The South Lanarkshire Walkers (SLW)
Contact Us:
Long Walks:
To book or cancel coach on a long walk:-
From your phone call or text Grace Gentles on mobile no: 07849014907.
If you have to cancel, it is important to inform Grace that you can't go, otherwise someone else may be denied a place on the bus, which is often full. Please book or cancel a minimum of 7 days,maximum of 10 days before the date of the walk.
**Cancellation Fee of 50% will be applied ( eg coach cost £10 per person £5 will be charged)**
If you're not a member of the Rambler's Association, you are welcome to come for two trial rambles with us, and if you then wish to continue, join the Ramblers Association before continuing to walk with us.
Short Walks:
Refer to the current walk programme for time and place for the star of the walks.
Web site email address:
If you wish to be on a "contact list" for the web site, please send a short email to the above address, saying "put me on the list" or similar. (or "take me off the list") if you wish later.
You will then receive an email whenever the web site is updated. By "updated" I mean latest photos added, news from the committee, urgent cancellation news, or anything significant really. - Hugh Atkinson.