diverse avskrifter

Ikke avskrevne kilde Perm II

The John Balke Family

Totninglagets Aarbog 1921

Nordmands-forbundet 1916.

”Et storblad fyller 70 år, ”Decorah-Posten” 1944, en artikkel av Kristian Prestgard

Norsk-amerikansk presse i 100 år v/ R.G. Hartvigsen

Amerikabåtene v/ Bård Kolltveit

Totningslagets aarbog 1916 ( kopi)

The centennial history of the Thirteen Townships, Minnesota 1983.

Halstad, a century of Memories, 1893-1983

Hendrum 1882-1982

Perley, Minnesota, Centennial

Self portrait of Marchall county by Nancy Solum

The first 100 Years 1883-1983. Fosston-Minnesota

History of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, 1916.

History and Biography of North Dakota, 1900

Clay County Family Album, 1976

6 sider med Balke-family history in Saron Church, Cisco.

History of Brown county, Minnesota, 1916

Nybyggerhistorie fra Spring Grove og omegn 1920.

Perm I

Utvandrere, avskrift

1864/39 døde på Wosh.

O. Fredriksen kone døde 1870

Christra Brattbakka d. sept. 1904, 74 år gammel.

Brottbakken (moder) 86 1832-1908

Brottbakken Christra 74 1830-1904

Brottbakken Johannes 64 1858- 1922

Wash Pr. Luth Ch.

Peder Hansen Thota Norway 58 år d. Aprr.1866

1812/23 A. Gudbrandsen, Strandbakken d. aug. 1855

1864/32 Gunhild Vebjørnsdatter 16 år d. 1862

1864/39 Laura Vebjørnsdtr, 8 år d. 1862

Helene Nilsdtr. Løvlien 51 år d. 1870. (Wife of O- Fredriksen West Thoten, Norge

Anne Olava Eriksdtr. Reinsvold 12 år d. 1872

Fredrih Julius Lindevold ¾ jan 1873

Berthe Johannesdtr (Graasten) Roglien West Thoten d. 1884

Julia Benona dtr. Of Chr. Og Berthe Roglien 2 mnd. 1885

1862/51? Petra Pedersen, Østre Toten 25,5 år begr. 1890

Johannes H. Krabys barn Hildur, d. 1882 2 mnd.

1853/25 Nils Volding, Vestre Toten Norge, 73 år nov. 22 1894

Christian Bratbakken, Thoten, Norge 74 år d. 22. sept. 1904

Amlie, Aslaug 91 25.febr. 1830- 13.okt. 1921

Amlien, Hans N 81. 1848-1929 ????? ikke forstått

Amlien, Inge 42, 1880-1922 ” ”

Bjørnerud, Ole P. 68, 1815-1883

Dotseth, Alfred 25, 1892-1922, Lutherian Ch. Decorah

Dotseth, Gusta Arilda 1866-1935 som ov.

Hexom, Ester 85 1833-1918, ????? ikke forstått

Hexom, Elsa, 2. febr. 1860- 29. sept. 1900, Lutherian Ch. Decorah

Hexom, Hans, 9.9.1833- 9.9.1892, ????? ikke forstått

Hexom, Ole C. 6.10.1801- 24.3. 1826, ????? ikke forstått

Hexumengen, Karen, 1821-1896, ????? ikke forstått

Hexumengen, Andriane, 1852-1892, ????? ikke forstått

Hexumengen, Peder 12.3.1806- 2.1.11879,????? ikke forstått

Husebye, Arne J. 1824-1894, ????? ikke forstått

Husebye, Christian O. 1868-1882,

Husebye, Johanna 1822-1904

Husebye, Martin, 1841-1866

Husebye, Nils,

Korsen, John C. 1883-1904

Korsen, Nils J. 1850-1920

Rocksvoll, Anna 16.nov. 1839- 4.juli 1895

Rocksvoll, Anne, 1848-1902

Rocksvoll, Anton P. 12.mars 1839- 29. juni 1886

Rocksvoll, Christen 1859- 1915

Rocksvoll, Kirsten 1799-1895

Rocksvoll, Ole P. 30.mars 1832- 1922

Rocksvoll, Peder 1798 – 1885

Rocksvoll, Theodor 1876-1894

Smørstad, Berthe 1865-1901

Smørstad, Ole J.1851-1912

Smørstad, Theodor

Smørstad, Johnny

Smørstad, Peder

Smørstad, Pernilla

Toyen, Christian, 1822-1900

Toyen, Eline, 1824-1906

Toyen, Nikoline 1856 -1889

Toyen, Martin 1852 – 1906

Webjørnsen, Helline 15. juni 1841- 23.juli 1928

Webjørnsen, Pouline N. 23. aug. 1819- 29. apr. 1898

Webjørnsen, Vebjørn, 22.des. 1821- 15.mai 1899

Webjørnsen, Wilhelm, 19.des. 1843 – 4.mars 1931

Informasjon I brev til Ole Granum 1.7.1996:

Bernt Martinsen Bellerud, reiste i 1888 med Rollo 11.okt. til Valley City. Han var 19 år gammel.

Fredrik Martinsen Bellerud (også kalt Dulsrud) hadde gått på underoffiserskolen i Oslo, korporal. Han reiste i 1889 med Rollo til New York 23 år gammel.

Ole M. Bellerud, 17 år og

Clara M. Bellerud, 19 år, resite begge med ”Norge” i 1890, 4. april til New York

Kristian M. Bellerud, 19 år gammel reiste med ”Montebello” 2. juli 1897 til Valley City( medbrakt Kr. 10.-

Maurits M. Bellerud, 25 år og

Peder M. Bellerud 22 år, reiste begge med ”Hellig Olav” til Minnesota 22.juli 1904 (Medbrakt kr. 50 hver) Per kom hjem igjen i 1916.

Haaken M. Bellerud, kontorist 16 år reiste med ”Montebello” 22.sept. 1905 til Nord-dakota

Mads M. Bellerud, 25 år reiste i 1910 med ”Oslo” til Canada.

Frakt Kr. 206.- medbrakt Kr. 100.-

Mads var hjemme igjen noen år, giftet seg og drog over igjen med familien i 1924 til Nord-Dakota. Han hadde farm i Nord-Dakota.

Ole og Haaken var på besøk vinteren 1923.

Peder A. Øverseth, ingeniør 22 år i 1893 reiste med Montebello til Chicago,

Frakt 225.- kr. Han reiste over Atlanteren 36 ganger, er det fortalt.

Hans Clausen Øverseth 17 år, reiste med ”Hekla” 22. juni 1893 til Lanzing, Frakt kr. 180.-kr

Hans Clausen, som de kallte seg der, hadde 9 barn.

Johannes Klausen Øverseth, 20 år reiste med ”Angelo” 22.mars 1889 til Portland, frakt Kr.197,25. Johannes hadde 2 døtre

1870/113 Hans Paulsen Bjørnstad (eller Drager) kjøpte en del av garden Drager i 1854, men solgte den i 1863 og flyttet seinere til Karsrudskogen. Hans utvandret til Amerika, reiste med skipet ”Sweden” 8. juli 1870 fra Christiania til La Crosse, billetten kostet 51 daler, 27 skilling.

Allerde året etter betalte han reisen for kone og 10 barn. De reiste 15.mai 1871 med skipet”Pontecorvo” til Rushford.


Berte Olsdatter Evenrud har mange slektninger på Toten og hennes slekt er kjent langt tilbake

( avskrift fra slektsheftet, det er tre sider i Perm 1)


Ole Erickson og Petra Hansdtr. Bjørnstad giftet seg den 31. desember 1875 i den Lutherske kirken i Lanesboro. Etter seremonien tok de med slekt og venner til sitt lille hjem der de serverte østersstuing som var kokt i en vaskebalje. Det ble en tradisjon i familien vår å servere østerstung på nyttårsaften – hvis vi hadde råd til det. De flyttet seinere til Chatfield i Minnesota, og det var der Emil ble født den 2. november 1877.


Even Andersen Saeterbakken was born January 30. 1834 in Western Toten parish in Norway, His father was a farmer. Even tearned the shoemaker trade and went from farm to farm making and repairing shoes. He sailed from Kristiania May 6. 1866, and landed in Quebec July 16th. In June 1867 he reached the Milwaukee area, and came to this area where he took a homestead in Alden Township. Title to his homestead was granted abd signed by President U.S.Grant, November 10.1874. he dropped the “Saeterbakken” from his name, using Even Anderson ; then changed to Even Sather. His citizenship was granted September 22th, 1873.

Even married a widow, Liv Halvortdtr. In 1869. She had a daughter Annie( Mrs. Charlie Oaks, Dauglas County) Two children were born, Andrew(1872) and Emily (1877) Liv died in 1880. ( avskrift fra slektsheftet, det er flere sider i Perm 1)


Martin Hansen Laeskogen født 1808 og konfirmert 1822 med karakteren Udm.godt. Hans foreldre var Hans Olsen og Kari Andersdtr. Martin Hansen ble gift 1.nov. 1828 med Dorthe Paulsdtr. Andersgård f. 1804. Han kalte seg Hermanrud da han giftet seg.

I vårt arkiv er nevnt 6 barn:

Peder f. 1832 gift med Anne Andersdtr.

Johannes født 1840

Peder født 1840?? Han ble ikke med til USA

Berte Marie født 1844

Helene født 1837

Fredrik født 1849

Martin Hansen og familien drog til Amerika i april 1853.

Del av brev til ordfører Peder Amundgård. ( det er flere sider i Perm 1)

1868/320 Even Kleven Hanson slektshistorie på 5 sider fra 1987, samt et brev fra 1945.

1865/17 Melby family 7 sider slektshstorie fra 1975

1853/113 Martin Hansen Laeskoven, brev fra Pål Gihle 1973.Martin kom fra hermanrud til La. Han var født 24.jan. 1808, gift 1.nov. 1828 med Dorte Paulsdtr. fra Andersgaard, født 1804. De reiste til Amerika ifølge attest datert 12. april 1853 med følgende barn:

Peder Martinsen, født 15.des. 1832 på Nøklebergseie, gift med Anne Andersdtr. født 1825.

Helene Martinsdtr. født 21. jan. 1837

Johannes Martinsen født 14.nov. 1840

Berte Marie Martinsdatter født 5. okt. 1844

Fredik Martinsen født 1849

1890/65-66 Karine Olesdtr., Snipstad født 1835 gift med Erik Larson Høyenhall fra Ringsaker, født 1838. Karine reiste til Quebec sammen med en kusine: Mina Snipstad den 27. juni 1890 med skipet ”Angelo”. Hun var da 54 år og enke.

1890/73 Mathilda Nilsdtr. Bjørkebakken, født 14.okt. 1873 på Bjørkebakken, utvandret 25. juli 1890, døde 23. mars 1950 i Minneapolis, gift 14. mai 1892 i Minneapolis, skilt 14.august 1935. Hun hadde en datter: Ethel May Michaels gift Remole.Slektstavle fra 1995 etter Ethel May.

1885/ ? Haagen Olsen født 1. mai 1823 på Kjellseie, utvandret 15. mai 1885 fra Oslo med kona Tonette og barnebarnet Mads Johannessen Billit med skipet ”Angelo”. Slektsthistorie fra Gladys Boril

1878/33-38, Henril Haagensen Oppegaard, født 27. juli 1843, utvandret 27. juni 1878 med ”Angelo” til Lansboro med kone: Anne Christine Christiansdtr. Oppegaard og fire barn:

Karen Mathilde Thorson, født 5. juni 1868, død 19. nov. 1963, fikk 6 barn.( 1878/35)

Theoline (Lina) Larson født 6. jan. 1871, dødt 8. sept. 1929 ( 1878/36)

Haagen Oppegaard født 29. mars 1873, død ugift i 1954 ( 1878/37)

Mina (Minnie) Swanson født 3. nov. 1876, død 1918, fikk 1 barn (1878/38)

Det ble født 2 barn i USA.

Slektsthistorie fra Gladys Boril .

1878/37 Haagen Oppegaard rites held Friday.

Funural services were held Friday afternoon for Haagen Oppegaard from the First Lutheran Church with Rev. E. Kristensen in charge. Burial will be made in the Litchville cementery in spring.

Pallbearers were: Carl Fredicson, T.I. Strinden, Fred Songberg, Harry Peterson, Louis Sonsthagen and K.K. Wangrud.

Oliver`s Chapel was in charge of funeral arrangements.

Haagen Oppegaard was born in East Toten, Norway, March 25. 1873. He came with his folks from Norway to Fillmore county, Minnesota, in 1879. The family came to Valley City in 1880, and his parents homesteaded near the Ringsaker Lutheran Church. Later they moved to what was then known as the Mred Johnson farm.(now occupied by Leo Schall family).

Mr. Oppegaard work on farms near Litchville in the early days, working for Pioneer Kelley, P.N. Peterson, R.H. Schindeldecker and others. Later he rented land from Schindeldecker and continued to farm until both of his parents had passed on. In 1915 he sold his farming equipment and moved into Litchville where he has lived for the past 38 years.

He leaves three sisters: Mrs. Mathilda Thorson,Litchville; Mrs. I.R. Nelson, Fargo; and Mrs. C.A. Simonson, Blue Ridge, Alberta, Canada (who was unable to attend the funeral).

His parents and two sisters preceded him in death. The sisters were: Mrs. Amund ( Minnie)Swanson who died in 1918, and Mrs. Mads (Lena) Larson who died in 1928.

Relatives from distance attending the funeral were: Mrs. N Nelson, Fargo, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haakenson, fargo; Mrs. Gabriel Berntson, Hastings; Mrs. Arthur Monson,West Fargo: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eilts and family, Marion, Mrs. Richard Triepke and family of Marion.

Blessed be his memory.

After the service, members of Circle No. 1 served lunch in the church parlors.

1890/8 Hans Christian “Chris” Heggenes født 23. februar 1871 I Vestre Toten, Buskerud, Norge, død 12.Sept. 1947 Gardner, Cass.CO, ND. Begravet på Nora Lutheran Church, Nora North Dakota, gift 5.Des. 1903 i Fargo, ND.

Far: Ole Kristian Heggenes, født 1.Aug. 1643.Mor: Oline Korslien Andersdatter, født 17.Jan. 1838. Slektsopplysninger: family group 165.

1904/24 Helga Heggernes født 17.Apr. 1883,død 27.Jan. 1960 i Fargo, Cass, CO,ND, gift 6.Febr. 1926. Far: Ole Kristian Heggenes, født 1.Aug. 1643.Mor: Oline Korslien Andersdatter, født 17.Jan. 1838. Slektsopplysninger: family group 165.

1904/25 Olaf Aleksander Heggeness født 1. Nov. 1885, død i Fargi USA 2. Nov. 1953, gift 10. Nov. 1910. Far: Ole Kristian Heggenes, født 1.Aug. 1643.Mor: Oline Korslien Andersdatter, født 17.Jan. 1838. Slektsopplysninger: family group 165.

????? Emil ”Henry” Rensvold og Maria ”Marie” Rensvold.

Henry J. rensvold was one of the early pioneers in Noble Townshio which is East of Gardner, North dakota; he was born in Winneshiek County, Iowa, located in northeastern portion of Iowa near Decorah, Iowa, on September 8.1873. The parents of Henry J. Rensvold homesteaded in Cass County, North Dakota in 1884. Henry J. rensvold and Marie Heggerness were married in Cass County, on November 3.1894. She originally came to Cass County from Norway in 1890. The Rensvold family were pioneers in that area and were among the early residents who were active in and supported Nora Lutheran Church, a rural church five miles east of Gardner.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Rensvold were the parents of ten children, Bssie Wegner, who lives in Moorhead; Ella Amundson, who lives in Minneapolis; Clara Wallaf, who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Minnie Johnson, who lives in Finley; Arthur Rensvold, who farms near Gardner, Carl Renvold who lives in Minneapolis; Maynard Rensvold, who lives in Fargo; Herman Rensvold, who farmed in Gardner until 1944, and now lives in Moorhead, Minn.; Albert rensvold, another son, died in 1968; and Julia Bullock, a daughter, died in 1951. Henry J. rensvold died January 21, 1948 and Marie Rensvold died April 8. 1961. Written by Herman Rensvold.

Herman Rensvold – Martha Ohnstad

Herman Rensvold started farming in 1925 in Cass County, East of Gardener, and farmed there for 19 years. In 1944 he moved to Clay County, at Moorhead, and farmed there for 16 years before retireing from active farming. He has since been self-employed, being engaged in sales of farm imlements and health insurance.

Herman og Martha (Ohnstad) Rensvold have two children, Marilyn Anderson and Pearl Backstrom. Marilyn is now Mrs. Elnmer Anderson. They have five children, Sharon,Carolyn, Richard, Roger and Marie. Pearl Backstrom married Daniel Backstrom and they have three children, Mary, Mark and Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson live in Moorland, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Backstrom reside between Gardner and Grandin, North Dakota.

By Herman Rensvold

Arthur Rensvold – Cora Sundstad.

Arthur was born April 20. 1905 to Henry Rensvold and Marie Heggeness Rensvold. Henry was born in Decorah, IO in 1873. he and his parents came to Gardner community when he was a small boy. Marie was born in Toten, Norway in 1873. She and three brothers and three sisters left their parents and a sister in Norway and came to America when she was about 18 years old.

Henry and Marie were married in Cass County on Nov. 3. 1894. They raised their family east of Gardner in Noble Township on a quarter section farm. They lived in a house on the farm to which they added rooms as the family grew. This home burned in 1940 and they lost nearly everything in the fire.

Their ten children were: Bessie (Mrs. Otto Wegner), Julia ( Mrs. Arthur Bullock), Ella (Mrs. George Amundson) , Clara ( Mrs. Arthur Wallof), Herman, Arthur, Carl, Minnie (Mrs. Oscar Johnson), Albert and Maynard. Henry died in 1948 and Marie died in 1961.

Arthur still lives on a farm at Gardener. He married Cora Sundstad (born March 19.1910) of Perley, Minn on August 8. 1930.

Cora was the daughter of Einar Sundstad and Clara Gaare Sundtad. Einar was born in 1869 in Lerfjorden, Norway and Clara was born in 1882 at Perley. Einar and Clara were married on November 30. 1907. They had nine children: Anna (Mrs. Reuben Lee of Ada), Cora( Mrs. Arthur Rensvold of Gardner), Albert (address unknown), Rolf of Perley, Elmer (Deceased), Herman(deceased), Margaret ( Mrs. Jack Chugg of Denver, Colo.), Otto ( also of Denver), and Fredrick (deceased). Einar died in 1941 and Clara died in 1956.

Art and Cora`s first home was a log cabin in Noble Township. They lived in the log cabin for two years and during that time their oldest son, Alden, was born on November 30. 1930. In the fall of 1932 a new house was built on the farm. Their second child, Carol; was born on January 28, 1933. On July 31, 1934 Howard was born and on November 8, 1937 David was born.

During these years farming was quite a challenge. Farming was all done by horses. Prices at that time were poor. Oats sold for 6 cents a bushel, barley for 12 cents a bushel, wheat for 29 cents a bushel, eggs for 8 cents a dozen and hogs for 2,25 dollar cwt. One time Arrt took an old sow to town to sell and all he got in return was a tricycle for his oldest son. Farmers at that time would churn cream to make butter to be exchanged for groceries.

In March of 1941 they bought the Brennen farm which was also in Noble Township. Land at that time sold for about 30 dollars an acre. Having lived on this farm for only one week, there was a severe storm on March 15. The wind was so strong that it was necessary to cover the windows with horse blankets and nail doors shut. This storm came very unexpectedly so many people were caught unaware and may lives were lost. This farm had no electricity, telephone or indoor plumbing. The first years on this farm were not easy – heavy rains caused hardships in harvesting the crops.

Winters seemed to be much more severe then. People became snowbound quite often and sometimes were unable to get out for several days. There were times when they would walk seven miles to Gardner to get the mail and would take gunny sack along and pick up the mail for the neighbours too.

On July 16.1946 their youngest daughter, Eileen, was born. She was the only one of the children that was born in a hospital. The other four children had been born at home.

The children are quite scattered now. Alden har remained in the community and lives and farms in Noble Township. He married Shirley Martens of Wolverton, Minn. On May 30. 1953. Shirley was born at Wolverton to Harry Martens and Helen Guderion Martens on Desember 7. 1931. They have four children: Diane (born Sept.7. 1953) employed in Moorhead, Arvid (Nov. 14,1954) a student at Crookston University, Russell(Nov16, 1955) a student at NDSU and Douglas(March 8,1957) who attends Crookson University.

Carol lives in Fargo and is employed by Cass County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service.

Howard is emplyed by John Deere Co. at Moline, Ill and lives in Bettendorf, Iowa. He married Darlene Kullo at Galesburg, N. Dak. on Aug. 5. 1956. They have three children.

David is a co-pilot for United Airlines out of San Fransisco and lives in Woodside, Calif. He married Sandra Schulze of Durbin on June 29. 1962. They have a son.

Eileen was married to Chris Imamura of Denver, Colo. On September 2. 1966. They live in Fern Park, Fla. Where Chris is a manager of Skaggs Drug. They have two sons.

The farm looks quite different today than it did back in 1941. Many improvments have been made. New buildings have been added and shelterbelts established. Those were the “good old days” but 1975 is even better.

By Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rensvold.

1883/ 32 Even Pedersen Holte Mitby (50 years) and his wife Marthe (47 years) left Oslo, Norway for New York on the King Sigurd on April12. fare for Even and Marthe and their eleven children was 1,437.30 Kr. They brought along 50 Kr. The children included Mina, Caroline, Edward, Martinus, Johan, Petra, Claus, Magda, Ole, Mathea and Anna.

Foto fra 1887 i Totenlagets årbok 1929.

1889/86-92 Julius Jensen Strand, Født 1851,døpt i Balke kirke, gift i Balke kirke, emigrerte i 1889.døde og ble begravet i Ringsaker Lutheran Church, Hastings , North Dacota.

Han var gift med Julie Olsdatterfødt 1854

De hadde følgende barn:

Petra Strand født på Fjørkenstadstranden

Oleana Strand

Jens Strand døpt i Balke kirke

Ludvig Strand, døpt i Balke kirke

Marie Strand døpt i Balke kirke. Født 20. mai 1886

Jakob Juliusen født, døpt og begravet i Balke kirke

Hjalmar Strand,

Theodore Strand

Fra Toten;

Emil Evenson, Lena and Kristine Evenson Crookston Min. moved to Deering, North Dakota.

Borghild Evenson was 16 years old when she came from Norway.

Ellen Asplund sister to Borghild, 3600 Philips Parkway, St. Louis Park apt. 310, Minneapolis, Minn. 55426

Lawrence Eveson (1914) brother to Borghild

Ellen Stevenson, Minot. ( handskrevet notat I perm 1.)

1864/15-22 Nils Nilson Bjerke født 12. juni. 1818, død 6.jan.1884 og Kjertine Larsdtr. Bjerke, født 17.mars 1820, død 6.oktober 1910. Emigrerte til Amerika med elleve barn.

Slektstavle i Perm 1.

1867/97 Tollef Olsen og Maria Svendsdatter bleve ægteviede i Vestre Thotens Prestegjeld Aar 1857 ( atten Hundrede femti og det syvende)d. 16de (sextende) Februar. Han forviste da Attest fra vedkommende Sogneprest, hvorefter han er fød i østre Slidre Præstegjeld paa garden Præsterud, af Foreldre Ole Tollefsen og Ragnhild Eriksdatter, aar 1818 (atten hundrede tyve og det ottende) d. 1te(første) og døpt d- 16de (sextende) October, samt confirmeret i sin daabs Pagt Aar 1843 ( atten Hundrede fyrgetyve og det tredje) d. 2d(anden) Juli med Vitnesbyrd: ”god Christendomskundskab”. Hans Hustrue er født i vestre Thotens Præstegjeld, af foreldre Svend Jensen og Helene Jensdatter, Huusmandsfolk under Gaarden Stikbakke, aar 1832 d. 30te Juli og døbt d. 12te August, hun er confirmeret i sin daabs Pakt aar 1847 d. 3d October med Vidnesbyrd:” meget god Christendomskundskab” Disse Ægtefolk haver, siden deres Vielse, opholdt sig deels i østre Thoten og deels i Lands Præstegjeld.

Avskrift av attest fra Wilh. Magelsen provst i Thotens Provstie, Sogneprest i Vestre Thoten.

1868/297 Kopi av emigrasjonssertifikatet til Ole Anders, Myrbakken, står i Perm 1.

(Gotisk handskrift)

Perm 2

Mrs. Marie Lerud (1923)

Funural services were conducted over the remains of Marie Lerud from Zion Lutheran church last Thursday afternoon by Rev. C.W. Aanestad, a large number of the friends and relatives being present.

The deceased was born in Toten, Norway, December 9th 1846 and was 77 years of age at the time of her death. She came to America when 20 years of age, settling near Decorah, Iowa. She was married to Mr. Anton Lerud March 8th, 1878. She came to Norman county two years later and had resided here since that time. Mr. Lerud passed away in 1905. About six years ago Mrs. Lerud moved to Twin-Valley and resided here up to a year ago, when her health became so poor that she went to live with her son Emil, west of town. During the past year she gradually growing weaker and the end came on Thursday, December 4th.

She leaves four children, Julius Lerud, MRS. C.M. Wold and Emil Lerud all of Twin Valley, end rev. Theo. Lerud of Clifton, Texas, besides a large number og other relatives and friends to mourn her demise.

1881/177 Hans H. Narum Respected Pioneer Called By Death. Was one of Early Settlers of This Community.

Hans H. Narum died at his home in Green Meadow on Friday evening,December 11th.( 1942). The cause of his death was infirmity on account of old age.

The deceased was born at West Toten, Norway, on December 20th1851, and he was at the time of his death within nine days of being ninety-one years old.

He emigrated to this country from his native home in 1881, when he first made home in Minneapolis, where in 11885 he was united in marriage. Shortly after his marriage he and his wife wended their way to this locality and settled in Green Meadow township, where he bought the farm on which he died. This farm he developed and converted from a wild prairie to a fine farm where they lived and prospered.

He was the father of four children. One son preceded him in death in infancy, and he is survived by the following: Henry Narum, on the home farm; Hilda, who has of late been located in Minneapolis; and Clara (Mrs. Gustav Gjerstad) of Erskine, this state.

The deceased was during his active lifeindustrious and a successful and prosperous farmer and he was always ready and willing to do his fair share of anything that was needed for the locality where he was located. He was active in church work. He was one of the organizers of the St.Pauli congregation, organized in this village, and was doing his fair share in the construction of that church and was always willing to do his share, financially and otherwise, for the upkeep of the congregation and the church denomination of which he was a member.

He was a good and devoted husband and father, as well asneighbor, and he merited the good will and friendship og all the people he associated with.

He and his family. A few years ago, made their home at Twin Valley, but later sold their home there and moved back on their farm.

His wife preceded him in death a few years ago and after her death, he has been making his home with his children, the greater part of the time with his son Henry, who is now the owner of the home farm.

Besides the above children, he is also survived by three grandchildren and as far as it known by one brother in Norway. In 1927 he was back to his native country, Norway, then he had one brother and two sistersthere, but the sisters have later been called by death. The brother he has not heard from since the war over there.

The funeral took place from the home at 12:30 and from the church in this villageat 1.30 on Wednedday, the 16th. And the remains were laid to rest in the West cementery of this congregation.

The bereaved relatives, son and daughter and other near relatives have the sympathy of their friends in the departure of a father and otherwise relative and friend.

1878/94 – 1947

Carl A. Solien, age 88, Pioneer Resident, Passed Away Desember 24th.(Twin Valley Times)

Carl A. Solien, a pioneer of this community, passed away at his jome in Twin Valley Desember 24 at about 8 a.m. Although he had been an invalid for several years suffering greatly at times from arthritis, his death came suddenly.

Carl Solien was born in Vestre Toen, Norway, Oct.18,1858. He was the son of Andreas and Maria Berg. He was confirmed Oct. 5.1874 by bishop Wilhelm Magelson.

On June 24, 1878, he left his home in Norway and came to Norman county, at that time a part of Polk county. Here he took a homestead, which became his home and where he lived until 1925 when he moved to Twin Valley.

On January 21, 1881, Mr. Solien was united in marriage to Oliana Sethney. She preceded him in death December 13, 1930. To this union were born ten children, eight of whom survived him: Mina, Mrs. Marie Kleppe, Clara, Alma and Otto of Twin Valley; Arthur of Valley City, Joseph of Bovey, Minn. And August of Moorhead; also eleven grandchildren. He was the last of his family, his brother and sister passed away a number of years ago. Mr. Solien lived to be 88 years, two months and six days of age.

Carl Solien was a member of the Wild Rice congregation for 37 years. After the Syre congregation was established, the family transferred because it was nearer to the farm home. When the family moved to Twin Valley in 1925, they joined the Zion Lutheran chirch.

Mr. Solien was always interested in the upbuilding of the community. He served on the different church boards in the congregations of which he was a member, as well as on the school board and township board in Home Lake. He was for many years one of the directors of the Wild Rice Children`s Home.

The funeral was held Saturday, Desember 26, at 2o`clock p.m. from Zion Lutheran church in Twin Valley, with interment being made in the family lot at the Wild Rice cemetery. Reverend A.C. Odden of Zion church officiated. Paul Rogen, fargo, was soloist. Six grandsons, Wallace of Moorhead, William and Joseph, Jrr. Of Bovey, Vernon, Walton and Robert of Twin Valley acted as pallbearers.

Mr. Solien`s death marks the passing of another pioneer who had much to do with the upbuilding of this community. We join the numerous friends at the family in extending sincere condolences.

1904/8 Chris Brodahlwas born in Norway in 1886. He came to America in 1904. He worked on the Pits Stock farm near Ada, Minnesota and farmed southeast of Halstad. After selling his farm he worked for Oliver Serum from 1929 to 1935. Chis was a long time member of the Sons of Norway Lodge and in later years was a custodian of the hall.

When he was a young man he became acquainted with Cloe Younger; ( His real name was Bill Edgerton) a notorioys gangster and a member of the Jessie James gang.

Chris had one brother.

1885/61 Jakob Furuseth Family

Jakob Furuseth was born November 28, 1849, in Vestre Toten Norway. He immigrated to America in 1884 and came to Halstad via Ada. The first summer he worked at the Peter Holte farm in the Shelly March River area. He then built a small blacksmith shop east of the highway and on the north side of Main Street in Halstad. He later built a larger shop across the street and moved the small shop over there and attached it to the back of the larger shop. He then built a four-room house on the former location. As time went on, additions were added. At the present time, the house is owned by Wilbert Ehrichs.

Anne Maria Martinson was born March 31, 1864 in Sondra Land, Norway. She immigrated to America in 1882. After working the firstyears in Boez, Wisconsin, where she had an aunt, she came to Halstad. She and Jakob were married December 29, 1889, in Wisconsin. Immediately

Afterwards they spent a year in Norway. They returned to Halstad and lived in the house which had been previously built and Jakob resumed his business as blacksmith.

Jakob Furusteh was a second cousin of Bjornstejerne Bjornson who was a Norwegian writer, theatre director and political leader. In 1903 Bjornson was a Nobel prize winner in literature.

Mrs. Furuseth was a member of Klippen Lodge, Daughters of Norway, and was its secretary for many years. Mr. Furusteh was a member of Tordensjold, the men`s organization.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Furuseth were active in the Methodist Church which was the first church in Halstad. Marie was active in Ladies Aid. The meetings were held in the homes and the lunch consisted of sandwiches, cake, cookies and coffee. The cost of the lunch was ten cents and the total collected was never less than ten dollars.

To the union four children were born: Oscar, Florence, Manley and Julius. Mr. Furusteh passed away December 6, 1924 and Mrs. Furusteh April 26, 1941.

Oscar Furuseth was born March 7, 1891. He attended school in Halstad and graduated from high school in 1910 in a class of two graduates. He went to the Agricutural Collage (now NDSU) in fargo and studied electrical engineering. Then he worked with his father in the blacksmith shop and, when farmers wanted repair parts for machinery, he would turn them out on the lathe.

Oscar enlisted in the army during World War 1. He was a sergeant in the Aviation Division at Vancouver, Wachington. He played baritone in the Army Band. He also played piano and violin.

After being discharged from the army, Oscar bought some farm land near Van Hook(now New Town), North Dakota and also built a blacksmith shop in Van Hook which he operated.

Oscar died in June 16, 1928.

Florence Furuseth was born July 15, 1896. She attended school in Halstad and Interstate Business Collage in Fargo and Minneapolis. She later switched to medical work and was a laboratory and x-ray technician for several years in the state of New York and Ohio. She was married to George Bloom in Fremont, Ohio, on March 18, 1947. After his death in 1956, she was the Executive Director of Sandusky County Chapter of the American Red Cross until her retirement in 1961. She continued to live in Fremont until her death in June, 1978.

Julius was bornSeptember 14, 1898 in Halstad. He attended school there and later went to Interstate Business College in Fargo. In 1923 he went into partnership with his brother, Manley. They sold International Harvestor machinery and operated a service station.

Julius married Olive Solee of Buxton, North Dakota on November 8, 1932. She was a daughter of Olaus and Inger Solee pioneer farmers in that area. Olive graduate from Buxton High School and attended Mayville State teachers College. She taught rural school in her home community and also operated the home farm until her marriage.

Julius continued to sell farm machinery until the early 1950`s when he sold his business To Harold Weise. This business is presently owned by Harold McLaughlin. Julius had purchased the Arnt Arnt Opgrand farm just north of Halstad. In 1952, they built a lovely home there.

Olive was especially interested in canser reseach and was Countty Chairman of the Ameriacn Canser Society for several years. She was the U.S. Census Taker for Halstad and surrounding areain 1960. Olive was a charter member of the first Federated Woman`s Study Club in Halstad. She was also a member of the Mum Garden Club and an active member of ALCW and an ALCW Circle.

Julius was an accomplished pianist and for many years he wad head of an orchestrawhich was well known in the surrounding area. He was also quite a hunter, not only in this country, but also in Canada and Alaska. His main and most interesting hobby was collecting antiques. He had a large collection of old automobiles, steam engines, fire trucks, buggies, carriages, spinning wheels, music boxes, a player piano and many more. Olive also had a very fine collection of antique dishes and furniture.

Julius and Olive had two sons, Juel Lee and Bjorn Thomas. Juel was born November 24, 1936 and Bjorn May 2. 1940. They were both gratuaded of Halstad High School. Juel gratuaded in the class of 1954 and Bjorn the class of 1958. Juel attended the University of Alaska in Fairbanks in 1955.1956. he was a member of the University Rifle Team and won several medals in shooting competition.During the summer of 1956, he worked on the northernmost gold mine of the North American Continent. While in school Bjorn took violin lessons and after his graduation he farmed with his father. In 1965 he and Juel purchased the Cornelius Gilbertson farm.

Juel was married in 1975. he and Dora have three lovely daughters: Patricia, Asela and Rhonda.

Julius and Olive lived in Halstad until their deaths. Julius died in July 1964, and Olive a year later in July , 1965.

Manley was the second son of Jakob and Marie Furuseth. He was born January 15, 1895. (

det er mye mer I Perm II, s. 349 fra en eller annen bok. Skal alt skrives av blir det minst et par sider til)

Ingen avskrift fra Heftet merket ” Hendrum”

1868/263 – 1868/345 Hans og Elene Holte.

Hans Holte was born in Norway on August 12, 1834. he was a farmer. He married Elene, who was born jan.8, 1830. Their children were: Ole Holte, Even Holte, Marie Holte Livdahl, Martin Holte, Hans Holte, Peder Holte, Hannah Holte Ness, Emma Holte Hougen, all of whom are deceased.

Hans O. Holte, grandfather of Melvin Holte, and his family came to America 1869 and settled in Houston Co., Mn. In 1878 they came to Noble Township and settled, and remained there the rest of their lives. Hans Holte died Sept. 17, 1910. His wife Elene, died May 3. 1917.

Melvin H. Holte, son of Even and Alma (Schow) Holte, was born October 8, 1893 in Gardner, N.D. he married Clara Ohnstad, the daughter of Mons and Marie (Anderson) Ohnstad, on October 27, 1917. She was born Oct. 4, 1892 at Argusville, N.D. They had one child, Eleanor, ( Rensvold) who lives in Fargo, N.D.

As a very young lady of 16 years of age, Clara became organist of the Nora Lutheran Church, a position which she held dor approximately 60 years. Clara and Melvin attended Concordia Academy and Melvin played in the Concordia band. Clars, upon the recommendation of Rev. JMO Ness, taught parochial school in Perley; at Enderlin and Beach, North Dakota.

Clara and Melvin were baptized, confirmed and married in the Nora Lutheran congregation., and also had the privilege of celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary in the same church.

1897/72 Olaus (Ole) Negaard was born at Vestre Toten, Norway, Sept. 27, 1876. He came to the United States when he was 18 years old.He married Johanna(Jennie) Peterson in 1903. She was born at Osterdalen, Norway May 5, 1880 and came to the United States when one month old. They lived in Fargo, N.D. until the fall of 1918 when they moved to the Perley area to fam. They retired in 1947 and moved into Perley. They had two daughters: Myrtle; born April 19, 1904, married Andrew Brattland and they farmed north of Perley until Andrew passed away on August 4, 1955. Myrtle then moved into Perley to take care of her parents.

Dora married Henry Guttormson of Georgetown, Mn. In 1936. They farmed for several years near Perley befor moving to Moorland, Mn., They have 3 children: Diane (Mrs. William Brey) of Minnetonka, Mn. Gary of Moorland, Mn. And Stephan of fargo, N.D.

Mrs. Negaard passed away May 8, 1968. Mr. Negaard died March 5, 1962.

(Emil) Henry Rensvold was born Sept. 18, 1873 in Decorah, Iowa. He married Marie Heggeness on Nov. 3 1894. She was born April 25, 1873 in Toten, Norway. They farmed in the Gardner- Perley area.

Then children were born to them:

Bessie: born July 17. 1895. She married Otto Wegner June 4. 1917. They had 4 children: Marion (Tchouban), Orrin, Robert and Betty. Otto died June 8, 1966.

Julia :born Mar.26, 1897. She married Art Bullock July 2. 1922. Julia died Oct. 23,1951 and Art died Nov. 28,1960.

Ella: born March 24, 1899. She married George Amundson. He died March 29.1961.

Clara: born April 2, 1901. She married Arthur Wallof. He died Aug. 19, 1966. They had 3 children: Arthur jr., Wayne and John.

***Herman: born April 22, 1903. He married Martha Ohnstad Oct. 20, 1926. Martha was born Feb. 27, 1904. They had two girls: Marilyn, who married Elmer Anderson and have 5 children, and Pearl, who married Daniel Backstrom and they have 3 children.

Arthur* born April 20, 1905. he married Cora Sundstad Aug. 8, 1930. Cora was born Mar. 19, 1910. They have 5 children: Alden**, Carol, Howard, david and Eileen.

Carl born June 2, 1907. he married Gertrude Olson.

Minnie: born Jan 19, 1910. She married Oscar Johnson Nov. 30, 1932. They have one daughter, Janice, born Jan. 20, 1939. She married Harold Fetting Mar.15, 1958. They have 4 children: Wayne, Susan, Charlene and Arlen. Oscar died Feb. 26, 1964.

Albert, born April 8, 1919. He married Judith Sæther on Oct. 26, 1940. Judith was born Febr. 11, 1919. Albert died July 16, 1968. They had two girls: Shirley ( Borchert) who has three children: Kathrine, Christofer and Jennifer, and Sandra, who married Tom Christenson in Dec. of 1972. They have 3 children: Kathy, Tyler and Karl.

Maynard born April 14, 1914. he married Eleanor Holte July 18, 1942

Mr. Rensvold ( Emil Henry) died January 1, 1948. Mrs. Rensvold (Marie) died April 11, 1961.

*Arthur O. Rensvold, the son of Emil Henry and Marie (Heggeness) Rensvold was

Born April 20, 1905 at Gardner, North Dakota. On August 8, 1930, he married Cora Sundstad, daughter of Einar and Clara( Gaare) Sundstad. Cora was born March of 1910.

Arthur was a farmer and is now retired.

They are the parents of 5 children.

Alden: born Nov. 1930. he married Shirley Martens on May 30.1953. They have 4 children: Diane, born Sept.7, 1953, Arvid, born Sept. 141954, Rusell, born Nov. 10, 1955, married Lana Kuvaas Apr. 22, 1978, and Douglas, born March 8, 1957. Alden is a farmer.

Carol: born Jan 1933. She works for A.S.C. in West Fargo, N.D.

Howard: born July 31, 1934. he married Karlene Kyllo Aug. 5, 1956. He works for works for John Dere at Moline, Illinois. They have 3 children: Ken, Joni and dale, and one grandchild, Ryan.

David; born Nov. 8.1937. he married Sandra Schulze June 29, 1962. He is a pilot and instructor for United Airlines in Denver, Colo. They have one son, (J.P.) Jeffrey Philip.

Eileen: born July 16, 1946. She married Chis Imamura Sept. 2, 1966 She works as an accountant in St. Petersburg, Floroda for family Mart. They have 2 boys: Michael and Mitchell.

**Alden Rensvold, the son of Arthur and Cora (Sundstad) Rensvold, was born Nov. 30, 1930 at Gardner, N.D. He married Shirley Martens, the daughter of Harry and Helen (Guderian) Martens of Wolverton, Mn. On May 30. 1953. She was born Des.7. 1953. Alden is a farmer.

They have four children: Diane, born Sept. 7.1953,Arvid, born Nov.14.1954, Rusell, born Nov. 16, 1955 married Lana Kuvaas April 29, 1978, Douglas, born March 8, 1957.

*** Herman Rensvold was born April22, 1903 at gardner,N.D. On October 20, 1926, he married Martha Ohnstad in the Nora Lutheran Church. She was born Feb. 27, 1904.

Herman and Martha started farming in 1925 east of Gardner, N.D. and farmed there for 19 years. In 1944 they moved to Moorhead and farmed there for 16 years, befor retiring from active farming. He then was self-emloyed engaged in sales of farm implements and health insurance. They had 2 daughters born to them.

Marilyn, born April 3. 1928. She married Elmer Anderson and they have 5 children. They live in Moorhead, Mn.

Pearl: born Sept. 25, 1930 Mariied to Daniel Backstrom. They have 3 children and live on a farm in Grandin, N.D.

Petter and Marie (Hanson) Dyrud. Petter Andreas Dyrud was born Oct.2.1870 in Wienneshiek County, Decorah, Iowa, the oldest of the 9 children of Anders Paulson ( 1868/160) and Karen Amlie Paulson (1869/394) which name later was changed to “Dyrud” the farm from which Anders came to America in West Toten, Norway in 1868.

In 1884 Petter`s parents moved to Climax, Minn. And some time later to New Solum Township, Marchall County. On des.14 1899 Petter was united in marriage to Marie Hanson whose brother Hans was Sheriff in Marchall County from 1914 to 1928. Marie, the daughter of Christian Hanson and Gjertrud Christianson Hanson was born March 25. 1877 in Waseca County, Minn.

Its interesting to note that Christian Hanson in his younger days was a cook in a sailing ship before steam ships became popular. This was before coming to Amerika with his wife from Telemark, Norway. They had 5 children. Later on in life Christian hanson travelled as alay-evangelist for the Red River Innermission Society. These families from Norway were of the Hauge-Lutheran persuasion.

Petter had homesteaded in New Solum Township but disposed of the land and moved to Ada, Minn. With his wife and daughter Karen, in 1901 and worked there as acarpenter for 3 years. In 1904 they moved to north of Climax, Minn. Renting a farm from his uncle Anton. As Petter was mostly renting land the family moved quite often. In 1909 they moved to north of Viking.Minn. and in 1915 to the newfolden, Minn. Vicinity. 14 of those years he farmed in Marsh Grove Township. They retired in 1934 in Newfolden.

Petter and Karen Dyrud had 9 children: Karen, Myrtle, Chester, Harvey, Clemmence, (a retired Pastor at Siverton) Edel, Beatrice(Mrs. Roy Rasmussen McHenry, N.Dak.) Amos ( aformer missionary to Madagascar) and Lorraine.

The children and grandchildren of Petter and Marie Dyrud now resting in Marchall County as of 1975. Mrs. Louie (Marcella)Taie, Newfolden, daughter of Swan and Karen Mortrud, Merle Bjornrud, Newfolden; son of Ole and Myrtle Bjornsrud: Loiell, instructor at Lincoln High, Thief River falls, and Clark Dyrud, sons of Chester and Helga Dyrud living in Excel Township: Harvey and Myrtle of New Folden Township, Philip Dyrud superintendent of the Middle River School as of July 15, 1975; and gracia, Mrs. Robert Blees, son and daughter respectively of Harvey and Myrtle Dyrud: Edel, Mrs. Clarence Gast, Argyle, Minn. Petter died June 18. 1949 and Marie April 30, 1958. Submitted by Harvey Dyrud.

1868/154 Oline Hansdtr.

Reverend Olaf Anderson and Nina (Mellem) Anderson. Reverend Olaf Anderson was born in Sweden and came here to the Rosewood area in the early 1900`s. He was a graduate of the North Park Seminary in Chicago, Illiois. He married Nina Mellem and they lived at Struip, in New Solum Township, later changed to Rosewood.

Reverend Anderson organized the Rosewood Church, known later as the Mission Covenant Church. He was pastor there until 1917 when he died. In those days the church was a place where the family went and oftentimes I have spoken to those who knew reverend Anderson and they told of walking several miles even for payer meetings and Bible study. Albert Lappegaard spoke of how the young people would sit in the stairway, which was in the kitchen, and when the last “Amen” was said they would hurry and put the coffee pot on the stove. Reverend Anderson often went up north in the Baudette and Warroad area and held services.

To Olaf and Nina Anderson was born two boys, Newell and Lloyd. Newell died 1927. Lloyd lived in the Rosewood area until his death in 1967. The surprising part of the Rosewood church was an Anderson organized it and an Anderson of the same family was on the board when the church was closed and also when the building was sold for acarpentry shop. Submitted by Mrs. Lloyd ( Ella) Anderson.

1868/160 og 1869/394 Anders og Karine Dyrud Anders (Paulson) Dyrud was born in West Toten, Norway on July 17, 1843, the son of Paul Hanson Dyrud and Karine Amlie Dyrud. Karine was born Sept. 11, 1846. They came to Marchall County in approximately 1879 to Climax in Polk County, Minnesota.

Ander (Paulson) Dyrud was one of the charter members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in New Solum and was for some time Sunday School Superintendent there.

Children of the family included Peter A., Carl, Oline (Mrs. Hartin), Ella, Regina (Mrs. Silness- pastor`s wife) Clara (Mrs. Erickson), Anton, Anna (Mrs. Thomas) and Adolph.

Anders (Paulson)Dyrud died in January 1911 and he is buried at Bethlehem Lutheran Churchcemetery in New Solum Township. Mrs. Dyrud died in Desember 1927 and she is buried near Conrad, Montana where her daughter Oline Hartin lived.

Peter A. Dyrud was born nesr Decorah, Iowa October 2, 1870. He was married to Marie Hanson Desember 14, 1899. He died June 18, 1949 at Newfolden, Minnesota.

(Submitted by the Dyrud Family 1958)

Perm III

1910/ Mina Larsrud, tj.p. født 6.nov. 1865, Vangseie.

Mikal Larsrud barn f.ødt 24. April 1896 reiste med Oslo 30.April til sin datter i Wisconsin. Medbr. Kr. 80.

Foreldre: Nils Olsen Reinsbyengen, f. 1837 og Marte Pedersdtr. F. 1833.


1. Nanna Mathilde f. 29.mars 1885 Vangseie, døt. 14. juni 1885. Reiste til Amerika i 1905. Far Martin Olsen Skramstadeie f. 1862.

2. Nikoline f. 8. Desember 1889, døpt 9.mars 1890. Død 1965.

Far Marthinius Johansen Hørlandseie f. 1870

3. Mikal Fredrik født 24.April 1896, døpt 24.Mai 1896

Far Frans Olsen Hammerstadeje f. 1875/76

Mina var tjenestepike da hun og Mikal Fredrik emigrerte til Wisconsin. De reiste med båten ”Oslo” den 30.april 1910.

Datteren Nanna Mathilde hadde reist med ”United States” 27.juli 1905 til Wisconsin.

Mina giftet seg i Vestby, Wisconsin, med en farmer ved navn Anton Årstad.

1905/ Nanna Mathilde giftet seg med en farmer ved navn Benson. De fikk 5 barn:

Jessy. En gutt som døde tidlig.

Mabel: var lærerinne, gift med en farmer. Døde ung.

Hildur: bodde en tid i Milwaukee (bor der ennå?)

Albin; vet ikke noe om ham.

Sigurd: var pilot. Ble skutt ned over Frankrike under 2. verdenskrig. Døde der.

1910/ ? Mikal Fredrik var visstnok en habil skihopper.

1866/63 Anton O.Ouren, banker of Hanska, Brown county, has long been a prominent figure in the business world in this section of Minnesota. He was born on February 27, 1850, in the province of Ostre Toten, Norway, and is a son of Ole J. and Dorothy (Hjeld) Ouren, also natives of Norway where they grew up, attended school, were married and established their home. The father was afarmer and remained in his native land until 1866 when he removed with his family to the United States, having landed first, however, at Quebec, Canada, but later moved on to Coon Prairie, Wisconsin, but in a short time they travelled to Fillmore county, Minnesota, remaining there until 1869 when they located in Brown county, where the father entered forty acres of land from the government on which the town Hanska was subsequently built, and here he engaged in farming until his death.

Anton O.Ouren spent his boyhood in his native land, where he received his education in the Lutheran schools. Upon coming to the United States he at once took up farm work as a laborer, hiring out by the month.He came to Brown coyntty in 1871, two years after his father had located here, and he bought eighty acres in Linden township, just east of the town of Hanska. He prospered by hard work and good management, and he has added to his original purchase from time to time until he now owns three hundred and fifteen acres, all under excellent improvements. In 1891 he organized the Hanska-Linden Creamery company, of Hanskas, which was the second organization of its kind in the state of Minnesota. In the winter of 1901-02 he organized the State Bank of Lake Wilson, in Murray county, and was a director of that institution for severeal years. In 1902 he organized the State Bank of Hanska and has been president of the same ever since. Its business is rapidly growing under his able and conservative management. In 1892 he helped organize and was the promoter and backer of the Farmers Co-operative Store, of Hanska, which was pronounced success from the first. Mr. Ouren guaranted aøø bills the first four years of its existence, and they from the beginning discounted all bills. The sture has grown by leaps and bounds and had paid dividends from the first.

Anton O. Ouren was married in Fillmore county on January 23, 1973 to Bertha Maria Hagen, who was born in the same province in Norway in which Mr. Ouren first saw the light of day. Her father, Andrew Hagen was a foreman on the farm of Ole J. Ouren, in the old country. She was born on July 8, 1854, and her death occurred on May 28, 1914. She was the mother of three children, the eldest of whom died in infancy. Julia De Nora, who was born in 1876, married Nels J. Ouren, of Hanska, the present manager of the Co-operative Store, although bearing the same name, they were not retalted. They have four children, James Arnold, Julius Maurice, Evelyn Viola and Ernest. Oscar Almer, youngest of the three children, was born on October 6, 1878. He married Marge Berrum and they live at Hanska, Minnesota. They have three children, Russell, Bernice and Edmund.

On June 15. 1915, Anton O. Ouren was married , secondly to Irene Bissonette, who was born on January 28, 1869, in Winooski Falls, Vermont, and is the daughter of Antoine and Philomene ( Lerigè de la Plante) Bissonette. Her mother owned the first business house in Fargi, North Dakota. Mrs. Irene (Bissonette) Ouren received excellent educational advantages.

Mr. Ouren is a member of the Nova Unitarian church, which he helped found in 1881, and he had been church treasurer and secretary almost continuously ever since its organization until 1914, also a director in the same. He is treasurer for the Liberal Union Association, which conducts a public library in Hanska. He was also the organizer of this institution in 1903. Politically he was formerly an advocate of the Populist party until the year that party affiliated with the Democrats. He had previously attended all the state conventions, He was one of the instigators of the twine manufacturing plant in the state prison, which was the first of its kind in the United States. At that time he was appointed state inspector of diary and food products by Governor Lind. He did not seek the same, having put in an application for a friend of his for the position. Among his other business enterprises he was the purchaser, with a few others, of the controlling stock in the Bank of Halma, Minnesota, and is now (1916) president of that flourishing institution.

Anton Sivesind and Marie Tollefson came from Norway to Spring Valley, Minnesota where they were married. They had four children- one who died in infancy. In 1896 they moved to Murray County fo a farm six miles Northeast of Dovray. In 1915 they moved to Westbrook. Mrs. Sivesind died in 1917. Anton did in 1928, their son John died in 1928 – Daughter Martha Collins died in 1955. Thilda who was married to Oscar Larson lives in Westbrook, her husband died in 1973. There are four children – Norman who lives in Westbrook, Stanley, Edith amd Doris (Mrs. Gordon Bergman) who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Seven Grandchildren and Six Great Grandchilden.

( by Miss E.E.Larson)

John Dysthe and Lena Bjerke were born in Norway. John in 1871 and Lena in 1880. They both came to America in their early childhood and settled in the Iona-Chandler area. They were married in 1897 and lived 4 mileswet of Iona for sometimes, they later moved their 2-room house into Iona. John was a butcher and mason all of his life. Most of the first sidewalks he built or helped build in Iona. Cisterns were also one of his professions in which he made many in the area, some still in use today (1982). All of the butchering was done on the farm, as was the processing of the meat. He was very active into his late 70s. He passed away in Aprl 1957 at the age of 86.

Lena was a housewife all her life, as the mother of 13 children, in a 2-room house with no modern appliances or conveniences, it was a full time job butshe always had time to make you a cup of coffee or help someone in need. She passed away in Sept. 1964 at the age of 84. Both are buried in the Lutheran Cementery Chandler, MN.

Of the 13 children born to John and Lena, 7 survived. They are Clofford, Iona-Rose (Mrs. Roy Spencer)L.A. calif – Andrew, L.A. Calif. – Ruby (Mrs Gene Donavan) L.A. Calif. – Lorayne (Mrs. Kenneth Quaintance) Slayton, Helen (Mrs. Bos Van Eck) Lake Wilson and Gordon (Wally) Iona.

The deceased are ( and addresses at time of death) Anna (Mrs. Ludvig Gunderson) Chandler – Louis (never married) Iona, Benhardt (L.A.Calif) – Joseph Iona – Evelyn (Mrs. Ray Klein)alton, Iowa – Orville (Donnie) Iona.

(Compiled by Gordon W. Dysthe, Iona, MN.)

1864/ Martin Dahl was born at Toten, Norway in 1860, the son of Andrew and Karen Dahl, and came with his parents and two brothers Christian and Nesl, in 164 toWisconson, and later to Sioux City, Iowa, where they obtained land. Four-year old Marin hated the small round hat he was forced to wear, so into the ocean it went. He never forgot the rsulting humiliating punishment, when his mother made him wear a kerchiel on his head.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dahl with three sons Martin, Carl and Bernard, took a homestead in Norma Township, Barnes County. Andrew and two sons returned to Iowa, while Mrs. Dahl and Bernard stayed on in Norma Township farm to maintain their “rights”.

Mrs. Dahl died in 1884, and the two boys stayed on the farm. Martin Dahl married Agnette Hanson, the daughter of Karen Anderson, who came with her mother from Ringsaker, Norway in 1876 to Fillmore County, Minnesota, and then to Barnes County, Dakota territory. Karen Anderson filed on a claim near Eastedge, North Dakota. Pioneer life was hard for the widow, she walked from Eastedge to Valley City and return, carrying wheat to be ground into flour. Karen died in 1928. her daughter worked in Valley City until her marriage to Martin Dahl. They lived in Valley City for a short time, then went to Norma Township where they farmed. Later they returned to Valley City where Martin ran a wood yard. They buuildt the family home which still stands (1982), and raised a family og eight sons and a daughter.

The daughter, Hilma, died in 1900, and two sons , Edgar and Edwin, died in infancy. August, Manuel, Adolf, Melvin, Kembel and Harvey grew to manhood. Manuel died of the “flu” in an army camp during World War I. August married Minnie Fredrickson, and they had six children: Julian (deceased), Marvin, Rolland, Mildred, Doris and Ronald. August died in 1969. Adolf married Clara Christenson, and they had one son, Robert,. Melvin married Bertha Hoffman. They raised two children, Vernon and Janet. Kembel married Laurel Kuecks. Their family consisted of four sons: Kenneth (deceased), Kembel,Jr, Erling and Francis. Harry and Selma Holter were married in 1924. Their family was four sons and two daughters: Ernest, who died in infancy, Donald, Gordon, Beverly, Larry and Dorothy. This family moved to Minnesota in 1936.

Bernard lived with the Martin Dahl family until he married.

Mr. and Mrs. Dahl and Mrs. Dahl`s mother rembered and recalled the rigors of ioneer days. Hard work and frugality were the key to their independence. We would hope some of the fortitude and hardness of those pioneers would be part of our make-up and heritage.

1895/xxx? Peder Chistianson was born in Toten, Norway Desember 31, 1893. he came to America on May 25, 1895 and worked as a farm labourer. He became a U.S. citizen September 13, 1937

1896/xx? Magda Olson was born in Toten;Norway, March 5. 1878. She came to America in August 1896, with Peder Christianson`s parents, because she was engaged to marry Peder. They married Desember 23, 1896.

Peder and Magda Christianson homesteaded one mile west of Fingal. They lived in a two-room house where seven of fheir children were born. In 1912 they built a new home, which is now ( 1980) the Robert Schlegel-home.They farmed west of Fingaluntil the late 1930`s at which time they retired and moved into Fingal, ND. In 1956 they moved to Valley City, ND. Magda died January 19, 1958, and Peder died April 3, 1958.

To this union eight children were born: Clara, Julia, Hjalmar, Harold, Lilly, Victor, Olga and Wilfred.

Clara was born May 14.1898. She married Albin Nelson November 2.1915. They had five children, four daughters living and one son who was killed in action in World War II. Clara died March 2. 1926.

Julia was born March 2, 1900. She married Alfred Torgerson November 20, 1919. They had two children, Milton and Dorothy, who are living in Washington state. Julia died January 15.1975 at age 74.

Hjalmar was born April 7, 1902. He married Carla Hendrickson March 27, 1926. They had one child, Joyce, living in Fargo, ND. Hjalmar died March 21.1976.

Harold was born April 14, 1904. He married Cora Fjeld June 2, 1926. They had two sons, Harold Jr. and Forrest, both living in Minnesota. Harold died March 10, 1967

Lilly was born Febryary 14, 1906. She married Emil Anderson April 11, 1925. They had three children, one deceased, a daughter, Lois living in Fargo, ND and a son Donald, living at Denver CO.

Victor was born January 7, 1909. He married Vivian Walters October 6, 1933, They had nine children, seven daughters and two sons: Violet, Verna, Victoria and Verlyn living in Valley City, Nd; Verlaun, Minot, ND; Vernette, Fargo, ND; Valeria, Sheldon ND. Vernon and Vincent live in California, Victor died on Desember 25, 1961.

Violet, the first born,(now Violet Thorsland) is a widow and resides at 1130 6th St. in Valley City, NDShe has four children – Cynthia (Mrs. Alan Christl) lives in Fingal, where sha and her husband farm. They have one son Brian and a daughter Kathie Jo. - Claudia (Mrs. Joe VadnieI lives in Moorland, MN, where her husband is employed at Post Office. They have one daughter Jody. – hristi (Mrs. Dennis Killorn) lives in Buffalo, ND, where her husband is employed at the elevator. _ Carey and Chad are at home and still in school.

Verna (Mrs. Leonard Anderson) lives at 641 12th St. NW in Valley City, her husband is a carpenter for Nielson Construction. They have one son, Rick, who lives in Valley City,ND and is employed at McCurley`s as a car salesman.

Verlaun (Mrs. Leonard Anderson) lives at 805 5th St. N.W in Minot,ND. Her husband is manger of Star Banner Station. They have four children, RaNae, Randy, Rod and Richie all at home.

Vernette ( Mrs. James Maus) resides at 1742 14!/2 St. South in Fargo, ND. Her husband works for the City of Fargo. They have three children: Scott, Steven,and Starr, all at home.

Valeria (Mrs. Clifford Salzwedell) lives in Sheldon ND, where her husband is employed at the Post Office. They have three children: Tammi, Trudie and Timothy, all at home.

Vincent and his wife (the former Doris Fredrickson) resided in 1100 Clovelly Lane, Burlingame, CA. Vincent is employed at the psot office and Doris works as a secretary. They have one daughter, Kim, at home.

Vicki (Mrs. Allan Johnson) lives at 717 12th St. N.W. Valley City, where Allan is employed eith the Farmers Union. They have two children, Danny and Darcy, both at home.

Verlynn lives at 235 North Central Avenue in Valley City. She worjs at the Rudolf Hotel and she is single.

Vernon ( Verlynn`s twin brother) loves at 798 Post Street in San Fransisco, CA. he works for Civil Service and he, too is single.

This Chistianson family lived in Fingal, ND until 1955 when they moved to Valley City. Victor was employed at the rendering Plant in Valley City and Vivian worked at the Sheyenne manor.

Victor died on Desember 25, 1961 and Vivian, now retired, loves at Sky Line Villa in Valley City.

Olga was born September 17, 1910. She married Steve Loibl November 15, 1928. They had three children: Eldon, living in Valley City, ND; Mavis living in rural Valley City, ND, and Maynard living in McVille, ND. Steve died October 20, 1966.

Wilfred, the youngest child of Peder and Magda, was born October 26, 1917 and died on his 23rd birthday, October 26, 1940.

The Christianson family were members of the Fingal Lutheran Church in Fingal. Magda was a member of the ladies aid for over 60 years.

1871 Hans Nilsen er født på Vestre Toten den 16.februar 1843, av foreldrene Nils Røstøen og Karen, født Kristiansen Berga. I 1867 blev han gift med Marta Marie Martinsen Steffensrud. Hun er født 1.august 1842. I 1871 utvandret han til Amerika og kom til Brownsville den 4. juli, kom så til Winnebago township, hvor han kjøpte farm og drev som farmer indtil 1901. Han solgte da farmen til sin søn og bor her i utkanten av byen. Hans søn Claus er født 1867 og kom sammen med sine foreldre til Minnesota. For nogen år siden solgte også Claus Nilsen sit og foreldrenes første hjem her i landet og kjøpte igjen en stor farm av Lars Smerud i Wilmington township, hvor han fremdeles bor (1920)

1866/xxx Kristian Thomson Knatterud og hustru Karine fra Toten, Norge samt deres 5 barn, nemlig Johanne, Teoline, Petra, og guttene Hans og Martinus. Ankommen til Chicago blev Teoline skilt fra foreldre og søsken, idet hun blev tilbudt pass hos en farmer i Evanston, Illinois, som hun mottok og blev hos denne familie en tid. Det var tunge dage, siger hun, at skilles fra foreldre og søsken i et fremmed land, blant fremmede folk der talte et fremmed sprog som hun ikke forstod et ord av i førstningen. Men hun holdt ut, da der var anledning til at tjene litt penge og likeså at lære landets sprog, trods at hun mang en natt gråt sig i søvn de første ukene her.

Hennes foreldre og søsken fortsatte da reisen og kom til Houston county, hvor han en tid etter kjøpte land i Town of Wilminton. Krsitian Thomson Knatterud døde i 1874, mens Karine levde i mange år etter mannens død. Barna ble spredt på følgende steder: Johanna ble gift med skolelærer Halvor A. Lee og bodde i Wilmington. Begge døde for flere år siden.

Hans ble gift med Lovise, født Bergerud, og kjøpte farmen av Ole C. Stenerodden, men også begge disse døde for flere år siden.

Teoline er gift med Chas Hoegh.

Martinus er gift med marie, født Hendriksen, og er farmer ved Flora, N.Dak.

Petra ble gift med en svensk gut, der døde etter noen års lykkelig ekteskap og etterlot seg to kjekke gutter. Disse flyttet for en to,tre år siden til Spokane, Wash, hvortil moren også er flyttet.

Mala, født her i landet, ble gift med D.D. Duale og bor i Spring Grove.

1880 Wilhelm Narum fra Toten utvandret i 1880 og kom til Wilmington, hvor han det meste av tiden har oppholdt seg. Hans forekdre, Even Narum og hustru Karine, kom også hit og bodde i Wilmington til sin død. Wilhelm ble gift med Mathilde, født Johnson, og kjøpte farmen etter avdøde skolelærer Halvor A. Lee og bor fremdeles der.

1858/ Peter Kristiansen Glæserud var født på Toten den 13. oktober 1846 og utvandret sammen med sine foreldre til Amerika i 1855 og kom i 1856 til Wilmington, hvor hans far kjøpte land og bosatte seg. I 1872 ble Peter gift med Sigrid, født Quale og flyttet da til Blackhammer. I deres ekteskap er følgende barn. Kristian, Julia, Peter, Theodor, Adolf, Edwin, Arthur, Wilhelm, Mathilde og Gjertrud. Den siste er død. Se i tillegg Glæseru- Glasrud family history. Kapittel 5 omtaler Peter Kristiansens etterkommere. Jeg har ikke sjekket om antall barn samsvarer.

Hans Christan Holje var også Totning, født 1872. Han ble gift med Marie der var kommen fra gården Gran og født ved Spring Grove, hvor de bodde til sin død.Deres barn er helmer, Peter, Pauline, der bor ved Spring Grove; Clara bor i La Crosse, Wis., Mathilde bor i hayfield, Minn, August bør i Clarissa, Minn.: Peder bor ved Flora,ND.; Carl bor ved Esmond, ND. Og Paul ved Elbow Lake, Minn.

1872 Christian Pedersen fra Toten utvandret med hustru og tre barn til Amerika og kom til Pring Grove som var deres bestemmelsessted. En sønn av dem var utvandret året forut. Christian Pedersen – som antok navnet Gran var født på selveierplassen Alosven i januar 1823 av foreldrene Peder Christiansen og hustru Johanne. Han ble døpt og komfirmert av pastor Stabel i Østre Toten. Han ble gift med Pernille Katrine, født Nøkleby. Hennes foreldre var Christian Hansen og hustru Anna. Hun var født i 1825, døpt og konfirmert av pastor Galsjøth i Vestre Toten. I deres ekteskap var 8 barn, hvorav 4 er døde i ung alder. De som lever er følgende: Peder Anton Gran, gift med Katrine Skaalby og bosatt i Town of Jefferson, Minn., hvor han driver som farmer. Deres barn er: Claus gift med Kristine Olsen, er farmer. De har tre barn. Her slutter kopiene med s. 405 i Nybyggerhistorie fra Spring grove.

1868/71 Paulson – Fredrichstad

Martin Paulson was born May 29. 1852 in Toten,Norway. His parents were Olina og Fredrick Fredrickstad.

He came to America in 1867, after the death of both of his parents at the age of 15 years.

Two sisters Andrena Towey and Paulina Anderson and a half sister Marie Kasberg had come to America before him. He lived with his half sister Marie Kasberg for the first seven years in America near LaCrosse Wisconsin. Later he lived in Winona Minnesota with his sister Paulina Anderson and worked in a foundry as a fireman.

June 12, 1878, he was married to Ingeborg Smestad of Highland Prairie. She was born March 15, 1859 and came from Esvold, Norway with her parents in 1867 and had lived near Wilmington south of Spring Grove Minnesota. Later they moved to a farm on Highland Prairie.

Martin Paulson and his wife lived on a farm on Highland Prairie, six of their nine children were born. In 1894, they moved to a farm one half mile east of Lenora, Minnesota. He bought additional land until he owned 291 acres and built fine farm buildings. In 1906, he built a large brick house which is still there. This house was first in the area to have acetylene gas lights. These lights later were found to be impratical and their use discontinued.

Mr. and Mrs. Paulson were members of the Garnes Evangecal Luthern Church near Newberg Minnesota, and both were buried in the cemetery there.

Mrs. Paulson passed away after long illness on Nov. 20, 1913. Mr. Paulson continued to live on the farm until the time of his death July 10, 1932, while first Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McMillen (Petra, his daughter) then (his son) Clarence and his wife and later his son Edwin and his wife operated the farm. After the death of Mr. Paulson, the farm was sold.

(From a report prepared by Esteher McMillen in 1971)

Familie kontakt: Lois Harris Hussey, 14205 &0th Ave NE, Bothell,

WA 98011-5014 Dattersønn av Martin Pedersen

1880/123 Jonetta Andersdatter Odegaard was bor non July 25, 1871, the second child to Andreas and Mathea Udalsronningen. She starte working out when she was 9 years old. Before her marriage she did housework and was a choregirl. She married Stener M. Olsen on Desember 28, 1891. He was a native and a logger from Snertingdalen.

Martha was born to this union on August 28, 1892. They left Norway and immigrated to Rutland in the spring of 1893. They arrived on May1. with only a trunk and a few cents at the depot in Rutland. They walked one mile west and ¾ mile south to Pete Stua`s place, Stener`s brother. That summer and fall they lived with and workes for a bachelor by the name of Ludvik Falk. It was a real eye-opener for the younf Jonetta. Mr. Falk kept his chicken in the house and there was chicken manure on the floor and in the cupboards and in the dishes and everywhere. She used a spade to clean the floor! They received §35 and a small steer for their work and later that fall they homesteded 3 172 miles north of Rutland.

Martin Adolph was born at that homestead on May 16, 1894. Stener died on September 18, 1896. He was buried at East Nordland Cemetery near Rutland. Jonetta was left with two small children and she continued to care for the farm. Jonetta was also midwife, cared for the ill, and prepared the dead for burial..

After being widowed for four years, she married Peder Naum in 1900 at Peder`s farm on the west side of Silver Lake. Peder was born on March 25, 1861 in Toten, Norway. He immigrated when he was 19 to Eau Claire, WI where he worked for a farmer. He then worked at a brickyard in Minneapolis. After a year, he moved to Rutland and homesteaded.

Peter married Clara Evenson in 1888. They had known each other in Norway. Peder and Clara had five children: Johannes(John) was born in 1889 and died of tuberculois in 1902, Anne was born in 1891 and died of tuberculosis in 1910, Edwin was born in 1893 and died in 1908, also of tuberculosis. Leonard was born in 1896, Clara was born when her mother died in childbirth in 1898. Clara was raised by her aunt, Mrs. Even Dyste.

Peder and Jonetta had four children: Josephine, Johannes(John), Olaf Edgar and Harold. Harold was 7 when he fell from a haystacker he was playing on. He died from the accident.’ Jonetta went back to Norway and visited in 1920. Peder died at the age of 73 in 1934. Jonette remained on the farm with John and Olaf Edgar until she moved to Rutland in 1938-39. Then she returned to the farm and lived with John. In the fall of 1946 they moved to Rutland. She died there in 1958. Jonatta and Pder are buried at the South Trinity Cementery near Forman.

Kontaktperson Danene McLaen, 13839 99 st.SE, Havana ND 58043-9728

1904/65 Adolf Antonsen Mathisen was born at Fladerudhagen. He changed his name to Mathisen on arrivel to USA. He immigrated on the ship”Angelo when he was 16 years old.

His named is found on the passengerlist of April 29, 1904.

He married Elin Serafia Qvist. She came from Bannekind, Ostergotland, Sweden . She was born Nov. 23, 1887.

They had 9 children: Helen Alma, James Adolph, Charles Fredicks, Leroy Franklin, Floyd (tip) Enmon, Donald Edward, George Morris, Edward Clayton and Harold Theophile.

Family contact person is. Karen L. Mathison, 11108 W. Lapham St., West Allis WI 53214, USA.

1888/127 Mathias Oscar Evensen/ Matteson, sønn til Even Matteson fra Østre Toten og kona Birte Olsdtr. fra Stange, Norge født 1869 utvandret til Illinois og giftet seg 26. desember 1881 i Sycamore, dekalo, ILL.

1908/ ? Marta(Martha) Antonsdtr ( Mathison)ble født på Fladerudhagen i Vestre Toten den 8. juni 1894 og døde i mai 1964 i Benson, Swift Co. MN. Hun ble gift med Bror Gust Swanson fra Hellestad, Norrkoping, Sverige den 30. august 1913 i Sycamore, Dekalo, ILL.

De fikk 7 barn:

Ethel (8.april 1914), Ray (23.desember 1915), Robert (8.sept. 1917), Elmer (23.okt.1919)

Mervin (22.april 1922), Elvera (22.november 1924), Floyd ( 13. mars 1931).

They farmed in Illinois and Minnesota. Gust quit farming in 1933 to do livestock trucking

1906/162 Amalie Antonsdtr ( Mathison) was born 12 des. 1884 at Dalby in Kolbu, Vestre Toten, Norway. She died15. jan. 1961 in Sycamore, Dekalo ca. ILL. And is buried at Elmwood Cementr, Sycamore, Dekalo Co. Ill. She left from Oslo on the ship “Romeo” 18.May 1906, destination Mapie Park, Il.

She married Wilbur W.Cain from Noble Co., Ohio 14.Des. 1907 in Dekalo. Wilbur was born 1. Sept. 1877 and died 1. Jan. 1945 in Cortland Twp. Dekalo Co. Ill. They had three children:

Adrin ( 15.Nov.1912, Cortland), Joseph Harmon ( 15. Febr. 1945, Cortland) and Bertha Amelia ( 14. July 1917, Sycamore)

1900/40 Martin Mathison was born 22 May 1882 at Dalby,Kolbu, Vestre Toten, Norway and died 2. March 1967 in Capron, Bodne Co. Illinois. He is buried at Highland Garden of memories, belvidere, Bodne Co. Ill.

He married Anna M. Anderson 23. Febr. 1910 in Marple Park, Kane Co, Ill. She was born 28.Aug. 1889 in York, Ill. They had 2 children: Violet Avis (23.Jul. 1911 in Genoa, Dakala Co.Ill.) and George ( 19. Aug. 1921 in Clontarf, Swift Co.Mn)

Martin and Anna farmed near Genoa, Ill when first married. Then they operated a general store in Cortland, Il. They moved to Mn in 1916 in order to farm. Then in 1926 they returned to Illinois to farm in the popular Grove and Capron, Il. area.

Martin came to USA in 1900 from Vestre Toten on the ship ”Montebello”. He left Oslo 18.May, destination Chicago. He was then 18 year old.

1867/24 John Matteson (Hans Mattiasssen) was born 14 Dec. 1846 at Groset, Ostre Toten, Norway and died 8. Febr. 1914 in CortlandDekalb Co. Ill. He married Klara Josephine Olson.

3. febr. 1906. (1905/145) She was born 23. Okt. 1889 at Engle in Kolbu, Vestre Toten, Norway and died 19. March 1956 in Trinidad, Co.They had 2 children John Theodore (10.Jan. 1909, Cortland Ill.) and Myrtle Genevieve (29. Oct. 19908, Cortland Ill.)

Klara Josephine Olsen left from Vestre Toten (Oslo) 23. June 1905 on the ship “Angelo” to go to Maple Park. She was 16 years old.

John came to USA at age about 22 in 1867/68.and located near Oswego, Kendal Co. Ill.

In 1873 he married Mathilda at Genova, Kane Co. Ill. And moved to Cortland and farmed there until about 1883. He moved to Town of Cortland in 1903. John was a member of Cortland Village Board and he died of heart failure. John was named Hans but changed to John.

1910/151-153 Mathea Evanson/Engeli født 30.juni 1859. Hun reiste med skipet”Eskimo” 1910 til sin datter i Illinois. Hun var mor til var mor ti etterfølgende personer:

Marte født 1880, giftet seg med Johan Antonsen 24. mars 1903 og døde 1903 I Norge


Ole Jakob Olsen Engeli(Ensrud) reiste fra Vestre Toten i 1903. Han var 18 år og skredder. Han reiste med ”Montebello” til Maple Park,Il.

1906/45 Klara Josefine født 23.okt. 1889 på Engle, Kolbu i Vestre Toten, utvandret fra Vestre Toten (Oslo) i 23. juni 1905 med skipet ”Angelo” til Maple Park Ill.(18 år gammel), og giftet seg i 3. februar i Cortland, Dekalb Co. Ill. med John Matteson.(1867/24) Hun døde 19. mars 1956 i Trinidad, Ill

1908/41 Hannah Matilda ble født 30. juni 1893 på Engle , Kolbu i Vestre Toten. Hun reiste sammen med Sina Mathison i juni 1908 fra Christiania med skipet ”Montebello” til Maple Park,Il.. Hun var 14 år. Hun døde i Chicago, Cook Co. Ill.

1910/152 Sigurd Ludvick født 10. februar 1898

1910/153 Thore(Dora) ble født 3. mai 1900

Sara døde ung og en baby gutt døde også ung.

Kontaktperson: Karen L. Mathison, 11108 W Lapham st., West Allis WI 53214, USA

1904/34 Martin Christiansen Berg født 8. juli 1884 på Grevløs I Vestre Toten. Han giftet seg 13. mars 1907 i Canton, South Dakota med Freda Bertine Newman født 30. mai 1887 i Worthing, SD. Han døde 13. July 1967 i Preeceville, Saskatchewan, Canada. Hun døde 25. nov. 1965 samme sted. De fikk en datter: Inga Bertine Berg 5. sept. 1909 i Hoquiam, Washington. Hun giftet seg Joseph Henry Brown 18. juli 1935 i Endeavour, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Kontaktperson: Margaret Krutz Box 7, Endeavour Sk. Canada SOA OW


From the beautiful mountains of Norway to the little black mounds of earth left by moles on the Canadian prairies must be stretching the limits of imagination. I can only imagine the heartache of parets as they watched their children leave for another country, knowing they were seeing them for the last time.

My Great Grandmother Inge Marie Christiansdtr Berg was born on the large farm of Berg in Oppland County, Vestre Toten Norway. Her brother Hans would inherit the family farm so her sons must look elsewhere for land. The green fields and abundant land of America beckoned and one by one they left. Her youngest child Martin(My Grandfather) left in 1904 for South Dakota where her step-sons and older sons had settled.

Martin first found employment on the farm of a German couple. He had learned German in school in Norway and now learned English with this family. He was involved with the Luteran church in Canton South Dakota and it was at a practice for the Christmas program that he met a lovely younf girl with long reddish-brown hair and a shy smile. So began a friendship that lasted only till Bertha Larsons Foster Father found out about it. Bertha`s Mother, from Fosnes Norway, had died at Canton S.D. when Bertha was born and Bertha had been taken in by neighbours and raised there till she was eleven years old. At this time her Foster Mother died and she was taken by a married foster sister as this was what she wanted. Her new Foster Father was a very hard drinking man and life for Bertha was not easy from then on.

Martin went to Hoquiam Washington at this time, where his older brother Kristian had purchased a store. Before he left, he and Bertha became engaged. Bertha now went to live with her Father. She ended up sending the Sherriff for her trunk as her Foster father wouldn`t give her her belongings. Martin returned in the early spring of 1907 and he and Bertha were married on March 13. Bertha signed her real name Freda Newman, for the first time on her marriage certificate. This was also the first time that her foster cousins knew of her real relationship to them.

Martin and Bertha started to farm at Harrisburg S.D. They built a new barn, bought some livestock and planted a crop. Bertha`s Grandmother came to live with them. They were still active in the Canton Lutheran Church. Her Foster Mother had sent a gift of silverware when she heard they were married. One Sunday at Church, her Foster Father came to them with tears in his eyes, wished them well and asked them home to dinner.

Martins Brother Ingvold (1903/33) came to spend some time with them that summer. Bertha remembered that Ingvold was making doughnuts the day that Martin and Bertha`s first child was born in 1908. Ingvold left shortly after this and was never heard of again. A tornado hit their little farm that summer, destroying their new barn and crops, and killing some of their livestock. Martin and Bertha left South Dakota to return to Hoquam, Washington where Martin would work for his brother again.

They left late in November and spent Christmas day in alittle hotel in Omaha Nebraska where they were served a tiny little chicken each, for dinner, which was so tough they couldn`t eat it.

They bought a small house in Hoquaim, which Martin completely remodelled. Their second child was born here in September. On Christmas Eve 1909, Martin was out on a bicycle delivering groceries. As he passed his house he noticed a strange buggie in front of it. Bertha came running out crying “ Clarence is dead”. The Dr. assured them Clarence wasn`t dead, he`d had a seizure. He had to be watched very closely from then on as any fever would result in another sezure. These stopped as suddenly as they had started when he was nine years old.

In 1912 Martin traded their house in Hoquaim for five acres of land way out in the country. They built a two room house on it and Martin went to work in the logging camps. In Ferbrary it was decided that Bertha should go and stay at Alma, their closest town, until after the birth of their forth child. Wanting to have her work done before she left, she washed clothes and hung to dry on lines strung up across the room. She and the children caught a ride to Alma on the Railroad hand car. Late that night Bertha had aknock on her hotel room door. It was Martin, who had walked all the way to town to tell her their house and all their belongings had burned. He had managed to save the hundred year old Grandfather clock and the sewing machine.

They retned a house in Alma and Martin continued to work in the logging camp. A friend from South Dakota came to visit and sewed new clothes for all of them. Later in the summer they traded their five acres for a house in Hoquaim. This was a beautiful house that they were very happy in. Martin again worked for his brother at “ The Golden Rule Dept. Store”.

Bertha`s father Philip Newman had taken out a homestead in Canada and his letters encouraged them to come to Canada too. They decided to try for one week to sell their house. If it sold in that time they would go to Canada, if not they`d stay in Hoquaim. Their house sold the next day. They packed up what was important to them, along with what they would need on the way, thinking they would replace everything when they got to Canada. They left Washington early in 1917 and arrived at Preeceville Saskatchewan in March. They wore what they considered were warm winter clothes and the people who met them said wasn`t it lucky they arrived on such a warm day! They thought they were freezing to death! One of the children sterted to cry “ I don`t want to walk on the sugar”, the children had never seen snow before.

They found themselves in a little two-room log cabin, the walls papered with newspapers eith none of the amenities they had been used to in the city. Life here was very hard. Martin had to clear land to plant a crop and theyneeded a garden to grow food. There were so many things they needed; machinery, tools, horses, cows and some chickens. They were afraid their chickens would freeze to death the next winter, so they kept them in the attic of their little house. Bertha was so embarrassed when they had company and the rooster began to crow. She felt better when the women told her that was very sensible.

Martin continued to work in the Logging camps in the winter leaving Bertha and the children alone on the homestead. One winter they lived on oatmeal prepared in all manner of ingenious ways as they had run out of flour and she had no money to buy any. Martin found all the cheques ha had sent to “ Freda Berg” still in the post office when he returned in the spring. The neighbour had asked for Bertha or “Martin Bergs`s” mail.

Life on the prairies was never easy. There were limited ways to earn money; cut firewood, milk cows and sell cream, keep chickens and sell eggs, or raise pigs. Martin and Bertha did all of these things. They had a large family, nine children. One died of complications from whooping cough in 1927. Bertha`s Faster who was living in a little house in their yard at that time, died just a short time later.

Martin had cut logs and built them a very nice, two story house about 1920. They had a large cow barn and a big separate barn for the horses. They had worked hard to get a school built in the community and the teacher often boarded at their place. The only Lutheran Church was many miles away and the road between them and the church was only possible when conditions were favourable. Their large Pump-organ was one of the things they had brought with them from Washington and it was the centre of their lives. Church services were held by visiting Ministers in their front parlour with either Bertha or the oldest daughter Inga, playing the organ for the many hymns that were sung during the evening. It also provided entertainment for the many house-parties that were held in their home as the children grew older. There were many other instruments added as the years passed; a violin, accordion, banjo, guitar and mouth-organ. Music always filled the house.

In 1945 they sold the homestead to the next-door neighbours and moved to a farm beside the North Prairie Lutheran Church, which they rented from their daughter-in-law`s brother. In 1948 they bought lots in the town of Preeceville. Their son-in-law, Henry Brown, who was a teacher, had at one time built a portable building that he had used at a school where there was so teacherage. Each wall, the floor and the roof were a separate piece and the whole thing was hauled to where it was needed, on a hay rack, then bolted together to make a snug little one-room cottage. Martin and Bertha moved this little house to town and built on a bedroom and pantry. They lived in this while they were building their house on the adjacent lot. After they moved into their new house, they sold the lot with the little portable house to a Painter who used it for a studio.

Martin and Freda(Berta) spent their retirement years in their new house overlooking their garden and the Assinaboin Rivenr. They had Many hobbies, chief og which were making quilts and reading. They had acar and drove for several years but Martin had diabetes (as did five of his children) and ill health forced him to quit driving.

Martin died in 1967 at his home and was buried in North Prairie Lutheran Cementery. Bertha lived alone for several years, then she sold the house and moved to a Senoiors Apartment. She died in the Preeceville Hospital shortly after this in Nov. 1975. Bertha (Freda) Berg is also buried in the North Prairie Cementery as are her father, Philip Newman, their daughter Lillian and their son Clarence Berg who died in 1973.

By: Margaret Brown Krutz. 1995

1903/33 Ingvald Berg?


1871/213-14 (1871/24)Hans Christian Jacobson, farmer, born 27.Nov. 1838 at Lae, Ostre Toten, Oppland County, Norway, died 1. dec. 1901 in Christiania, Dane County, Wisconsin.Married 17.Jan 1872 to Johanne Olsdtr. Born 30. July 1855 at Skjefstad, Ostre Toten, Oppland County, Norway, died 3. Nov. 1945 in Cambridge, Wisconsin.

Johanne utvandret April 15. 1871

They got 9 children:

Julia Jacobsen, born 13. Sept. 1872 in Christiania, Dane County, WI , died 15. Oct. 1961 In Richland center, WI

Helmer Oscar Jacobsen, born 22. May 1874, in Christiania, Dane County, WI, died 17. July 1877 at the same place.

Olive Josephine Jacobsen, born 13. May 1876 in Christiania, Dane County, WI, died same place 11.dec. 1877

Oscar Jakobsen born 2. sept. 1877 in Christiania, Dane County, WI, died 4. Sept. 1933 same place.

John Cornelius Jacobsen, born 16. Apr. 1882 in Christiania, Dane County, WI and died 28. July 1968

Herman N. Jacobsen born 3. March 1885 in Christiania, Dane County, WI, married 3. March 1907, died 6. June 1955 all at same place.

Hilda Josephine Jacobsen 26. Aug. 1888 in Christiania, Dane County, WI and died 22. June 1974 in Hartford, Connecticut.

Ella Rosela Jacobsen born 4. Apr. 1892 in Christiania, Dane County, WI and died 9. July 1911 at the same place

Alice Marion Jacobsen born 24. May 1897 in Christiania, Dane County, WI and died 10. Apr. 1978 in Stoughton, Wisconsin

From History of Dane County 1880:

Hans C. Jacobsen, farmer, Sec.10: P.O. Cambridge was born in Norway in 1839 and emigrated to Dane County, Wis. With his parents in 1853. They located in town of Christiania, where they afterwards died. Mr. Jakobsen settled on a farm on Sec 35, town of Deerfield in 1863 and made that his home til 1872 when he bought a farm of 239 ¼ acres on Sec. 10, town of Christiania. He enlisted in Co. I 49th W.V.I in February 1865 under Col. Fellows of Milwaukee and served with his regiment in the Army of the West, until mustered out at BentonBarracks in October 1865. He was married in Christiania in 1872 to Miss Johanna Olson, a native of Norway, who came to Wis. In 1870. Their children are Julia and Oscar. Mr. Jacobsen was amember of the Town Board one term. ( From Merlin H. Jacobsen grandson).

1853 /?? Ole Jakob Hansen and Guri Larsdatter Alfstadeie ( Hans C. Jacobsen`s parents)

They had an other child: Nicoline Marie Olsdtr., Jacobsen

“ The distinguished Knute Nelson married a Toten girl.

A recent note from our Totenlag brother, Les Tobiassen in Cottage Grove, Oregon, informed me that the first Norwegian-born immigrant to be elcted to high political office in the USA, namely Knute Nelson, was married to a Toten girl, Nicoline Jacobsen. Les said that the book “ Scandinavian Moses” written by Erling Rolfsrud of Fergus Falls, Minnesota tells about that. So I read the book --- and Les is right. In brief, Knute Nelson was born in Evanger near Voss, Norway in 1843, came to USA as a child with his mother and settled in Koshkonong, Wisconsin. Knute fought in the US Civil War, returned to study law with a lawyer in Madison, Wisconsin, then went into practice there. He met and married Nicoline Jacobsen from Deerfield, Wisconsin, who was a Toten girl who had come to America at age 6 with her parents. Their marriage was in 1868, just a couple of months after Knute had been elected to the Wisconsin Assembly. Knute served there with distinction for several terms before he saw fit to move his law practice to Alexandria, Minnesota, where he had a good friend working in a busy land office. Before long Minnesotans perceived Knute to be just the right man for governor. He was elected, served two terms, then went to the US senate where he served five terms, praised throughout by the members on both sides of aisle. Nicoline died in 1922 at age 76, Knute died in April 1923.

For me it was a refreshing experience to read of this man of such integrity and good will at this particular time when so many men in high office are being rejected, or are resigning because of serious doubts as to their ethical qualifications for office. I consider Knute Nelson a really great public servant – a great man.(LJO)

1871/213-214-24 ? Johanne Olsdatter Skjefstadeie born 30.July 1855 at Skjefstadeie, Ostre Toten. Emigrated in 1871, died 3. Nov. 1945 in Cambridge, Wisconsin

Father: Ole Jensen Skjefstadeie, Mother: Helene Andersdtr.

1866/12 Lars og Karen Fredrickson

( Letter from Helen Ann Nelson, 308 W.Walnut, Sacred Heart, Minnesota 56285 i 1997)

Lars and Karen Fredrickson were among the respected pioneers who came here to settle on the prairie and face the hardships of more than a hundred years ago. Lars Fredrickson was born I Ostre Toten, Norewau June 7.1849, son of Fredrick and Marie Balke. With his parents, brother Martin and Marie Balke, he emigrated to America at the age of 17, crossing the ocean in a sailboat which took seven weeks to make the voyage. There were many deaths on the voyage. The family settled in Koshkonong, Wisconsin June 19. His older brother, Ole (1853/108), had come to Wisconsin with an aunt earlier and he enlisted in the 15th Wisconsin Volunteers. Ole lost his eyesight during the Civil War. In 1871 Lars came with his parents to Sacred Heart, Minnesota territory. At the age of 22 he secured an 80 acre komestead in Sacred Heart Township – three miles east of the village of Sacred Heart as it is now. His father and Martin also khomesteaded nearby. Land was wild prairie grass and no trees. Later he bought his father`s and Martin`s homestead and in 1907 the Braun farm was 160 acres in Wang Township.

On June 13. 1887 Lars was united in marriage to Karen Shirlee, who like himself was atwin and had also emigrated from Norway. They had eight children:

Emma (Mrs. Ben Huzing) with children Odean, Kenneth, Doris, Harry and Jeanette

Fred who did not marry.

Minnie (Mrs. Ole Haug) with children Kathleen, June and Orion.

Johanna (Mrs. Harold A. Haug) with children Blanche, Janet, Harold and Barbara.

Twins, Clara ( died at 18 years of age) and Ludwig (married Inez rice) with children Margery and Richard.

Edwin (married Rose Bue) with daughter Karen

Oscar (marriet harriet Halkestad) with children Robert, James, Thomas and David.

Lars Fredrickson died July 30, 1937; Karen died January 7, 1950.

1866/11 Martin Fredrickson, a prosperous farmer in Hawk Creek Township, Renville Township, Minnesota was born in Toten, Norway September 20. 1844 to Frederick O * and Mary (Larson)Balka, farmers living in Norway. In 1866 the family moved to America, coming over in a sailing vessel the trip taking a little over six weeks. There were 4 children in the family – Martin, Lars, Mary and Ole. But Ole had already come to America before the Civil War and had enlisted in the Fifteenth Wisconsin Volunteers and had served in the war. He lived in Lengby, Polk County, Minnesota. In 1971 Martin moved with his parents to Renville County, Minnesota and located on a homestead in Sacred Heart Township. Martin married Lena Lee (born in Norway April 22, 1852 and emigrated with parents John and Carrie Lee)

Later Martin located in Hawk Creek Township. Six children were born to this union:

Carl John married Selma Mathison, they had 2 sons: Morris and Ellsworth.

John died May 6. 1911 and Selma November 1. 1930.

Hilda married Mrs. J.C. Hanson got 1 son: Henry

Miller married Cora Seim and got 1 daughter: Margaret

Anne married Carl Moore and got 1 daughter Margaret



An older son, Gunder, had come first and located in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. He took his parents and the two younger children to Minnesota and homesteaded 11/2miles east of renville, Minnesota. This farm was named the Lee farm.

  • Frederick O and Marie Balka are buried at Our saviors Lutheran Church Cemetry in sacred Heart, Minnesota.

1869/376 Hans C. Listerud for many years a notable figure in renville County public life, was born in Toten, Norway, March 22, 1838. he was there reared, served in the army five years and as a youth learned the trade of gunsmith. In 1869 he came to America, and for a year lived in New Sweden, not far from St.Peter in Minnesota. It was in 1870 that he came to renville County and took homestead in Hawk Creek Township. He was elected to many offices locally, gradually winning the esteem and confidence of the voters of the whole county, and was elcted country-treasurer, a position he filled with honor and credit for 14 years. In 1910 he left the county and took a homestead near Wolf Point, Montana. He died there January 8, 1916 and was brought back to Sacred Heart, Minnesota for burial. Mr. Listerud was survived by his wife and eight children:

Mrs. A.C. Nedrud of Minot, North Dakota

Mrs. D.H. Schjoll of Sacred Heart, Minnesota

Peter Listerud of Minneapolis, Minnesota

John Listerud of Wolf Point, Montana

Bert Listerud of Sacred Heart, Minnesota

Mrs. Henry Urban of Wolf Point, Montana

Henry Listerud of Sawyer, North Dakota

Mrs. Morris Lund of Wolf Point, Montana

1868/140 August Rice was born June 12, 1841 in Toten, Norway. In 1868 he came to America making his way to St. Peter, Minnesota. On October 24, 1870 he married Rondena Swenson of St.Peter who had been born in Norway March 16, 1835. They reared a family of four children: Ole, John, Minnie and Sophia.

John Rice was born February 1, 1872. After buying a farm he married Ingeborg (Emma) samuelson who had been born March 31, 1876 to Andreas and Kjersten Christiansdater Samuelson. They had four children: Dora, Walter, George and Inez. They also raised a niece, Mildred.

Dora married John Grabow

Walter married Elsie Gummert

George married Gertrude Grabow

Inez married Ludvig Fredrickson

(Mildred married Arthur Anderson)

George Alfred Rice was born Desember 19, 1899 on his father, John`s farm. He married Gertrude Ida Grabow in 1924. They had three Children:

Joyce born April 9, 1925 married Warren Carlson and had 4 children; gary, Deborah, Graig and Sharon.

Kenneth born June 28, 1928 married Jane Myster and had 4 children: Jeffrey, Julie, Barbar and John.

Shirlee born August 11, 1933 married Donald Hegg and had 3 children: Kyle, Kari and Todd.

Gertude died April 21, 1945 and George married Elva (Schoening) Grabow on March 16. 1950.

1865/10 Ole Peterson and his family.

In Norway:

Here the names of the family-members were:

Husband: Ole Petersen Skaugerud, born Febr. 2nd, 1824

Wife: Karen Andersdtrs. Faarlund South, born May 5th, 1822.

Married: febr. 2nd. 1848 at Biliitt, Toten, Norway.

Children in Norway:

1. Peter Anton Olsen, b. Febr. 12th. 1850.

2. Martin Olsen born July 7th. 1857.

3. Berthe Marie Olsdtr. Born May 31. 1861.

They got their emigration papers May 6th, 1865.

In “America.”;

They arrived Henrytown, about ten miles south of Lanesboro, Fillmore County, Minn. The same year. There already was a Norwegian colony there, and one year later, Karen`s sister and her family joined the colony, too. Now the familyname was changed from Skaugerud to Peterson.

The name of the husband became Ole Peterson, and the eldest son changed his name to Peter A.O. Peterson.

In the spring 1869 the Peterson-family got a visitor from Norway. It was Lars Olsen Ramstad (Karen was his aunt) who had emigrated too.

Lars Olsen Ramstad was quite an adventurer, and in the spring 1870 he, the Peterson-family, Jens Sukkestad, Ole J. Nettum and Iver Knudson set off north-west to Becker County, Minn.

The journey was in no way witout risks, but on June 30, 1870 Ole and his eldest son, Peter A.O.Peterson both claimed land in Section 4 in Audubon Township, Becker County.

Peter A.O. Peterson has written a chapter in an old, interesting book called:” A pioneer History of Becker County”. But unfortunately he has not written anything about himself or his family. Neither has he told anything about the farm. And I should very much like to know about both the farm and the family.

But Peter has told in the book that his father, Ole Peterson, was the first to make a mortgage in Becker County. This was dated January 9th, 1872. The mortgage was made to Knut Nelson, and was for §200.

I only know that Peter A.O. Petersen in 1871 was working in Muskoda in Clay County on the railroad grade. And I should like to know much more.

1866/16 Haakon Anderson

In Norway:

Haagen Andersen Kjeldsrudstuen/Ørudstuen, born August 28th.1828 died Febr. 5th, 1914. He was son of Anders Henriksen and Helene Pedersdtr. He was a farmer. Married August 10th, 1850 to

Johanne Andersdtr. Faarlund South, born Nov. 13th, 1824, died Febr. 15th.????

Haagen and Johanne had 3 children in Norway:

1. Mads Haagensen Ørudstuen, born Febr. 4th, 1851.

2. Antonette Haagensdtr. Ørudstuen, born March 23rd, 1858, died Febr. 11th 189?

3. Berthe Helene Haagensdtr. Born Febr. 15th, 1863.

The Anderson-family got their emigration-papers April 13th, 1866. Johanne`s sister, Karen and family, had already emigrated, nearly a year before.

In “America”.

The Anderson-family went to Lanesboro, Fillmore County, Minn. Where a lot of other Norwegians already had settled. Specially the area round Henrytown was populated by a lot of Norwegian emigrants. Among them was Johanne`s sister, Karen Peterson, - as mentioned above. The family changed names to Anderson, and Haagen now called himself Haakon and Johanne became Johanna Forlund. I guess the children too were named Anderson.

I thought that Haakon bought land and had a farm, but I am probably wrong. In his obituary it says that he was a tailor.

The family lived in Henrytown, but at the end of his life, Haakon lived at a daughter`s in Harmony.

When Johanna died, Haakon married Mari, born April 4th,1846, died Aug. 25, 1912. It does not say if they had any children.

|The whole family is buried at Henrytown Lutheran Church Cementery, Lot 51.

Antonette Anderson married Ole Julius Elton (born dec. 21st, 1844, died July 31st, 1911) Ole was a farmer and both Antonette and he are buried at Henrytown Cementery.

They had the following children:

1. Mina Elton, born and died July 15th, 1875

2. Hilda Julie Elton, born Jan. 1st, 1877, died Aug. 26th, 1877

3. Melvin Elton, born March 4th, 1887, died march 8th, 1887

4. Henry Julius Elton born Aug. 19th, 1880, died Jan 13th, 1953.

5. Mrs. Anton Haug of Brodly, South Dakota.

6. Mrs. Martin Larsen of Preston Township, Fillmore County.

1879/33 Haakon Fredriksen Oppegaard

Possible names in the USA: Haakon Fredrikson, Haakon F. Oppegard, Haakon Oppegard.

In Norway:

Haagen Fredriksen Opppegaard was born Jne 25th, 1848 in eastern Toten, Norway.

His parents were Fredrik Johannesen Fjørkenstad nordra, and Marie Haagendtr. Fjørkenstad søndre. (søndre = south, nordre=north). They lived at Oppegaard north east, at a little place named Skreia, Eastern Toten community.

Haagen married December 4th, 1872 to Birthe Jensdtr. Faarlund south, born June 21th, 1844.

As haagn was number 3 of 4 children, he had no farm to inherit. Birthe was from a farm, too, but her brother was to inherit that farm.

Haagen was named as worker at the time he emigrated. Haagen and Birthe got 4 children in Norway, and 1 in “America” whom we know about.


1. Fredrik Haagensen, born April 12th, 1873, died January 1st, 1875.

2. Fredrik Haagensen, born November 22nd, 1875

3. Pernille Haagensdtr. born March 27th, 1878.

4. Hans Joergen Haagensen, born April 3rd, 1880

5. Molly haagensdtr. Was born in ”America” in 1883, but unfortunately it does not say where.

In Amerika:

It does not say when haagen got his emigration-papers, but he left Norway on October 31st, 1879. He went ahead alone, and he travelled with the steamship “Hero” , and the cost was Kr. 190.- (§27.-) It says that he went to Lanesboro, Minnesota. That is very possible, because a lot of Norwegian emigrants were living in that area. But we only know that Haagen worked in some way – probably on the railroad, because in 1881 he had earned enough money (§85) to send for his wife and the 3 children. He had not seen Hans Joergen because he had been born after Haagen had left.

The family were united in Menomonee, Wisconsin. Birthe and the children had used the steamship “ Rollo”, and they had left Norway June 24th, 1881.

All tracks of Haagen and his family stops in Menomonee, Wisc. And that is strange.

The only thing we know is that they had the daughter, Molly, in 1883. But unfornaunately we do not know where she was born.

Haakon – as he probably called himself now – probably had part time work, and the railroad is most likely. He probably changed his family-

name, too. Either to Fredikson, F. Oppegard or only Oppegard.

The last two are most unlikely, as Annette Elton/Oppegard from Fillmore County, Minn. Says in her article about the Oppegard-family in Lanesboro, Fillmore County, that they are some of the last ones who carry that name on, and “our” Haagen must not be mixed up with the Haakon Oppegaard in Lanesboro who owned a big farm, and stayed on it for several generations. The two Haakons truly were related –from the same area in Norway (Toten), so it is easy to be confused.

|I would be very happy if I could get some more information about what happened to this family. I would too like to know if there are any descendants of this family in the USA today.

Haakon Owitary Anderson

Haakon Anderson, a former resident of this village, died last Thursday afternoon at the Martin Larson home north ot here.Funural service were held at the henrytown Church Monday afternoon, Febr.9, 1913. Rev. Rasmussen officiated. The deceasd was over 85 years old, having been born in Norway August 31st, 1828. Pneumonia, of only one weeks duration, was the cause of death. Mr. Anderson was a long time resident of this village, but has made his home with the Larson family since his *wife died some over a year ago. He had been well as usually until about ten days previous when he suffered a fall breaking two ribs and this together with pneumonia, which later set in, finally triumphed over a once rugged constitution.* His second wife.

(Probably from Harmony News)

1882/274-275 Johannes Evenson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974)

Johannes Evenson, son of Even Hegernes and Berthe Dyste Kvikstad, born 3rd June, 1823 at Hegernes Estate in Vestre Toten, died 11 Febr. 1917 at the home of his son Peter, Northwood, N.Dak., interred Bruflat Cemetery, Postland, N.Dak. married to Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, daughter of Martin and Johanne Mikkelborg, born 28.Jan, 1822 Østre Toten, Norway, died Sept. 1893 Postland, N. dak., interred Bruflat Cementery, Postland N.Dak.


1. Evan I - born June 3rd 1846, died des. 23rd 1902, Arrived in in America 1869/54.

2. Augustinius – born June 14th, 1848, died Des. 8, 1927, arrived in America 1880

3. Bertha Marie – born Jan. 16th, 1851, died Des., 1923, arrived in America 1893

4. Johanne Karine – born July 4th, 1853, died Oct. 21st, 1945, arrived in America1883

5. Hans Ingebret – born Febr. 29th, 1856, died Febr. 19, 1916, arrived in America 1879/19

6. Martha Marie – born sept. 4th, 1858, died June 17, 1939, arrived in America 1882

7. Peter Sigvart – born Jan. 29th, 1861, died dec. 9th, 1927, arrived in America 1881

8. Anna – born Nov. 30th,1863, died July 12th, 1950, arrived in America 1882

9. Jakob Ingvald – born June 20th, 1866, died sept. 1st, 1897, arrived in America 1882

All nine children were born in Norway. Evan emigrated to America first, arriving in Adamsville, Wisconsin, at the home of Per Holte, in the company of his uncle Anton in 1869. They sailed from Norway April 16th.

The two oldest, Evan and Augustinius were born in Jemtland, Østre Toten. All the other children were born in Gropen, Østre Toten. The Even Hegernes( father of Johannes) estate was in Vestre Toten. (Østre means east, Vestre means West).

Evans`s first act in America was to Americanize his name, as he believed he did when he changed the spelling to Evanson.

Second generation

1869/54 Evan I. Evanson, son of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, born june 3rd, 1846, Jemtland, Ø.T. (Østre Toten), died dec. 23rd, 1902 Florence, Wash., married July 31st, 1880 to Anna Carine Jordet, daughter of Knut O. Jordet and Ragnhild Lindelien Jordet, born Oct. 10th, 1857, Gaarden Piltingsrudjordet, Nedre Hedalen, Søndre Aurdals Prestegjeld, Norge. (Estate Piltingsrudjordet, Lower Hedalen, South Aurdal Parish, Norway), died Nov. 12th, 1929, Los Angeles, California, Interred Bruflat Cemetery, Portland, N. Dak.


1. Clara Roselia, born Aug.6th, 1881, died Mar. 5th, 1964

2. Johannes Christian, born May 8th, 1884, died May 9th, 1884.

3. Carl Johan, born Jan 9th, 1886, died Nov. 29th, 1963

4. Joseph Melvin, born April 10th, 1888, died Sept. 27th 1940

5. Ella Clarissa, born Oct. 23rd, 1890, resides in Seattle, Wash (June 1974)

6. Olga Johanna, born Jan. 4th, 1894, “ “ “

7. Jakob Arthur, born Feb. 6th, 1899, “ Pittsburgh, Pa.

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974)

1882/259 Augustinius Evanson, son of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, born June 14th, 1848, Jemtland, Ø.T., died dec. 8th, 1927 Norwich, N. Dak. Married Anna Røn of Valdres Slidre, Norway. They resided many years in Portland, N. Dak.


1. Carl Johan (known as Charlie) born July 12th, 1875, died July 15, 1960. Interred at Echo, Minn. Married Dina Nelson May30th,1899 in Mayville, N. dak. He was city auditor 32 years in Grand Forks, N. Dak.

2. Axel Alfred born Feb. 18th, 1878, died Febr. 1st, 1959 in Willmar Minn., Interred Echo.

3. Olga Marie born Jan. 6th, 1880, married to Lars Ottem. They had one son, Ibsen. They resided at Norwich N. Dak. (” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974)

1893/? Bertha Marie Evanson, daughter of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, born Jan. 16th, 1851 Grpen Ø.T., died Dec. 1923, married Ole Andreas Olson died 1890.

Children: ( all born in Norway)

1. Inga Amalie, born Feb. 17th, 1879, died Dec. 1965

2. Dagny

3. Karl Kristian

4. Ragnhild, born March 28th, 1884, resides in Fort Totten, N. Dak. (1974)

5. Olaf Asbjørn

6. Solveig, born Dec. 11th, 1888, resides in Aneta, N. Dak., married Dr. Per Ravnsborg. (Raised by her aunt Johanne Karine)

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974)

1883/ ? Johanne Karine Evanson, daughter of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, born July4th, 1853 in Gropen Ø.T., died Oct. 21, 1945, Mayville, N. Dak. Married Ole P. Stomner, born sept16th, 1849, died Dec. 1948, Mayville. He owned Mayville`s only harness shop 60 years. Both were interred in Mayville. No children. They raised Solveig Olsson from the age of four.

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974)

1879/19 Hans Ingebret Evanson, son of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, born Febr. 29th, 1856 in Gropen Ø.T., died Feb. 19th, 1916, married Jan. 26th, 1883 to Eline bakken Hanson.Hans farmed in Northwood, N. Dak, died in Detroit, Minn.


1. Johannes, born Oct. 28th, 1884, Mayville, N. Dak, died May 27th, 1969 Northwood, N. Dak.

2. Christian born Oct.2nd, 1886, Mayville, N. Dak, resides at Camas, Wash. (1974)

3. Carl Anton, born Feb. 7, 1888, “ “ “ died Dec. 31st, 1968, Arnegard, N.D.

4. Hans Edward, born June 27th, 1890, Mayville, N.D. resides at Williston, N.D.(1974)

5. Anne Karine, born Mar.9th, 1892, Portland, N.D., resides at Northwood, N.D.(1974) married to George Anderson.

6. Clint Oscar, born Nov. 26th, 1894, Mayville, N.D. Died 1918 Dunseith, N.D.

7. Sophus, born Oct.7th, Mayville N.D.Farms at Northwood N.D. (1974) married to Lena Bjerke 1925.

8. Julius born Aug. 8th,1896, Northwood, N.D., died May 6th, 1897, Northwood.

9. Julius born Jan 30th, 1899, Northwood, N.D. died jan 8th, 1900, Northwood

10. Hilda, born Sept. 24th, 1900, Northwood, N.D., married Floyd Bame who died Oct.8th, 1973. Hilda resides at Bremerton, Wask, no children (1974)

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974)

1882/? Martha Marie Evanson, daughter of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, born sept. 4th, 1848 Gropen ØT, died June 17th 1939, Granville ND., interred Lutheran Cementery. Mayville, ND.; emigrated to Mayville July 29th, 1882, married Gilbert (Gulbrand Gulbrandson Molden(widower) son of ?, born febr. 12, 1853, hadeland, Norway, died (of canser) March 5th, 1900, Sharon ND, interred Lutheran Cementery, Mayville ND. Martha Marie Evanson was baptized in Hoff Church, Østre Toten, Norway on Oct. 17th, 1858. Auntie Stomar owned 10ts in Mayville Cementery, and she permitted her sister Martha to bury her husband, Gilbert Molden there. Later she died and was buried there too.


1. Gustave Ludwig, born Oct. 24, 1883, died June 16th, 1966.

2. Johan (John), born Dec. 18, 1885, died May 9th, 1940

3. Anna Karine (changed spelling of middle name to Corrine), born Jan. 29th, 1888, died sept. 18th, 1960

4. Clara, born April 13th, 1890, resides in Minneapolis, Minn (1974)

5. Mabel, born des. 11th, 1892, died Longview, Wash. July26th, 1971

6. George Marcus born Sept. 19th, 1895, died dec. 7th, 1972 at Bengen, Wash. Interred Williamette National cemetery, Postland, Oregon.

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974)

1881/104? Peter Sigvart Evanson, son of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg, born Jan 28th, 1861, Gropen, ØT, died dec. 9th, 1926 at Northwood, ND, married Anna Levorson who was born at Mariland Farm, Lake Mills, Iowa, of parents were Mary and Levor Levorson. The latter was born Nov. 29th, 1827 at Hol, Hallingdal. Peter and Anna were married Oct. 26, 1889 at Mayville, ND. Emigrated 1881. he was a harness maker and farmer.

Children: (in short) jeg har bare tatt med født, gift, død. Det finnes opplysninger om utdanning og yrker i slektsheftet.

1. Karine Evanson Fessenden, born Aug. 28th, 1890 at Northwood,ND, died July 3rd, 1970 at Grangeville, Idaho, married Elton McLaughlin Fessenden June 25th, 1913 at Northwood, ND, Elton was born May 26th, 1885 at Lime Spring, Iowa, died Jan. 11th, 1958, Riggins, Idaho.

2. Mabel, born dec.5th, 1891,Northwood ND,, married June 24th, 1925 to carl P. Johnson of Kindred, ND who died May 25th, 1963.

3. Luella, born Aug. 25th, 1893, Northwood, ND, Married June 21. 1917 at Northwood ND to Peder Arthur Haga.( Luella Evanson Haga died Oct. 17th, 1919.)

4. Jerome Harris Evanson born May 5th, 1895, married Dec. 26th, 1917 to Lulu Tornbom, born dec. 8th, 1894, her parents were Charles and bertha Tornbom of Northwood, ND.

5. Parnell Adolphud Evanson, born June 18th, 1897, Northwood ND, died Oct. 8th, 1968, Seattle, Wash. Interred at Northwood ND. Married Beulah Quamme, born Sept. 29th, 1897, died June 1934.

6. Janive Catherine, born Aug. 11th, 1899 at Nortwood, ND, married Jan 6th, 1920 to Raynold O. Skjei, born Mar. 28th, 1896. They reside at Williston, ND (in 1974).

7. S. Henrietta (Tiny) Evanson Sougstad born Sept. 3rd, 1901 Northwood ND, married July 27th, 1931 at Bismarck ND to Palmer J. Sougstad born Dec. 18th, 1901 in the South Pacific,ND. Died Mai 1st, 1970. Henrietta died Des. 9th, 1992 in Northwood ND.

8. Erwin Conrad Evanson born Oct. 11th, 1903 at NorthwoodND, died Aug. 1st, 1992, married to Manda Carene Johnson at Northwood, ND., born April 11th, 1912.

9. Ingvald Fridtjof Evanson born Nov. 16th, 1905 Northwood, ND., died Oct. 26th, 1966 at the Veterans Hospital, Fargo ND. Never married.

10. Norma Harriet Evanson born Jan. 27th, 1908, Northwood, ND., married Noel O. Tornbom Aug. 27th, 1935. Noel died June 7th, 1965. Norma remarried June 21st, 1968 to Melvin G. Olson. They reside in Northwood, ND ( 1974)

11. Kenneth Orville, born Dec- 23rd, 1910 Northwood, ND, married Agnes Blanche Buan, born Sept. 3rd, 1910, Steele County, ND Sept. 27th. 1936. He died Aug. 10th, 1974.

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle 1974 with some more informations)

1882/276 Anna Evanson daughter of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg Evanson born Nov. 30th, 1863, Gropen, ØT, died July 12th, 1950. Emigrated 1882, married 1883 to Gunder Christofferson Rud. They resided on a farm west of Portland, ND.


1. Clara, born May 4th, 1884, married Herman Christianson in June 2nd, 1903, died April 21, 1964.

2. Karine born Sept. 1886, died 1887.

3. Anne Karine born Jan 1889 died Feb. 1907, Grand Forks ND

4. Inga born July 26th, 1892, died Mar. 3rd 1960, Rochhester, Minn. Married Clarence Rygg.

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattle)

1882/277 Jakob Ingvald Evanson son of Johannes Evanson and Johanne Karine Martinsen Mikkelborg Evanson born June 20th,1866, Gropen, ØT, died Sept. 1st, 1897 Northwood, ND, Interred Northwood Cemetery. Arrived in the United States July 1882 with his parents and two sisters, he obtained a common school education in Norway, attended high school in Mayville ND, and the University of ND. He received a diploma as a pharmacist from Idaho in 1890, and graduated from Medical lege in Portland, Ore. In 1892, and the College of Physicians & Surgeons in Baltimote, Md in 1893. Enter upon the practice of Medicine in Northwood, ND. Married Caroline Lien, daughter of Lars and Jorand Lien, born July 4th, 1869 in Clayton County, Iowa. Died jan 10th, 1936, Minneapolis, Minn. Interred at Northwood ND. She re-married June 13th 1913 to Rev. N.G. Peterson.

(” Look to the rock from which you were hewn”, genealogy compiled by Ella Evanson, Seattl, the 3. and 4. generation is also in the book.)

Jens Hågensen Fjørkenstad - Eastern, born 1821, married in 1842 to Helene Johannesdtr. Fjørkenstad –Vestern F.


1 Johannes born 1842

2. Marthe Marie Born 1846 – married 1866 in Toten

3. Matea , born 1848

4. hågen born 1851, bestefar til Noel og Leonore Ring, bodde i Arizona. Leonore var gift Diediker.

5. Pauline, born 1852

6. Oliane, born 1854

7. Julie, born 1857

8. Augusta, born 1859

9. Hans Jakob, born 1861

10. Ingvald Marius, born 1864

11. Ingeborg Marie, born 1849 – our grandmother(Magnhild, Fredrik, Anders Ingeborg Aarsby.

Jens and Helene were divorced in 1865. Jens lived with Helene Andersdtr. Fjørkenstadbakken.


1. August, born 1864 , died 1864

2. Anton, born 1866 Jensen Persrud Haugland (Karis bestefar).

Helene Andersdtr. Married Martin Nilsen (Haugland) in 1889.

Helen Johannesdtr. Fjørkenstad went to USA. She was living there in 1873.

Jens HHågensen Fjørkenstad went to USA too, but when?

Bodde først hos et av barna – senre hos “kona”. Han lot henne alltid bestemme senere. Familien snakket aldri norsk, skulle være amerikanere. This is what I can find in the book.

( 2857 Skreia, August 26th, 1993, Magnhild Aarsby, suplert av Kari Raddum (Haugland)

Håndskrevet udatert notat: Jens Hågenstad Fjørkenstad vokste opp på Hørland, flyttet til ”Østegården”

Jens og Helene ble skilt – han gikk konkurs.

I Feiring:

Det var teglverk nedenfor ”Østgarn”. Reiste til Feiring med det, solgte på byggeplasser. Der fikk han Ingeborg Marie med Anne Langård. De tror Jens laget feler i USA.

Våre amerikanske slektninger vet at han var i USA. Det var kona som hadde penger og bestemte.

1881 A.P. Rudy was born in Thoten, Norway, May 1857For some time he attended military school in Christiania. He rose to the rank of sergeant, and while in the service, decided to come to America. He came to this country in 1881, and in 1882 was united in marriage to Anna Graff. To them were born eleven daughters, one, Nellie, dying in early childhood. Mr. Rudy immediately engaged in farming, upon his arrival in this country, at which he was very successful, leaving his family well provided for. In all his business dealings, he observed the strictest prinsiples, and was ell known to be a man of honesty. In his home life, he was a kind and patient husband and father.

Between one and two years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy left the farm, and moved to decorah, with their daughters. Mr. Rudy had a beautiful new home erected on Mill Street, and it is there that the family now reside.’ Mr. Rudy`s ten daughters were present at the time of his death, and at his request, his six oldest daughters were the pallbearers at their father`s funeral. Two of the daughters are married, Mrs. F.H.Taggue residing in Muscatine, and the other, Mrs. H.A. Drechsler, living in St.Paul, where her husband is a practicing physician. Two other daughters have taken uo nursing; Lillian in the Mayo hospital at Rochester, and Mabel, engaged in nursing in St. Paul. The latter attended her father in his last illness. The other six daughters are at home, two of them, Hilda and Ros, being engaged in school teaching, the other attending local schools.

(The Decorah Journal, Nov. 25th,1914.)

1864/38 Mrs. Heda M. Engen Freeport on Friday.

Mrs. Heda Maria Engen, 87, arespected long-time resident of Winnechiek county, died Friday afternoon at 12:15 o`clock at her home a short distance north of Freeport. She had been in failing health for some time.

Mrs. Engen made her home with Mrs. Olle Kjerland, a daughter, for the past five or six years. Two years ago she suffered a stroke and she had been in poor health since that time.

Funural services will be held this afternoon at 1:30 o`clock at the Fjelstul funeral home in this city, with futher rites at 2 o`clock. The Rev. T:A: Hoff, pastor of the First Lutheran Church, will conduct the services. Interment will be in the Glenwood cemetery.

Mrs. Engen was born April1st, 1843 in Toten, Norway, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verbjorn Sagness. With her parents she came to this country when she was about six years old.

Surviving Mrs. Engen are two daughters; Minnie (Mrs. Olie Kjerland) with whom she made her home, and Hilda (Mrs. George Lundy), who is employed at the county home. Twenty-one grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren also remain.

Mrs. Engen`s husband, Christian, died dec. 27th,1921. Two sons also preceded her in death. They are Alfred, who passed away 14 years ago, and Clarence who died in 1932.

From Decorah Public, Decorak, Iowa. ( no date).

1873/ 112 -113 Karl (Ole) Christiansen

We are looking for information about Karl (Ole) Christiansen who took the name of Markestad while working on a farm near Eas in Toten in Norway. He was born May 4th, 1849 in E. Toten and married Berthe Karine Markestad December 28th, 1872. They emigrated May 9th, 1873 on the ship Oder and came to Lansing, Iowa. Their first child Charles was born June 1st, 1876 in Decorah, Iowa.

His son Charles (Christiansen)Markestad married and with several children moved up to Alberta, Canada in 1909. His wife was Emma Lawston, born Dec. 17th, 1871 in ND. She contracted canser very young and died in 1917.

(Part of letter to Decorah Genealogy association from Bev. And heather Jaremko, Calgary, Alberta, Canada) no date.

(An answer dated April 6th, 1995): Karl Christiansen also know as Markestad was born in East Toten Norway in 1849. He took work on a nearby farm and married the owner`s daughter Berthe Karine Markestad in 1872. He and his new wife emigrated on the ship “Oder” in May 1873 and moved to Lansing Iowa. In 1876 they were living in Decorah, Iowa when their son Charles Markestad was born. Charles took the name Markestad from his employer`s farm.

Son Charles moved to Minneapolis and was a transit driver. He married a school teacher from North Dakota, Emma Lawston a,d moved with her to Knox North Dacota. In 1902 Alta Markestad was born; in 1904 Esteher markestad was born and then in 1906 Hattie Markstad was born. For a time the young family lived in Leeds, ND also.

Then ads about opportunity in Canada appeared and Charles Markstad, (jr.) went up north to Alberta to investigate in 1908. The frontier land near Vermilion looked good and so the next spring Charles came back with a trainload of settlers, his wife Emma and the children, They spent the summer in a tent in 1909 waiting for a house to be built.

Charles and his wife were as all other early settlers, obliged to live in makeshift accommodation for a while but with their own hands they built solid homes quickly.

A school house was built in 1910. In 1911 tragedy struck when daughter Mildred got very sick. The infection spread to her ears and medical treatment being unavailable, she went deaf. This devastated the family and Mildred was sent to the only school for the deaf known of, back in the US. In 1912 another daughter was born, Ila Markstad, in the small town of Elk Point where the family had settled.

Then in 1917 tragedy struck again. Charles wife Emma contracted breast cancer. Though she was taken to Rochester back in the US for canser treatment, it was not successful. She returned to Elk Point in Alberta and died in 1917. Now Charles had five daughters to raise alone, from age 5 to 17. The children were sent back to the States for a year, to live with an aunt as Charles built a better home for them and organized a school for them. The next year the children were brought back. Charles had fallen in love with the local school teacher, Blanche Macdonald who was 22. The female line must have been strong in the Markestad family because Charles and Blanche had tree more daughters – Ida Markstad in 1919, Edythe Markstad in 1921 and Doris Markstad born in 1923. All these girls were born in Elk Point, the small town Charles had settled as a pioneer. In 1927 Charles had his ninth child, his first son, but this baby Charles Jr. died at birth.

Charles Markstad operated the local grocery store in Elk Point for years and also the town garage. He loved cars and was one of the first in his community to drive the roads in a car not a wagon. His eight daughters completed school and many went into the professions. Esther, hattie, Ila and Doris became school teachers. Mildred, the daughter who became deaf, also became a school teacher of deaf children at the Mississippi School for the deaf. His daughter Edythe became a career nurse at the University Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta and his daughter Ida was a pianist.

Six daughters married before or during the second world war and again tragedy struck. Daughter Alta had married a German man and moved to germany and she died mysteriously in Germany in 1938. Daughter Ida married James Fraser and when he went overseas to war, his brother was killed and he ws in a tank exposion where everyone but him ws killed and he lost a leg. In Those days nurses were not allowed to be married women so Edythe turned down a proposal of marriage by Don Buchanan. As it happened after she retired from teaching fifty years later, he had still kept track of her and now they did marry, in 1989. She was 68 and he was 67.

The fact that all of the children were girls meant that in effect the Markstad name has died out in this family. However in tribute to it, daughter Ida nemed her son James Markstad Fraser and daughter Doris has a grand-daughter, Deborah Markstad Jarenko.

The Norwegian roots of the Markstad family have continued in the larger family as the daughters of Charles became mothers and grandmothers. Several of the women in the family now are professional painters, many are pianists and in the grandchildren generation several became school teachers. Charles Markstad was a strong Lutheran and the strong faith he had has continued in his children. One of his wif Blanche`s nieces became a missionary to India.

Charle Markstad Jr. died in 1947. In 1974 the town of Elk Point dedicated a park to him., the Charles Markstad Park. It was a tribute to abrave pioneer whose sense of mission to future generations sa fruit as his children had grown into fine citizens, and the trees he had planted as small saplings were now towering parkland.

(Written by Bev. Jarenko)

1872/179 Mrs. Johan Helmer Korsen,1870/107 Hans Martinson

Mrs. Bertha H. Johnson passed away on Thursday last at the home of her brother Hans Martinson (Amlien) after an illness of several months, aged sixty-one years, one month and seventeen days. Mrs. Johnson was born on June 30th, 1855 on Amlien farm in Vestre Toten, Norway. In 1875 she was married to Helmer Johnson(Korsen) and in the spring of the same year they came to America and to Winneshiek county. Of eight children born to them, six survived. They are Mrs. Isaac Peterson, Mrs. E.C. Road, and Mrs. Geo. Jaastad, of Canoe township, Martin and William Johnson of Aurora, Ore., and Miss mabel Johnson, of Decorah.

Two sons and the husband died some years ago.

The funeral was held Monday afternoon. A brief service was e house, the remains being taken to the Canoe church for public service, and interment was made in the cemetery near by. Rev. Rasmussen of Mabel officiated.

Mrs. Johnson has been in failing health for a long time and death came as a relief from suffering. ( Public Opnion, ca. Aug. 17th, 1916.)

Bok 5.

1893/89 Johan Andreas Fjelstad, born April 7th, 1863 in Ostre Toten, Norway 3rd chld of Anders Olsen from Kaland, Sweden and Lorine Larsdtr. From Ostre , Cass co., ND July 5th, 1950 and was buried in Norman Luth. Ch, Kindred, ND July 8th, 1950. He married Aletta Korslien Dec. 21st, 1891 in Kolbu Church, Vestre Toten (2009- Ostre Toten).

1893/90 Aletta Korslien, born Aug. 20th, 1872 in Vestre Toten, Norway, the 6th child of Albreckt Andersen Korslien from Kolbu, Vestre Toten, married Aug. 3rd, 1861 to Nikoline Evensdtr. Braastad, born Oct. 2nd, 1834 in Vestre Toten. Aletta died Mar. 5th, 1936 in Kindred, Cass co. ND and was buried Mar. 9th, 1936 at Norman Luth.Ch. Kindred, ND, Kindred Cemetary.

Their child was Geneva Fjelstad:

Herbert Ellenson –Geneva Fjelstad.

Herbert Ellenson and Geneva Fjelstad were married by Rev. Thomas Anderson at Perley, Minn. On Oct.25th, 1941. Herbert, the son of Emil and Hannah Ellenson, was born Jan,. 19th, 1913 at Gardner. Geneva , the daughter of Johan and Aletta Fjelstad, was born at Kindred on Nov. 12th, 1914.

Herbert lived with his parents and helped his father on the farm until he started farming for himself. Geneva attended college after graduating from high schhol at Kindred and taught school in Kindred and Gardner areas. In 1944 they bought a farm in Noble Twp., 4 miles north and 51/2 miles east of Gardner. Besides farming they also operated a brocery store at Perley, Minn., from 1964 to 1970. At present, Herbert is employed by Agway Inc., at the sunflower plant in gardner. A cousin, Lloyd Ellenson, rents the farm. They are members of the Nora Lutheran Church.

They had three daughters – Barbara Joan ( Feb. 1st, 1943), Janet Faye (Oct. 27th, 1946) and Patricia Lynn ( Sept. 1st, 1948) and one son, wayne Michael ( Sept. 6th, 1950)

Barbara (Mrs. Gary L. Johnson) was employed by Northwestern Bell telephone Co., after graduating from high schoole at Hendrum, Minn. She and her husband live in Fargo with their three sons – Jeffrey Lee, Daniel Eric, and Matthew Wayne. Another son died an infant. Gary is with the Trust department at First National Bank in Fargo.

Janet attended NDSU and Arizona State University. She is now an ailine hostess with United Airlines. She and her husband, james Cooper, live in Barrington, Ill. James is associated with Sears, Roebuck and Co.

Patricia attended NDSU and is also an airline hostess with the United Airlines. She lives in Manhattan beach, Calif.

Wayne died Nov. 13th, 1974 of a congenital heart condition. He was employed by Luteheran Social services of North Dakota, for 5 years prior to his death.

(by Mrs. Herbert Ellenson)

1909/1 Even Albrevtson “Rosley” Korslien was born April 21. 1865 at Kolbu, Vestre Toten, Norway, son of Albreckt Anderson and Nikoline Evensdtr. Braastad,( brother of 1893/90.) he married Berde “Jorgene” Petersdtr., born Aug. 1st, 1862 in Vestre Toten ;Norway July 27th, 1889 in Norway. Even died jan. 30th, 1940 in Rose valley Hosp. Rose Valley, sask. Canada and is buried in Zion Luth Ch. Rose Valley Canada at Rose valley Cementery.. His wife died Oct. 14th, 1937 at Rose Valley and was buried Oct. 18th, 1937 in Zion Luth ch. Rose Valley, Canada.

They had 7 children:

1909/75 Emma Karoline Elfreda Korlien “Rosley”, born Jan 1st, 1890 in Vestre Toten, Norway and died Nov. 21st, 1958 in Fargo, ND. Se got married Oct. 6th, 1911 in Fargo to Aanen Hanson, born Nov. 1881 in Christiania, Norway. Aanen died April 15th, 1955 in Kindred, Cass co., ND and Emma Karoline died Nov. 21th, 1958 in Fargo. Both are buried at Kindred cemetery, Kindred.

They had 8 children:

1st child: Rolf Synerd Hanson “Ralph2, born Jun. 29th, 1912, married June 29th, 1937 to Lila Leona Medberry in Fargo. He hasone son, Daniel born 26th, jan 1947 in Fargo

2nd, child: Bernice Elfreida Hanson, born Aug. 28th, 1914, married to James Ferdinand Lund June 28th, 1936 in Sisseton, SD. They had 5 children(1980): Jonathon , david, Shirley, Rebecca, and one unknown.

3rd child: Howard Normen Hanson, born Oct.3rd, 1916, married Apr. 3rd, 1948 to Betty Jane Anderson in fargo, ND. Died Oct. 19th, 1968 in Fargo. In 1980 they had 5children: Douglas Howard, Steven Dwight, Gregory Allen, Dennis Ralph and Michael David.

4th child: Ruth Adora Hanson, born Jan. 14th, 1919, married Sept. 5th, 1948 to Edward Gilbertson in Kindred, ND. They had 3 children in 1980: David Gilbert, Mary and Margret.

5th child: Elenore Pernell Hanson born Febr. 25th, 1921, married Elmer D. Sandager June 14th, 1947 in Kindred, ND. They had two children in 1980: Mark Steven and Karen.

6th child: Doris Marie Hanson, born Mar. 10th, 1923, married Paul Orlando hertsgaard Sept. 12th, 1953 in Kindred ND. They had 3 children in 1980: John Paul, Graig L. and Ruth.

7th child: Gudrun Margret Hanson, born June 12th, 1925, married to William R. Morgan Dec. 6th, 1975 in Minneapolis, MN.

8th child: Marion Adell Hanson born Nov. 9th, 1927 in Kindred,

1909/46- 50

2nd child: Anna Louse Rosley born in Vestre Toten, Norway Aug. 24th, 1891.

3rd child Peter Anton Rosley, born Nov. 12th, 1893 in Vestre Toten, Norway, He married Caroline herbrandsen and had one child in 1980: Geneva Ovidea Rosley.

4th, child Olaf Rosley born Dec. 30th, 1899 in Vestre Toten Norway

5th, child Ukn Rosley

6th, child Einar Rosley, born June 26th, 1896, in Vestre Toten, Norway. He died may 1948 in Street, Moorhead, ClayCO, MN and was buried AT Kindred cemetery, he married Anna Evenson May 4th, 1922 in Trinity church, Pars, Moorhead, Clay co, MN. They had four children in 1980: Helen, Elenore Genevieve, Arline Elizabeth and Donald Philip Normen Rosley.

7th, child Ukn Rosley

1886/8 Berthe Marie (Mary) Anderson the seventh child born to Thaale( 1886/76) and Anne Anderson (1886/7) was born June 5th, 1878 at Haugshagen in Ostre Toten. She immigrated with the ship “ Angelo with her mother Oct. 22nd, 1886 to Ellis island. She married Lars ( Louis) William Sather Mars 3rd, 1898. He was born in Soknedal, Norway May 18th, 1867. The marriage was performed at home of bride`s parents according to newapaper articles. No record of marriage recorded in Barron Co.Wi.

They had 5 children:

1. Arthur Warren Lendwood , born May 14th, 1899 in Rice Lake, WI, married Nov. 22nd, 1922 to Amanda W. Dubbe( born febr. 5th, 1894, died dec. 8th, 1978.) They had one adopted child Sonna (1932- 1969)

2. Marvin Teodore, born Febr. 17, 1901 in Rice lake, WI and died Febr. 9th, 1941 in Crookston MN.

3. Raymond Leslie, born April 19, 1904 in Rice Lake, WU, married Sept. 21nd, 1946 to Mary Kathryn Moll ( Nov. 13th, 1923) in Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Madison WI. They had three children: Louis Erwin, John Raymond and David Lee. Raymond Leslie died Oct. 17th, 1976 in Madison WI and is buried at Forest Hill cemetery, Soldiers rest, Madison WI.

4. Helen Margaret (sather) Hanson was born Febr. 17th, 1912 in Crookston MN. She married David Elmer Hanson on Aug. 9th, 1941 at home of bride, Crookston MN. They had two children : Stephen and Ronald.

5. Louis William Jr. was borm May 10th, 1921 in Crookston MN. And died April 21th, 1922 same place.

Berthe Marie died Aug. 20th, 1949 in fertile, Mn and was buried at Oakdale Cemetery, Crookston, MN, Lot 10, Blk. 28.

(More information might be given from:

Mary K. Sather, 2722 E Johnson st., Madison WI 53704- 5007)

1882/ ? Martin Mathiassen and 1883/ ? Johanna Hendricksdatter

Martin Mathiassen was born at Sivesind Vestre Toten , son of Mathias Hansen, Sivesindeiet and Karine Johannesdtr. Hexum on April 6th, 1855. he emigrated spring 1882 to Hayward, MN., married July 7th, 1883 in Albert Lea, MN and died in dec. 2nd, 1940 and is buried in Alden, MN. He married Johanna Hendricksdtr. In 1883.

Johanna Hendricksdtr. was born at Dvergsten in Gran Parish Jan. 21. 1859,, Norway. She emigrated spring 1883 and died May 27th, 1951 and is buried in Alden MN.

They had 8 children:

Magnus Hartvig born May 2nd, 1884 in Hayward, Freeborn County, MN and died May 18th 1886

Palma born Nov. 28, 1885 in Hayward, Freeborn County, MN and died Oct. 14th, 1975

Magnus Hartvig born April 6th, 1888 in Hayward, Freeborn County, MN and died Sept. 29, 1967

Klarence Ludvig born Nov. 20th, 1889 in Hayward, Freeborn County, MN and, died Jun 28th, 1927 in Alden, Freeborn MN

He had a son , Harlan (Matt) Mathison who married Zona Larson

Valborg born May 24th, 1892 in Hayward, Freeborn County, MN and, died sept. 28, 1979

Isabelle born Nov. 8th, 1894 in Alden, Freeborn County, MN, died Jan. 3rd, 1962

Harve Morris born Nov. 23rd, 1896 in Alden, Freeborn County, MN, died Jun 28 1969

Lewis Marvin born nov. 23rd, 1896 in Alden, Freeborn County, MN, died Apr. 25th, 1955

Contact person: Harlan Matt Mathison, 1228 20 Ave S, Moorhead MN, 56560 USA

1820/86 Johannes Jensen Dahl, son of Jens Johansen Dahl born 1823, married to Helene Nilsdtr.

Contact: Donald and Mary Darms, 17160 Crescent Drive, Los gates, CA, 95032 USA

1869/128-129 Andrina Andreasdtr.

My grandmother, Eveline Andreasdtr. Was born in Vestre Toten, but never left Norway. Some of her siblings did come to the United States. This is story about her sister Andrina Andreasdtr.

Andrina was born Oct 11th, 1831, the daughter of Andreas Hanson Alm and Elene (Helene) Olsdtr. Grevløs. She was born at Prestsaeter, Vestre Toten. Andrina was married to Martin Larson Liesodegaard on Dec. 28th, 1860 at V.T. Martin was born in V.T. March 18th, 1836. He was the son of Lars Anderson and Martha Johannesdtr. Andrina died Aug. 11th, 1917 and Martin died on Jan. 23rd, 1923. Their funerals were held from the neighboring home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, and they are buried in the Bethlehem cemetery near Edmund, Wisconsin.

When I started my genealogy research, my Aunt had given me the names Martin and Andrina Larson. No children. Both dead. I figured that was it. Just names.

In 1976, the U.S. bicentennial year, when everyone was especially interested in history and stories about “Good Ol`Day`s” I happened on an article in the Dodgeville Chronicle in which the names Martin and Andrina were mentioned. I immediately wrote to Stella Martin, whose story it was and she sent me more information and we became great friends. She introduced my husband and I to Mr. and Mrs. Reno Johnson. He is the son of the George Johnson`s. reno took us back to the old home site and even had a picture that they shared with us. What a surprice! Our daughter, Karen tells the story beautifully in a story she wrote for a school assigment. This is her stoy:

“ On Sunday, the fourteenth of November, my parents and I visited Mr. and Mrs. Reno Johnson of Edmund, Wisconsin. Mr. Johnson took us back to the ruins of ahome belonging to my great, great Uncle around 1880.

Martin and Andrina Larson were very secluded from the world down in the valley of their home. They did not have a horse or any other means of transportation. The nearest farm owned by George Johnson was almost a hallf of a mile away.

Martin had a very original technique for farming. He plowed his fields with two huge oxen, each having a weight of one ton. He became known as “Ox Martin” because of the size of his animals. (Artkkelen fortsetter, men er trolig allerede avskrevet)

1871/ ? Brede Olson Raufossen/Rødfossen and Tina Chistiansdtr. Amundrustad.

A little of the past

Brede Olson Raufossen was born April 11th, 1829 in Gjøvik, Norway. In 1861, he was married to Tina Chistiansdtr. Amundrustad (Børe). Tina was born in Vestre Toten, Norway, on February 2nd, 1840. Brede operated a flour mill in Norway and the power used in grinding the grain was delivered from the river Rødfossen.

Brede and Tina heard much of America and the opportunitiesit offered so they decided to leave Norway with their four children: Johanne marie, Magda, Ole and Brede jr.

After months of preparation, they left home and sailed from Oslo in 1871. They crossed the Atlantic in asailboat, and the voyage was indeed tedious. Each family had to furnish its own provisions. One terrific storm was encountered, and nearly all the passengers were the victims of severe sea sickness. Fourteen deaths occurred on the sea. Funural services were conducted by the captain and the bodies were laid to rest in the sea. Thirteen weeks were required for the voyage. Three hundred and fiftytwo weary immigrants arrived in Quebec. From Quebec, they took a train to Black River Falls, Wisconsin, entering the United States at Detroit, Michigan. They continued on by foot or by oxen (both have been mentioned) to Daggett Coulee, also known as Moe Coulee, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin, in July 1871.

In 1872, Brede sr. took a government claim (homestead) on 80 acres of land in that area. The land was cleared and a home built. Lumber for the house was hauled from Carter`s mill in Fairchild, Wisconsin, the trip taking three days by ox team.

An additional Quarter section of land was secured by purchase, giving the farm the largest acerage in that coulee. The first buildings erected were mere cabins, but in the course of time, improvements were made so that here too, it can truly be said, “Wisconsin is a state of beautiful farm houses”. This farm remained in the family until November 10th, 1941.

Brede and Tina had seven more children, five lived to adulthood and married. On November 2nd, 1876, Brede filed his intention to become a United States citizen. On Desember 8th, 1884, he received his certificate of naturalization. Brede sr. died in Moe Coulee September 16th, 1913. Tina died January 19th, 1925 in Whitehall, Wisconsin.

Ole Christian Raufossen ( 1871/133-139) was five years old when he made this trip to America with his family. On June 25th, 1891, he was united in marriage to Johanna Nelson. Johanna was born in Ringsaker, Norway, on September 21st, 1873, to Chistian and Karen Nelson. Johanna, as a little girl, came to America wuith her brother, Nels.

Ole and Johanna lived for a while on the home farm. From there they moved to Pigeon Falls, Wisconsin for a short time. For several years they owned and operated a hotel and meat market in Whitehall. About the year 1904, they purchased the Bertinus Estrenson farm in Fitch coulee where they lived for several years. Then they purchased what is now the Elmer Larson Place in Whitehall from the Lunds. While there, they had a milk route in town. Later they purchased the Monson Place where they continued in the milk business. They lived for several years on a farm in Sechlerville, and from there moved back to Whitehall, where again they owned and operated a meat market.

Finally they built a home in East Whitehall, and it was here that Johanna died on February 13th, 1939, of a heart attack. After her death, Ole lived there until just a short while before he died, when he moved in with his son, Norman and family. He took sick on July 8th and died at the Whitehall Hospital on July 10th, 1947.

Eleven children were born to Ole and Johanna, seven boys and four girls: benoni, Christopher, Martha, Cora, Theodora, Olger, Joseph, Olga, Norman, Hjalmar and ernest. Alle eleven grew to adulthood, married and had families. Their descendants will be listed in this book.

No doubt there are some people wondering about the change in the name from Raufossen (Rødfossen) to Foss. First, the name rafossen appears in a Norwegian book which has the history of the family. Then the name Røfossen appears on some of the birth- and deth certificates at the court house. That last name was droped and just “Brede Olson” used on the naturalization papers. Finally, I was given an explanation years ago and have never heard anything different. Apparently Grndpa (Ole) felt there were enough Ole Olsons in the country, so he took the Foss from the Norwegian name, Raufossen. That, I was told is the reason we are named Foss and other relatives have the name of Olson,

( Information from Ruth Foss Beck, March 1982)

1871/133-139 Ole Christian Raufossen, born June 25th, 1866 in Vestre toten, Norway, died July 10th, 1947 in Whitehall, Wisconsin. He was 3rd child of Brede Olson, Raufossen and Tina Christiansdtr. Amundrustad. He was married to

Johanna Nelson, born Sept. 21st, 1873 in Ringsaker, Norway. She sied Febr. 13th, 1939 in Whitehall, Wis. Her parents were Christian Nelson and Karen.

Brede changed the family name to Foss after arrival in USA

Brede and Johanna had eleven children:

1. Benoni Foss, born July 3rd, 1892 in Pigeon Falls Wis. And died June 24th, 197?.

He married Lila Olson July 8th, 1916. They got 4 children.

2. Christopher Foss born Nov. 24th, 1893 in Pigeon Falls Wis and died Oct. 15th, 196?.

He married Cora Helen Lerud Oct. 27th, 1920. They got 5 children.

3. Martha Foss, born July 20th, 1895 in Whitehall, Wisc. And died July 25th, 195?.

She maried Fred Hanson Mar. 3rd, 1914. They got 8 children.

4. Cora Foss born Apr. 9th, 1897, married Joel Gilbert Anderson June 26th, 1917.

They got 7 children.

5.Theodora Foss, born Mar.13th, 1899 in Whitehall, Wisc, She married

William Pederson Aug. 14th, 1926. They got 3 children.

6. Olger Foss, born Nov. 12th, 1900 in Whitehall, Wisc, died Apr. 21, 197?

He married Mabel Juliette Amlee Mar. 23rd, 1921. They got 1 child.

7. Joseph Foss born Aug. 22nd, 1902 in Whitehall, Wisc, died July 27th, 196?.

He married Esther Arneson Oct. 3rd, 1925. They got 4 children.

8. Olga Foss born Mar.16th, 1904 in Whitehall, Wisc, died Apr. 7th, 19??. She married

Einar Kildahl Mr. 30th, 1927.

9. Norman Foss born Mar 1st, 1906, married Jurdice Olson Apr. 24th, 1937.

They got 8 children.

10. Hjalmar Foss, born Dec. 24th, 1907 in Pigeon falls, Wis. , died Nov. 19th, 19??.

He married Esther Olive Lovlien Apr. 21st, 1931. They got 3 children.

11. Ernest Foss, born Feb. 8th, 1010, died Nov. 1st,19??

He married Norma Johnson May 4th, 1929. They got 9 children

1875/50-52 Jens Haagensen, Horland was born Febr. 4th, 1821 at Horland, Østre Toten, Norway and died Jan. 15th, 1915 in Goodhue, Minnesota. He is buried in henrytown, Fillmore county, MN. His wife was:

Helena Johannesdtr. Fjorkenstad, Østre Toten, Norway. She was born at Fjorkenstad February 18th, 1821 and died July 1931 in Whalen, MN and is buried in Henrytown, MN,

They had ten children.

1. Johannes “John” Jensen Ring, born sept. 28.1842 at Fjorkenstad, Ø.T.Norway

2. Marte Marie Ring, born July 19th, 1846 at Fjorkenstad, ØT, Norway,She married

Anders Hansen in 1866 and died April 9th, 1871.

3. Matea Jensdtr. Ring, born Nov. 15th, 1848 at Fjorkenstad, died Jan. 10th, 1868

4. Haaken “Hogan” Jensen Ring, born Feb. 17th, 1851 at Fjorkenstad and died Apr. 4th, 1930

in Berkeley, Oakland, California and is buried in Colma, Woodlawn Cemetery, Calif.

He married Ida Orcelia Lowe Aug. 15th, 1875 in Belvedere, Ill. She was born Nov. 12th, 1859 and died June 7th, 1901 in Ferndale, Humbolt County, California where she is buried.

They had 5 children:

1. Johannes Glenellyn Ring, born dec. 21st, 1877 in Whalan, Fillmore, Wisc.and

died Sept.1953. He married Edith Hunter.

2. Verna Helene Ring, born sep. 13th, 1882 in Grand Island, hall County, Nebraska

and died Jan. 19th, 1955. She married Paul Win Hunter

3. Mildred Ring, born may 14th, 1887 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska and died April 29th, 1962.

4. Ronald Lowe Ring born jan. 31st, 1894 in Ferndale, Humbolt, California.

He married Amy Daphne Noell Dec. 7th, 1917 in Berkeley, California and died

May 11th, 1955 in Ferndale where he is buried.

5. Arden Garrison Ring born Oct. 31st, 1899 in Ferndale, Calif.

He married Erma Stevens Jan. 21st, 1928 and died June 21st, 1976.

5. Pauline Jensdtr. Ring born Dec. 29th, 1852, married to Jens Helgestad

6. Oliane Jensdtr. Ring born Dec. 19th, 1854 at Fjorkenstad, married to Backman.

7. Julia Jensdtr. Ring born Jan.26th,1857 at Fjorkenstad and died Mar. 14th, 1859

8. Augusta Jensdtr., Ring born Jan 10th, 1867 at Fjorkenstad and died sep. 10th, 1867.

9. Hans Jakob Jensen, Ring born an. 3rd, 1861 and died Sept. 10th, 1867

10. Ingwald Marius Jensen Ring born Dec. 13th, 1864 at Fjorkenstad and died Aug. 1898 in Camp Nome, Alaska.

Informations from Mrs. Lenore Ring Diediker: 326 E. Huntington

Pioneer settler dies.

The venerable Jens H. Ring died January 15th,(1915) at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Andrew Backman, at Goodhue, Minnesota. The remains were brought to Lanesboro, and the interment took place at the Henrytown cementery last Sunday. He rests for eternity by the side of his wife who proceeded him nay years ago. Quite a number from this village and Whalan attended the funeral.

The late Mr. Ring was born in Toten, Norway, in the year 1821 and came therefore near to reaching the century mark. As a young man he came to the United States and he reached Fillmore county in the early days. He resided for several years at Henrytown, then later in Lanesboro, and still later in Whalan. He left the last named town a few short years ago to make his home with his daughter. Originally he was a veterinary, but he spent most of his time as a repair smith, and it was generally said that if old man Ring could not repair a gun or any fine piece of machinery, it could not be done.

He is survived by two sons and two daughters – J.H. and H.J.Ring and Mrs. Jens helgestad of Ferndale, California and Mrs. Andrew Backman of Goodhue, Minnesota. Mr. A.M. Hanson of Lanesboro is his grandson.

Leyangs Weekly, Jan 21st, 1915, Page 1, column 3.

1868/73 Hans Morterud (se også 1868/368)

Letter from David L. Morterud to Leroy Madsen Febr. 28th, 1995

My great grandfather is known to be in Minneapolis at least as early as 1868.

His name in Minneapolis was Hans Morterud ( apparantly taking the name of the farm in Toten where he worked). His Norwegian name, we think, was Hans Johanssen, altough some have a very vague recollection of a Christensen. The name has been somewhat of a mystery to the family, because the law may have been after Hans before he came to America, and he supposedly used the name change to hide.

Family lore is certain that his birth date was July 27th, 1844, but after much searching Larry Opsahl believes he found the records in Vestre Toten for July 27th, 1843. (GS Film 125638) We have not had time to research further in the past. We have no idea how or when Hans came to America. The first reference is in the 1868 Minneapolis City directory. He would have been 25 years old. We think he came by himself because no references in city sources or family records indicate any parents or siblings.

Hans lived his entire life in Minneapolis. He was a railroad freight agent for the Milwaukee Railroad, eventualy becoming the manager of the Minneapolis Freight Depot. He married Lena Jensen (Olsen after coming to USA), daughter of immigrants from Solor, Norway, Ole Jensen and Kari Anderdatter, in 1873.

Hans and Lena (who never learned English) had six children, only one of whom ever married and had children. One child died at birth, two died in their mid-forties, two died in their eighties, and the one who married and had children, died at 94. Hans died December 4th, 1906 in Minneapolis and is buried at Crytal Lake Cemetery in Minneapolis. Lena did not die until February 17th, 1932. detailed information on the first generation born in America is on the frst page of the attached.

Charles O. Mortrud, the only first generation American to marry and have children, had 4 children and 9 grandchildren (included 2 adopted). He was a printer by trade and one of the charter members who founded St. John`s Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. He married Mary Schroeder, one of 10 children of immigrants from Germany.

Hans Mortrud descendanst.

Johannes Christiansen married to Kari Andersdtr. Both born in Norway.

Hans Johannessen (Mortrud) Took name of farm Morterud when he came to US. He was born at Toten, Norway July 27th, in 1843 or 1844. death announcement says “63 years old”. He died dec. 4th, 1906 in Minneapolis and was buried in Crystal lake, MN. He came to Minnesota in 1868 and married Oliane (Oleanna) jensen (Olsen) Oct.2nd, 1873. She was born Mar 6th, 1850 in Solor, Norway and died Feb. 17th, 1932 in Minneapolis MN, and is buried in Crystal Lake.


1. Helen Katherine Mortrud born dec. 12th, 1873, Minneapolis, died July 14th, 1919,

Minneapolis, buried in Crystal Lake, never married.

2. Charles Ole Mortrud born June10th, 1876 in Minneapolis, died Apr. 24th, 1971,

Minneapolis, buried in Crystal Lake.

He married Mary W.C.Schroeder Febr.22nd, 1898 in Minneapolis.

She was born May 21st, 1879 and died Mar. 13th,1965, Minneapolis,

buried in Crystal Lake.


Clarence Orrin Mortrud born Apr. 24th, 1901 in Minneapolis, died Oct. 9th, 1943 in Rochester, Minn., burried in Crystal Lake Mpls.

He married Ruth Swan Febr. 8th, 1921 in St. Paul Minn. She was born Aug. 27th, 1902 and died Aug. 27th, 1968.

Febr. 14th, 1930 he married Helen Irene Chase born June 22nd, in Manitowoc, Wisc. Descendants.

Lester Carl Mortesrud born Nov. 19th, 1903, Minneapolis, Minn. He married Una Hodges June 10th, 1929. She was born June 29th, 1904 and died June 14th, 1982. No descendants.

Marjorie Dorothy Mortrud Steirly born July 12th, 1908, Minneapolis, married

Lloyd Steirly Oct. 26th, 1934 in Spring Valley, MN. He was born Oct. 22nd 1904 in Oil City, Penn. And died Aug. 29th, 1956 in bemidji, Minn. And is buried in Lakewood, Mpls. Descendants.

Charles Willard Mortrud born Mar.31st, 1915 in Minneapolis, married Jan 4. 1937 to Lorraine M. Smith in Mason City, Iowa. She was born Feb. 22nd, 1915.


(Updated des. 12th, 1985 by David Mortrud, The Morterud Schoeder file)

3. George Joemer Mortrud born Apr. 16th, 1878, Minneapolis and died May 6th, 1915,

Minneapolis, buried in Crystal Lake, never married.

4. Ida (NMN) Mortud, born and died 188? In Minneapolis, Minneapolis, buried in Crustal Lake.

5. Ida Avilda Mortrud born Mar. 2nd, 1885 and died Dec. 1973, Minneapolis, buried in Crystal Lake, never married.

6. Mabel Elizabeth Mortrud, born July 27th, 1887 and died Oct. 1973, Minneapolis, Buried in Crtystal Lake, never married.
