WRR Meeting - November 2016

Post date: Oct 20, 2016 5:24:39 PM

On Monday, November 14, we will again meet at Golden Hill Healthcare Center in Milford at 7:00 pm.

This is our 9th year in operation. Imagine! We will be celebrating with a birthday party and fun casino night. Bring some change and take a chance. Engine, engine #9 will be one of our themes.

Don't forget, November is when we call on our members to be generous and bring in donations of food for our Annual Thanksgiving food collection. Thank you all for your continued generosity. When everyone brings in a little, it adds up to a lot of relief for those less fortunate.

Also, please remember to sign-in and please, if you can, drop a dollar in our collection can. WRR charges no formal monthly dues, but we do have operating costs. Every year we need money to give an appreciation token to organizations that host us free of charge. The calendars and notification of trips also have to be duplicated. Also, supplies to make those hats and pillows do cost money, and even if you don't get a chance to actually participate in the sewing sessions, thr dollar or two that you drop in the can really helps to offset expenses.

I hear that the members of the Steering Committee are putting together a special cake for our celebration following the Engine #9 theme. Hope to see you there.

If you wish to bring a snack or goodie to share, those are also welcome.