Civilisations - a timeline

New Google Sites version is available at /yala-origins/civilisations-timeline.

Timeline of Civilisation (and Religion)

Left: Statue of Priest-King from Mesopotamia Uruk period (circa 3500 BC) now at Louvre.

Right: Dancing Girl of MohenjoDaro, Pakistan from 2500 BC

Left: Bronze Jue (wine vessel) of Erlitou, Henan, China from Xia dynasty [2205 BC - 1766 BC].

Right: Dover Bronze-Age Boat in Kent, UK circa 1500 BC at Dover Museum

Left: Mask of Tutankhamun of Ancient Egypt 1323 BC is 10kg of gold at Egyptian Museum Cairo

Right: Statuette of Olmec Wrestler from Veracruz, Mexico 1200 BC - 400 BC now at National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico)