
ME302 [Heat and Mass Transfer] - 1st Semester 2024-25

Course Outline (link to PDF file - draft version) uploaded on 17-Jul-2024


Tutorial policy (PDF file)

Some Useful Links

- Video Lectures on 'Heat and Mass Transfer' by NPTEL:  (Link)  (by Prof. S. P. Sukahtme, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay)

- Video Lectures on 'Heat and Mass Transfer' on SwayamPrabha:  (Link)  (by Dr. Himanshu Tyagi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Ropar)

- MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials

2.51 Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer  (Link)

- A Heat Transfer Textbook  (MIT Link)

Downloadable PDF copy available courtesy of John H. Lienhard IV and John H. Lienhard V, MIT











MEL 301 [Heat and Mass Transfer] - 1st Semester 2016-17

Course Outline (link to PDF file - draft version) uploaded on 18-Jul-2016


Tutorial policy (PDF file)

Some Useful Links

- Video Lectures on 'Heat and Mass Transfer' by NPTEL:  (Link)  (by Prof. S. P. Sukahtme, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay)

- Full course on 'Heat and Mass Transfer' on NPTEL:  (Link)  (by Prof. Pradip Dutta, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IISc Bangalore)

- MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials

2.51 Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer  (Link)

- A Heat Transfer Textbook  (MIT Link)

Downloadable PDF copy available courtesy of John H. Lienhard IV and John H. Lienhard V, MIT

MEL 301 [Heat and Mass Transfer] - 1st Semester 2015-16

Course Outline  (link to PDF file - draft version) uploaded on 22-Jul-2015

                            (link to PDF file - final version) uploaded on 02-Aug-2015 

Moodle Link: Details of this course are also given on the moodle (intranet link) website. Here's the link


1. Mid-Sem Exam solution (PDF file)

2. End-Sem Exam solution (PDF file)


Tut#1 (PDF file)

MEL 301 [Heat and Mass Transfer] - 1st Semester 2014-15

Course Outline  (link to PDF file - final version) uploaded on 07-Aug-2014

Moodle Link: Details of this course are also given on the moodle (intranet link) website. Here's the link:

Lecture Notes:

1. Introduction (PDF file)

2. Heat Conduction Equation (PDF file)

3. Steady Heat Conduction (PDF file)

4. Transient Heat Conduction (PDF file)

5. Fundamentals of Convection (PDF file)

6. External Forced Convection (PDF file)

7. Internal Forced Convection (PDF file)

8. Natural Convection (PDF file)

9. Boiling & Condensation (PDF file)

10. Heat Exchangers (PDF file)

11. Fundamentals of Thermal Radiation (PDF file)

12. Radiation Heat Transfer (PDF file)

13. Mass Transfer (PDF file)

14. Special Topics: Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction    (PDF file1Notes on 1-D steady stateNotes on 1-D transient state)      (SciLab Sample Programs 1-D Steady State, 1-D Transient State)      (About SciLab)      (Matlab Sample Programs 1-D Steady State, 1-D Transient State)


Tut#1 (PDF file)    Tut#1_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#2 (PDF file)    Tut#2_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#3 (PDF file)    Tut#3_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#4 (PDF file)    Tut#4_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#5 (PDF file)    Tut#5_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#6 (PDF file)    Tut#6_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#7 (PDF file)    Tut#7_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#8 (PDF file)    Tut#8_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#9 (PDF file)    Tut#9_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#10 (PDF file)    Tut#10_Solution (PDF file)

Tut#11 (PDF file)

Quizzes & Exams:

1. Quiz#1 solution (PDF file)

2. Quiz#2 solution (PDF file)

3. Mid-Sem Exam solution (PDF file)

4. End-Sem Exam solution (PDF file)