Yala, your hero & mine!

Hi, I'm Yala! Welcome to sites.google.com/site/yalaorg. My site mainly covers music & history items.


Audio, Music, Synthesis

Many articles were previously from my website called "Synthesizers, Music & Television" on GeoCities & AngelFire amongst other. Popular articles are Subtractive Synthesis (analogue synths), FM Synthesis, Music Scales & Music Chords.

My Music

I should say something here to popularise my music... but I don't know what to say, lol.


Sejarah Melayu / Malay Annals - a companion handbook

My guidebook to the "Malay Annals" with explanations, notes and pictures. It'll make reading it so much more fun!

History Books on the Melayu

Minangkabau & Negeri Sembilan -
