Walks 2019:
Long Walk: Winchburgh to Linlithgow.
Date of Walk: 6th December 2019.
Terrain/Grade: Flat Canal Walk. Grade C.
Distance:6.5 miles
We travel to Dobbies Garden Centre at Livingston for toilets and a quick coffee stop and then proceed on to Winchburgh for the start of the walk.
We start from the 'Tally Ho' pub car park, turn right and after a short distance on the pavement, we reach a bridge over the canal. We then descend some steps to join the towpath along the canal. This path is flat all the way to Linlithgow.
We follow the curves of the canal, through a wooded area, passing en-route several bridges over the canal before the scenery opens out to panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. We will stop for lunch along the way - at a chosen spot! - and then continue on to the canal basin at Linlithgow. From there we walk downhill, passing the station and reach the main road through the town.
We cross over and head up the right hand pavement until we reach Linlithgow High Street. at this point we will disperse for coffee/tea time in Linlithgow.
Recce completed by:- J.McLaughlin, Grace Gentles, Kathleen Hunter & Isobella Doherty. 29th Nov.2019
Short Walk : Lambhill
Walk Date: 20th December 2019
Walk Leader: Robin Stewart
Distance: 4.25 miles, Grade: Level, Linear.
Terrain: Tarmac, pavements, canal paths.
Boots advised, poles & festive wear optional.
Meet at Buchanan Street Bus Station at 10:30am.
We will walk from the bus station to the start of the Forth and Clyde Canal at Port Dundas, we will follow the canal as far as the Stockbridge Junction and from there to Lambhill. Apart from a short climb up from street level to the start of the canal, the walk is entirely flat.
We finish the walk at the Stables at lambhill. The cafe there has agreed to provide mince pies, in addition to their normal menu.
Recce completed by : Robin Stewart Date: November 2019
Short Walk: Drumpellier Country Park
Walk Date: 15th November 2019
Walk Leaders: Hugh Atkinson & Walter Purdom
Distance/Grade: 3.5 miles C Circular
Terrain: Tarmac paths & road (care required, keep to the right, single file), in the woodland areas, gravel paths (muddy in places), moderate inclines.
Boots required, poles optional.
Meet at Chatelherault at 9:30am (car share) & Drumpellier Country Park Visitors Centre at 10am. Visitors centre opens at 10am, with access to the toilets. Unfortunately the Cafe does not open until 10:30am, so if you want coffee/tea before you start, bring your own.
Walk will start at 10:15am approx.
The walk will cover the BLUE and RED arrowed routes within the park.
Recce Completed by: Hugh Atkinson & Walter Purdom. Date: 7th Nov. 2019
Long Walk: Blackness via Hopetoun
Date of Walk: 1st November 2019
Distance: 6.2 miles GRADE “C” Circular
Terrain: Woodland Paths VERY MUDDY - Shoreline River Forth- Two Inclines
Walking poles and Gaiters essential
There are public toilets at village square, no facilities for coffee if you wish coffee please bring your own.
From Blackness Square, walk eastwards along the road, passing the pier and the boat club on your left, until reaching a gate on the right hand side of the road and enter the grassy park, passing the remains of a dovecot on the left. We will take time to view the Castle from near the Shoreline, Blackness Castle is sometimes referred to as “the ship that never sailed “ (we will see that later in the walk) ,then when reaching a burn, follow it upstream until reaching a footbridge, which you cross and immediately enter the woods.
Follow the track along the shore until you reach a track off to the right by a stream. Go right here and follow the track that goes off to the right, up the hill. Follow the track along the top of the woods with a wall and a field on your right. The main track eventually turns downhill, however you need to continue ahead, through a 5 barrel gate. The track now heads south following the burn at the bottom of the valley on your left and the wall at the field boundary on your right. The path continues through the woods then drops down to the burn just before you reach Midhope. Turn left over the bridge and follow the track to reach a minor road.
Turn left down the public road, be aware of traffic, particularly at the bends in the road, when we arrive at the turning to Abercrombie Church we take a short detour left to church and churchyard (lunch stop) . Return to minor road and go left . Continue along the public road to a private road, next to a house on your left, go through the gate to the left and down the private road and take the first left to join the John Muir Way. The path goes past the driveway to Hopetoun House on your right and bends round to the right just beyond the cottage on your right. The path drops down to a gate at the end of a track. Go through the gate and continue along the track ahead to a stone bridge over a burn (before crossing the bridge we will take a detour to see Blackness Castle as a ship) we then follow the path along the shore back to Blackness.
Plenty of wildlife on this walk we saw Geese, Pheasants and Deer hope we are lucky on the day.
Completed on 17th October by : P Colligan, K Hunter, S Strachan, J McLaughlin
Short Walk: Chaterherault to Larkhall
Date: Friday 25/10/2019
Walk Leaders: Robin Stewart & Hugh Atkinson
Distance: 4 miles Grade C Linear
Terrain: Woodland paths (muddy in places, care required), moderate inclines (2 steep). Over 200 steps down & over 100 steps up (muddy in places), no handrails (care required).
Boots and poles required.
The route we intended to take, was closed, for footpath repairs, so we had to take the alternative route, which was more challenging.
Meet at: Chatelherault Visitors Centre Cafe at 10am, walk starts at 10:30am approx. Leave the visitors centre and turn right then left and follow the signs for the Green Bridge.
After crossing the Green Bridge turn left and watch out for the steps, on your left, to Millheugh. Go up the steps (could be muddy) and follow the path, eventually reaching Millheugh Broommelton road, turn left across bridge, follow the Millheugh road to the roundabout then turn right up Millheugh Brae/MacNeil street, then turn left onto Raploch Street; follow the road round and you will see the Coalyard Tearoom (for lunch), on your right.
Walk finishes here.
After lunch, walk out to Larkhall main street and get a bus back to Chatelherault/Hamilton (REMEMBER YOU BUS PASS)
Recce completed by: Robin Stewart & Hugh Atkinson Date: 16/10/2019
Long walk: Janet's Brae ,Glentress Woodland Peebles.
Date of Walk: 18th October 2019'
Distance/ Grade 7 miles. Grade C circular.
Terrain: Waymarked forestry and riverside paths.
This is a challenging Walk --Ascent 210 m
The walks stat on the Kingsmeadow car park where their are toilets you need 30 pence ,their is no coffee so if you wish coffee please bring your own.
From the ca park we turn right and go over the metal footbridge we then go right alone to the end of the metal railings continue straight ahead onto the gravel path and follow this around the edge of the recreation field untill we reach the main road .
Cross the road carefully and continue to the right taking the first road on the left .
Walk up the road untill you reach a lodge on the left turn right here and you will see the notice for Janet's Brae.
Climb the steep and rough path untill you reach the main track turn left and follow the path round the bend and up the edge of the forestry track .
Keep to the main path this is a steep climb that is at least for 1 mile .
Their are lovely views overlooking the hills and river .
Just before the barrier for the Buzzards Nest car park turn right onto a way marked path
this cuts through the trees and then crosses the car park
We then take the red way marked path and follow this down hill views again are lovely but this is a very rough path with lots of tree roots .
We then head to the visitors centre where we turn right onto the a road then left on to the A72 great care is needed as this is a busy road ,we cross the road and walk a little way untill we reach the path leading to an old railway line now a cycle path ,this leads use back to the river ,
We follow the path until we reach a set of steps we climb then onto a pavement then at Wirebridge Cottage we take the steps down back to the river path , we follow the path back to the iron bridge and back to the car park this is the end of the walk.
Recce --11 October completed by Grace Gentles ,Betty Fraser ,Muriel Jaap,Alison Mochrie.
Short Walk: Strathclyde Park, Woodland Walk
Date: 11 October 2019
Walk Leaders: Margaret Neil / Hugh Atkinson
Distance: 4 miles Grade C Circular
Terrain: Tarmac, gravel and woodland paths (could be muddy in places). Moderate inclines/declines. Roads to cross over, within park, care required. Leaves on paths, could be slippery, care required.
Boots required, poles optional.
Meet at Strathclyde Park Watersports Centre Cafe at 10 am. Toilets and coffee available.
Leave Cafe at 10:25 am and drive to the Beach Car Park, were walk will start at 10:30 am approx.
For the walk route, please refer to attachment, on your Email.
Recce completed by: Margaret Neil & Hugh Atkinson on 5 October 2019
Long Walk: Eglinton Country Park
Date of Walk: 4th Oct.2019
Terrain:Extremely muddy country paths at places and some water on tracks.
Gaiters, boots and poles are recommended.
Distance: 6 miles.
There are some interesting features on the walk.
We start at the coach parking area of the park. This is near the Visitor Centre.
We follow the blue Cairnmount View Track to the hillpoint viewpoint. There are
standing stones and the incline is about 80 feet but gradual.
We continue along the trail and pass the Sourlie SWT Reserve and cross a small bridge.
We go straight on at the t junction leading us to the loch. There are some benches en route so we may have lunch here weather permitting.
We continue to a bridge which leads to Eglinton Castle and we can read the
information there. We carry on to Tournament Bridge and cross it to do a
circular walk back to the Café.
Recce completed: 13/9/19 by Linda Christie, Muriel Jaap and Sheena Strachan.
Short Walk : Lanark Loch
Date: 27th September 2019
Walk Leaders: Margaret Neil & Janette Swann (**Phone Margaret, if attending**)
Distance :4 miles Grade C Circular
Terrain: Tarmac pavements, gravel paths (could be muddy within woodland areas), tree roots (care required), moderate inclines/declines.
Boots required, poles optional.
Bus Information:
Hamilton Bus Station, Bus no. 41 to Lanark, Stance 1, departs 9:20am.
Stops at Motherwell Brandon Parade (opposite Aldi) at 9:37am.
Stops at Wishaw Main Street at 9:56am.
Arrives Lanark Bus Station at 10:26am.
By Car, could park at: Watt Brothers, Braidfute retail park, Old Market Road, ML11 7LQ.
Meet at Valerio’s Fish & Chips Restaurant, next to bus station. Coffee/tea snacks & toilets available.
Start walk at 11am approx.
Leave Valero’s and turn left then left again and walk towards Morrison’s main entrance,go right then left and follow the pavement around Morrison’s until you reach Whitelees Road, bear left and follow the road (part of this road has no pavement, walk on right, single file), until you reach a large metal gates, take the public footpath on the left. When you reach the car park go left down to the children’s play area in Lanark Loch, go clockwise around the loch and about three quarters way round you will see the sign “Blue Cycle Path”, take this path and follow the blue arrow route until you return to this point.
Continue to walk clockwise around the loch back to the children’s play area, then retrace your steps back to Morrisons.
Recce completed by: Margaret Neil & Hugh Atkinson Date: 18th September 2019
Long Walk: Lady Flora Louden Walk
Date of Walk: 20th September 2019
Distance: 8miles circular.
Terrain: Tarmac paths grass paths and farm tracks.
Poles and boots essential.
There are no tea and coffee facilities so please bring your own.
Toilet stop at Sainsbury, Strathaven.
The walk starts at Lady Flora's Institute Main Street Galston and walking the Irvine footpath beside the River Irvine.
Cross over the Mackle Brig and Galston bypass stopping at Tesco for toilets.
We head up to the gates of Loudon Castle (small incline) stopping at Loudon Kikyard for lunch.
After lunch we head back to Galston. The path can be wet and muddy.
Going under the underpass we then start walking by the river.
We start heading back to Newmilns passing a cemetery.
We then head up to Piersland Farm (this is an incline for about 1 and a 1/2 miles.
Going through farm we head downhill to T-junction going left under rail bridge turning right to retrace our steps back to Newmilns.
Recce completed 13th September by David Swann, Elinor Bones, Betty Fraser, Janet Strang
Short Walk: Dams to Darnley
Date: Friday 13 September 2019.
Distance: 4 miles Grade C Circular.
Terrain: Gravel, tarmac paths, could be muddy in places.
Moderate inclines and a few steps.
Boots essential, poles would be helpful.
Car share: Chatelherault 9:30am, Rouken Glen garden centre 10:00am,
Cafe and toilets available.
Robin Stewart will meet us in the cafe with further instructions for car share to the walk start point at Darnley.
Leave Rouken Glen at 10:30am approx.
Walk start 11.00am approx.
The walks takes in the three reservoirs, Balgray, Ryan Linn and Walkmill Glen, with some impressive views.
Recce completed by: Robin Stewart Date; 31 August 2019
Long Walk: Cardross to Balloch (The Coffin Road)
Date of Walk: 6th Sept.2019.
Distance / Grade: 6 miles Linear. C+ Linear. OS Landranger 62
Terrain: Tarmac Roads, Stoney Paths (Possibly muddy)
Walking Boots and Poles Essential.
From Cardross Main Street(A814) walk along main road until you reach a sign on the left pointing right
towards Kilmachew Church. Cross over towards flower beds and walk uphill on Dalreith Road. There are
houses on the right and bushes on the left with a stream. Soon the hamlet of Kirkton and St Matthew’s
Chapel with its graveyard can be seen on the right. Now follow the road uphill passing High Auchinsail
Farm on the right and Lower Auchinsail on the left with an outdoor collection of farm implements,
machinery and old vehicles. Follow the road bearing left at a bend and continue along a gradual uphill
climb. On the right is Auchinsail Cottage and then there is an ornamental black metal gate on the right
which leads to Dalreith House which is a private road. At the brow of the road a post with a Scottish
Rights of Way sign explains the history of the Coffin Road. There is also a brown post pointing the way to
Balloch to the right.
At the top of the hill on the right is Blackthird Farm and the end of the tarmac road. Behind a wall is a
midden. We climb a stile and look back towards the Clyde – but don’t take too deep a breath as the
smell from the midden is powerful! Further along is another stile to climb and another midden to pass
with a muddy patch to cross. We continue along going through a gate and the path turning right uphill.
When Loch Lomond comes into view, pause a while and quite soon we will be able to see the Clyde
Estuary and Loch and Ben Lomond, weather permitting. There is a small stone cairn on the right side of
the road and later a large clearing. Continue along the road until a sign post on the right points left to
Balloch. We take this road, along which is the highest point at 736ft. From here it is downhill all the way
but it can be difficult as the path is stoney, very uneven and steep at times. On either side is Darleith
Muir—open moorland where on a good day there are fine views.
Soon we reach some trees and by a cottage on the left a sign points the way to Balloch. A bridge leads
over the main road north-A82- and there are kennels and chalets on the right. We turn left onto Old Luss
Road where a sign tells again the story of Stoneymollan Road and its history. Further along on the right a
path leads to Loch Lomond Shores and the end of the walk .
Please note this is quite a strenuous walk. The first half is all uphill and then it is all downhill along rough terrain.
Recce completed on 30th August by
Grace Gentles, Patricia Clark, Jim McLaughlin, David Swann.
Short Walk: Dalziel Estate, Motherwell
**NOTE: this is a substitute walk for Green Link specified on current program which started at Motherwell Town Hall.
Date: 23 Aug 2019
Distance: 5 miles Circular Grade C
Terrain: Tarmac paths
Boots & Poles required
***Meet at 10:15 am, Strathclyde Park Watersports Centre cafe.***
Walk starts at 10:30am approx.
We will walk along the Clyde walkway past Baron’s Haugh, enter Dalziel Estate and walk around the various pathways and end up back at the R.S.P.B carpark, then retrace our steps back to the Watersports Centre.
Recce completed by Robin Stewart Date: 17 Aug 2019
Date of walk:- 16/08/19
Distance:- 7.5 miles
Terrain:- Pavements, promenade , shore path and woodland path.
This is a flat walk--Grade C.
The walk starts at Battery Park, Greenock where there are toilets and vending machines for hot and cold drinks- cost £1.
We follow a footpath north past the Pavilion to the shore path which runs westward to Cardwell Bay. This joins the pavement to Gourock Pierhead at Kempock Point. We go through Gourock Railway Station and proceed to the promenade passing the outdoor salt water swimming pool.
Past Gourock Yacht Club this promenade becomes a wide pavement to Cloch Road , passing the Western Ferries pier and on past the picturesque Cloch Lighthouse, with extensive views to the Holy Loch and Loch Long.
As the promenade continues south it turns away from the road into Lunderstone Bay picnic area, part of the Clyde Muirshiel Park.
From Lunderston Bay we follow the shore path. Keep your eyes open for different species of butterfly along this path . We were lucky enough to see several! We continue past fields and through Ardgowan woods to reach the Kip Marina. The path follows the shore past houses , then round the perimeter of the marina itself to the main entrance. A footbridge goes across the main road to INVERKIP Village where the walk ends.
Recce completed 8/08/19 by Elinor Bones, Muriel Jaap, Betty Fraser and Patricia Clark.
Short Walk: Friday 9 August 2019 Eddlewood to Larkhall
****Change of venue*****:
Due to a change of circumstance the venue has now been altered to Strathclyde Park.
The Walk will be around the park. The length will be approximately 4 miles and grade C.
The meeting point will be the Water Sports Centre in the Park at 10:00 with the Walk starting at 10:30.
Submitted by Walter Purdom Tuesday 30 July 2019.
Long Walk.: Glen Lednock Circular
Distance: 6.5 miles Grade C+
Terrain: Minor road, single track paths
GS. No. 51
Please note this is a change of walk from detailed on Programme.
Poles and long trousers are advisable.
We drive directly to Comrie, initially for toilets, coffee/teas before
starting the walk.
We then leave from School Road, turn right along main road leading
to Glen Lednock Road - this road leads to Glen Lednock Hydro Electric
Dam ( 5 miles up), however we walk upwards for about a mile on a gradual
incline to a split in the road- here we head downwards over ‘Shaky Bridge’
which crosses the River Lednock- we hope to stop for lunch in this area.
Walking on, the path is single track and fern lined on both sides- we cross
a stile and continue on the path till we reach a kissing gate- through this
we have a steep incline to join a path with again lovely open views.
This path is rather uneven in places and on heading downhill we
encounter steps leading back down to the River- we walk along the river-
bank bringing us back to the school from where we will have time to have
coffee/tea and even beer in Comrie!
Recce done by: Kathleen Hunter, Patricia Clark, David Swan
Date: 26 July 2019
Short Walk: This walk is now changed to New Lanark
*** Note substitute walk for Doon Hill Aberfoyle***
Date of walk: 26/07/19
Distance/Grade/Time: Approx., 4 miles ‘C’ grade & circular
Terrain: Woodland paths, boardwalk & hard paths.
Meet: Chatelherault Car Park @9.30am and travel to New Lanark for 10.00am where we will meet in the visitor centre café. Toilets are also available at the centre.
The walk will commence at 10.30am.
On leaving New Lanark Village we will follow the Clyde Walkway to the Falls of Clyde.
On our return we will follow the woodland trail back to New Lanark Visitor Centre.
There are quite a number of steps and some uphill climbs therefore walking poles will be useful.
Recce completed by R. Stewart on 15/07/19.
Long Walk: Dunure to Maidens
Date : Friday 19TH July 2019
Distance: 7 miles Linear
The walk consists of a single-track road, sand and heavy beach shingle beaches and woodland paths through Culzean Castle Estate. You will need walking shoes or boots and your walking poles.
Directions – We exit the bus on a busy main road, which we have to cross, and walk 1 mile down a single-track road to reach the Leisure Park and Croy Bay. Turn left along the beach and at the South end of Croy Bay follow a path under the trees and cross over a small rocky outcrop and pass a holiday cottage on your left continuing round the small bay until you reach the Gas House at Culzean Castle. Then follow the path up round the Gas House until you reach the Castle. Time permitting, we will walk to the Visitor Centre situated within the quadrangle of the old Culzean Home Farm (It is signposted).
After leaving the Visitor Centre follow the road back to the Castle. Next follow the signs for the Cliff Walk to lead us to the Swan Pond, with its lawns, café and toilet facilities. Leaving the Swan Pond, walk through the car park and turn right to join the Long Avenue passing an Estate Cottage before reaching the end of the Long Avenue. At this point, we follow a small path to the right of a locked gate and pass in front of a large sandstone slab, to reach the other side of the locked gate.
Follow the path down towards the sea and cross a small footbridge over the Hogston Burn to join Maidens Bay. Then walk along the beach passing a Caravan Park on your left until reaching the grassy area above the beach. Walk along the grass to the pick up point for the Coach.
Walk Leaders – Pamela Colligan/Grace Gentles – Group 1
Muriel Jaap and Elinor Bones – Group 2
Short Walk: Calderglen Country Park E.K.
Date: 12 July 2019
Distance: 3.5 miles, Grade: C, Circular.
Terrain: gravel paths (could be muddy if wet), quite a few steps (some a little high, assistance given, if required), tree roots, moderate inclines.
Boots and poles recommended.
Meet at Chatelherault 9:30 am (car share), Calderglen Country Park, Strathaven Road, East Kilbride, G75 0QZ, at 10 am. Start walk 10:30 am. Cafe in park with toilet facilities.
The walk will start and finish at the Cafe and will cover the Tor Trail (Yellow markers) and part of the Calderwood Castle Trail (Red markers).
Recce completed by: Margaret Neil & Hugh Atkinson. Date:06 July 2019
Long Walk: Drumlanrig Castle.
Date of Walk: 5th June 2019.
Distance / Grade: 7.5 Miles Circular. Grade C
Terrain: Tarmac paths, woodland paths.
Poles recommended. A few steep ascents.
The walk starts at the front of the castle where you take the road to the right .
Continue on this road until you see Newhouse Cottage in the far distant right .
You turn left at this point continue on until Drumalnrig Bridge where you keep left .
Gradual ascent keep on untill Drumlanrig Mains is seen take the road to the right .
Go up the hill house on Left their is a post box on the wall continue up the hill past a house on the right walk past you will come to a cattle grid go over and continue on the path .
Look for a sign on the right for Nith Linns go down this path the river should be on your right .
Continue on this path which is a few miles go through 2 open gates you will finally reach a cottage on the right with lovely views this will be lunch stop.
Road turns up hill to the left follow this road untill you reach farm buildings on your left turn right here continue on road then turn left where you will see a cottage on the right .
Continue on this road large house on your left then turn down Left this will take you back to the road where you will see the sign this time on your left for Nith Linns you are now back at then road past Drumlanrig Mains go down hill turn right then on to the drive way for a Castle .
Continue on the path untill you reach the castle end of walk
Recce complete by Grace Gentles ,Betty Fraser ,Jim McLaughlin
Short Walk: Old Mine Nature Park, Bellshill
Date: 28 June 2019.
Distance: 3 miles, grade C, Circular.
Terrain: Pavements, (gravel paths slight inclines, within Nature Park).
Boots or good walking shoes, poles optional.
Meet at Chatelherault, car share, 9:30am.
10am at Brewers Fayre (part of Premier Inn), Bellziehill Farm,
10 - 12 Bellziehill Road, Bellshill, ML4 3PD, coffee and toilets available.
Start walk around 10:30am.
Exit the Brewers Fayre, walk over to Bellziehill Road, turn left, cross over High Wood Gardens road and then go left down New Edinburgh Road.
Pass Bothwell Park Cemetery on your left and continue until you reach the Shell Garage, turn left down lane and under the railway bridge, your are now in the Old Mine Nature Park.
We will now walk round the various paths with in the park and retrace our steps back to the Brewers Fayre, for lunch.
Recce completed by: Hugh Atkinson & Walter Purdom, Date: 18 June 2019
Date of Walk : 21st June 2019
Distance: 6.5 miles
Terrain: Mostly level Along country roads and the sea-shore.
Walking poles recommended
The walk starts in West Kilbride.
From Main Street turn into Hunterston Road and continue until a roundabout is reached then turn L onto Portencross Road
which after about half a mile reaches the main Largs/Ardrossan Road.
Straight across and continue on the B7048 Portencross Road.
This is a pleasant country road which passes a golf course on the left and leads to the ruined Portencross Castle.
We now join the Ayrshire Coastal Path which leads down to the shore where we turn left and walk towards Seamill.
We have lovely views across to Arran from here.
We continue along the seashore passing Seamill Hydro and some lovely houses.
When we reach a caravan park and the Waterside Hotel we cut up to the main road where we will board the bus.
Recce completed on 9/6/19 by M Jaap, L Christie, P Colligan, G Gentles.
Short Walk: Inchcailloch Island off Balmaha
Date of walk: 14/06/19
Distance: 3.5 miles ‘C’ circular
Terrain: Woodland paths
Meet: Chatelherault Car Park @ 9.30am for Coach.
There are toilets at the visitor centre in Balmaha and a take away coffee can be purchased at the café before we take the ferry to the Island of Inchcailloch.
On the Island there is a composting toilet.
There are no litter bins on the island so please bring all litter back with you.
Walking poles are required and wear walking boots or shoes.
Also bring a packed lunch as on the island there is a picnic area where we will have our lunch break.
We exit the visitor car park and cross the road then take the lane at the R side of the Oak Tree Restaurant and walk towards the Boatyard for the ferry.
We take the ferry over to the island and leaving the ferry walk up the steps onto the woodland path and take the path on the left onto the Summit Path.
Follow this path as it climbs to the Endrick View Point and what a view we have of Loch Lomond and surrounding areas.
We now walk down the path onto the valley path and walk to Port Bawn where we will have our lunch in the picnic area.
If the weather is warm then a paddle can be had so bring a towel to dry your feet.
Following lunch we walk along a board walk and then follow the path to reach the ruins of a 13th century church and burial site. We then again follow the path and steps to walk down onto the valley path and return to the ferry point to return to Balmaha.
As we walked on the island we saw a Woodpecker and an Albino Deer and there are ‘Ticks’ so please wear appropriate clothing.
Recce completed by E. Ferguson & M.Neil 4/06/19.
Long Walk Lamington Cow Gill Reservoir
Date: 7th June 2019
Distance 8 miles linear
Walk starts across from Lamington Church. There is an incline for about 1 Mike as we walk up to Braitlaw House where we turn left onto a farm track. We cross over the bridge through a gate. We are now on the path to Cowgill Reservoir. We pass a small pond on the left then a house on our right. We then cross over the river and go up a small incline. We then turn right passed a water board house and then the Reservoir comes into view.
The walk stops at the bottom of the Cowgill High Reservoir where we turn round and follow the track back to the start.
We will stop for toilets and coffee at both the start and finish of the walk in Abington Services.
Recce done on 24th May by David Swann, Kathleen Hunter, Grace Gentles and Betty Fraser.
Short Walk: Crossford/Clyde Valley Walkway
Meet: Chatelherault Car Park @ 9.30am for Car share.
Walking Poles are essential.
After leaving Chatelherault Car Park at 9.30am we proceed to Overton Farm for comfort stop and Coffee.
We will start the walk from the public car park at Crossford shortly after 10.30am and walk through the Lower Nethan Gorge which is surrounded by scattered woodlands making up part of the Clyde Valley Woodlands National Nature Reserve. It is a really scenic walk.
The first part of the walk involves a large number of steps which are quite steep. This takes us up to Craignethan Castle. The effort is worthwhile as you benefit from impressive views over the Clyde Valley.
We return to Crossford by road passing through Tillietudlem and Corro Mill.
You are advised to bring walking poles as it is an energetic walk but your efforts are well rewarded.
Recce completed by R. Stewart & M. Neil on 13/05/19.
There are 2 short gentle uphill stretches and 1 downhill steeper stretch at the end of the walk.
From Culross East Car Park, follow the Fife Coastal Path route eastwards alongside the railway line which you will cross at a level crossing. Although it is a quiet line, it is used by freight trains so take care.
At the path junction, take the right hand path staying close to the shore line to circle round the reclaimed land of Preston Island now the site of ash lagoons for the Longannet Power Station (closed). As the path goes inland you will reach an information point at the site of 19th century salt pans.
The path then continues on to bring you back to the railway line and into woodland. Keep an eye out for a footbridge over the railway and cross over it into a car park on the opposite side. At the bottom of the steps turn right. When this path joins the public road, turn right for a short distance to reach the road junction taking care when crossing the road.
Enter the Valleyfield Woods on the path at the information board and follow the path above the river which will take you under the A985 road bridge. The path continues on the other side of the bridge now at river level.
Stay on this side of the river until you reach an obvious junction with a core path sign (purple arrow). Bear right at this junction to stay close to the river and cross the river at a bridge. Continue along the path until you reach another junction and turn left to cross back over the river over a stone bridge.
Follow the path as it goes up hill slightly and continue on through more open ground until you go under the A985 via an underpass. Stop and look at the murals.
After the underpass stay on the same path until you reach a path on your right hand side leading into a new housing estate. Take this path and walk through the houses to reach the B9037 road.
Cross the road and on the opposite side slightly left take another path. This path goes gently uphill with open stretches giving views over the Forth. At the end of the path you will join a quiet road. Follow the road (in the same direction as you were walking) until you reach a junction where you turn left onto another quiet road.
This road takes you downhill into Culross. On your left is the Abbey and immediately after the Abbey take the small grassy path which takes you back to the main road in Culross.
This path is quite steep downhill and care should be taken especially if the grass is wet.
Recce completed on 8th May 2019 by: Patricia Clark, Janette Strang, Alison Mochrie, David Swan.
Short Walk: Linn Park
Date of walk: 10th May 2019
Distance: 4 Miles ‘C’ Linear
Terrain: As the walk will be through a park there will be tarmac paths, some woodland paths plus there are some steps. Poles would be helpful.
Meet at Chatelherault Car Park at 9.30am for Car Share.
This walk replaces the one in our Programme for 10/5/19.
Cars should use the car park at the Netherlee Library just off the main Clarkston Road.
The entrance is shortly after the Linn park Gates. I will meet everyone at Netherlee.
The walk is approximately 4 miles long. It is a very pleasant walk along the banks of the river White Cart.
There are a number of interesting features such as The Snuff Mill at Cathcart and a monument to the Battle of Langside.
There is a lot of walking up and down hill as we follow the contours of the river.
There are also a number of steps.
Poles would be helpful.
Recce completed by; R Stewart --- 27/4/19
Long walk: Walkerburn Circle.
Date of Walk : 3rd May 2019.
Distance / Grade 7Miles. Grade C+
Terrain : Open fields, Woodland Paths, Tarmac and Town paving.
Walking Boots and Poles recommended.
There is one reasonably short, quite steep uphill section.
With the bus parked at the Old Mill in Walkerburn, turn left. Turn left at Caberston Road (opposite the Caberston Café) pass the school and go through the gate at the bottom of the road and make your way down to the River Tweed. Turn right and follow the river upstream.
(Note:- If the weather is bad and the field too muddy, there is a tarmac path on the right before the school that follows the same route.)
Follow the river until you come to an old railway bridge, go under the bridge and take the short stair on the right. Turn left at the top of the stair joining the Tarmac path.
Follow this path until the end of the caravan park. Take the path on your right, marked cycle route 1.
This path leads to Montgomery Street. Turn right, cross road walk the short distance to Ballantyne Street. Turn left and follow Ballantyne Street to the top where it meets Plora Avenue. Turn Right follow Plora Avenue which runs on to Craig Terrace which will curve left and merges into St. Ronan’s Road. There is a grassed area on your right, take the path at the end of this grassed area, which leads to the main road, at Cadden View guest House.
Turn left, after a short distance cross the A72 and go into Horseburgh Terrace. Follow this little road and it leads onto the forest track.
Follow the track until just before Cuddy Bridge which will be below and in front of you. At the information board, turn sharp right and take the track uphill until you meet another track at a T junction.
Turn left and continue uphill, to the way marker for the Fort. (There is an option for anyone who wants to see the fort to turn right and go uphill, but this section is very steep).
The Track levels out at this way marker and continues on with only one short steep incline. After this the track is reasonably flat.
Follow the track until you meet another track coming down from the right. Take the left branch of the path and follow downhill until you come to the Golf Course on your left.
At the main road at the Golf Club car park turn left, follow the road as it curves to the right and cross the bridge over the river. Turn left and follow the road for about yards until you come to a weir and a Lade on your left.
Pick up the narrow rough path alongside the River Leithen , after a short time you will pass behind houses at the end of the houses and gardens turn right ( yellow arrow) until you reach the Tweed Trails Way mark ( blue arrows) turn left follow the path until you cross abridge and exit onto the road.
Turn left on the road and follow it past Jenny’s well and a car park until you come to the A72.
Cross the main road and go down Leithen Crescent. Look for a path on you left which runs along the river. Follow the path until you come to a small bridge.
Cross the bridge and turn right, a short distance you will see a large wooden power pylon. Take the tarmac path on you left, which will lead back and past the caravan site.
At the old railway bridge, take the stars down and turn left under the bridge and follow the river back to Walkerburn.
Recce completed by: J. McLaughlin. 24th April 2019
Short Walk: Falkirk Wheel Bonnybridge.
Recce undertaken on 23/04/2019 for Group Walk planned for 26/04/2019.
Walk Leaders: Walter Purdom, Bob Fairfull
Distance 4milesApprox Grade C Time taken to complete 1.5-2 Hours
General Information
MEETING POINT: - Chatelherault Car park 09:30 26/04/2019 or outside the Falkirk Wheel Visitors Center at 10:15
Terrain: - Main Canal Footpath and cobbled lanes
Footwear: Good Walking Shoes required. Walking Poles: Optional
Underfoot conditions are in the main good but this is dependent upon the weather.
Weather Conditions on 23/04/2019:- The weather was sunny and dry
This is a Linear route using Canal and public footpaths
Details of any features of the route that require any special caution (Busy Roads Slippery Surfaces etc)
There are some inclines to negotiate in order to gain access to the visitors center.
The initial meeting point is as stated on the published programme.
From the visitors center we will make our way down onto the Canal footpath via public access paths
There will be no planned toilet stops during the walk. Please take advantage of the facilities within the visitors centre. To accommodate this, the walk will commence at 10.30.
After crossing the pedestrian swing bridge we turn left and walk along the canal footpath until we reach the road bridge over the canal at Bonnybridge. This is a distance of approx 2 miles. After a short rest we return back the way we came. The walk will finish when we return to the pedestrian swing bridge.
Walter Purdom Date 23/04/2019
Long Walk: Helensnburgh, The Hill House and the Upland way.
Date of Walk: Friday 19th April 2019.
Distance / Grade: 6.5 miles, circular. Grade C OS 56
Terrain: Tarmac Paths, Stone Paths and Woodland Paths.
Boots and walking poles recommended.
There is a long gradual uphill section at the beginning of the walk, up past the Hillhouse.
There is also a small slightly stepper section in the woodland area.
From the esplanade we walk up Sinclair Street, for nearly 1.5 km passing Hermitage Park on the right
This is a steady climb. Passing the Upper Station the road bends left into Kennedy drive. A National trust
Sign points the way to the Hill House.
Turn right into Upper Colquhoun Street passing the main entrance. Head further up into a woodland area.
Cross the car park at the top of road and turn left, following a sign for Rhu Marina along a stony track
and through a gate into a mix of woodland and open ground.
This track known as the Upland Way affords good views across to Glen Fruin to the north and south over Helensburgh itself ,
across the Clyde to Greenock and over to the Roseneath Peninsula, on the other side of Gare Loch.
After crossing open ground it continues through a gate and back into a large forested area made up of
Four woods, Drumfad, Highlandmans, Ardencaple and Duchess Wood.
At a signpost head for Rhu Marina 2.7km to take a pretty path that winds through the trees, crossing
several little bridges as it rises gradually it comes out at another sign for Rhu marina 2.5km just past
an ancient cup-marked boulder..
Turn left to follow the long straight Highlandmans Road all the way down towards Rhu and through
a big metal gate where there are expansive views over Gare Loch to Roseneath. Carry on downhill
with the tree-covered hillside to your right to emerge onto Station Road at Tor farm.
A 1km downhill stretch now follows, passing grand houses and lovely gardens, before turning left
onto Pier Road which will take you down to the marina.
Cross Gareloch Road here and turn left to return along the promenade to the town centre.
There are toilets and coffee shops in Helensburgh
Recce completed by: J McLaughlin, P. Clark, E. Bones & B. Fraser. 12th April 2019.
Short Walk: Cadzow Glen Hamilton
Date: Friday 12 April 2019
Distance: 3.5 Miles Grade: C Linear Time: 1.5 hours approx
Terrain: Pavements, gravel paths (muddy in places), tarmac paths.
Hazards: main roads to cross (using traffic controlled crossings), care required.
Boots required, poles optional.
Meet/Start walk at ICELAND FOOD store at the entrance to the Hamilton bus station. Toilets in the bus station (charge 30p) and carry out coffee, if required Walk ends at the Hamilton Museum which has toilets and cafe facilities.
From Iceland store go straight across at crossing to middle island turn left and go across second crossing turn left and follow Brandon St / Union St crossing over the next two roads (care required) and keep walking until you reach the entrance to Cadzow Glen just before Kwik Fit garage. We walk through the glen (70 steps down, 10 up approx) taking in the sights and the history, then emerging onto Muir St (1 mile approx). Cross over at the crossing, turn right, then left, passing the Hamilton museum on your left. Cross over Mote Hill Rd, go left, then second right, onto the path into the Palace Grounds. We then follow the path going right round the outside perimeter of the Grounds, taking in the Mausoleum & the the Keepers Cottage, we then return to the Museum Cafe for lunch.
Recce completed by : Hugh Atkinson & Emily Ferguson Date: 4th April2019
Long Walk : Edinburgh- Calton Hill and Holyrood Park.
Distance 7.5 miles Grade C+
Terrain Pavements and grassy paths
Toilets Hermiston Gate and Holyrood Park
O.S. 1:50,000 Landranger Series Sheet No. 66
Walking Poles recommended
We travel to Edinburgh via our toilet/coffee stop at Hermiston Gate.
The walk starts at the steps leading to Calton Hill.
We then walk up on a path, where at the top we have panoramic views of
Edinburgh and beyond- weather permitting!
We take the road back down, crossing over Regent Road and on.
the pavement walk down to traffic lights at Abbeymount where
we turn right.
Within a short distance we take some steps down
on the left Crossover the road and follow the narrow lane ahead
called Croft an Righ.
We are now entering Holyrood Park - crossover a grassy area and turn left to join Queens Drive.
We pass St Margaret’s Loch and then turn right on the uphill incline taking
approx. 30 minutes to reach the top - once there the surrounding
views are amazing and we walk on to reach Dunsapie Loch.
Ourlunch stop- not many seats but grassy bankings were ok!
After lunch we head on, taking in the views around with Duddingston
Loch beneath us and Arthur’s Seat on our right. We then take a
path on our right which takes us back downhill to Holyrood Palace.
Here is our coffee/tea/toilet stop ( sorry no pubs) before heading
back up Abbeyhill to join our bus on Regent Road.
Recci complted by: Kathleen HunterPamela Colligan Alison Mochrie David Swann. 29th March 2019.
Short Walk: Auchinstarry Marina to Colzium Lennox Estate.
Date of walk: 15 March 2019
Distance/Grade: 5 miles ‘C’ Circular
Terrain: Tarmac paths and Woodland paths
Meet: For Car share 9.30am at Chatelherault Car Park and 10.00am at Auchinstarry Marina where toilet stops can be had both at the start and end of the walk.
Poles are optional but would be helpful if weather is wet.
Walking boots/shoes are necessary.
Some good news in that the Boathouse at Auchinstarry Marina is open again.
Leaving the Boathouse turn L and we take the path through the sensory gardens reaching a metal gate to exit the marina. Turn R onto the pavement and follow this for 200 yards and turn R at a car park to get onto the Old Coach Road.
Follow this path for Half mile until we reach a busy country road with no pavement – care must be taken on this road- this road continues for approximately a quarter of a mile until we reach a sign post on our L for Colzium Lennox Estate this is a woodland path.
Follow the woodland path and at a metal gate (which states no entry) we turn R to take another woodland path until we reach a busy main road which we cross to reach the entrance into Colzium Lennox Estate.
Care must be taken when crossing this very busy road.
Once inside the estate we take the first path on our L and then take the next path on the R and walk along this path until we reach a tarmac road. Turn L and walk along this road until we reach the curling pond, cross the grass and walk up to a path and the Stainbridge which we cross and then walk up 26 stairs to reach Colzium House.
On leaving the house walk down the main driveway to exit the estate, cross the busy main road and back into the woodland path and retrace our steps returning to Auchinstarry Marina where our walk ends.
Recce completed by E. Ferguson & H. Atkinson 8/03/19.
Long Walk: Dundonald Castle, Visitor Centre to Troon.
Date of Walk: 1st March 2018.
Distance : 7 Miles Linear.
Terrain: Muddy in places, mostly flat with some climbing at the beginning of the walk.
Walking Poles essential.
START at the Information Board behind Dundonald Castle Visitor Centre and follow the path leading past the play park on your right into the trees.
After crossing a bridge Turn Left at a crossroads and further along when you come to the end of the path Turn Right indicated by the green arrow on the way marker post. .
You will come to a muddy section where the path appears to head steeply uphill directly in front but in fact as you approach the hill you will see that there is also a track turning left which you should follow.
You will reach a reservoir follow the path round the reservoir until it joins a minor road through a cluster of houses and farms before crossing over A78/Troon Bypass
via a footbridge and onto A759. Turn Left here to walk into the village of Loans.
Continue all the way through to the end of the village. The A759 bends right towards Troon but you should continue straight onto B746/Main Street.
After a short walk turn tight down a farm track. At the bottom of the hill turn right through an open gate green arrow way marker to walk along a narrow path alongside a field.
Cross a bridge and follow way marker and on reaching a minor road turn left.
This tree-lined tarmac road takes you right through the middle of Fullarton Woods and past Marr Rugby Club.
Follow the tarmac road which turns to gravel after passing the Rugby Club but you will soon reach another tarmac road where you turn right to pass Crosbie Cemetery. The path disappears here, cut across the grass and take care crossing Monktonhill Road to a track clearly visible heading into the trees at the other side.
At a gate you will come to B749/Southwood Road which you should cross over and again the onward route is clearly visible straight ahead.
Keep Left at a fork which will lead you up onto the railway bridge.
Cross the bridge and follow the path straight across Royal Troon Golf Course (don’t use your walking poles as you cross the Golf Course) until you reach the sandy beach.
You can either follow the narrow grassy path just before reaching the beach or walk down to the beach for better views and walk along the coastline to Troon town centre.
At the end of the Royal Troon Golf Course look for the stairs to reach the Promenade and walk along the town centre.
Recce completed by Pamela Colligan for Janet Strang 23rd Feb.2019
Short Walk: Glasgow West End
Date of walk: 15 February 2019
Distance/Grade: 3.5 miles ‘C’ and circular
Terrain: Street walking
Meeting place: Buchanan Street Bus Station at 10:30am.
This is an easy walk of approximately 3.5 miles.
The walk starts from the Buchanan Street Bus Station at 10.30am.
Our walk takes us from Buchanan Street to Charing Cross and then on through Park Circus and into Kelvingrove Park.
From the park we cross Kelvin Way and walk through the grounds of Glasgow University and proceed to Ashton Lane and then onto Byres Road where the walk ends.
There are some gradients and a small number of steps on this walk.
Walking poles are entirely optional as it is essentially a city walk.
Recce completed by: R. Stewart on 4/02/19
Date of Walk: 1st February 2019
Distance: 7.5 MILES GRADE “C+” LINEAR
TERRAIN: Tarmac Paths
The start of the walk is at Falkirk Football Stadium where there are toilets. We follow a broad path out of the car park ( left facing the stadium), cross at a pedestrian crossing and on the other side follow a sign for Helix Park.
We continue to the Plaza Café and turn right following the path around the Lagoon keeping the Lagoon on our left. On returning back to the Plaza café we head around the great lawn towards the main entrance. At Etna Road roundabout head towards and cross the blue bridge and from here you can see the Kelpies., Continue along the pavement beside the A9 road to Asda Warehouse where there is a sign for Langlees Community Woodland pointing to the right.
Go down the track and turn left after the pylons along Abbots Road. Continue along the road and at a Y junction take the path to the right until you come to the human sundial. Facing the sundial go down the path on the left and pass Love and Kisses on the right. Turn right at the black fence and continue along, going right at the green bridge, until you return to the human sundial. Turn left at human sundial through the woodlands and over a small bridge.
Follow the path with the wetland on the right and continue along the path until you come to the Kelpies which is a good place for lunch. We head away from the Kelpies to join the Forth and Clyde Canal which was the world’s first sea to sea canal. Cross the canal at Lock 3 and continue with the canal on your left until you reach the Falkirk Wheel.
The walk is mostly flat but there are steps in a few places. Poles are not necessary.
There is a café and toilets at the Falkirk Wheel.
Recce completed on 25/01/2019 by Elinore Bones Patricia Clark Grace Gentles.
Short Walk: Greenoakhill Forest
Date of walk: 18/01/19
Distance/Grade: 4.5 miles ‘C’ Circular
Terrain: Woodland Paths, very muddy in 2 areas
Meet: 9.30am at Chatelherault Car Park or 10am at Black Bear in the Premier Inn, Uddingston where toilet facilities and coffee can be had.
For those not meeting at Chatelherault please meet at the Black Bear no later than 10am.
We will walk to the Mail Coach Gate by crossing the footbridge over the A 721 and the Walk will start at the Mail Coach Gate at 10.20am.
Parking is extremely limited so please double up where possible.
*Walking Boots and gaiters are essential and poles are recommended.*
As this is the transformation of a former landfill site into a green oasis on the edge of Glasgow this walk will be lead by Woodland Ranger Mr Jim Smalls who will give us information on the project on where it is now and where it plans to go in the future.
On completion of the walk lunch or coffee can be had at the Black Bear.
Recce completed by: E, Ferguson & H. Atkinson 10/01/19.
Long Walk: Strathclyde Park to Chatelherault
Date: 11th January 2019
Distance: 7 miles Circular Grade C+
Terrain: Tarmac and Wooden paths.
Boots and Poles recommended. Could be quite muddy.
Note:- There is no coach for this walk.
Meet at 10:00 am, Strathclyde Park Watersports Centre.
Carry out coffee and toilets available before walk. Could be quite muddy.
Leave car park turning right then left across bridge, turning left at other side of bridge. Walk up the side of River Avon to Chatelheraut.
Bring packed lunch as normal and there will be toilet facilities at Chatelheraut.
There are 76 steps on the way back to Strathclyde Park.
Recce completed on 4th January by D. Swann, P. Colligan, P Clark, A. Mochrie.
his path we follow for about 2km passing under two road bridges before reaching a road.
The views along the river gorge are particularly nice.
We then cross the road and take the path for Langlands Moss. Unfortunately, we will not be able to cross the Moss as the boardwalk has been destroyed by vandals. Luckily a local resident showed us an alternative way through woods.
The path here goes alongside a burn. It is very muddy here and there are many tree roots to watch out for.
When we come to a clearing, we go left and in a short distance join a forestry path then go through a gate onto a country road which leads to Auldhouse. Lunch break at Auldhouse.
The return route takes us on a road which turns right after Auldhouse passing Langlands Golf Course. We stay on the road until the sign for the Visitor Centre and continue on this path with the river on our right .In a short distance this path links up with our outward route and takes us back to Calderglen.
Recce completed 26/01/18 by: Elinor Bones, Linda Christie, Patricia Clark and Betty Fraser.
Long Walk: Skelmorlie to Largs.
Date of Walk: 5th January 2018.
Distance / Grade: 7 miles Linear. Grade C+
Terrain: Tarmac Roads and Paths.
Boots and Poles Recommended.
There are two reasonably long gradual uphill sections and one Steep short section towards Meigle.
The walk starts at Wemyss Bay Railway Station where there are a few public toilets. On leaving the station turn right and go along the road a short distance before turning left to go up Station Road. There is a short sharp ascent up this road to Skelmorlie. Along the route is a board erected to illustrate the Ayrshire Coastal Path which we are following and which will help us to pick out landmarks later in the walk. About 300 yards up the hill we turn left then come quickly to Skelmorlie library. We head south. The road continues on pavements through the village. When coming to a 3 way junction (the Red Road) we take the middle road. Care has to be taken from here on as there are no pavements. If the main A78 coast road is blocked, the Red Road can become busy with diverted traffic.
We pass Skelmorlie Caravan Site and enjoy magnificent views over the Cowal Peninsula. From here we descend past Skelmorlie Castle to the shore. Care has to be taken crossing the busy A78 as there is no pavement for about for 150 yards. On the shore is a good place to have lunch. From here after crossing back over we turn left and walk up into the hamlet of Meigle. This section is quite steep. After climbing back up to enjoy the views over the Firth of Clyde we walk for a further 3 miles. At a sign post we took the Low Road. The road gradually descends as we pass the golf course on our right. We go along Routenburn Road to go back down to the shoreline where we turn left and make our way back along pavements to Largs.
There are some beautiful views over the Firth of Clyde and to islands beyond. A lovely walk, not difficult and the views are spectacular.
In Largs there are various cafes in which to enjoy a cuppa.
Recce completed by: Kathleen Hunter, Sheena Strachan, Linda Christie and J.McLaughlin. 28th Dec.2017.
Short Walk: Palacerigg Country Park
Walk Date: 12th January 2018 (note date changed from 19th)
Distance: 4.5 miles Grade: C Duration: 2 hours approx.
Terrain: Tarmac / gravel / stoney / dirt paths, muddy in places,
some steps and moderate inclines.
Boots required, Poles Optional.
Meet at: Buchanan St Bus Station at 10:20am to take the 10:30 X25 bus (Stance 2) to Abronhill. Get off at the Woodcutters Pub, Hazel Road, Abronhill. When you alight from bus go right and the pub is a few yards along road on your left.
If going direct by car, the postcode for the pub is G67 3BT (car park at pub).
Coffee and toilets available at the pub which opens at 11:00am, also serves meals from 12:00 to 2:30pm.
Start walk from the Woodcutter at 11:15/1130am approx.
Exit pub at back door turn right and follow the tarmac path through the wooded area.
When you come to the T junction, turn left and through the underpass, turn right and follow the green arrow markers along the front of the housing blocks, continue on until you reach steps, go down, turn right and go through under pass up the steps onto the approach path (Purple Route) to Palacerigg Country park (approx 1 mile), when you reach the T junction, turn right (Red Route). Continue on and at the first road turn left, this will take you past the visitors centre, car park, golf club building, Fannyside Loch and eventually back to the Purple Route, turn right and retrace you steps back to the Woodcutter Pub.
Recce completed by: Margaret Neil / Hugh Atkinson Date: 20th Dec. 2017