
Registration is currently closed.


Entry Limits

70 runners total from both race distances.

Rationale for the entry limit: Even at our current number of entrants, usually one runner each year sustains an injury. Hosting more runners would increase the probability that we would have to deal with more than one injury at a time, which could be more of a problem for ourselves and for those runners. We are not trained medical people, and so our plan for helping any seriously injured runners is to hopefully help them get to the hospital in Susquehanna. However, this is a free event, and runners must understand that they are to be self-sufficient.

Other Distance Options

Any runner who would like to complete a distance that's not either 50 or 100 miles is invited to volunteer as a pacer. All pacers are able to be listed on the official results page, by request. Additionally, pacers and other volunteers get first dibs on next-year's entrant slots.

Entry Fee

$0.00. That's right, nothing. We like to think of our race one of those priceless experiences at the end of a long list of prior investments.

Those who wish to donate to the other VTU runners should bring some aid-station food or drinks to share.

Race Directors

Carl Albright and David Kennedy

Waiver Information

In consideration of my participation in the Viaduct Trail Ultramarathon and intending to be legally bound, I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release forever any and all rights and claims for damage, injury, or death that I may accrue against any and all sponsors of this event, its administrators and volunteers, and assigns from any and all damages, injuries, or death suffered by me while traveling to or from or while participating in this event. I attest that I am physically fit and have been trained for an event of such difficulty, and recognize and accept the responsibility of running an event which may involve dangers not foreseeable by me or the race management. I will assume my own medical and emergency expenses in the event of an accident or other incapacity or injury resulting from or occurring during my participation.


If you understand and agree with the waiver information and all of the other information on this site, and you still inexplicably wish to enter, email us the following information on or after 2/1/24:

Here's a list of the registered runners. Please note that it may take up to a week for us to get you posted on the registered page.