Khuyas, Chumpis, and Illas
Khuyas, Chumpis, and Illas
Many Sanskrit concepts have correspondences in the Andean teachings
The concepts of chakras, prana, and aura are not well known in the Westerm world...
To understand the Andean teachings we need to examine Quechuan equivalents to some of the words used in yoga practice that describe the structure of our subtle bodies.
In Andean spirituality two words are used to describe the chakra structure:
"Nawi" - referring to the "eye" (central point) of the chakra and
"Chumpis" - energy belts originating from each eye, which envelope the body forming a band of protection.
If in the Himalayian tradition chakras where described as Wheels of Light,.
In the Andes they were viewed as the Eyes of the Soul through which we perceive and assemble our reality
"Kawsay" - is the equivalent of "prana", the word literally means "Life" and can also be used to describe Life Force ( its visible part being life energy)
It is expressed as "sami" - higher vibratory energy frequencies and "hucha" - dense energy, a product of our negative thoughts and emotions. These are two examples of the multitude of Life Energy expression.
Kawsay Pacha is the equivilent of Bhuvarloka - the subtle planes (dimensions) within the physical existence. This is the "Life force (life energy) plane"
Khuyas are sacred stones that are gifts from Mother Earth
Khuyas usually contain specific information embodied in their structure. They create an energetic link and bring forth into the physical a specific healing vibration
They can be linked to a certain healed outcome, place of power, element of nature, etc.. They are usually used to heal specific or generic problems and are not necessarily linked to a specific chakra.
Chumpi Khuyas
"Poq'po" -is the "energy bubble" - corresponding to the concept of "aura", known in Sanscrit as "Pranayama Kosha "- the energy bodies that permeate the physical body
"Akasha" is the description of merging space and time into one word (both a construct of the mind).The Andean term "Pacha" is a similar concept.
The "Law of Karma" - "law of cause and effect" that seeks to find balance is described in Andean spirituality as "Ayni "- the law of reciprocity. Ainy describes the correct relationship with all Life, the balance of giving and receiving, which aligns human beings with all of Creation ( as we are all One)
Other useful terms to know:
"Nadis" or energy channels in tantric philosopy are referred to as "ceques"in the Andean tradition . This word can also be used to refer to the ley lines of the Earth. These lines or Earth meridians interconnect sacred sites together.
"Wakas" - sacred sites correspond to energy points or chakras of the Earth
The energetic anatomy of the human body is intimately connected to the energy anatomy of Earth - Pachamama, as we are all her children
Pampa and Alto mesayoq (also spelled "mesayok") are Q'ero medicine paths.
The path of a Pampa mesoyok is the path of a medicine man or women in the Q'ero tradition that sources there power and information from the spirits of the land (valleys) and sacred plants
"Pampa" means an extensive treeless grassland of the valleys
"Alto" refers to higher altitudes - the sacred mountains or "Apus"
Chumpi khuyas are power stones to work with the ñawis (the eyes of the chakras) and chumpis (the energy belts that extend from them).
Each chakra has a corresponding khuaya (power stone)
The stones have different shapes (different number of sides) and often different drawings carved on them.
The total number of chumpi khuyas is usually five or seven.
Thy are usually made of hematite or soapstone, which is easier to carve.
Chumpi khuyas are used to open the ñawis , suck out the dense energy (hucha) ac cumulated in that area, and then close them. Each stone is designed to work with a specific chakra.
This process is often referred to as the illumination.
Chumpi khuyas are also used to knit the energy belts, or re-weave splits and fissures of the energy body (the poq' po - "energy bubble) to restore the energy cocoon that protects us. The energy bubble can be compared to skin on an energy level.
Illas are carved soap-stone talismans for specific purposes. Initially they were used by the Quechua to ensure the health of flocks or herds of domesticated animals. They are used more widely now to ensure fertility, love and other benefit's of Life.
These talismans and amulets gold the healed intention desired.