Medicine Men and Women

Medicine Men and Women of traditional cultures are often referred to as shamans.

"Shaman" is a Tungus word ( the Tungus tribe is a indigenous tribe of Siberia) and it means "one who sees in the dark").

Shamanism is the most ancient spiritual practice known to humankind. It has been practised in Siberia, Europe, North and South Americas, Greenland and Africa for at least 40 thousand years (some anthropologist believe 100 000 years)

Medicine people can "see with their heart" and "strong eye" into other dimensions and realities, and can travel through hidden realms.

They are able to invoke spirits of Mountains, Lakes, Sacred Valleys, Animal Helpers and Plant Spirits to navigate through space and time and directly access spiritual causes of illnesses and heal them out.

Medicine people are trained to retrieve soul fragments and returns power that was given away or left behind, they clear heavy energy from the luminous field

Sacred Lake Titicaca Peru

Medicine People believe that everything that exists has a spirit. The Web of Life is alive and connects all life forms. There is One spirit that flows and expresses itself through these many life-forms.

We are all deeply interconnected and any belief in separation is false, it is the perceptual illusion that needs to be healed

We are not separate from each other, from the Earth, the Sun, the Stars, the elements of nature, such as wind, fire, water. We are One with all kingdoms of Life that are materialised on this planet and with beings from other dimensions.

All Life seeks balance - Ayni, Harmony. When we as people are out of harmony with All Life - it will be reflected in our circumstances and the health of our bodies.

The Shamans role in the community they represent - is to keep harmony between the people and forces of nature (and All Life)

Medicine people lead all kind of ceremonies of transition and healing:

* Perform ceremonies of Intention

* Welcome children being born into the physical world

* Hold ceremonies for children moving into adulthood

* Perform marriage ceremonies

* Help people transition back to the Spirit at the time of death

* Lead mourning ceremonies for those left behind

* Find souls that have not completed their journey to the other side and help them to go back to the Village of the Ancestors in the "before and after-life" (in- between lives)

* Lead people in healing journeys and spiritual quests

In other words, Medicine People honour Life transitions and help people to move through them

Madre Sagrada (Sacred Mother) Tree in the Peruvian Jungle at nght