
Week 13. Fascism: The Contrary of Liberalism?

Andrew Heywood, “Fascism,” Political Ideologies, pp. 203-228

Carl Cohen, “Fascism,” Four Systems, pp. 115-169

So you'd like to see 21st-century fascist outlooks on the world...

Golden Dawn, Greece's third-biggest political party, was until recently openly fascist, calling for a Greater Greece, an ethnically Greek state, and taking back territory lost to the Turks.

It's been argued that the ideologies of Vladimir Putin's United Russia Party and the Communist Party of China are semi-fascist ideologies, given that they: are ultra-nationalist and imperialist and bellicose, use mass mobilization in the streets to send messages, (especially in the Russian case) use thuggish street forces, flout the rule of law, proclaim solidarity with all fellow nationals worldwide--and willingness to use political muscle on their behalf, oppose domination by economic classes of others, stress the need to overcome a national humiliation, oppose liberalism, and call for catch-up in economic and military power with the world's great powers through rapid development...

So you'd like to see a 21st-century post-fascist outlook on the world (be careful what you wish for)...

Check out the website of GRECE (Group for Research and Studies on European Civilization). It is the main intellectual organ of the European Nouvelle Droite (New Right) and advocates a pan-European nationalism or civilizational government founded on ethnopluralism: (peaceful) separation of different civilizations, living in a highly federated government biased toward local control. It's sometimes called "right multiculturalism." It rejects racism, and unlike Fascism in the strict sense, is against imperialism and colonialism.

Who Is a Fascist? A Socialist's View

Montage of contemporary politicians, to the tune of Woody Guthrie's "All You Fascists Bound to Lose"