Eagle and the Condor Prophecy

Quotes from article (republished by permission) from Kathy Doore's Labyrinthina blog pages

To read the whole article please go to Kathy's pages

Prophecies of the Q’ero Incan Shamans:

The Q’ero are the last of the Incas – a tribe of 600 who sought refuge at high altitudes above 14,000 feet in order to escape the conquering Spanish conquistadors.

For 500 years the Q’ero elders have preserved a sacred prophecy of a great change, or “pachacuti,” in which the world would be turned right-side-up, harmony and order would be restored, and chaos and disorder ended.

The Q’ero had lived in their villages high in the Andes in virtual solitude from the world until their “discovery” in 1949, when an anthropologist was at a festival in Paucartambo, in southern Peru, where he met two Indians speaking fluent Quecha, the language of the Incas. The first Western expedition to the Q’ero villages then occurred in 1955.

Four years later, at the annual Feast of The Return of the Pleiades taking place in the Andes, the gathering of 70,000 pilgrims from South America were awed, and the crowd parted to let the Q’ero, unannounced and wearing the Incan emblem of the sun, make their way forward to the mountain top to make known that the time of the prophecies was at hand. They were welcomed by the assembly and were told, “We’ve been waiting for you for 500 years.”

Q’ero elders journeyed to North America in fulfilment of their prophecies.

In November 1996, a small group of Q’ero, including the tribal leader and the head shaman, visited several cities in the US, including New York, where they performed a private ceremony at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. The shamanic ritual had not been performed for 500 years. But in the very home of those who symbolized the former conquerors of their Incan ancestors they shared their ritual and knowledge, not only with interested Westerners who were learning their ways, but also with the Dean of the great cathedral, thereby symbolically and spiritually linking the two continents of North and South America.

“We have been waiting five hundred years. The Inca prophecies say that now, in this age, when the eagle of the North and the condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken. The eagles of the North cannot be free without the condors of the South. Now it’s happening. Now is the time. The Aquarian Age is an era of light, an age of awakening, an age of returning to natural ways.

Our generation is here to help begin this age, to prepare through different schools to understand the message of the heart, intuition, and nature. Native people speak with the Earth.

When consciousness awakens, we can fly high like the eagle, or like the condor.”– Willaru