Week 8: The Global Poor

Week 8. Does the Global Economic Order Harm the Poor? (1) The Global Economic Order as a Massive Violator of the Human Rights of the Poor. (2) The Global Economic Order as a Flawed but Improvable Provider of Growth and Escape from Poverty.

Read: Thomas Pogge, Politics as Usual: What Lies behind the Pro-Poor Rhetoric (Polity, 2010), pp. 10-52

Then read: Mathias Risse, “How Does the Global Order Harm the Poor?” Philosophy and Public Affairs 33 (2005): 349-376


So you'd like to know more...

Thomas Pogge, "Targeting [Supranational] Institutional Human Rights Violations," Lecture of 11 October 2012 at Northwestern University

Mathias Risse, "Do We Owe the Global Poor Assistance or Rectification?" Ethics & International Affairs 19 (2005): 9-18.

Mathias Risse, "What We Owe to the Global Poor," Journal of Ethics 9 (2005): 81-117

Uwe Steinhoff, "Why 'We' Are Not Harming the Global Poor: A Critique of Pogge's Leap from State to Individual Responsibility," Public Reason 4 (2012): 119-138

Charles W. Mills, "Realizing (through Racializing) Pogge," in Thomas Pogge and His Critics, ed. Alison Jaggar (Blackwell, 2010): 151-174

Joseph Stiglitz, "Broken Promises," Globalization and Its Discontents (Princeton UP, 2002): 23-52

Stiglitz, "Unfair Trade Laws and Other Mischief," Globalization and Its Discontents, pp. 166-179

Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations (Pantheon, 1968)

John Kenneth Galbraith, The Nature of Mass Poverty (Harvard UP, 1979)

David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (WW Norton, 1999)

Branko Milanovic, The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality (Basic Books, 2012)

Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done about It (Oxford UP, 2008)

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty (Public Affairs, 2012)

Charles Karelis, The Persistence of Poverty: Why the Economics of the Well-Off Can't Help the Poor (Oxford UP, 2007)