Creamery Bridge Chair

"Frankie" Frances Gibson


Frankie is a founding member of the Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club. She has held all major positions in the club, as well as been President of the Vermont Federated Garden Club. She has numerous awards for her floral designs. Frankie has worked tirelessly on the Creamery Bridge Beautification project and been Chairman of the project.

Cobble Project Fundraiser

"JilMac" - Jil MacMenamin


JilMac has been a member of the Garden Club since 1995. She is the Plant Sale Manager, as well as held many other positions in the club.

Abbiati Monuments

Owner - Mike Walsh


Mike has sponsored with the Brattleboro Garden Club to create the Engravings on the Cobbles. Each cobble will be sandblasted with up to three lines each with up to 12 letters. The lines will be centered unless otherwise noted on the form.

Mike is very excited about the Vermont Cobble Project - we appreciate his support and hope for years of work to encourage community involvement in Vermont Green Spaces.

Our ROCK TOUR Sponsors - ROCK !!

A Rock Tour is when a Cobble is taken "On-The-Road" and spends a number of Weeks at a Commuty Hang Out. Each Community Business can have a Poster, Cobble and Handouts or they can have a A Blue Pot Planter with the CobbleStone & Greenery and Handouts like the one pictured on the left. Our Cobbles have visited:

Future places to request a Rock Tour include:

    • Brattleboro Memorial Hopital

Contact JilMac 802-254-8628 if you would like to be part of the Tour!

Brattleboro Savings & Loan

Linden Gardens (All Summer) Special Thanks to Kathy for all her great ideas!

Walker Farm (Two Weeks)

Achille Agway (All Summer)

Brattleboro Floral Arts & Garden Club

A Member of the Vermont Federated Garden Clubs