Useful Links

This is a backup for the useful links thread on the Koei forums. - Yue Fei

San Guo Zhi Biographies - most people who are interested about this period know of this site anyways, but the link is here for ease of use. - Empire Divided (currently down) - Archive of Fa Zheng's biography from the newest iteration of Empire Divided. - Archive of the original Empire Divided, some pages might not work. I was originally advised by the creator if I could remove it due to some inaccuracies and translation errors, but I decided to link it again for reference and because it's still the only iteration of Empire Divided that still has some functional pages.

Places to Read the Novel (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) - Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Specific Information - Dr. Rafe de Crespigny's Work - The Western Regions according to the Hou Han Shu - Weilue: The Peoples of the West - A case study of Chinese civil warfare: The Cao‐Wei conquest of Shu‐Han in AD 263 (Note: In order to access the full text, one must purchase either a limited access to the article for $42 USD, or for 30 days access to the entire issue, $172 USD. The abstract for it is free though. There is also a possibility that you might have free access to it from either a public library or if you're in university, from a university library. You will have to check with the Librarian for that though.) - Primary Source Article about Shi Xie A PDF from Columbia University, this is a fairly short, but interesting piece about Shi Xie containing primary source material as well as some questions.

Info in Chinese - All the SGZ biographies (Not Translated) - Hou Hanshu by the Chinese Text Project (Contains many interesting works as well, such as; military treatises (The Art of War, Wu Zi, etc.), Religious texts, The work of Guan Zhong, and a whole range of other topics. Some things are translated, others are not. However each work contains a Chinese dictionary attached to the verses so you could perhaps get the gist of what's being said.)

General Information - Overview of the Later Han up to the Early Tang - The Three Kingdoms Wiki (Made by Zantam03, and has accounts of battles and forces, all researched and complete with primary sources).

Note: I cannot guarantee these links will continue to be up, but I will continue to monitor them for relevant information (ex. it changed from the Three Kingdoms to Power Rangers), if it has changed, I will either attempt to find a replacement or I will remove it.