Week 14 on Political Islam

Week 14. (2) Political Islam.

Michaelle Browers, “Modern Islamic Political Thought,” Handbook of Political Theory, ed. Gerard Gaus and Chandran Kukathas (Sage, 2004): 367-380

So you'd like to see a 21st-century Political-Islam outlook on the world...

Check out Ikhwanweb, English-language official website of the Muslim Brotherhood.

So you'd like to learn about the rise of Islamism in the Arab world...

Check out Tarek Osman, "The Rise of Islamism," (Episode 3 of The Making of the Modern Arab World; BBC, 2013)

So you'd like to see a debate on the future of political Islam after the Egyptian army ousted the Muslim Brotherhood from power...

Check out this Al Jazeera "Head to Head" debate with Tariq Ramadan.