About Don Marco

Marco Antonio Nuñez Zamalloa was born in Cusco, Peru and is an expert counselor in Andean medicine, having graduated from San Antonio Abad del Cusco University.

For over 15 years he has studied and trained with several Andean shamans and practices as a healer, cleansing the chakras and the body’s luminous energy field.

He was an apprentice to Don Martin . Now he is himself a healer and a teacher .

In Spanish countries, the word ‘don’ is used as a term of honour for respected Elders

Don Marco specialises in:

* Chakra balancing with Kuyas and herbs brought from the Andes

* Illuminations using chumpis, crystals and mesa stones

*Cleansing and Flowering

* Additional ceremonies - as needed

Don Marco speaks Quechua, Spanish and English