Q & A - overveiw
Q: What is a mesa?
A : A mesa, a bundle wrapped in cloth containing various power objects and stones used for healing work. In the West is is more commonly known as a "medicine bundle".
Q: What are Karpays?
A: Karpays are medicine rites - a special type of a blessing offered by Medicine people. They are offered as seed, an invitation to 'step up" and become part of the spiritual lineage.
if you do not "feed and grow" the medicine rites with fire energy, they will be absorbed and used by the body for healing purposes. Receiving medicine rites is a great honour and privilege. I
Q; In a nutshell - what are khyas and chumpis?
Chumpis are stones from the medicine bundle that are used specifically to work with the chakras (energetic centres) of the body.
Khyas are also sacred stones from the medicine bundle that medicine people use to help heal a specific "theme" in parts of the body other than the "eye"s of the chakras.