... The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel now is offering JS Everywhere, a new .... Police said the party occurred in space rented from Atlas Bus Sales.

    • In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:

 G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.

Thus we see many EVENTS occuring in Wisconsin ...... and many incomplete explanations about the CAUSE of the CAUSE ---> tragic EFFECT.

Thus the State of Wisconsin ought take string theory seriously AND study Margaret Mead nuclear families ....that is ...atomic social anthropology and atomic legal systems and atomic political science.