"Pour ma part je ne sais rien avec certitude, mais la vue des étoiles me fait rêver."

"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream."

------ Vincent Van Gogh

When I was five, I begun to play with watercolor at home with my grandpa, a dedicated Chinese painter specializing in meticulous painting: an ancient style with numerous details and copious colors. His philosophy of pedagogy was primitive yet fairly effective: never ask, just watch and follow. It was quite miraculous for a tomboy like me to paint in silence except the tic toc from a hefty grandfather clock, but I enjoyed it immensely over the years.

With the audacious dream of becoming a theoretical physicist, I attended graduate school at Columbia University in New York, majoring in physics and math. After graduation, my interest in arts veered slowly towards oil painting after being exposed to its depth and richness of color. However, the smoothness and placidity of watercolor continue to affect my painting style. Vivid colors are used in each painting to bring vigorous contrast and cheerful spirit while the sleek lines and flowing strokes tend to guide viewers to a soothing and amicable land. For years, arts has gradually turned into my serenity wonderland in the relentlessly restless and ever in-motion city life.

Besides painting, I identify myself as an eccentric software engineer and an avid freelance writer. I love playing piano, dancing ballet and reading French literature at my spare time, but most of the sunny days, I am just an inquisitive wayfarer wandering around the world.

* For my youtube music channel, please go to Ting Rao