Grad 807:Performance Evaluation of Network System

This course presents a mathematical method of performance evaluation. We especially focus on evaluating queueing network and scale free network.

  1. WEEK1: queueing theory: Learn the traditional theory of queueing networks.
  2. WEEK2: scale free network: Learn the basics of scale free network. Application examples such as computer virus spreads.

Course Objectives

Learn the basic analysis of queueing network. Also, learn the recent development of scale free nework and evolution theory of network.

Useful Informations

  • Lecturer: Hiroshi Toyoizumi (toyoizumi@waseda.jp)

Methods & Evaluation

  • lecture style
  • midterm exam (50%), final exam(50%)

Course Prerequisites

  • Differential and integral calculus,
  • Elementary probability theory,
  • Elementary queueing theory
  • Some basic knowledge about packet network would be useful.

Plan and Handouts


  1. Probability theory
  2. Basic queueing theory
  3. Comparison of queues
  4. Reversibility and queueing network


  1. Topology of real networks
  2. Random network and scale free network
  3. Evolution theory of network
  4. Percolation theory and computer virus spreads


  • Queueing Systems Volume 1, Theory, by Leonard Kleinrock (January 2, 1975) John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471491101
  • Reka Albert and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, "Statistical mechanics of complex networks", Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 47 - 97 (2002)