Zhang Liao

Zhang Liao stlye Wenyuan, native of Yanmen Mayi. Originally of Shen Yi's descendant changed their surname to avoid their enemies. In his youth was a lowly district runner. During the waning years of the Eastern Han dynasty Zhang Liao's exceptional martial prowess was noticed by Ding Yuan governor of Bingzhou. Zhang Liao was thus recruited into his service and stationed in the capital. Was given command of about 1000 men by He Jin when the latter started recruiting of troops from Hebei. When He Jin lost, Dong Zhuo took possession of the troops. When Dong Zhuo lost Lu Bu took possession of the troops, whereby Zhang Liao was made Qianqi Duwei (Commander of the Moving Riders). When Lu Bu lost to Li Jue, he followed his east and fled to Xuzhou, became Xiang of the prefecture. When Cao Cao broken Lu Bu at Xiapei, Zhang Liao surrended with the others and was made Zhonglang Jiang (Zhonglang general) and a Guan Nie Hou (Marquis with only household alotment but no land). Rendering merits in war was made Qianbi Jiangjun (Assistant Moving General). When Yuan Shao was broken, Zhang Liao pacified Lu Country and its counties. Together with Xiahou Yuan was sieging Chang Xi at Donghai. After a few months when provisions were also finished and Xiahou Yuan wanted to withdraw.

Zhang Liao told Xiahou Yuan "For the past few days, when out around the siege area, Xi has been observing me, there were many opportunities to attack us with arrows and yet do not, thus showing their uncertainty and refusing battle, I will speak with them if it is alright."

Upon which he proclaimed to Chang Xi "My master has orders and sent me here!" Chang Xi thus came and they spoke. Zhang Liao said "My lord's martial prowess is divine and his approach of virtue encampasses all four corners, those that submit first will be greatly rewarded!" Chang Xi thus submitted. Zhang Liao personally on his own went up Sangong Mountain and entered Chang Xi's house to meet his wife and son. This so greatly pleased Chang Xi that he went personally to pay homage to Cao Cao. When Chang Xi returned Cao Cao reproached Zhang Liao "That which you did was not in keeping with the behaviour of a general." In which Zhang Liao replied "My brilliant master's prestige is well known throughout the four seas, I was following imperial edicts and Chang Xi would not dare to harm me this was my rational."

From punishing Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang at Liyang, Zhang Liao won merit and was made Zhong Jian Jiang Jun. In attacking Ye, Yuan Shang would not budge. When Cao Cao returned to Xuchang, Zhang Liao and Yue Jin moved to Yin An and moved the citizens to Henan. After which they continued their attack on Ye and it surrendered. When Zhang Liao attacked Zhao Country, Chang Mountain, he accepted the surrender of the bandits from the Fates Mountains and Black Mountains. In attacking Yuan Tan, he broke Yuan Tan, conqured Haibing and broke the Liaodong bandits. Returning to Ye, Cao Cao came out personally to welcome his return, travelled together in carriage and made Zhang Liao Dang Kuo Jiang Jun (General who vanqishes bandits).

When assigned to invade Jingzhou and pacify the counties of Jiangxia again, was encamped at Lin Ying,was made a marquis with a Ting as his fief. In campaigning against Yuan Tan at Liucheng, many were dead or captured, Zhang Liao advised Cao Cao to war, the army spirit was arroused and strengthen by Cao Cao thanks to Zhang Liao. In attacking the enemy was thus overcame.

At the time, Jingzhou was not pacified and Zhang Liao returned make long term plans. However, it was discovered that there were rebellious elements in his army and a fire was started to create chaos. Zhang Liao tell his subordinates "Act not, It is not the whole camp in revolt, those in the army who are not rebellious will stay put, those rebelling will atempt to disrupt others" Zhang Liao then selected 10 confidants and waited. When certain, killed those involved.

Chen Lan, Mei Chen with the De (minority group from the north west) of 6 counties were in the revolt, and Cao Cao moved Yu Jin and Zan Ba to supress Mei Chen, Zhang He and Niu Gai to supress Chen Lan. Mei Chen faked a surrender. When Yu Jin withdrew, Mei Chen then moved his forces to aid Chen Lan passing the mountains. In the mountains there was a Heavenly Pillar mountain, with the highest peak reaching 20 over li (10 over km), the path was narrow & dangerous and one could only travel by foot Mei Chen and his forces had to pass by. Zhang Liao was expecting Yu Jin, his men reported to him "The path is dangerous and troops few, it is difficult to deploy them deep in." Zhang Liao replied "Such is a case of one on one, the braver one will have advantage" Following Yu Jin he established his camp at the foot of the mountain, when he attacked both Mei Chen and Chen Lan were killed and most of their men captured. Cao Cao when commending on their merits said "Scaling heaven's moutain, and overcoming its dangers to get Chen Lan and Mei Chen the credit goes to Zhang Liao." their allotments were increased and given leave.

When Cao Cao returned from campaigning against Sun Quan, he left Zhang Liao, Yue Jin and Li Dian with 7000 stationed at Hefei. When Cao Cao was campaigning against Zhang Lu, an inspector was sent to do a review and carried a pouch stating "to be opened when the bandits came". Sun Quan was leding a 100,000 army to surround Hefei and the inspector opened the pouch. It read "Should Sun Quan arrive, Zhang Liao and Li Dian is to attack while Yue Jin stay put to guard the army, you are not to take part." The generals were unsure of the plan but Zhang Liao said "Our lord is afar campaigning, when he returned to aid us it would be too late. This plan is to blunt the enemy's edge and stabilized our own morale so that we may hold out until reinforcements come. Success depends on this one battle what else is there to be unsure of?" Li Dian followed Zhang Liao. During the night Zhang Liao selected brave men from the army and 800 men were picked, a feast of beef was fed to the men and the great battle followed the next day. Zhang Liao readied his armour and weld his halberd, leding the van guard killed scores of men and killed 2 generals after which he anounced his name and charged in towards Sun Quan. Sun Quan was alarmed and before anybody knew what was happening, Sun Quan fled holding his long halberd for defense. Zhang Liao challaged Sun Quan to do battle but the latter dared not move, seeing that Zhang Liao's men were few an attempt was made to surround them with overwhelming odds. Zhang Liao and his followers broke out but the dozen men still trapped cried out "Is the general forsaking us?" Zhang Liao thus re-entered the the mass of enemy troops and brought them all out to safety. None of Sun Quan's men dared to block him. After having robbed the enemy of their morale he returned to prepare his defenses and the people were pacified and the generals convinced. Sun Quan laid seige to Hefei for 10 over days and the city would not fall and had to withdraw. Zhang Liao led his men in pursit and almost captured Sun Quan. Cao Cao thus commended Zhang Liao and made him General who Conqures the East.

In the 21 year of Jian An, Cao Cao renewed his war against Sun Quan and came to Hefei, reviewed Zhang Liao's battle areas gave a long sign. He then increased Zhang Liao's forces and left more generals to create agro-military colonies.

When Guan Yu was besieging Cao Ren at Wan, having met Sun Quan and received his pledge, Zhang Liao and others were summoned to save Cao Ren. Before Zhang Liao arrived Xu Huang had already broken Guan Yu and the siege was lifted. Cao Cao then met up with Zhang Liao. With his army present Cao Cao praised him for his efforts and Zhang Liao and his men returned to be stationed at Chen District. When Cao Pi became Emperor, Zhang Liao was promoted to General of the Van. His elder brother Zhang Fan and one son was made a marquis. When Sun Quan rebelled Zhang Liao was returned to Hefei and his marquis fiefdom upgraded to a Xiang. Zhang Liao gave his mother a carriage and armed escot to move his family to Heifei and his mother came out to welcome them. Those there were greatly honoured. Cao Pi later made him marquis of Jinyang increasing his allotment by 1000 households adding to his original 2600. During the 2nd year of Huangchu, Zhang Liao was granted an audience at the palace in Loyang. Cao Pi, brought Zhang Liao to Jianshi palace and personally asked him for his opinion as to how to break Wu. After which Cao Pi remarked to his men that "Such is a rare tiger in history!" A hall was built specially for Zhang Liao's mother and all of Zhang Liao's soldiers who were involved in breaking Wu were to be known as Hu Ben (tiger warriors). Sun Quan renewed his pledge and Zhang Liao returned to be stationed in Yongqu but fell ill. Cao Pi sent the imperial security Liu Ye and imperial physician to treat him, and his tiger warriors asked of new all along the way. While still ill, Cao Pi welcomed Zhang Liao to stay put and came personally to pay him a visit. Holding his hand bestowed him with imperial clothes and shared his imperial meals with him. While still not fully recovered he returned to his station. When Sun Quan again rebelled, Cao Pi sailed down river with Zhang Liao to meet up with Cao Xiu at Hailing Lingjiang. Sun Quan told his followers "Even though Zhang Liao is sick, still nothing can block him, prudence is called for!" Zhang Liao with the other generals defeated Sun Quan's general Lu Fan. Zhang Liao's illness took a turn for the worst and died. He was buried in Jiangdu. Cao Pi shed tears for him and gave him a title in death. Zhang Liao's son Zhang Hu inherited his titles.

In year 6, Cao Pi remembering Zhang Liao and Li Dian's merits at Hefei issued an edict "In the siege of Hefei Zhang Liao and Li Dian with 800 troops broke a force of 100,000 rebels, since ancient times this has never occured. Following which the enemy to this day has yet to recover from this, they are truely the claws and teeth of our state. Both Zhang Liao and Li Dian's allotment are to be increased by another 100 households and one son made a marquis (without fief)." Zhang Hu became Bian Jiang Jun (side General) and his son Zhang Tong inherited his titles.