Flood - Tropical Storm Irene August 28-29, 2011

Post date: Aug 17, 2015 2:17:18 AM

The Creamery Covered Bridge that the Brattleboro Garden Club takes care of the plantings and cobbles - crosses the Whetstone Brook in West Brattleboro at the Living Memorial Park.

Kathy Urffer of Marlboro College Graduate School in Downtown Brattleboro recently won an award from the Alliance for Community Media, a national organization that promotes civic engagement through supporting community television and media stations. The video, The Rescue of the Whetstone Brook is a 30-minute documentary on the Brattleboro Department of Public Work's response to infrastructure damage from Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. This short documentary chronicles the Brattleboro Department's valiant effort to replace the Whetstone Sewer Interceptor after it was destroyed during Tropical Storm Irene, preventing thousands of gallons of sewage from entering the waterway. The video won an award in the Government Profile category.
