Injustices Done the Jews

Week 12. Session 2. The Oppression of the Jews in the Modern World?

Walter Laqueur, “The Enlightenment and After,” The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism (Oxford UP, 2006): 71-91

Laqueur, "Racialism and Jewish Conspiracies," “Toward the Holocaust,” The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism, pp. 91-124

Videos on injustices done the Jews through history...

From "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews--5: The Search for Deliverance," dir. by Julian Krainin (1984):

1st part, 2nd part, 3rd part, 4th part, 5th part

"Heritage: Civilization and the Jews--6: Roads from the Ghetto," dir. by Julian Krainin (1984)