Metaphysical Materialism

Thomas Hobbes

Pierre Gassendi

Julien de La Mettrie



Pierre Cabanis

Henri de Saint-Simon

Ludwig Feuerbach

Ludwig Buechner (the model for Bazarov), Force and Matter (1855): "The Bible of the German materialists"

Karl Vogt, Physiological Epistles (1847)

Jacob Moleschott

Friedrich Engels

Eugen Duehring

Ernst Haeckel, The Riddle of the Universe (1899) and Last Words on Evolution (1905) argued for a materialist monism, yet one in which all matter had a soul: so he was a materialist panpsychist.


Wilhelm Ostwald

Roy Wood Sellars

Otto Neurath (the positivist physicalist)

J. J. C. Smart, 1963 (physicalism)

Wilfrid Sellars

The Churchlands