Ma Liang

Ma Liang, stylename Jichang, was a man of Xiangyang city. He had four brothers and together they possessed both talent and fame. The villagers often said, "Of the Ma family were five Changs, the one with white eyebrows is Ma Liang" (1). There were white hairs in the middle of Ma Liang's eyebrows which explains why he was referred to as such. When the First Sovereign (Liu Bei) governed Jingzhou, he appointed Ma Liang as Congshi. When the First Sovereign entered Shu and later, Zhuge Liang also went as well, Ma Liang was left to guard Jingzhou. Ma Liang wrote a letter to Zhuge Liang, "I have heard of the capture of Luocheng and believe this is a blessing from Heaven. Honourable elder brother, you should support the world and take part in the affairs of the glorious State in order to prove your ability. Your servant Pei Songzhi believes that Ma Liang and Zhuge Liang were very close like brothers. Since Zhuge Liang was older in age thus Ma Liang refers to him as elder brother. Being able to adapt elegantly to changes in situation; to examine with clear understanding; and to select and use people of appropriate talent, are what is needed at this time. You should take this opportunity to spread your wisdom and virtue to everywhere between Heaven and Earth, so that they may listen and be won over by your principles. That is, to create a harmonious sound requires the unison of voices from Zheng and Wei (2). This harmony will be beneficial like the 'Guan Xian' together with the melody of the 'Ya' and 'Kuang' (3) Although not the best of all time, but you are very good." The First Sovereign appointed Ma Liang in the office of the General of the Left.

Later, Ma Liang was sent as an emissionary to Wu. He said to Zhuge Liang, "Today, the fate of our State and the co-operation of the two families (Shu and Wu) rests between me and General Sun Quan." Zhuge Liang replied, "Sir, you may try using writing." Right after this, Ma Liang wrote in a manuscript, "My lord has sent thy official, Ma Liang, to continue the friendly relations [between our two states] as well as encourage the exchanging of letters. My lord is always courteous to scholars. Governing the region of Jing-Chu (4), he has not the ability to cause havoc but rather has the ability and desire to co-operate, settle the minds as well as reassuring the soldiers." Sun Quan treated him with respect.

When the First Sovereign took the imperial throne, he made Ma Liang a Shizhong. On the Eastern Wu expedition, Ma Liang was sent into Wuling to recruit the barbarian tribes at Wuqi. The military leaders of the barbarians received an official seal and thus he executed the mission successfully according to his lord's wishes. Together with the First Sovereign, they were badly defeated at Yiling. Ma Liang was also killed here (5). The First Sovereign appointed Ma Liang's son, Ma Bing, to be Qi Douwei...Ma Liang died at age thirty-six.

(1) In most chinese families, the brothers often shared a common character in their names. In the Ma family, they shared the character 'Chang' in their stylenames. For example, we have Ma Jichang (Liang) and Ma Youchang (Ma Su).

(2) I assume that he is referring to the Zheng and Wei states which were once authoritative states in the very early stages of the Spring and Autumn period.

(3) The Guan Xian, Ya, and Kuang were probably ancient music instruments.

(4) Jingzhou occupied a region that used to be the ancient state of Chu in the Spring and Autumn/Warring States Period.

(5) According to the Zizhi Tongjian (ZZTJ), Ma Liang died in Wuqi which is where he went to recruit the barbarian tribes of Wuling.