Empress Gan

The Former Sovereign's Empress Gan was a native of Pei. When the Former Sovereign controlled Yu province and was living in Xiao Pei, he accepted her as his concubine. The Former Sovereign was bereaved of a primary wife on several occasions, and Empress Gan regularly took charge of affairs in the inner apartments. She accompanied the Former Sovereign to Jing province and gave birth to the Latter Sovereign (Hou zhu). When Duke Cao's [Cao Cao's] troops caught up with the Former Sovereign at Changban in Dangyang, being pressed at that point, he abandoned his empress and the Latter Sovereign. Thanks to the protection of Zhao Yun, they escaped harm.

The empress died and was buried at Nanjun. In Zhangwu[221/222], he posthumously named her the Lady of Imperial Regret (Huang Si furen) and was going to reinter her in Shu. Before her body could arrive, however, the Former Sovereign died. Chancellor Zhuge Liang memorialized:

The Lady of Imperial Regret conducted herself by cultivating benevolence, and she was pure and circumspect in her person. When the late emperor formerly was in supreme command, she became his consort and bore the Sacred Person [Liu Shan, the Latter Sovereign]. Her life was not long. When the late emperor was still alive, he was righteous and beneficent, and he was concerned that the divine pall of the Lady of Imperial Regret was adrift far away. He specially sent a commissioner to bring it back. But it has transpired that the late emperor has died. Now the divine pall of the Lady of Imperial Regret has arrived, and the emperor's own coffin is en route. The park and tumulus are complete, and the time for laying him to rest has been determined. I have discussed the matter with Grand Master of Ceremonies (taichang)Lai Gong and others. The Record of Rites says, "Establishing affection by beginning from one's parents is the way to teach the people filial piety. Establishing respect by beginning from one's elders is the way to teach the people obedience." It is from this that not forgetting one's parents is born. The intent of the Spring and Autumn Annals is, "A mother is respected in accordance with her son's rank." In the past, Gaozu posthumously venerated his father's Lady of Illustrious Spirit (Zhaoling furen) with the title of Empress of Illustrious Spirit (Zhaoling huanghou), and Emperor He the Filial reburied his mother, Honorable Lady Liang, and gave her the honorific Empress of Respectful Recollection (Gonghuai huanghou). Emperor Min the Filial also buried his mother Lady Wang and gave her the honorific Empress of Spiritual Recollection (Linghuai huanghou). Now, the Lady of Imperial Regret should also have a title of respect to assuage "the thoughts of the cold springs." Thus, along with Gong and the others, we have followed the method of bestowing posthumous titles, and she ought to be called the Empress of Illustrious Achievements (Zhaolie huanghou). The Classic of Poetry says, "While alive, they dwelled in separate chambers; / In death they share a grave."(1) Therefore, the Empress of Illustrious Achievements should be buried with the late emperor. I request that the grand commandant inform the imperial ancestors and announce it abroad. The preparations for the rituals and ceremonies will be memorialized separately.

The emperor granted permission.

(1)-The Record of Rites says that in high antiquity there was no burial together; from middle antiquity on, it existed at times.
