Laurence Eastwood StIves May 2016

Here are a few photos taken by Bill Crumbleholme during his visit to

see Laurence Eastwood at the Leach Pottery in St.Ives in May 2016.

Laurence was busy firing his latest batch of pots for sale in Upwey, during

Dorset Art Weeks 2016. (See event page for details).

The gas fired kiln was unloaded on Friday evening, it was filled mainly

with Laurence's own pottery - made during the previous month.

There were also some of the Leach Pottery's standard wares and tiles

being made for Seasalt shops.

This is Laurence ready to unload the kiln, which has now cooled enough to handle the pots (wearing gloves!)

The pyrometric cones can be seen squatting neatly, showing a fairly even heating - the upper-most Cone 11 is not quite over.

This is a close up of the front of the chamber.

Some of the pots unloaded from the front stack.

Close up of Laurence's clever lidded bowls.

The lid becomes a serving dish when turned over.

The lids are fired in position and need a fairly fierce tap to unseat them, but they all survived that.

The dark Tenmoku glaze worked very well.

More mugs and jugs, mainly Shino glazed.

This is the back of the chamber, before unloading.

The plates, tiles and porcelain mugs are Leach production work.

The lower mugs and bowls are Laurence's offerings.

This is just about the whole load.

Laurence is preparing to grind and polish the bases to remove any sharpness.

Caption Competition Time!!

The tea pot has just been glazed and he is blowing out the holes that lead to the spout.

This Shino glaze stays damp for ages as it has a high clay content.

Watch out for these pots during the Upwey Potters' events. They will become collectors' items as the first Laurence has

made that have been allowed to be marked with the Leach Pottery mark alongside his own mark.

There will be some more pots fired in the next firings that will hopefully make it to Upwey as well!