Cobble Stone Orders
Creamery Covered Bridge Park, Brattleboro, VT 05301
The Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club has been planting and maintaining the flowers at the Creamery Covered Bridge Park since 1972 on the west side and from 1996 on both sides of the Bridge.
The historic Creamery Bridge became a pedestrian bridge after completion of the new traffic bridge Summer 2010. Our garden area doubled in size.
Engraving/Sandblasted $90 per cobble
Giving a gift to the Brattleboro Floral Arts & Garden Club for the Creamery Bridge Cobble Project is an opportunity for you to honor your family, significant persons, businesses and/or organizations; to memorialize loved ones, and to contribute a gift for future generations to enjoy, and to affirm our sense of community pride.
$90 per cobble
What can be Engraved?
Each Cobble can have up to 3 lines of 10 characters each. The Brochure & the Multiple Cobble Order Form have a grid for you to enter each character you would like engraved on each cobble.
The second map shows in Green the park area, where the grass is already planted.
In Red - the Cobble Stones are drawn to show where the stones will be placed. During the summer of 2010 1/2 of the first set of cobbles was installed in front of the expanded split rail fence. All monies from Cobble donations will go to the improvement of the Creamery Bridge Park under the stewardship of the Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club. A receipt with the Clubs Tax ID and Photo of your stone(s) placement will be provided.
Shown to the left is the drawing of the expanded park, roads and river. The Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club is responsible for the expanded gardens and each person has the opportunity to be part of this project.
The Cobble Fund Raiser will allow everyone to have the opportunity to purchase a Personalized, engraved CobbleStone for a donation of only $35 each. (fully tax deductible to the extent of the law).