Pang De

Pang De stlye Jing Ming. Joined Ma Teng in pacifying the Qiang tribesmen early. Having earned merits was quickly promoted to colonel. When Yuan Tan rebelled Ma Teng and Ma Chao lead their forces to suppress them of which Pang De was the vanguard. After which Pang De promoted again and made a marquis. He continued to suppress rebels under Ma Teng and always won merit in battle. Following Ma Teng's promotion to a court position, Pang De stayed with Ma Chao in Xiliang. Following Ma Chao's defeat he joined Zhang Lu together with his former lord. When Zhang Lu surrendered, Pang De joined Cao Cao's forces. Cao Cao having heard of his valour promoted him and upgraded his title and increased his fief.

As Pang De's elder brother was in the service of Shu, many officers of Wei were not convinced of his loyalty. To ally their fears he remarked "I who has been indebted to the kindness of the state am willing to die repaying this kindness. I will attack Guan Yu with all my might. This year I will kill Guan Yu or be killed by him!" As Pang De was always riding a white horse he was also known as the white horse general.

On Cao Ren's orders, Pang De made camp. However, it rained heavily for 10 days and the banks overflow and his camp was flooded. Guan Yu took the opportunity and attacked by boat. Having surrounded the flooded camp the forces of Guan Yu rained arrows upon the defenders. When 2 of Pang De's subbordinates advised surrender he executed them on the spot.

Pang De is said to have remarked "A good general who fears not death is his make up, a hero does not ruin his good name to live, thus today I die!"

Upon his capture Guan Yu told him "Your brother is and official of Shu and I am willing to vouch for you a high rank, why not surrender?"

In which this is his reply:

"Little man, what talk of you of surrender! The Prince of Wei has a million men and all under heaven trembles in the face of his prestige! Your welp Liu Bei is but a talentless vulgar oaf, how can he be of any threat! I rather become a ghost for my state than a cheap general!"

Cao Cao wept when he heard the account. Both Pang De's 2 sons were made marquis in honour of Pang De's bravery and loyalty.