Quan Cong

Quan Cong, familiar name Zihuang, came from one of Wu Jun's wealthy families. His father Quan Rou was elected during Han Emperor Ling's reign due to his honesty. He worked as a scholar's assistant, but due to the chaos caused by Dong Zhuo, he abandoned his government post and returned home. When the county broke up, he left his affairs, having received imperial orders to investigate the Chief Commandant of eastern areas. Sun Ce reached Wu, and Quan Rou attached his troops to Sun Ce's, so Sun Ce gave him the position of Chief Commandant of Dan Yang. When Sun Quan became General of the Eastern Cavalry, Quan Rou became Chief Clerk, moving to become Gui Yang Governor. Quan Rou moved one thousand hu of rice to Wu, making that city friendly. On arrival, it was distributed, and the ships returned empty. Quan Rou went into a rage, saying "I have made this city become angry, but the troop leaders have to contend with trouble from the counties, so it is easy to find support, and no time to report." Thus Quan Rou appeared even more strange.

At that time, Zhong Zhou's troops were preventing confusion in the south, while Quan Zong's family members numbered a hundred odd, so he inclined his family to give aid, leading them together, thus making his name well known. Later, Sun Quan gave Quan Cong the title of Colonel Who Displays Majesty, and the command of one thousand soldiers, employing him against the Shanyue. Due to a recruitment call, over ten thousand fine soldiers were gained, all moving to be stationed at Niu Zhu, and Quan Cong was changed to general.

In Rebuilt Tranquility 24, Liu Bei sent Guan Yu to surround Fan and Xiang Yang, Quan Cong went to submit a plan to repel Guan Yu. At this time, Sun Quan was planning with Lu Meng on a secret raid, but fearing that news of it would get out, stopped Quan Cong and gave no reply to him. After the defeat of Guan Yu, Sun Quan held a feast. He said to Quan Cong, "Formerly you proposed a plan, yet I did not reply. Today we celebrate a victory, yet you also play down your merits." Hence he was made Governor of Yang Hua.

In the first year of Yellow Might, Wei sent its navies to Dong Kou, Sun Quan sent Lu Fan in command of various generals to resist, with the barracks overlooking each other. Many times the enemy used light boats to attempt a raid, but Quan Cong often led his armoured troops, watching without rest. Just then, enemy troops numbering a thousand went into the river, Quan Cong routed them, killing their general Yi Lu. Quan Cong was made General Who Pacifies the South and Governor of Qian Tang. In the fourth year, he was given the superficial rank of Governor of the Nine Rivers. In the seventh year, Sun Quan arrived at Wan, sending Quan Cong with Lu Xun, General Who Upholds the State, to attack Cao Xiu, destroying him at Shi Ting. At that time, some people in Dan Yang, Wu and Hui Shan became bandits, attacking Mei Zhu prefecture, so Sun Quan made the dangerous areas of the three counties Dong An county, with Quan Cong as governor. There, he was just in giving rewards and punishments. He attracted many to surrender, so that by the middle of the year, they numbered over ten thousand. Sun Quan summoned Quan Cong to return to Niu Zhu, ceasing the existence of Dong An county. In the first year of Yellow Dragon, he was made General of the Guards, Left Commissioner Over the Army and Governor of Xu Zhou, in esteem of the princess.

In the second year of Fine Grain, Quan Cong led infantry and cavalry numbering fifty thousand to campaign against Liu An, Liu An's people all dispersed, resulting in various generals sending troops to catch them. Quan Cong said, "When you take advantage of danger to capture riches, the deed will not reflect upon you, but the nation will be blamed. Today you sent troops to arrest civilians, so the gains are halved, is that not so? Release those you have captured, since weak opponents are not worthy of the nation's reputation. If unexpectedly a loss with little wrongdoing is incurred, then it is better to accept blame, and I would willingly bear it with my body. I would not dare to make the nation shoulder the blame."

In the nineth year of Red Crow, Quan Cong was changed to Commander-in-chief of the Right Army and Army Instructor of the Left Army. He was respectful to all, accepted advise while maintaining his honour, and was never hasty in speech. Once, Sun Quan surrounded Zhu Ya with the intent of invading Yi Zhou*, Quan Cong was first asked. He said, "When the Emperor uses his strength, who can resist? Yet the Zhu area is a foreign land, completely isolated from the sea, with poison in the water, earth and air, having been like this since early times, when the soldiers enter the people will come out, and the soldiers will get sick, spreading the disease to each other. I fear that this is the case, so how many lives can we afford to devote to a victory? If numerous troops are lost on the bank of the river, hoping for a one in ten thousand chance of victory, your servant will not be at peace." Sun Quan did not listen. When the troops had gone for a year, some eighteen or nineteen of the military personnel died from disease, making Sun Quan deeply regretful. When he later mentioned his inferiority, Quan Zong replied, "At that time, if your servant did not remonstrate with you, then he can not be called loyal. Quan Cong's family was extensive, his kinsmen having been bewtowed rank, were granted a thousand gold, but they received them humbly, not creating an appearance of arrogance. He died in the twentieth year, his son Quan Yi succeeding to his posts. Later, he was made to lead raiding troops, was sent to rescue Zhuge Dan at Shou Chun, but instead surrendered to Wei, who made him General Who Pacifies the East. Quan Yi's sons Yi, Yi, Jing and others also surrendered to Wei, and all became Marquises of various counties.
