Chen Wu

Chen Wu, styled Zilie, was a native from Songzi of Longjiang. With a height of 7 feet and 7 inches, he went to Sun Ce at age 18 when Ce was at Shou Chun. His accomplishments through crossing the river earned his the position of Bei Bu Si Ma(1). When Sun Ce defeated Liu Xun, he received many people from Longjiang and made Wu the commander of the best of them, this army always fought at the front line. When Sun Quan succeeded, he turned to command Wu Xiao(2). His kindness and generosity caused many from near and far to seek help from him. Sun Quan liked Wu a lot and even came to his house several times. Wu's accomplishments built up and earned his the position of Pian Jiangjun (General of the Side). At twentieth year of Jian An [A.D.215], he went on the campaign to attack Hefei and fought to death. Sun Quan went to his funeral personally to mourn. Jiang Biao Zhuan: Quan ordered his beloved concubine to commit suicide with him and disassembled over two hundred of his guests. Sun Sheng: when the three countries surrendered to Qin Mu Gong, the Qing army did not attack them. When Wu's cucubine was married Du Hui was captured(3). Thus both good and bad deeds will be redeemed. Sun used his power and ordered people to follow from live to death, thus it is not a coincidence his kingdom lasted only shortly.

(1)Bie Bu Sima acts as an advisor to the General-in-chief but also commands some soldiers.

(2)Wu Xiaos are Dunqi Xiaowei, Yu Qi Xiaowei, Bu Bing Xiaowei, Changsui Xiaowei, and She Sheng Xiaowei. They are all in charge of the palace guards.

(3)In the Spring and Autumn period, a general of Jin, Wei Wu Zi, had a beloved concubine named Zu Ji. He often told his son, Wei Ke, that once he died, Ke would married Zu Ji to someone else. However, right before he died he told Ke to make Zu Ji commit suicide so he and reunite with her after death. After Wei Wu Zi's death, Wei Ke married Zu Ji off, saying he cannot obey his father's order when Wu Zi's sickness clouded his mind, but instead will follow the order that is made when his father has a clear mind. When Wei Ke went a battle against Qin, whose commander is Du Hui. He saw an old man use grass to trap Du Hui, so he capture Hui and achieved a victory for Jin. At the night, he dreamed the old man approaching him and said, I am Zu Ji's father, here to repay you following your father's clear order and married my daughter.
