Upcoming Projects
Stone Wall with Bench in a circle or semi-circle design
In the center of the Triangle at the Creamery Covered Bridge Park - here is the desired location
When the Covered Bridge became a pedestrian only bridge
the Department of Public Works - used 4 of the obelisks
that were formerly protecting the Wells Fountain
to protect the single lane Pedestrian Bridge.
The Garden Club LOVED the new addition to the park
and added cobbles and perennials to enhance them.
For additional seating in front of the Bridge
and to enhance the area - we would like to add
a circle or semi-circle Dry Stone wall with bench.
There are several examples of a circle or semi-circle
with a bench from the http://TheStoneTrust.org group
We are hoping they will be interested in our project
Each design is unique to the setting and the
materials that will be donated.
Jeff Fairfield's design above of a Bench-Retaining Wall, only on a smaller scale may be what the Creamery Bridge oval perianal bed could look like.
Brian Post, the Stone Trust's Executive Director 707 Kipling Rd, Dummerston, VT 05301
brian.post@thestonetrust.org (802) 490-9607 (leave voice mail)
JR = Jered Flynn - a founding member of the StoneTrust.com
MW=Michael Wisner - Thistle Stone Works
Bill Jaques - The Stone Broker
Dan Snow - Listening to Stone author - he did the dry-stone wall and bleachers at the Living Memorial Park in the upper field Base Ball Field.
Ken Leach - True Love Dairy Farm with a Gravel Pit - told his mother she could have every stone on the farm!
This is from PINTEREST.com
What a great idea ... but would it look to formal?? Everything depends on the stones. It comes down to the stones and the builders ... it is our job to make the donated stones tell their story and the story of our Living Memorial Park and Vermont Covered Bridge-The Creamery Bridge.