Walks 2015

Recce Report for New Lanark and the Falls of Clyde

On Friday 4th December 2015

Distance-7MIles CIrcular

Terrain-Moderate ,Paths Muddy,A few hills in places .

Waterproof Trousers ,Poles Recommended.

Bus will leave Chatelerhault at 09:15.

Walk. Begins and Ends at the New Lanark visitors centre.

Walkers who will be traveling by car please meet at the visitors centre at 10.15

From the visitors centre walk straight ahead up a small flight of stairs and forward on to the road ahead turn left and climb the hill beside the row of houses untill you reach the finger post for the Clyde Walk Way.

Follow the path down steps then alone the gorge untill you reach the uphill path which leads you into Castlehill Park .

Turn left and follow the path out of the park then turn left on to a single track road at the end of the road turn left down the hill to the Water Treatment Plant .

Turn right and follow tarmac path on to the KIrkfield bank brae, go down the brae and cross over the bridge ,then turn left and go up the hill ,on the left hand side of the road you will see open gates this will lead you into the Bonnington Estate .

Follow the path very muddy in places you will see the back of a housing estate on your right hand side ,this will then change to a field at the end of the field you will see a path on the left the path is a bit overgrown so please do not miss it this will soon lead on to a better path you should be able to see the New Lanark Hotel across the river .Follow this path is also very muddy you will see a few trees over the path but you can get under them with no problem follow the path which will lead down hill to the river then up hill again their are wonderful views of the falls on your left hand side .

Follow the path past Corra Castle then go straight ahead follow this path untill you see a set of steps on your left go down the steps and alone the path this will provide spectaculars views of Bonnington LInn .

At the end of the path turn left then cross the Power Station weir bridge. At the end of the bridge turn left onto the Clyde walk way .Follow the path, the gorge will now be on your left hand side. The path goes down hill then uphill with a few flight of steps it then goes down to the Bonnington Hydro-electric Power Station, then take the path on the left alone the boardwalk fringing the river.The path then goes past New Lanark Mill weir then back to the New Lanark visitors centre where the walk ends .

Leaders. Grace Gentles ,Pamela Colligan,Jim McLaughlin ,Linda Christie

Short Walk Recce Report

Short Walk: Douglas and the Castle Policies

Date of walk: 23/10/2015

Distance/Grade: 3.5 miles, C, Time; < 2 hours

Circular/Linear Circular

Terrain: Footpaths, estate roads and forestry tracks, in places, muddy and rutted

Meet: Chatelerhault car park 09:15 for car share and 10:00 at Douglas car park which is adjacent to the café.

On entering Douglas follow the P sign and take an immediate R.T. if you reach main st. you have gone too far.

The walk starts and finishes at the café where there are toilet, food and tea and coffee facilities

Start: Leave the car park and enter Douglas, at the Douglas Arms, R.T. onto main St. straight past the newsagents and then old St. Bride’s church and the Sun Inn, L.T. downhill then R.T. and enter castle policies past the lodge. Keep to the broad track that skirts Stable loch.

At the ruined Castle Dangerous go downhill and cross the iron bridge, at Gardens house R.T. then go through the double gate on the left and follow the track on a steady uphill path, at the top L.T. onto the forestry track (German P.O.W’s marched on this track from their camp to the pit head baths at Douglas West). The track narrows, squeeze through the trees and fork left, at the remains of the mine buildings keep left downhill through light woodland. Cross Douglas Water on the blue bridge, straight on along the edge of the playing fields and follow the lane to the road. R.T. and follow the road to the rear of St. Bride’s church, retrace the route to the start.

There are no steps on this walk.

Walking boots and poles are required.

Points of historical interest;

James Gavin memorial

St. Bride’s church

Sun Inn

Polish war monuments

Cameronian monument

Douglas Castle ruins

The angus monument.

Recce completed by; Bob Fairfull and Gina Hassan

Date; 12/10/2015







Start at the school,walk up the avenue passing the Visitor Centre at GARTMORN Dam in Sauchie and proceed with the dam/loch on your left and after a short distance go down the steps on the right. At the bottom of the steps turn right along the Brothie Burn and follow the path, keeping left at the next Y-junction, to the crossroads. Turn left onto the Clackmannanshire to Fife Cycleway and continue straight along track and field on either side. Keep to the right at the next junction onto the Tarmac lane. Just before the Clackmannanshire bypass (A907), turn left along the minor road for about 400m passing 2 bungalows. As you approach the B910 road climb to your left onto the Cycleway ( a disused railway line) and turn right with good views of the Ochils. After 400m the path crosses the bridge over the river Black Devon where you immediately take steps down to the right, through a gate and turn right down more steps under the Cycleway and walk along the river. In 50m cross the river by a narrow bridge and continue into pinewoods until you come to a road (B910). Turn right along the road, just before the bridge follow the public path on your left (signed "GARTMORN Dam"). After 700m, at the gate, take the left path into the Community Woodland and walk straight along this path with fields on your left. At the Y- junction go left and continue straight on to the orientation table and viewpoint. Drop down to the south shore of Gartmorn Dam, turn right and continue along the paths with the Dam on your left hand side. On reaching a junction turn left signposted Visitors Centre.

Recce done on the 8th October by: Joan Brown, Patricia Clark, Betty Fraser, Sheena Strachan



Distance: 6 miles - circular

Terrain: Woodland and riverside paths.

Poles recommended.

Mugdock Country Park covers a substantial area north of

Milngavie on the outskirts of Glasgow. It offers an unexpected

variety of terrain with beautiful old woodland, riverside paths,

lochs, open moorland with great views and at its southern

edge, two large reservoirs.

The walk starts in Milngavie at the start of the West Highland

Way which we follow for 2.5km. We then follow a path which

climbs through Mugdock Wood and leads us to the impressive

ruins of Mugdock Castle, once a Graham stronghold. We will

take time to explore the castle before making our way to the

Visitor Centre where we will stop for lunch. There are plenty of

picnic tables and benches here and also two cafes and toilets.

After lunch we will walk down to Craigend Pond. Partway round

the pond we climb some steps to Pheasant Wood and turn right.

At the edge of the wood we take the path ahead across Peitches

Moor which offers great views of the Campsie Fells. From the

moor we walk down to Mugdock Loch, a site of Special Scientific

Interest noted for its display of water lilies. After following the

path by the loch we make our way to the reservoir which we cross

and then join a path beside the water. After 1km we turn right to

go across the causeway between the two reservoirs. These

Reservoirs receive water through tunnels which run for more than

40km from Loch Katrine. After crossing the causeway we make

our way back to Milngavie where there are plenty of nice tearooms

for us to visit before returning home.

Hope you all enjoy the walk.

Walk Leaders: M.Jaap, E.Bones, P.Colligan,J.Brown.

Recce done on 28/9/15.

Recce Report for Friday 18th September 2015

From Lower Largo to Elie 7.25 Miles Linear




On the way to Lower Largo we stop at the Blacketyside Farm Shop for toilets and coffee/tea break.

We set off through the village of Lower Largo passing the Alexander Selkirk Memorial (Robinson Crusoe) before joining the Fife Coastal Path along the old railway line. At Carrick Villa we saw a film crew making a period drama about Tom Morris (a famous golfer) and at this point we take the dunes path, walking through Dumbarnie Links Wildlife Reserve, which runs parallel with the beach, we then move onto the beach for our lunch stop. The views across the water are amazing and we saw lots of birds diving for fish so look out for them.

After lunch we set off along the beach to Ruddons Point where we turn off into the dunes for a short time crossing two wooden bridges arriving at Shell Bay Caravan Park skirting the edge of the Park we cross over the wooden bridge (no handrails) onto the dirt path leading to Kincraig Point. So far the paths have been fairly flat but from this point we climb up and down and there are some steps both up and down, single file walking is necessary and you need to watch your feet as at some points we walk close to the edge and are quite high up. (There is an alternative route via the ‘Chainwalk’ which is said to be an exciting and unique scramble along cliffs using chains for handrails for fit experienced walkers!!!! Needless to say we won’t be taking that route!!!) After walking down the last set of steps we reach a golf course at West Bay and follow the dunes path once more then crossing the golf course and at the end of that path we continue round the coastal path, passing the ruins of Chapel Ness, from there we walk down onto Elie’s main beach. Then proceed to the main street where we will be picked up by the bus which will take us back to the Blacketyside Farm Shop for tea etc.

The walk is varied, very peaceful and has amazing views hope you all enjoy the it and we’ll pray for the sun to shine.

Pamela Colligan.

River Tay - Perth to Luncarty--Friday 5th Sept. 2015.

6.5 miles linear.

Terrain - Good paths, tarmac at beginning of walk mainly flat, then woodland paths and narrow paths along riverbank. Poles not absolutely necessary, but could be useful on narrow path section. Riverbank maybe muddy if it rains,

Toilets in main car park in Perth at beginning of walk have a 30p charge.

Start the walk in the centre of Perth by walking north along the town-side of the river Tay. Pass under the final bridge where the high water marks from various floods have been carved and continue along the tarmac cycle route with the park on the left and the river on the right. Follow the mixed cycle and pedestrian track through the parkland, where a couple of viewing platforms project out into the wide river, and across the golf course.

At the far end of the golf course follow the cycle track as it turns right to head back to the river and then continues upstream. When gateposts with a flood barrier is reached pass through the gateway and take the right hand fork to follow the tarmac track as it runs along, separated from the river by a stone wall. After the wall ends, take the right hand branch at the next fork, keeping on cycle track 77, part of the national Sustrans network.

Follow the cycle track as it bends inland and goes under the railway and a bridge carrying the A9 and then takes the left hand fork uphill, passing a gate and then turning right to follow an old road over a bridge. After the bridge follow the road to the right, with a cottage straight ahead. Soon take the path to the right where there is an information board. The path now heads back down the other side of the River Almond, the reason for the diversion away from the Tay. Follow it back under the A9 and then under the railway. Here paths have been created by bikers and the route can be muddy, keep to the left in the trees and follow the main path.

Keep on the path as it heads through trees and then back to the bank of the river and continues upstream. For this first section the path is narrow and near the water's edge, however it soon widens and becomes flanked by mature trees on both sides. At one point a stone marker, showing the boundaries of fishing beats is passed. Continue upstream as the path widens to a track and passes some fishermens' huts. Turn left between two houses and then immediately right to pass inland of the smaller house skirting around the edge of a field on a path to return to the riverbank.

This section is overgrown with quite high wild flowers etc.

The path now leaves the trees behind and is flanked by fields. Keep following the path which can be a little overgrown in parts and cross a wooden bridge and pass a grand stone built house on the right. Immediately after this house turn left just before an attractive green fishing hut. After the hut turn right along a short section of path. This path emerges at a modern housing estate. Follow the crescent of houses until you can take a turning on the right. This is Taypark Road, follow it all the way through the rabbit warren of the housing estate until you turn left at a t junction to reach a small roundabout. Bear right here uphill to pass a shop and soon the main road in Luncarty is reached.


Fisherrow via Musselburgh --Friday 21 August 2015 -6 Miles circular

Terrain --Good Paths and Fairly Flat

The walk starts and finishes at the Harbour where their are toilet , food and coffee facilities

We walk east from the harbour along the Promenade and, when the buildings finish , continue with FIsherrow LInks to the right , until the path reaches the River Esk .

Turn right , along a path by the riverside .

Follow this past two bridges then cross the old footbridge and continue up the river . At the next road bridge , cross the road this leads to a path up the left hand side of the river through an industrial estate , and then on to the River Esk Walkway which leads through woodland and farmland by the river . Leave the path after about two miles just after it is crossed by the bypass . A tarmac road heads left , leading to the A6124 .Turn left along this ,over the bypass and on to into the pleasant village of Inveresk the pavement here is narrow singe file is recommended .On reaching the village we will head into the park for lunch .

At the end of the village the road splits .Go left,down the road signposted as a dead -end .To the end of the road ,is St Michael's Church to the left a track leads back down to the path by the river

Retrace your steps along the path back into Musselburgh and walk down to the road bridge cross the bridge and go alone the left hand side of the river this will lead back to the Promenade then on to the Harbour where the walk ends.

Walk Leaders --- Grace Gentles Pamela Colligan Linda Christie David Swann

Balloch to Croftamie - Friday 7th August 2015 - 8 Miles

Terrain - Mostly tarmac. Stone path at beginning of the walk ( first Km). Black ash path last mile and half.

The walk begins in Balloch where we pick up the path on the RHS of the River Leven heading to the Castle. We walk along the side of the river then Loch Lomond itself. When we reach "the Slipway" we'll stop to use the toilets and those who want to can have a warm drink. There is plenty of seating provided and we can enjoy the views over to Cameron House. From there we climb up to (the now closed) Balloch Castle. We leave the grounds of the park at the North Lodge picking up the Cycle route NCN7. There may be an occasional car or cyclists on the route so care should be taken at all times. We descend to the busy A811. This has to be crossed and almost as soon as we are over we bear right to pick up the NCN7 again walking on minor roads. There are a few brief uphill parts in the earlier stages of the walk. However for most part the route is fairly level with great views of the surrounding hills in the area. About a half mile from the end of the walk we turn onto a path built on an old railway line. This brings us into Croftamie itself. We all agreed that sticks are not essential. As most of the walking will be on tarred road walking shoes, if you have them, will be more comfortable than boots.

Joan Brown Sheena Strachan Jim McLaughlin David Swann





The walk starts at Cramond Village where there are toilets and a cafe. From here we get a good

view of Cramond island which can be visited at low tide.

We turn left and follow the foreshore and river bank upstream past River Cramond Falls. A set of steep steps need to be climbed and descended . Continue ahead to arrive at T junction at Dowies Mill lane.

Take the right turn over the River Almond stone bridge. We enter Dalmeny

estate through metal gates and continue down to the start of the shore walk. At the bottom of the

path, with the beach ahead, turn left along an unsurfaced path.

Continue along shore walk past Golf Course with Dalmeny House on the left. At the end of

the Golf Course turn onto surfaced estate road. Pass entrance to Barnbougle Castle before

taking the right hand fork onto rough surfaced path ahead. We pass Peatdraught Bay and Whitehouse bay.

Along the paths we catch glimpses of the Forth Bridges.

We carry on along the promenade to the village where there are several cafes and hotels.



Ramblers Association S.L.O.W. Short Walk Recce Report

Short Walk: Eglinton Castle, Irvine

Date of walk: 10/07/2015

Distance/Grade: <4 mile C

Circular/Linear Circular

Terrain: Can be muddy in places, woodland and riverside paths/Flat

Map L’Ranger 70

Meet: Chatelherault Coach Park 09:15hrs

The walk starts and finishes at the visitor centre where there are toilet, food and coffee facilities.

Start; Leave the visitor centre & cross the coach park thro’ the 24hr access gate,

L.T. onto the new town trail, walk uphill past Eglinton castle ruins, cross the bridge over the

Lugton water R.T, leaving Eglinton loch on our right cross the bridge over the river and

continue on the new town trail, pass thro’ woodland straight through the xroad down thro’ the

old wood R.T. onto the countryside walk towards mains dovecote, just prior to the dovecote at

a ‘y’ junction R.T. through the woods, continue on the countryside walk L.T. at the ‘t’ junction

onto riverside walk, approaching the castle ruins R.T. over the river L.T. to Tournament

Bridge, straight across the bridge and through the xroads to the visitor centre and finish.

If you normally use a pole then do so.

The Montgomery family were created Earls of Eglinton in 1508

The 12th Earl, Hugh Montgomery inherited the title in1796 and set about building himself a castle,

completed in 1802. This was to reflect the considerable wealth which the family had

created. Among other things he was MP for Ayrshire.

The wealth was created mainly from industry, coal and agriculture.

Today the remains of the castle are one tall tower, part of the frontage, the foundations and

the Georgian stable block that houses the visitor centre.

The building was used for Commando training during the war years and demolished in 1973.

Recce completed by; Bob Fairfull & Emily Ferguson

Date; 29/06/2015

Ramblers Association S.L.O.W. Short Walk Recce Report





OS. - 78

Start at the car park opposite Station Park. Head towards the river and turn right signposted for Waterside Walk. On reaching the old road bridge continue forward along the uneven section of the riverside path. At the fork before the bench turn right and right again at the way marker. The path moves away from the side of the main channel and along the edge of a copse. Turn right through the metal kissing gate set in the fence line and follow the track alongside the power lines to reach the old Edinburgh Road through a kissing gate. Single file is required until you reach the 30mph limit move to the pavement.

At the end of Old Edinburgh Road look for a fingerpost signposted Gallowhill, cross the road and ascend the steps to reach the start of the path at a large grated drain and follow a narrow woodland strip uphill, to connect with a circular track and path inside the edge of Gallowhill wood. In places there are fine views of Moffat and surrounding hills. Complete the circuit of the wood before descending the woodland strip.

Look for fingerpost for Heatheryhaugh turn left. The track narrows to a path that reaches a field entrance. Pass through the kissing gate into the field and follow the fence line in front of you that runs parallel to the road below. Turn right after the kissing gate by the water trough and descend between the fence and the wall to reach the minor road. Turn right on to minor road where single file is required till we reach Well Road . Coming out at High Street.

Recce done 22.5.15

Grace Gentles, Kathleen Hunter, Sheena Strachan


Recce Report for Walk from Torryburn to North Queensferry

To be held on Friday 19th June 2015 7.5 miles approximately.


Looking at the map in detail the walk from Torryburn to North Queensferry would have been 9 miles so we had first decided to start the walk at Crombie which would have made it 7.25miles but due to the roadworks at the Forth Road Bridge we decided it was too dangerous to walk with as many people across the busy crossroads just before North Queensferry. Because of the works pedestrians have to continually cross the roads back and forth and especially at the four road junction we found it difficult with just us four so we are now starting at Torryburn and finishing at Rosyth making it 7.5miles.

We arrive at Cairneyhill for a coffee break at a lovely Garden Center where they have a small boutique which has a 20% sale on just now, ladies bring your credit cards just in case!

The walk starts at Torryburn walking along Shore Road and then climbing up to Crombie, a small village where the Ministry of Defence have an armaments base, along a minor road (which is a moderate hill with level bits). Next we walk to Charlestown, which houses the Scottish Lime Centre along wooded paths down to the Forth a beautiful spot. Leaving Charlestown, we stroll along the riverside with fantastic views across the Forth and arrive at Limekilns where we have lunch a really lovely peaceful village with more great views across the water.

After lunch we set off walking at the water’s edge for a time passing an old cemetery then up a winding path between woods and fields with various crops, this is a gradual climb (not too steep) where you can see Rosyth dockyards in the distance. There is a short walk along beside the A985 until we branch off down paths to Rosyth where we will be picked up by the bus and taken to North Queensferry for tea and scones at £2.95 per person or a ‘pint’ at the Ferrybridge Hotel.

I do hope you enjoy the walk as much as we did.

Pamela Colligan

Friday 12th June 2015



Proposed Walk: Skelmorlie to Largs

Distance: 7Miles Linear Grade ‘C+’

Terrain : Roads and Pavements.

Map: Landranger 63

The walk starts at Wemyss Bay Railway Station where there are a few public toilets. On leaving the station turn right and go along the road a short distance before turning left to go up Station Road. There is a short sharp ascent up this road to Skelmorlie. Along the route is a board erected to illustrate the Ayrshire Coastal Path which we are following and which will help us to pick out landmarks later in the walk. About 300 yards up the hill we turn left then come quickly to Skelmorlie library. We head south. The road continues on pavements through the village. When coming to a 3 way junction (the Red Road) we take the middle road. Care has to be taken from here on as there are no pavements. If the main A78 coast road is blocked, the Red Road can become busy with diverted traffic.

We pass Skelmorlie Caravan Site and enjoy magnificent views over the Cowal Peninsula. From here we descend past Skelmorlie Castle to the shore. Care has to be taken crossing the busy A78 as there is no pavement for about for 150 yards. On the shore is a good place to have lunch. From here after crossing back over we turn left and walk up into the hamlet of Meigle. After climbing back up to enjoy the views over the Firth of Clyde we walk for a further 3 miles. At a sign post we took the Low Road. The road gradually descends as we pass the golf course on our right. We go along Routenburn Road to go back down to the shoreline where we turn left and make our way back along pavements to Largs.

There are some beautiful views over the Firth of Clyde and to islands beyond. At this time of year the road verges are abundant with many colourful spring flowers. A lovely walk, however the road we followed was quite undulating.

In Largs there are various cafes in which to enjoy a cuppa.

Recce done on 29.05.2015 by

Pamela Colligan, Betty Fraser, Elinor Bones and Patricia Clark.


Ramblers Association

Short Walk Recce. Report

Name of Group: S.L.O.W. Ramblers

Recce Undertaken on: 25/05/2015 Walk planned for: 12/06/2015

Circular/Linear: Circular Time to Complete: 2hrs>

Distance: 41/2 miles Walk: Palacerigg Country Park, Cumbernauld

Meet at Chatelheraut Car Park 9.15am. Car Share (note this is a change to the advertised programme). Then at the Park visitor centre at 10am

There are toilet and refreshment facilities at the visitor centre.

The first hour of the walk is moderate with 2 short fairly steep inclines.

The next hour is easy.

Terrain: Tracks and paths, muddy in places. Hazards: golf balls and the odd logging truck.

Walking boots and poles are recommended.

The walk starts and finishes at Palacerigg Country Park Visitor centre

We leave from the rear of the visitor centre on the red route with the children’s play area on the right then with the golf course on our right and after a short distance R.T. into woodland later L.T. onto the blue route and at the model flying club R.T. towards Glencryan woods, there is evidence among the old woods of the mines which provided fireclay for Cumbernauld brickworks, as we emerge from the woods on our left there is a clear view over to Cumbernauld and the high school, the walk opens up here for a bit until we approach the inclines, we leave glencryan wood and follow the Glencryan burn for a while.

We L.T. onto the red route and basically follow an anti clockwise route around the golf course passing Fannyside moor where for years peat was cultivated, and Fannyside loch back to the visitor centre. The walk is complete.

After a cuppa, those with energy left may wish to take a detour onto the tree top walkway. On a clear day you can see Arran over 60 miles away.

The site; from a run-down farm became a country park in the mid 1970’s, set in 700 acres and was supervised by a local naturalist, David Stephen.

Recce. Completed By: Bob Fairfull 25/05/2015


PROPOSED WALK: Eddleston—Barony Hall


TERRAIN: Good Paths and Roads.


The walk starts at the black iron gates at the entrance to Barony Castle Hotel. Turn right at the gates signed Fairydean Lodge and just after 10mph sign go up short flight of steps on the right and follow path for Barony Circular via Darnhall up the hill. On reaching a track in front of a high chain link fence, turn left. Turn right at next junction past an ‘ice house’. The track goes uphill between the edge of the wood and a beech hedge. Go through the gate and continue along the track and through the next gate. Go right where the waymarked path forks just before a seat on the left and through the conifer wood. Go through the gate at the end of the wood to reach the old post road. Take 2nd right, SP Old Road to Shiplaw, and continue along road passing wooden play area on right. Where the track meets the tarred road, turn left towards Cloich and walk up the road past the ‘No Through Road’ sign and then past the remains of the University Observatory on the right. Take the first turn left at the end of the tarred road SP Cloich. Follow the track past Cloich Farm and into Cloich Forest. Watch your footing as the path is very stony at times. The track descends into the valley of the Courhope Burn. Cross the valley and ascend the other side to reach a junction with a 3-way fingerpost on the left.

NB this part of the walk is a long slog and quite strenuous.

Fork left immediately after the fingerpost and turn left after about 30m. The first 50m or so is stony and climbs quite steeply through the wood, but becomes less steep after the first bend. Go through the gate at the end of the wood and head across the field in the direction shown on the fingerpost as the Old Drove Road to Peebles. Go through the next gate and follow the track to the right. There may be a shallow ford just before you go through a wooden gate. Carry on along the field edge with a stone dyke on the right, go through another gate, turn left and view information board on the right. Continue along the grassy track going through various gates but keeping the dyke on the right. Go round a small mound on left into an area of rough pasture. Turn right at the fingerpost leading to Eddleston via Barony. Go through a wood, through a gate and down a track with the valley on the left. The next gate leads into the garden of a house but the path turns sharp right and goes between 2 fences, with the garden on the left. The path then turns left down a hill before meeting a track at a T- junction. Turn right and then immediately left down a steep path. Turn left at the roadway, go over the bridge and up the road to return to Barony Castle.

Recce completed by: Janet Strang, Joan Brown, Muriel Japp Patricia Clark.



Distance: 6.5 mile.

Terrain: Good paths, a few small gradients. Poles recommended.

The walk starts at Kinghorn Station. We walk up Castle Wynd which takes us to the back of the town and then follow a road which leads us to Kinghorn Loch. We skirt the top of the loch and then join a path which leads us uphill past a farm and on to a level track that runs across the hill well above the shore and gives lovely views across the Forth to Edinburgh. At a cycle path sign we go left downhill on a path that twists down to the road. Cross the road at the golf clubhouse and join a path that drops through the trees which leads us to the main road into Burntisland. We make our way to the beach and this will be our lunch stop.

After lunch we make our way across the Links and walk through part of the town and join a path which runs alongside the railway. We then cross under the railway and follow the Fife Coastal Path which leads to the Silver Sands at Aberdour where the walk ends.

Recce completed on Saturday 25/04/15 by

Muriel Jaap

Betty Fraser

Sheena Strachan


Ramblers Association

Short Walk Recce. Report

Name of Group: S.L.O.W. Ramblers

Recce Undertaken on: 20/04/2015 Walk planned for: 24/04/2015

Circular/Linear: Circular Time to Complete: 2hrs>

Distance: 4 miles Walk: The Differick

Meet at Chatelheraut Car Park 9.15am for car Share or Greenrig 10am

The walk starts at Greenrigg where there are approx. 5 houses, park considerately.

This is a moderate walk

The walk starts and finishes at Greenrig

We follow a gently rising track between the houses uphill, the whole of the clyde valley is on

view and the hills of Argyll and the Trossachs are easily picked out until we reach Boreland

wood then the differick ends at Low Boreland farm passing Beeches Nursery.

At the Crossroads L.T. and follow the road all the way to Hawksland, L.T. past the row of

houses known as Dickland. About 100 yards beyond houses ‘rebuilt by John Frater’ take the

left fork and follow this road via Burnside nursery back to Greenrig.

Walking boots and if you normally walk with a pole, use one

Terrain, farm tracks and tarmac, hazards, tractors.

Getting there: no public transport.

At the far end of Kirkfieldbank(don’t cross the clyde)R.T. onto Riverside road and continue up

to Newhouse farm on your right, just past the farm R.T. after a short distance R.T. again into

Greenrig road, follow this road into a dip and then to greenrig at the top of the hill where the

walk starts at a small group of houses.

Recce. Completed By: Bob Fairfull and Gina Hasan


Recce Ashfield to Bridge of Allan.

Terrain: riverside paths and some rough old lanes that are rocky in parts. Some slight ascents. Prone to be muddy. Approximately 7 miles long.

At Ashfield turn left past a row of cottages. Take left over the white bridge. Right at gate and follow the fence. Care at erosion of river path is needed. Railway and river on your right. Pass a drumlin and go under the A9.

Follow the narrow path along the Allan Water keeping right and descending to some houses. Pass an open space then keep next to a stone wall. At the sign for Ashfield turn right.

Take right at the bridge and left at the football pitch. Go under the railway bridge. You can have lunch in the park next to the river. Make your way to the railway station from the Cathedral.

At Dunblane cross take right to the station then left to cross the dual carriageway at the lights. Turn left towards the golf course then right at the sign post for Darn Walk. Follow a stoney old lane between two walls. At the footbridge turn right. Signpost Dunblane. Ignore the concrete bridge and a cave is on your left. Follow the path up a leafy gully and cross a bridge over a tributary.Come to two fences and look for a footpath sign marked Dunblane.

Pass some new houses going right downhill and pass a weir on Blairforkie Drive. You reach town centre taking left at the roundabout.

Recce completed by Linda Christie and Patricia Clark.







Please note this walk now starts at Winchburgh and not Broxburn as printed in programme.

We travel to Dobbies Garden Centre at Livingston for toilets and a quick coffee stop and then proceed on to Winchburgh for the start of the walk.

We start from the 'Tally Ho' pub car park, turn right and after a short distance on the pavement, we reach a bridge over the canal. We then descend some steps to join the towpath along the canal. This path is flat all the way to Linlithgow.

We follow the curves of the canal, through a wooded area, passing en-route several bridges over the canal before the scenery opens out to panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. We will stop for lunch along the way - at a chosen spot! - and then continue on to the canal basin at Linlithgow. From there we walk downhill, passing the station and reach the main road through the town.

We cross over and head up the right hand pavement until we reach a sign to Linlithgow Loch - turn left here and walk a short distance to reach the loch. We head up to the Palace and at this point we will disperse for coffee/tea time in Linlithgow.

Information will be given re-time and place to meet up with our bus.

Recci done by:

Linda Christie

Pamela Colligan

Ann Falconer

Kathleen Hunter



River Annan

6 Miles C Circular

Terrain Flat Path Muddy

The walk starts from the Battery Street car park,follow the riverside path upstream through the Everholm Park .

AT the far end of the park,the path leads through a gate into woodland . A hundred yards ahead there is a land slide a diversion has been put in place Picking up the river path again the Cuthbertson Memorial Bridge appears ahead, carry straight on up the right hand bank of the river under the bridge which carries the A75 road . Follow the riverside path to the weir please take extra care here, as the water is fast flowing.

Further up stream you reach The Jubilee Bridge continue on the right hand bank of the river past the pumping station. The path follows the river across a meadow and then enters a wooded area.Here the river forms "Rabbit Island " .

The path continues alone the river bank to reach a fishing shelter where we will stop for lunch .

At this point join an estate drive which continues up river towards Brydekirk.At the Lodge and the junction with the main road turn left and cross the bridge into the village .

To return to Annan turn down River Street beside the Inn and keep straight on over grass where the road turns right.The riverside path strikes off on its own and enters woodland continue alone the path with the river on your left until you reach the Cuthbertson Memorial Bridge,cross the bridge keeping the river on your right return through the Everholm Park this will lead you back to the Battery Street car park.

As paths are very muddy and wet sticks and waterproof trousers are recommended.

Recce done on the 1/3/15 by.

Walk Leaders

Grace Gentles

Sheena Strachan

Pamela Colligan

Kathleen Hunter




Helix Park to Falkirk Wheel

6.5 Miles C Linear

Terrain Flat Path

The start of the walk is at Falkirk Football Stadium where we can get toilets and a cup of coffee if

you so wish.

By following a broad path out of the car park and away from the stadium we cross at a pedestrian

crossing and on the other side follow a sign for the Helix Park.

With the Plaza Cafe as our starting point follow the path around the Lagoon keeping the Lagoon on

our left, on returning back to the Plaza Cafe we head around the great lawn towards the main

entrance. At Etna Road roundabout head right towards the blue bridge, from here you can see the

Kelpies. Continue along the pavement beside the A9 road to Asda Warehouse where there is a

sign for Langlees Community woodland pointing to the right. Go down the track and turn left after

the pylons along Abbots Road . Follow the road as it turns left and immediately take the footpath

off to the right towards the human sundial. Facing the sundial go down the path on the left. Pass

Love and Kisses on the right. Turn right at the black fence continue until you return to the human

sundial. Turn left at human sundial through the woodlands and over small bridge . Follow the path

with wetland on the right. At the end of the path turn right and go down the river Carron turn back

on the other side of the river Cannon heading for the Kelpies. It is here we shall have our lunch.

After lunch we head away from the Kelpies to join the Forth and Clyde Canal which was the worlds

first sea to sea canal. With the Forth and Clyde Canal on our left we continue along the canal till

we reach the Falkirk Wheel where there is a cafe for refreshments.

Recce done on 31/1/15 by

Walk Leaders

Pamela Colligan

Muriel Japp

Kathleen Hunter

Sheena Strachan

Helensburgh Long Walk 16/1/15

The walk starts at Helensburgh Pier where there are public toilets.

We walk uphill past Hermitage park and upper station. We reach

the Hill House which was designed by Rennie Mackintosh, there

are extensive gardens but unfortunately they are closed at this time

of the year. We head into a woodland area and follow sign for Rhu

Marina.along a stony track and into a mix of woodland and open

ground, this track is known as the Upland Way, it gives good views

across Glen Fruin, acros the Clyde to Greenock and over the Roseneath


After crossing open ground we continue through a large forested area made

up of four woods. We head for Rhu Marina taking a pretty path through trees

crossing several little bridges, we follow the long straight Highlandmans Road

all the way down towards Rhu where there are again expansive views of the

Clyde.We carry on downhill passing Tor Farm till we reach the marina.

From there we carry on along the promenade till we reach the town centre.Where

there are several coffee shops.

Boots and poles are recommended.

Walk Leaders

Betty Fraser

Joan Brown

Linda Christie

Elinor Bone