Lu Su

Lu Su, stylename Zijing, was a native of Lin Huai, Dong Cheng. When he was born, he had lost his father and so lived with his grandmother. The family was quite wealthy and he was well known to be a philantropist. Hence at the time, when the world was in disorder, Su did not manage family affairs but spent his money freely. He had many fields of grain which he used to relieve the poor, the starving, etc. hence received much praise from those in the village.

Zhou Yu was at Ju Chao with only several hundred men when he passed Lu Su and asked for some provisions. Su's family had two stores of rice, each having about three thousand carts. Lu Su indicated one store of rice for Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu knew this was a unique person and became very close friends with him. Yuan Shu heard of his reputation and immediately went to Dong Cheng. Lu Su noticed Yuan Shu had no discipline and was not one to establish great affairs, so he gathered up the old and weak troops and some brave young men, a hundred or so in number, and went South to Juchao where he saw Zhou Yu. And so Zhou Yu went East with him. [Wei Zhao's] Wu Shu says: Lu Su was a big man. He had high aspirations and had ability in strategy. Because there was chaos everywhere, Lu Su practised swordsmanship and horse archery. He organised together young men and took care of their needs (clothes and food). They often went hunting at Nanshan and provided military training. An elder of the village remarked, "The Lu family are in decay, but he is an ambitious one!" After this, with many heroes were on the rise, Zhong Zhou was causing disorder, so Lu Su said this to his people, "China is out of control. Bandits and thieves wreak havoc everywhere. The land between the Huai and Si [rivers] is not a suitable place build our lives. I have heard Jiangdong consists of ten thousand li of fertile land, where the people are prosperous and soldiers strong. We can avoid danger and live a peaceful and happy life there. We can then observe for a change in the situation, right?" Everyone in his group agreed. He then placed the weak and slender in the front, while the brave and strong were to guard the rear. Men and women, in total, consisting of about three hundred went with them. Lu Su's group was walking slowly when Zhou's cavalry caught up with them. Lu Su halted the army and called out to his pursuers, "You gentlemen know how to deal with the situation. The world is in great chaos today. You receive no benefit for your merits [in defeating us], and no punishment for failing to pursue, so why do you insist on fighting us?" He planted his shield in the ground, and pulled his bow back to fire. Each arrow pierced [the shield]. The pursuing cavalry thought Lu Su's words were good and besides knew they would be unable to overcome him, and so they withdrew. Lu Su crossed the Great River to see Sun Ce who also thought he was a unique person. He left his family in Que. He returned when his grandmother died and buried her at Dongcheng.

Liu Ziyang was friendly with Lu Su and left a letter for him which said, "In the world now, many heroes are on the rise. My friend, you have a lot of talent which is required in the current climate. You hurriedly returned to welcome your mother and when there is no problem, you stay leisurely in Dongcheng. Near here, there is one named Zheng Bao who lives at Chaohu. He has the support of ten thousand people and the area is fertile and spacious. There are many from Lujiang who depend on him, so it is not just me. I've observed the situation. Opportunities must not be lost and so you should decide early." Lu Su agreed with his plans. After the burial was completed, he returned to Que to prepare for his trip to the north. When he arrived, he heard that Zhou Yu had taken his mother to Wu and he was very thankful. At the time, Sun Ce had died and Sun Quan had taken over. Zhou Yu said to Lu Su, "In reply to [Emperor] Guangwu [of Latter Han, Liu Xiu], Ma Yuan said, `In today's world, not only do rulers choose their vassals, but vassals also choose their rulers'. Now my master is intimate with worthy people and uses the help of the wonderful and extraordinary. Moreover, I've heard secretly his vision that the Liu family will be replaced by someone from the southeast. Eventually the foundation of an Emperor to carry forth the Heavenly mandate will be the time where scholars and warriors rise like dragons and phoenixes. I have already begun and Sir, you should not let Ziyang's words obstruct your wishes." Lu Su agreed with him. It was because Zhou Yu recommended Lu Su for his suitable talents, that he went in search for comparable people, that he was succesful in his affairs and not let walk away.

Sun Quan came to meet with Lu Su and was very pleased by his words. When the other guests started to leave, Lu Su also bid his farewell. Sun Quan went himself to bring him back where they sat on the same couch and started drinking together. At this time, he secretly asked Su, "Now the house of Han is in danger of collapsing and the four corners are disturbed. It is my duty to support the foundation laid down by my father and brother so I'm thinking of imitating the achievements of Huan and Wen. Sir, you seem to care a lot, will you be able to assist me?" Lu Su replied, "Before when Gao Di [Liu Bang] wanted to serve the Righteous Emperor (Yi Di) [of Chu], he was unable to because Xiang Yu's threat to his life. Today's Cao Cao is like Xiang Yu, so how will you, General, follow the path of Huan and Wen? Su's humble opinion is that the house of Han has no chance of being restored while Cao Cao cannot be removed. My plan for you, General, is to secure your lands of Jiangdong and observe the world happenings. If so your [lands] extend so far, then you should not be too disheartened. There is much turmoil in the north, and because of this, we can strike at Huang Zu, then advance to attack Liu Biao in order to control the length of the Great River. Then you may consolidate the empire and become the Son of Heaven. This was how the Gao Di (Liu Bang) build his State." Sun Quan replied, "Now, I'll exert my main strength in one direction in the hope (name) of assisting the Han. Don't let these words get outside." Zhang Zhao thought Lu Su was unmodest and seeked to defame him by commenting that Lu Su was too young and not suitable for responsibility. Sun Quan however did not mind this and continued treated him favourably as before. He conferred clothes, curtains, as well as other miscellaneous things to Lu Su's mother so they lived in riches, as before.

Liu Biao had died and Lu Su came to offer his advice, "Jingzhou is a direct neighbour to our state. The Yangzi and the mountains are difficult to approach and secure to defend, there are ten thousand li of fertile land and the people are prosperous. If we can take it and hold it, this can become the base of an empire. Now that Liu Biao has just died, his two sons are in disagreement, and the leaders of their army have divided loyalties. Liu Bei is a hero of the Empire. He quarrelled with Cao Cao and went to stay with Liu Biao, but Liu Biao was jealous of his abilities and never game him an important post. If Liu Bei joins Liu Biao's son, and if they can set things in order, then we should keep peace with them and make an alliance of friendship. If, on the other hand, they continue to disagree, we should make other plans to achieve the great design. I ask permission to take a message of condolence to Liu Biao's sons. While I am here, I can show our sympathies and make friends witht he men who hold authority in their army, and I shall urge Liu Bei to collect Liu Biao's forces and join us against Cao Cao. Liu Bei will certainly be pleased and will accept your call. If he agrees, the empire can be settled. If I do not leave at once, however, I fear Cao Cao may get there first." (RdeC) So Sun Quan dispatched Lu Su. He arrived at Xiakou and heard Cao Cao was already heading for Jingzhou, so he doubled his paces from day till night. By the time he arrived at Nanjun, Liu Biao's son, Cong, had surrendered to Lord Cao while Liu Bei was hurriedly running away, crossing the Great River and heading South. Lu Su caught up with them at Changban, in Dangyang. He put forward Sun Quan's ideas and how the Jiangdong was strong and so urged Liu Bei to ally with Sun Quan. Liu Bei was very pleased. At the time, Zhuge Liang agreed with Liu Bei on the matter, so Lu Su said to Liang, "I am a friend of Ziyu", and so instantly, they became friends. Liu Bei forthwith, arrived at Xiakou and dispatched Zhuge Liang as an ambassador to Sun Quan. Lu Su went with him also. Your servant Pei Songzhi believes that Liu Bei allying with Sun Quan to resist the forces of China, was a strategy of Lu Su alone. He said to Zhuge Liang, "I am a friend of Ziyu", and afterwards, Zhuge Liang frequently asked about his brother. In the Shu Shu, chapter on Zhuge Liang, where it says, "Liang used his horizontal plan to convince Sun Quan and Quan was very happy.", seems to suggest the plan came from Zhuge Liang. It seems that historians from both kingdoms have recorded from their point of view in order to raise their kingdom's glory and merits. Since these two books were written by one person, yet the event is contradicted, then it does not represent good practice.

On his return, Sun Quan had just received a letter from Lord Cao and was discussing the matter with his various advisors. All of them urged him to accept [Cao Cao] but only Lu Su remained silent. Sun Quan rose to retire and Lu Su followed him closely. Sun Quan knew that Lu Su had his own opinion, so grabbing him by the hand, asked, "Sir, is there something you want to say?" Lu Su replied, "I have listened to their suggestions and those people are misleading you. You cannot make useful plans with them. I could welcome Cao Cao, but not you. Let me explain. If I surrender to Cao Cao, he will send me back to my home district, to be graded for name and rank, and at the very least I would become a junior Attendant Official. So I could ride in a carriage drawn by oxen, with an escort of soldiers, and could mingle with the gentry. Then I would be promoted and in the end I would be sure to finish with a province or a commandery. On the other hand, if you surrender to Cao Cao, where would you go? I urge you to decide this great plan before it is too late. Do not take those fellows' advice." Sun Quan signed with admiration, "They disappointed me but you set forth a grand strategy. That is just what I have been looking for." [Wang Shen's] Wei Shu and [Sima Biao's] Jiu Zhou Chun Qiu say: When Lord Cao conquered Jingzhou, Sun Quan was in great distress. Lu Su wanted to convince Sun Quan to repel Lord Cao and tried to incite him by saying, "Lord Cao has defeated his enemies and has now accumulated Yuan Shao's finest troops and horses. Riding on his wave of victories, he is attacking the country that is in disorder and is sure to conquer it. Why don't you dispatch your troops to assist him? Furthermore you should send your family (as hostage) too. If you don't, we will be in trouble." Sun Quan was very angry and was about to execute Lu Su, when the latter said, "The current situation is already worrying, why don't you dispatch your troops to assist Liu Bei instead of wanting to execute me?" Sun Quan agreed and sent Zhou Yu to assist Liu Bei. Sun Cheng says: Both Wu Shu and Jiang Biao Zhuan record that when Lu Su saw Sun Quan, he tried to convince him to resist Lord Cao as well as offer a plan fit for Emperors and Kings. Liu Biao had died and he requested to be sent to observe the changing situation. There was no reason for him to try to persuade Sun Quan by inciting him. Also there were many who tried to convince Sun Quan to submit, but it said that only Lu Su was to be beheaded, thus these words did not come from Lu Su.
