Walks 2016:

Short Walk: Partick to Glasgow Green.

Date of Walk: 09/12/2016

Distance: 4miles (Grade C) along the Clyde Walkway. Linear.

Terrain: Paved throughout with one flight of steps

Poles are optional.

Meeting Points

1. Hamilton Central Station at 09:30.

Train to Partick at 09:42. Arriving at Partick at 10.14 Fares Concession £2.15 Normal £4.30

2. Partick Station at 10:30.

The walk will start from Partick Station at approximately 10:30.

It is intended that we stop at the Riverside Museum (10 Min walk away) for Coffee and a chance to visit the museum.

The walk will continue from the museum (at 11:45) along the Clyde Walkway to the People’ Palace Glasgow Green and arriving at approximately 13:00. Timing may well be dependent upon the weather.

The walk will finish at the People’s Palace. The nearest train station for returning to Hamilton is Argyle Street Station on Argyle Street.

The People’s Palace is currently undergoing renovation and the cafe may well be closed. However. There is a nearby alternative, namely the WEST Brewery and Restaurant adjacent to the Templetons Carpet Factory Building. Alternatively there are many coffee and food shops within the centre of Glasgow.

Recce completed by: Walter Purdom


Long Walk: Almondell and Calderwood

Date of Walk: Friday 2nd December, 2016.

Distance: 7 miles

Grade: C+ Circular

Map Ref: OS 65

Terrain: Tarmac paths, woodland and riverside paths, pavements.

Mostly good, muddy in places.

There are two lots of steps, one ascending and the

other descending.

The upward steps are fairly steep

and larger than usual with no handrail.

The downward steps are easier with a handrail.

Walking boots and poles are required.

The walk starts in the North Car Park in Almondell.

Follow the path to the road and walk down past the Visitor Centre. Continue to the

Naysmith bridge and take the riverside path past an aqueduct and under

a railway viaduct . Cross the river by the Pipe bridge and continue

on the far bank until a road is reached. Turn left and at a road junction

cross and go right and then left into Calderwood. Cross the bridge and keep left following signs for Oakbank.

At the far end of the wood turn left and then right up steps and left along the path

by the A71 to the Oakbank car park. Continue along for 100m then turn

left on a path signed for East Calder. Continue to a T-junction, turn left

and walk down to Main Street. Turn right and after 400m turn left

through an archway to re-enter Almondell.

Where the path curves right at a seat and litter bin, go right on a path that stays high. Follow it to eventually go down some steps and cross the Nelson Mandela Bridge.

Walk up to the road and turn right to the car park.

Recce completed on 21/11/16 by

M.Jaap, A.Falconer, J.Brown and B.Fraser.


Short Walk: Darnley to Dams

Date of Walk:11th of November 2016.

Terrain: Tarmac roads and pathways

Grade/Distance: Grade C+ Linear. 4 miles approx

Meet: 09.30 at Chatelherault Car park - car share

10.30 at Rouken Glen Garden Centre Car Park. (For toilets and Coffee prior to walk) 11.00 Departure from Rouken Glen to start location.

The start and finish location of the walk is at Corselet Road

N.B Limited car parking at start of walk.

The initial part of the walk is over a formed pathway.

Due to ongoing works within the area of the walk and the underfoot conditions of the existing

pathway it will be necessary to divert onto the public access road to the dams. This road is used

construction traffic for the work sites.

There are no flights of stairs.

The road and path gradients are not steep with the exception of the immediate access to the dams.

Once up at the dams the path is relatively level. To get to the highest dam (Balgray Reservoir) the

route will cross a busy main road.

The return route is by the same route.

Poles are optional.

Coffee and lunch can be taken back at Rouken Glen if required.

Recce completed by :Walter Purdom.


Long Walk: Cuiken Glen Penicuik

Date of Walk: Friday 4th November 2016

Distance: 6.75 Miles

Grade: Grade C+ Circular

Terrain: Tarmac, Woodland Paths, muddy in places, uneven stone paths.

Boots and Walking Poles required.

Due to the right of way being blocked by two of the residents of Penicuik there is a diversion which adds approximately 0.75 miles on to this walk.

There is a small uphill section close to the beginning of the walk, a downhill section with 50 steps, and due to the necessary diversion there is a fairly steep uphill section three quarters through the walk.

There are several points on the route for this walk at which it is convenient to start for those arriving either by car or by bus. However, as described, it starts at the walkers' car park at Tympany Gates by the A766, south-west of Penicuik.

From there it goes north along a well-signed estate path through the woods known locally as Lowrie's Den, with views to the left over to the Pentland Hills. After crossing a footbridge over the Loan Burn, the route climbs both the following bank and some steps on the other side of a farm road. It then proceeds further along the edge of the wood before turning to cross a minor road and continuing along a further narrow path that angles down through the woods to reach the valley of Lawhead Burn. The walk continues down the right bank of the small burn to emerge into a modern housing estate by a road with a bus route to and from Edinburgh. Crossing the road (see www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1225495), the route repeatedly crosses and recrosses the Cuiken Burn on a well-made path (see www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1225522) before emerging onto the main A701 at Cuiken Bridge, almost opposite a Tesco supermarket.

After going along the pavements beside this main road for about 300 yards, the route turns down a smaller road to reach the narrow entrance to Beeslack Woods. Taking the path into the woods, the route drops down to another footbridge across the Loan Burn (see www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1398777) and then runs on down the left bank of the burn through Lady Wood to reach the Dalkieth - Penicuik Walk and Cycleway. After crossing the Loan Burn for the last time, the walk follows the tarmac of the cycleway as it becomes, for a short distance, the feeder road for the local sewage works. This road goes through a tunnel under the road up Harper's Brae (see www.geograph.org.uk/photo/913330) to reach a small car park by Esk Bridge and the site of an old railway station.

Continuing to follow the river and its parallel lade that once served the erstwhile paper mill at Esk Bridge, the route again crosses the river and runs alongside the previous site of Valleyfield Mill, the last of the paper mills in Penicuik, which is now occupied by a modern housing estate (see www.geograph.org.uk/photo/929905). Having again crossed the, by now, much smaller river, the route goes past Valleyfield Pond with its ducks and two duck-houses and emerges at the entrance to the housing estate. It then runs up the hill by the entrance road to the estate to reach the A701. On the other side of the estate road the school once associated with the mill still stands, complete with its bell, albeit after conversion into a dwelling-house (see www.geograph.org.uk/photo/911919).

After crossing the main road, the route continues up the valley through the woods along the north bank of the North Esk until it reaches an old multi-arched stone bridge over the river, known locally but inaccurately as the 'Centurion Bridge' or 'Roman Bridge', built in 1738 (see www.geograph.org.uk/photo/982846). It then follows a path that angles up the northern side of the valley to reach and pass through the white 'Chinese' gates before going along the avenue of lime trees leading to the side of old Penicuik House. The remaining walls of the house, which was ruined by a fire in 1899, have recently been restored and the house is (or will shortly be) open to the public. Finally the route follows the tarmac estate road over Knightslaw Bridge, on the far side of which it runs uphill to reach its starting point by the A766 road.

Recce completed by: David Swan, Jim McLaughlin, Janet Strang.

28th October 2016.


Short Walk: Forth & Clyde Canal, Antonine Wall & Bar Hill

Date of walk: 28/10/2016

Distance/Grade/Time: 4.5 mile/ C+ / 2.5 hours approx.

Circular/Linear Circular

Terrain: Tow Path, farm road, footpath, hillside, woodland and grassy bank

Gradient: 105m

Map OS 64

Meet: Chatelerhault Car Park, 09:30 Car Share.

Start; The walk starts and finishes at The Auchinstarry Boathouse where there are, car parking, toilet and coffee facilities.

We have a table booked for those who wish tea or coffee at the start of the walk.

There are some gentle inclines and some fine views, walking poles and boots are recommended.

We leave the car park, bear left onto The Scents and Sensitivities path, through a gate onto the road, RT across the bridge, cross the road and down onto the canal towpath towards Glasgow.

Continue on the towpath until it rejoins the pavement on the main road. LT across the canal bridge and enter Twechar, continue uphill on this road, near the top LT onto an access road s/posted Antonine wall and Barhill.

Continue past some houses and onto a farm track through a gate and uphill looking back to a great view of the canal winding towards Glasgow.

Reach the entrance to the Antonine wall go left through a kissing gate and along a grassy lane through another kissing gate to access the Roman site. Veer left and uphill to the Bar Hill Fort, at the top of the Fort head for a gap in the woodland trees and onto a well-defined trail.

Follow this trail through the trees and up to the summit of Castle Hill. From here head downhill with the remains of the Antonine wall on your left. RT when your path is blocked by a dry-stone dyke and follow it until you LT onto a farm track, after crossing a gate we reach the main road.

Cross the road through a gate and follow the path back to the boathouse and the end of the walk.

Hazards: Main roads and Grassy Banks

Recce completed by Bob Fairfull and Hugh Atkinson 24/10/2016


Long Walk: Stirling - The Wallace Monument.

Date of Walk: 21st October 2016

Distance: 7 Miles Linear Grade C

Terrain: Pavements and some woodland paths.

We will stop for a comfort break at Stirling Services off the motorway for a short time.

This is mainly a town walk. Walking shoes, if you have them, will be adequate and sticks are recommended for the walk to Gowan Hill.

The bus will drop us in Stirling near the bus station. After crossing the road we will make our way up Station Road turning left onto Murray Place then right onto King Street. From here we climb up towards the Esplanade, crossing Corn Exchange Rd, and continuing to walk via Spittal St, St John St and Mary Place passing the Old Town Jail, the Church of the Holy Rude and the cemetery.

From here we bear to our right and forward to follow Upper Castle Hill. We follow this for a short period then turn right onto Crofthead Rd . Turning left into the houses we pick up the path to the Beheading Stone. At the first set of finger posts we turn right to the viewing point on Mote Hill.

From the beheading stone on Mote Hill we leave, passing the canon. At the first fingerpost follow the sign for Ballengeich Road. At the fingerpost named GOWANHILL continue to follow footpath to Ballengeich Road. When we come across the tarred road leading up to Stirling Castle go straight across. Continue to follow the path ignoring all steps etc.

Back at the cemetery we follow The Back Walk down the back of the Church of the Holy Rude and the Old Jail. Coming to Corn Exchange Rd, we turn left and make our way back down to Burgh Muir Rd and the station. Keeping left we cross at the entrance to the station. Back on the pavement we turn first right to go over the road and rail bridge at Seaforth Rd. Crossing the road a bit further on we bear left towards Forth Crescent. At the time of the recce there were repair works going on in the park. This would be a better option another time walking parallel on Shore Rd and through the park. From here we keep on, passing shops on the left and crossing the road to the other side. Keep following the road and as it bears left we come across the footbridge to Cambuskenneth. We keep straight along South St. At the end we turn right into the small park where we see the remains of Cambuskenneth Abbey and the burial site of James III. Walking from the Abbey we walk straight on along Ladysneuk Rd for about 3/4mile. Shortly after crossing the railway crossing we come onto Alloa Rd A907. At the roundabout we turn right onto Logie Rd. Climbing up we take a shortcut up onto Hillfoots Rd. Walking on we come across the entrance to the Wallace Monument. At the monument there will be a choice. You can choose to climb up to take in the view from the top. Otherwise we will continue walking along the road. In a hundred yards or so we cross taking the road into Stirling University. Here we will enjoy a walk around the loch. At the end we will make our way into the MacRoberts centre for toilet and refreshments in the café. Those who choose to climb up to see the Wallace Monument will miss out the walk around the loch and go straight to the café.

Recce completed by: Joan Brown, Sheena Strachan, Elinor Bones and Muriel Jaap.

10th October 2016


Short Walk: Colinton Village to Dean Village on the Water of Leith

Date of walk: 14/10/16

Distance/Grade: Due to the diversion on route this walk is now approx 5 ½ miles & C

Circular/Linear: Linear walk

Time: Approximately 2 ½ hours

Terrain: Paths but on road through the diversion.

Meet: Chatelherault Car Park for Coach leaving at 9.30am.







This walk starts at Colinton Village where coffee/tea is available and toilets.

We walk down from the village onto the walkway of the Water of Leith and then follow

the river as it meanders through the Craiglockart/Colinton Dells before it brings us out

at the Water of Leith visitor centre in Slateford.

We continue to follow the walkway until we near Murrayfield Stadium where there is a

long diversion through housing estates before eventually arriving at Roseburn where

we again able to rejoin the Water of Leith Walkway and follow it all the way to the

beautiful Dean Village.

We will walk back from Dean Village to the Gallery of Modern Art where we can have some

refreshments before catching the coach to return home.

Recce completed by Emily Ferguson and Robin Stewart

Date; 22 September 2016.



Date of the walk: 7th October 2016




The walk starts in the village of Alloway, close to the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum . Leave the car park to walk along the quiet lane past the church hall to Alloway Church and the Auld Kirk.

At the end of the lane the Auld Kirk , will be seen in front of you. Turn left to follow the road past the hotel to cross the River Doon. Continue a short distance to reach the next junction.

Turn right onto Longhill Avenue. Walk along the pavement to reach the railway bridge. Use the small footpath to leave the road and climb down onto the route of the old railway line.

Turn left to go under the bridge and follow the railway line till you reach the road.

Cross the road and turn right along the cycle path and pavement back towards Ayr.

Follow the road till you reach the second roundabout, turn left at roundabout and follow Earl's Way down to the coast. Upon reaching the shore road , look left and Greenan Castle can be seen and out to sea, the hills of Arran.Cross the road turn right and walk along the grassy path to reach the mouth of the River Doon.

Heading back inshore cross over the bridge turn right with the Fishermans Bothy on the right, walking by the side of the river until we reach a main road (A719) . From here we cross the road turn left till we reach the gates of Bellisle Park. Just before the car park, branch to the left, towards the Belleisle House.

Keep hard left to follow the path down a few steps to reach a T-junction of paths, with views of the golf course in front of you. Turn left passing in front of the house, then turn right to follow the public footpath between the two sides,of the golf course.turn right upon leaving the park , walking a short distance to reach the entrance to Rozelle Park.

On reaching the park take the first on the left to reach the duck pond . Turn right to go around the edge of the pond and take the second footpath off to the right once you have reached the top end of the pond . At this point we will visit Rozelle's Remembrance Woodland .Turn left at the fork and follow this woodland footpath around the circumference of Rozelle Estate .

At the road turn left and re-entering the woodland at the other side. Continue on this track till you reach the football changing huts on your left, turn right to cross two bridleways, ahead is a narrow path leading through the estate to The Loaning, turn right till you reach the crossroads. Cross straight over into Upper Cross .

On the right is Alloway Primary School. Turn right after a short distance , keeping the school on your right, to walk towards the end of the road. Leave Upper Croft via the path at the end of the road to walk through the new estate. Keep straight ahead towards the cricket club. Turn left at T-junction to walk the short distance back to Burns Museum.

Recce done 30th October by: Sheena Strachan, Joan Brown and Alison Mochrie


Short Walk: Museum of Country Life, East Kilbride

Date of walk: 23/09/2016

Distance/Grade/Time: 5 mile / C / 2.5 hours approx.

Circular/Linear: Circular

Terrain: Farm tracks and country roads

Gradient: 80 metres

Map: OS 64

Meet: Chatelerhault Car Park, 09:30 Car Share.

Start; The walk starts and finishes at The Museum of Scottish Country Life, where there are, car parking, toilet and coffee facilities.

We will start the walk at the Museum at 10:30 hours

There are some gentle inclines and some fine views, walking poles are recommended.

We leave the Museum, cross the road bearing left, RT through a gate onto a farm track, continue along this then LT through a gate onto a path then through another gate crossing a farm road through another gate towards the woods bearing left we go through a gate and LT onto a quiet road past some of the fields of West Kittochside farm, then the fields of more modern farms and finally into the village of Carmunnock. The road ends at a T-junction. RT then after a short distance take the next RT into Cathkin Road.

Continue on Cathkin Rd.for about 0.5 mile then when it bends sharply to the left, RT onto a minor road, follow this as it twists and turns for about 0.5 mile to reach Highflat farm, after another 0.5 mile to end at a T-junction opposite the road leading to West Rogerton Farm.

RT then continue on this road through Kittochside, pass the drive to Kittochside house on the right and reach another T-Junction, LT and follow the road back to the Museum and the end of the walk.

There is quite a bit of history attached to Kittochside farm, the land was bought by John Reid in 1567 and modern farming methods were eagerly embraced by his descendant, he built the steading that still stands, the farming methods used today are the same as they were in the 1950,s nothing has changed, there are various boards in the area indicating the methods used.

Recce completed by Bob Fairfull & Emily Ferguson

Date: 12/09/2016


Long Walk: Castle Craig to West Linton

Date of Walk: 16/09/16

Distance: 6 miles linear

Map Ref: OS 72

Grade: C plus

Terrain: Mainly flat along riverbank path, fields and tarmac, there are a few gentle inclines.

The first part of this walk is along a riverbank with long grass, waterproof trousers are advised. The walk starts between Blyth Bridge and

Drochil Castle .We continue along the riverbank with a fence on our left. We pass into another field and continue walking away from the A72

this time the fence will be on our right, heading towards a metal gate at the far end of the field. Pass through the gate to reach Tarth Water.

Turn left, heading upstream along the riverbank.

The path emerges on the A701, 100m south of Blyth B.Cross the A701 to access the new footbridge that crosses Tarth Water, heading into

Blyth Bridge and turning left by the phone box to head northwards up to the back of the village and up the farm track past Blyth farm.

This is the Old Coach Road between Blyth Bridge and West Linton.

Near the top of the rise beyond Blyth Farm turn right off the track and through a gate into the field, following the Tweed Trails signs.

the path is grassy for the first 2km or so before becoming firmer as you approach the various chicken sheds that adorn the countryside

The track continues north-east with views to your right across Longstruther Burn valley to Mountain Cross Steading farm and more

chicken sheds.

The track joins the minor road between Rommano Bridge to Bogsbank/West Linton just above Hamiltonhall.

Turn left here and follow the road into West Linton.

Poles and boots are advised, as are waterproof trousers.

We will have a toilet stop at Biggar at start of walk, 20p is required.

Recce by David Swann, Alison Mochrie, Betty Fraser, Joan Brown


Long Walk: Balerno to Lochrin Basin, Haymarket

Date of Walk: 2nd September 2016

Distance: 8 miles - linear

Map Ref: OS 66

Grade: C plus

Terrain: Good paths by river, canal path and very few steps but we require to be aware that this is also a cycle path. Walking Poles not necessary

Facilities: There will be a short stop at Hermiston Gate Retail Park at beginning and there are toilets etc at Lochrin Basin at end of walk.

We start the walk on a signposted path to Water of Leith alongside Balerno High School

which is a picturesque flat walk through woodland, following the riverbank through Currie,

Juniper Green through to Kingsknowe where we join the Union Canal to Haymarket. This

route was formally the old Caledonian Railway line which served the once thriving

industrial mills, now replaced by new built flats and big houses!

We will stop at Spylaw Park for lunch - then continue on path reaching a well lit former

railway tunnel after which we soon turn right down some steps and across a footbridge into

Colinton Dell - this is a short diversion which is described as amongst Edinburgh' s best

kept secrets as it is sunken, swathed in trees and entirely hidden from the city above!

We then re-join the path and take the route signposted to Slateford and Union Canal.

We then follow the towpath to Lochrin Basin at Haymarket where we will have our coffee/tea

stop before boarding the bus for home.

Recci done by:

Kathleen Hunter

Pamela Colligan

Linda Christie

Muriel Jaap


Long Walk: Strathblane to Kirkintilloch

Date of walk: 19th August 2016

Distance: 7 miles, linear, grade C

Terrain: Mainly tarmac, no hills.

Map ref. OS 64

Poles are optional

The walk starts in Strathblane, we follow a narrow track down to the Strathkelvin Railway


We pass the volcanic plug of Dunglass on its north side.At this point from the path

there are lovely views of the Campsie Fells.

The track is 3-4 feet wide, it is bordered by willow and birch. It crosses the Pow burn several times where it is lined with hawthorn and dog rose.

We pass the woods of Lennox Castle and the platforms of the former Milton of Campsie rail station.

The track continues to Kirkintilloch where we walk along the Forth and Clyde Canal for a short distance before reaching the town centre.

Recce done on 7/08/16

Walk Leaders: Betty Fraser, Grace Gentles, Linda Christie, Jim McLaughlin


Short Walk: Inner Circle Walk -- Millport

Date of walk: 12 August 2016

Distance/Grade: 5 Miles “C”

Circular/Linear: Circular

Terrain: Narrow Roads

Meet: Chatelherault Car Park @ 9.30am for car share or Ferry Terminal @ Largs 10.30am.

Please remember to bring your travel pass for the return journey from Millport to the Ferry Terminal

Cost of Ferry to Millport is £3.20 return.

Cost of Car Park in Largs is £3.00 per stay.

Toilets are available at the Car Park in Largs.

There are plenty of coffee shops available near to the Ferry Terminal in Largs.

Following the Ferry crossing, the walk will commence at the Ferry slip on Cumbrae. We take a left towards the National Water Sports Centre after the centre we pass a whitewashed house, at which point the walk takes a R fork up the hill onto the Ferry Road. This road was the original connection to Millport before the construction of the Shore Road. On this narrow road care needs to be taken for approximately 1 mile before we turn R onto the Inner Circle Road.

Continue along past Figgatoch Farm and look out for the remains of a former mineral well opposite the farm road end. The walk continues to the top of the hill where the Glaid Stone is situated and on a clear day excellent views can be seen over Largs, Bute and Arran

We then descend towards Millport, passing Breakough Farm on the right which provides a pleasant detour downhill towards the housing estate, from where we turn R up Cow Lane to the Cathedral of the Isles which is reputed to be the smallest in Britain if not Europe.

It is worthwhile taking a look inside the Cathedral also within its grounds you will find The Cumbrae Labyrinth.

From the Cathedral, we descend down the steps out to College Street and on towards the seafront where the walk ends.

Lunch or coffee can be had in The Garrison Café on College Street.


LONG WALK: St Monans to Crail


DATE OF WALK: 05/08/16: 8 miles linear C+

TERRAIN: Coastal paths, pavements, steps, at times rocky underfoot.

Stone stiles in the latter part of the walk.

MAP REF. - OS 59

WALKING BOOTS and POLES recommended.

Toilets in Anstruther cost 30p - no change given!

From car park in St Monans a path passes the historic windmill and continues along the coast to Pittenweem. We follow the coastal path signs to the east end of Pittenweem and along the edge of a field before descending stone steps back to the coastline. The path goes along the edge of the golf course to Anstruther. While facing the Scottish Fisheries Museum opposite the harbour we turn right and walk along the street staying parallel to the seafront. The route goes through Cellardyke and continues past the caravan park and a former pig farm to reach Caiplie Coves. Passing to the right of the pillars, the path goes between rocks. Shortly after this we meet two tricky stone styles and then continue along the path . Crail eventually comes into view and we climb some steps up to the High Street.

Recce done 29/07/16 by Elinor Bones, David Swann, Joan Brown and Sheena Strachan.


Short Walk: St. Fillan’s Viewpoint, Perthshire

Date of walk: 22 nd July 2016

Distance/Grade: 4.25m/C+. Time approx. 2.5 hours

Circular/Linear Circular

Terrain: Forest paths and tracks, ascent/descent

Map OS 58

Meet: Chatelerhaut Coach Park 09:30hrs

Walking boots and poles are required.

Tea and Coffee, toilet facilities etc. are available at Arran’s Loch Earn Brewery Coffee shop.

The Walk starts and finishes at the Four Seasons Hotel St. Fillans

We head up the lane that climbs gently West from the hotel passing the entrance to the

Underground power station, water from Glen Lednock reservoir via St Fillans Viewpoint

passes vertically down to drive the underground turbines.

As we pass a picturesque house we come to a wooden garage and the lane doubles back to

the right to continue the ascent through birch and conifer woods, as it turns sharp left past a

waymarked gate on the right continue upwards past a gated track on the right, when the track

forks we pass through a forestry gate on our right to reach more open ground, with fine views

to Ben Vorlich across Loch Earn. At a flattened area the track forks again and we take the left

fork for the final part of the ascent, there are good views here down towards Strathearn, the

track ends at the aforementioned surge shaft where there are superb views from here along

the full length of Lochearn.

We will have a rest here, might be a good idea to bring along a drink and perhaps a biscuit

etc. before heading back downward to the start where we have arranged for those who wish

to have a light lunch at Arran’s Coffee shop.

The circular part of the walk has been deleted for safety reasons.

Recce Completed by ; Bob Fairfull and Emily Ferguson

Date: 18/07/2016


Long Walk. Portencross to Largs

Date of Walk. 15th July, 2016

Distance. 8 miles

Terrain. Paths, Cycle Paths, Beach, Tarmac

Map. OS 63

Please note this walk replaces Loch Dhu to Stronachler due

to closure of paths by the Forestry Commission.

Sticks are not essential on this walk - it is mostly flat and involves

walking on a number of tarmac paths and pavements.

We start the walk from the car park at Portencross and shortly

pass Portencross Castle built in 14th century. A good farm track

then follows the shoreline past cottages and an old harbour giving

us wonderful views across the Hunterston Channel to the wee

Cumbrae, with it's own miniature castle and then to big Cumbrae

with excellent views of Millport. We then pass by a small disused

pier and the track curves round and we emerge through a gate

onto arable land on a raised beach.

As we continue on, Hunterston Power Station comes into view -

we walk through the complex with the huge nuclear Power Station,

now decommissioned, towering above us. We then pass

Hunterston House built in 18th century and walk between metal

gates to join a quiet unused public road. On reaching the A78

roundabout we follow the NCN cycle track to Fairlie - we veer left

to a picnic area at Burnfoot where we have our lunch stop.

Resuming our walk, the path continues along the beach to a jetty

below Bay Street where we leave the beach and continue along

Bay Street reaching the main road at the parish church. From here

we walk north on the east side of main road, then just before

Baillie Road on our right, we cross over to join the cycle track which

leads under the railway bridge to join an established public footpath

taking us past the Pencil and on to centre of Largs

Recci done by: Kathleen Hunter, Pamela Colligan, Alison Mochrie


Short Walk: St Mary’s Church to Well Road

Date of walk: 8 July 2016

Distance/Grade: 41/2 miles “C”

Circular/Linear: Circular

Terrain: Pavement and woodland paths

Meet: Hamilton Bus Station at 9.15am

Walking Boots and Poles are required.

We take the X74 to Dumfries which leaves at

9.40am or if taking own transport meet on Moffat High Street at 10.45am.

The walk starts from Moffat High Street we walk north towards Edinburgh. Immediately past

St Mary’s Church turn R into Harthope Place and follow it as is veers L to go behind the

Academy and take the sign to Gallowhill Woods.

Walk slowly uphill into the woods then through a double Kissing Gate turn R onto forestry

path follow this uphill. There are beautiful views of Moffat, Annandale and surrounding hills.

The path dips gently and then rises equally gently we take the next double Kissing Gates into

Tank Wood and follow this forestry path right round until we reach a sign for Well Road.

We walk up steps (moderate) follow the wall on our R at end of the wall we turn R and take

the Heatheryhaugh path, follow this path until we reach a gate, go through the gate and follow

the edge of the field with the fence on R hand side until we reach water trough, this field has

sheep in it. Go through Kissing Gate onto a narrow path with bramble bushes until we reach a

wood shed turn R onto Well Road, follow this road to return to Moffat High Street where the

walk will end.

There are plenty of coffee shops on the High Street for a drink before we get the bus home.

The X74 buses leave the High Street at 25 minutes past the hour to return home.

Recce completed by: Ann Rankin, Emily Ferguson; Robin Stewart.

Date: 16 June 2016


Short Walk: Canal and Kelvin Loop

Date of walk: 24 June 2016

Distance/Grade: 4miles “C”

Circular/Linear: Circular

Terrain: Pavement and mostly good surfaced paths.

Meet: Buchanan Bus Station at 10.30am.

We meet in Buchanan Bus Station next to the winching couple at 10.30am toilet facilities and

refreshments can be had here. We then walk to Hope Street where we catch a bus to the

White House on Maryhill Road.

The walk begins at the White House at lock 21 on the canal.

From the White House, cross the footbridge over the canal and turn R onto the towpath.

Walk past the 5 sets of locks and take the turning L just before we go onto the Kelvin

Aqueduct. (There is a stainless steel marker post). Follow this footpath down until we get onto

the Kelvin Walkway.

Turn L onto the Walkway (signed City Centre). Keeping the River Kelvin on our R we cross

over Kelvindale Road and walk along this path past the Botanic Gardens which is on the other

side of the river -- we do not cross the river. After approximately 1.5 miles the path takes us to

Belmont Bridge, there are steps leading up to the bridge once up turn Left.

Cross over the junction to Doune Gardens then when safe to do so cross over Belmont

Street. Keep on this path until we join Wilton Street stay on this path until we have passed

Wilton Gardens then cross over and turn L onto Kirkland Street.

Cross Kirkland Street and walk along until we come to Bonawe Street and then join Maryhill

Road turn L and use the pedestrian crossings to cross over Maryhill and Garscube Roads the

Church opposite is Queens Cross Church which has a Mackintosh tearoom (but not always


Walk straight on to Springbank Street, walk the length of this until we get to Firhill Road.

Turn L and walk along this road until just before Nolly Brig which crosses the canal. Turn L

onto Northpark Street which takes us down onto the canal towpath.

Turn L onto the towpath, when we reach Stockingfield Junction stay on the path and keep

walking until we get to the footbridge which crosses over the canal at the White House.

Cross this bridge and we completed our walk.

There is one flight of stairs to climb.

Poles are optional.

Recce completed by: Emily Ferguson.

Date completed 31/5/16


Long Walk: Musselburgh to Aberlady

Distance:7.5 Mile Linear Walk

Date of Walk: Friday 17th June 2016

Terrain: Paths and Tarmac.

Group 2 Eleanor Bones and Janet Strang.

*Walking Poles not essential.

The walk, part of the John Muir Way, meanders along a variety of paths which include tarmacadam, pavements, woodland paths and sandy paths. The walk is relatively flat and easy to negotiate; the sea in all its glory is visible for the majority of the walk. There are a lot of information boards along the way and are well worth a read (I’ll pass a copy of the walk round the bus so that you can read all the history of the area before we arrive).

We leave Musselburgh and pass through the following towns – the former harbour of Morrison’s Haven, Prestonpans, Cockenzie Power Station (closed in 2012), Port Seton, Seton Sands stretching for miles, Longniddry Bents (a 3km strip of coastal grassland), past the impressive entrance to Gosford House and finally reaching Aberlady.

There are toilets at the beginning of the walk, at the lunch spot and at the end in the Duck Inn, Aberlady, where we will have our tea/coffee/beer break. Don’t let the 7.5 miles put you off as we finished the recce by 2.30 in spite of some delays in searching for toilets and looking for signposts in the various car parks. Hope you enjoy the walk and the weather is good to us.

Walk Leaders:

Group 1. - Pamela Colligan and Patricia Clark.

Group 2, - Eleanor Bones and Janet Strang.



Date of Walk: 3rd June 2016.




The Sorn Inn at the west end of the village is a good place to begin this stage of the walk - head west and cross Sorn Old Bridge, a sandstone structure dating from the early 1700s and still in use by vehicles today. Turn right at the far side and head uphill along the quiet road, where you will eventually be offered views across the fields and river to Sorn Castle. A footpath leaves the road on the right through a kissing gate and follows the field boundary before heading down into the woodland alongside the river.

Continue along the south side of the river on a muddy footpath along wooded slopes. Eventually dropping slightly to follow the river closely the path skirts Daldorch House. Cross the river at a footbridge, bear left and and enter Catrine Voes (reservoirs) local nature reserve.Follow the path through the Voes to emerge at a road junction - head in either direction to decend to Laigh Road and, keep left, reach the main road through Catrine.

Turn right along St. Germain Street to reach Mill Square, then turn left along Bridge Street to cross the river at Timmer Bridge . Turn right and cross Bogend Burn by a footbridge to reach a surfaced minor road turn right past a row of bungalows. Remain on the road until it curves left towards the sewage works, when a footpath continues straight ahead to follow the river. A good footpath runs through woodland before heading up a flight of steps and continuing along the clifftop. The path slopes down a wooded valley before passing underneath Howford Bridge carrying the A76. ignore a path heading left to Catrine House and drop down to cross the Old Howford Bridge, continue along the former main road past a sandstone abutment that once supported a footbridge in the policies of the former Ballochmyle Estate..

Cross a style on the left a short distance later and bear left to enter the woodland beneath the road. Just after a footbridge is a vertical cliff-face bearing prehistoric cup and ring markings. The path wanders through the wooded valley high above the river and pass underneath the immense Ballochmyle Railway Viaduct which incorporates the longest masonry railway arch ever built at 55.17 metres . From the viaduct follow the path until it emerges from the woods and leads through farmland to reach a minor road at Haugh Farm turn right and follow the road north towards Mauchline until Haughyett Farm. Continue up Haugh Road to reach Station Road which takes you on to Machline Main Street.

We go to a Garden Centre at the beginning for a comfort stop and a carry out coffee if you wish, we return to the Garden Centre at the end.

Recce done on Thursday 26th May 2016 by

Joan Brown, Muriel Japp, Ann Falconer and Sheena Strachan



Date of Walk: Friday 20th May.


TERRAIN: Tracks and Tarmac Paths.


In Innerleithen go down Traquair Road (Right hand turn from Peebles) and just before

a bridge over the Tweed turn right and then immediate left along a path towards the river.

Cross a small footbridge, go through a gate and turn right to follow the path along the

river. Continue along the path with the River Tweed on your left hand side. Follow the

path until you come to a new footbridge where you cross the River Tweed and where you

are told pedestrians have priority over horse riders and S. P. Cardrona 1⁄2 mile. The path

takes a sharp turn right, then left and continues straight along through Cardrona

village. On reaching a roundabout go straight on and go behind Nashy’s Coffee Shop

which used to be the Cardrona Station Platform. A good stopping point for lunch.

Continue along the path to cross the River Tweed again by a bow­sided girder bridge and

on through Cardrona Golf Course. At a Y junction fork left to go through Eshiels

Community Woodland. On leaving the woodland to the left are sewage works and on the

right is the original site of the town’s gasworks. The path then goes through a short tunnel

under the road and then parallel to the A72 which is on your left. Look out for a wooden

S.P. across the road which leads down steps to the riverside pathway .Take care crossing

the busy A72, go down the steps and follow the path down towards the river and go

right to get into Peebles. Continue along the path with the river on your left and after

passing a footbridge over the river follow the path to the right to bring you up to the main

street in Peebles.

On the tarmac part of the route watch out for cyclists.

Please note there are toilets at the beginning of the walk but no places for tea or coffee,

however you can buy tea/.coffee at the lunch stop.

Recce done on Thursday 12th May 2016 by:

Patricia Clark

Janette Strang


Short Walk: Provost’s and Oak walk. Auchterarder

Date of walk: 13th May 2016.

Distance/Grade: 4.5 miles/grade C Approx. 2.5 hours

Circular/Linear Circular

Terrain: Pavements, woodland and country paths, care required crossing busy

roads, 2 sets of steps, one downhill, one uphill, some muddy areas.

Walking boots and Poles required

Map OS 58

Meet: Chatelerhault coach park 09:30.

The walk starts and finishes at the Glendevon Hotel 196 High St. Where there are Coffee and

toilet facilities.

From here we head S.W. up the high St, passing St. Kessoc’s Episcopal Church

RT along Castleton Rd. downhill into the countryside, with fine views over the hills. At the

hamlet of Castleton we LT along a lane marked, (footpath to Oak Walk). There are often

horses and sheep grazing here, we pass Lower Borland farm and continue on the straight

track, passing a house on the left until we reach the house at the end. Here we keep left

(easily missed) and follow the footpath as it skirts the house, with a wire fence on your left

and a wooden fence on your right, soon to cross a small bridge, then a stile which brings us

into Oak Wood.

Bear left and follow the winding path up through the woods, care required crossing the mud,

(watch out for the various wood carvings and Minnie Mouse) we cross a small bridge and a

kissing gate.

The path emerges onto a road and we LT following Tullibardin Rd. until it reaches Orchil Rd.

Where the Jubilee Cairn sits at the entrance to The Cairn Hotel, LT again and reach Western

Rd. with the park opposite, we head left until we reach the end of the park, pause here for a

little history, cross the road and walk along Quarry Rd. towards the Recycling centre, at the

corner just before the entrance, go straight down a grassy path until a metal seat is reached,

here bear 2 nd left down a set of steps and follow the Jubilee path for some time as it passes a

housing development and fields, running parallel to the busy A9, eventually new housing is

reached we continue, leaving the housing on our left. Where the path reaches a larger track,

cross over and follow the narrow path leaving Ruthven water on our right we pass the weir

and fish ladder eventually reaching a minor road we continue straight ahead passing housing

on our left.

Go straight across a road, following the lane towards Glenruthven mill, now restored and

housing a number of businesses. Continue past the mill and up a moderate flight of steps to

farmland, looking back to open views of the Ochill hills. The path bears left between grazing

fields meeting the main rd. into Auchterarder. LT here and follow the main rd., uphill back to

The Glendevon Hotel and the finish of the walk.

Recce completed by; Bob Fairfull and Robin Stewart

Date; 29/04/2016


Friday 6th May 2016

Long Walk - East Linton To Dunbar

Distance: 7.5 Miles Linear Grade C +

Terrain: Moderate

The route does involve some steep slopes and quite a number of steps nearer Dunbar .It also runs close to the top of the cliffs in places ,so care must be taken.

Walk begins on Preston Road.Opposite the entrance to Smeaton Nursery you will see a sign pointing down a path .Follow the path ,across the mill lade and cross over the field towards the white bridge .You will see Preston Mill on your left.Once over the bridge turn left and follow the grass track along the side of the river .

The John Muir Way crosses another bridge over the river Tyne and continues along the grass track to Knowes Mill .Here follow the road for a short distance and cross over the footbridge at the ford .The route continues down stream along a whin dust path and underneath the A198. After going under the bridge turn right and follow the grass path along the field margin parallel to the road .This will bring you out at the end of the Ware Road.

Turn left and follow the track to the end of Buists Embankment and into John Muir Country Park.Follow the path along the edge of the Tyne Estuary ,over the bridge across the Hedderwick Burn and then head straight along the edge of the Hedderwick Plantation.

The path continues past LInkfield Car Park ,past Belhaven Bay and over the Biel Burn .Continue alone the path past Seafield Pond and turn left on to Shore Road.This will take you past some wooden chalets .At the end of the of the road continue alone the grass path around the edge of the Winterfield Golf Course .Please take care here and try not to disturb the golfers.

Continue up some steps and onto the cliff top please take care as the path passes close to the top of the cliff.Continue on the path this leads into Dunbar past the Leisure centre and down into the town where the walk ends

Leaders: Grace Gentles, Kathleen Hunter, Linda Christie, Elinor Bones.



FRIDAY 15th APRIL,2016.

Distance: 7 miles linear. Grade C+. Map OS 50

Terrain: Rough stony tracks, uneven in places,

farm roads, riverside paths, muddy in places.

Walking boots and poles essential.

The first half of this walk is fairly strenuous, particularly at the

beginning, as there is quite a bit of climbing, but it is well worth

the effort for the lovely views. The second half of the walk is

easier as it is low lying.

We begin the walk opposite Crianlarich Station and follow a

Forestry Commission sign to the West Highland Way. This path

climbs fairly steeply, but we will take it slowly with plenty of

stops. When we reach the WHW there is another climb to the

top of Glen Bogle where we will stop to admire the view. We then

continue on our way and cross a footbridge over the Herive burn.

The way zigzags northwards through trees and descends into

the burn valley. The path now drops down to the railway, passing

an attractive waterfall and under a viaduct, following the south side

of the A82 for a short distance before crossing it. Great care should

be taken here as this is a busy road. We will cross in small groups

for safety. After crossing the road we cross the Kirkton Bridge over

the wide flowing Fillan River and follow the farm road to Kirkton.

Among the trees by Kirkton Farm are the ruins of St.Fillans Chapel

and it's graveyard. We now follow the path to Auchtertyre Farm where

there is a campsite. Turn L after the burn and go through the

underpass to follow the path along the River Connonish. The WHW

turns R following a narrow path to Tyndrum Lower Station and we

then make our way to the Green Welly Stop for a well earned cup of

coffee/tea before returning home. The bus will collect us here.

Recce completed on 7/4/16 by

M Jaap, A.Mochrie, P.Colligan, B.Fraser.


Short Walk: Around Rouken Glen.

Date of walk: 08/04/2016.

Distance/Grade: 4.5 miles / C, < 2.5 hours.

Circular/Linear - Circular.

Terrain: Mostly tarmac footpaths, some steady gradients on the way out, 1 set of

downward steps on the way back.

Hazards: Busy road traffic at crossings, walking shoes are advisable, I will not be

using a walking pole.

Meet: Chatelerhault Car park, for car share at 09:30hrs.

The walk starts at Rouken Glen Garden Centre at 10:30hrs.

The walk starts and finishes at Rouken Glen Garden Centre. Where there are toilets, tea and

coffee facilities.

On leaving the garden centre we turn right and right again, with the children’s play area on

our left.

R.T opposite the pavilion onto a tree lined pathway, continue up a fairly steep short slope to

the boating lake,

R.T. leave the lake on our left, here we take a short detour to the right to have a look at the


Continuing with the lake on our left we bear right at the fork follow the path on a slight

gradient to Whitecraigs.

On leaving the park we cross the busy Ayr Rd. at the traffic lights.

R.T. until we take a left onto the Loaning (here it becomes obvious by the high standard of

housing that the inhabitants are at the higher end of the social scale)

L.T. into Craignethan Rd. continue and bear right onto Burnside rd. uphill

L.T. onto Roddinghead rd.

Cross the busy Mearns Rd. onto a path on our left.

R.T. into Greenbank Gardens where we pass the garden centre on our left.

On leaving the gardens we take a left onto Flenders Rd.

R.T. onto Mearns Rd. where we cross to the far side then L.T. onto Lomondside Av., continue

downward where we have views of the Campsies and Dumgoyne, we cross the road and

follow the path downward on a set of steps.

L.T. onto Redburn Av. R.T. onto the grove then L.T. back onto Ayr road, we cross at the traffic

lights back into the park where we return past the Pavilion to the Garden Centre leaving the

lake on our left. The walk finishes here.

We can have a light lunch etc.

Recce: Carried out by Bob Fairfull and Robin Stewart.

Date: 31/03/2016


Long Walk: Maybole to Kildoon

Date of Walk: 1st. April 2016.

Distance: 7 Miles, Circular. Walking poles and gaiters are advised.

Terrain: Quiet country lanes, old coach road, grassy paths, possible muddy areas depending on rainfall. Ascent: approximately 280 feet. The ascent is gradual with one area, about 45 minutes into the walk, of steady ascent for about 10 minutes. Grade C+ with stunning views over the Ayrshire countryside.

The walk starts at the unique Carrick Centre next to the railway station in Maybole. Here we have our tea and toilet stop. We can have our social hour here after the walk or there are several pubs in Maybole. The bus will pick us up at the Centre.

From the Centre we cross the road and follow the path across the green and go down School Vennel to reach the High Street. Turn right along the pavement and pass the Town Hall built in 1887. Continue along High Street and fork left along Coral Glen.

The road descends and curves to the church of Our Lady and St. Cuthbert where we turn right and go uphill gradually along Allan’s Hill. Pleasant pastoral views over the Ayrshire countryside emerge. The monument at the top of Kildoon Hill is obvious ahead and we continue then descend to a footbridge alongside a rough ford which we cross to join a minor road. The walking is easy with minimal changes in elevation bar a slight incline at the railway bridge.

Look for an old coach road branching right after the bridge signposted Kildoon Hill half a mile. Follow the well-made track to begin the ascent to a small lochan where we can have lunch. We can have plenty short stops to admire the views as we ascend. We go through a kissing gate and make our way along the ridge along one of the many sheep tracks. We will keep right to climb over the grassy terrain leading to the monument. This area could be muddy so gaiters are advised. We can admire the stunning views at the monument to Sir Charles Fergusson of Kilkerran-5th baronet and lawyer who, at his own expense, built many schools and churches in his seat of the county of Ayr. We descend retracing our steps to the kissing gate keeping to our left to avoid areas of mud.

We turn left to pass the lochan where we had lunch and follow the coach road straight ahead. We cross a stile and descend alongside the remains of a drystane dyke to a wooden footbridge which we cross to reach a rather large stile. After crossing this we turn left along the quiet surfaced road to pass Altiwan Farm at Lower Burncrooks on the left and ignore the minor road on the right signposted Kirkoswald 5.5 miles.

We follow the road passing Spring Garden Farm before turning left at the next road junction. This road signposted Maybole 1.5 miles takes us to the old coach road to retrace our way back to Maybole.

Recce report completed by Linda Christie, Murial Japp, Sheena Strachan and Grace Gentles. On 25th March 2016


Short Walk: The Drumchapel Way

Date of walk: 11/03/2016

Distance/Grade: >4.5 miles / C+, 2.75 hours.

Circular/Linear Circular

Terrain: Tarmac footpaths, Forest tracks and Grass


Hazards Road traffic at crossings, boots and poles are advisable.

Meet: Hamilton central station 09:30

At Drumchapel station, cross the footbridge and proceed to Garscadden Rd.

R.T. to Olivers Café on the right where there are toilets, tea and coffee facilities

The walk starts and finishes at Olivers Café.

Leave the café with a L.T. onto Garscadden Rd.

R.T. at the path alongside Donald Dewar leisure centre and into Garscadden Burn Park,

gentle slopes and firm path. Up a few steps bear left onto a path crossing open ground then

cross over Kinfauns drive and bear left onto a grassy path with Colquhoun Park on the right.

leave Drummore primary school on the left and enter Garscadden Wood (East) known locally

as the bluebell woods. Smooth firm path, moderate steady short climb to level out in the


We then cross Peel Glen Rd. into Garscadden Wood (West) again good paths and moderate

steady short climb to level out in the woodlands. Downhill to leave the church on the right.

Then enter Cleddans Burn with the water tower on the left, on a smooth easy path follow the

low burnside route.

L.T. up to the Cleddans burn signpost. R.T. at R/bt onto Antonine Rd., then bear left before

the next R/bt onto path, leave Drumchapel park on your left and thro’ the town centre to

Olivers for the finish of the walk, where we can have a light lunch etc.

Recce completed by; Bob Fairfull and Emily Ferguson

Date; 07/03/2016


PROPOSED WALK: THREE VALLEYS (Lanark to Kirkfieldbank)


TERRAIN: Tarmac back roads and rights of way paths


We start at Tesco’s car park in Lanark. On leaving main exit turn left, then right and left onto Gallowhill Rd. Follow Gallowhill Road to Hope Street and turn left (fire station on RH corner), continue alone Hope Street for about 100yds, cross the road and turn right into Waterloo Road. Continue along Waterloo Road until it becomes the Stey Brae. Go down the Stey Brae, which is steep and uneven, until you reach a minor road where you turn right and follow the road to cross a bridge and then continue fairly steeply uphill. At the junction at the top of the hill, turn left and follow the road into Cartland. Turn left in Cartland and follow road to A73. Turn right and after about 20yds. cross the A73 to take up the right of way sign. Care has to be taken crossing the busy A73. Follow right of way downhill. This part of the walk is muddy and slippery. At the bottom of the hill continue straight on across the valley floor. Go through the gate at the cottage and ascend out of the valley to a road where you turn left and walk a short distance to a junction. Turn right and then left onto Hall Rd. Take the first left and then keep right at next junction and past a row of houses. The road becomes a track which you follow till you reach a road. Turn right onto the road and descend steeply past Mousemill and a caravan park. You then reach the A72 in Kirkfieldbank.

Please note this is quite a strenuous walk which is muddy in places. Poles are required. Recce done on 20th February 2016 by:

Patricia Clark

Linda Christie

David Swan

Janette Strang

Recce report for circular walk to Kippen

5th Feb. 2016

Terrain: Country lanes, grassy paths, farm tracks and minor roads. Muddy in parts, boots, gators and poles are recommended.Some gradual uphill sections, not too challenging.

Distance 7 miles. OS Explorer 366. OS Landranger 57

Walk starts at War Memorial in Main Street, going down lane till a tarmac road is reached, where we head through gate. Toward the bottom of the lane, it swings to the left.

Follow it uphill to a farm and continue on a rough road to B8037

Turn left and follow B8037 for 150m. Cross road and take the driveway signed Public Footpath to Broich and Fintry Road. Follow driveway go left and continue through a gate.Follow the path along the right-hand edge of the field and into a cutting.

Continue on path uphill, till Brioch Mill where we walk to junction with a minor road. Turn right and then first left onto a grassy lane. At Dighty, go straight ahead onto a tarmac drive and follow it to the B822.

Cross the road and follow driveway uphill. At the white lodge house for Gribloch House follow path to the left and through a gate and into some trees, keeping ahead to a gate. Go left then right down a rough lane. Just beyond a large house the track forks. Take left fork and follow farm track to a minor road, Keep left and follow road downhill for 1 ½ miles. Keep left at Myreton Hill farm and at the bottom of the hill turn left over a stone bridge. At sandstone house go left through a gate to pick up a right-of-way. Follow this grassy lane and then the minor road into Kippen.

Walk leaders, Betty Fraser, Joan Brown, Anne Falconer

Jim McLaughlin

Recce report for Carbeth to Drymen

Friday 8th January 2016

Distance : 8.5 miles linear walk

Total ascent : 271 m.

Terrain : mostly level walking to start with -some steep inclines near the end of the walk.

Paths are muddy in places and there are lots of puddles!!!

Poles recommended.

We start the walk in Carbeth and walk along a country road until we reach a Ramblers Gate on the left. Here we join the West Highland Way and will continue on this route all the way to Drymen.

Passing through the gate we enter Tinkers Loan , and proceed to the next gate.

The path continues north towards Dumgoyach, a tree-studded hill. It curves right round the hill and crosses Blane Water by a wooden bridge.

We then turn left to follow a disused railway line.

At Dumgoyne the Way crosses the A81 then continues parallel to the A81 for about I.5 miles.

We then pass under the B834 and recross the A81.

Shortly after crossing the A81 we leave the old railway line climb up beside a bridge to turn left onto the minor road from Killearn to Drymen.

We continue on this road and it is along this road that we experience the steepest climbs.

The road descends past a disused sand quarry and further on bends left over a small bridge. Immediately before the bridge we turn right at the way marker and go down some steps onto a footpath,staying on the footpath until it meets the A811.

We turn left at the road then, almost immediately, turn right and follow the B858 into the village of Drymen.

Recce done 5th January 2016 by Elinor Bones, Grace Gentles and David Swann.