About Don Martin

Legendary Peruvian Shaman Don Martin, "El Condor", will share his wisdom and teachings for "Walking in the Light"

For over 26 years, Don Martin has kept alive the traditions of a long and powerful lineage of Andean Healers through his luminous body healing teaching and practice.

He learned his healing art from Don Benito Corihuaman, who is still considered to be the “greatest Alto mesayoq” in South America.

Don Martin is married to Maria Sanchez who is the granddaughter of another famous shaman Don Melchor Deza.

In Spanish countries, the word ‘don’ is used as a term of honour for respected Elders

Register for an individual healing to experience Don Martin’s amazing vibrational sound healings, coca leaf readings, cleansings, extractions and purifications.

Honouring the lineage

Don Benito Corihuaman Vargas (1914-1986), Alto mesayoq from the Southern Andes. He was a master of divination using coca leaves,and disease extractions

He performed despacho offerings called haywas .

His teachings emphasised the principle of ayni, or sacred reciprocity, as the foundation for all appropriate behaviour.

Don Martin specialises in:

* Soul loss and retrieval for those affected by

depression, stress, accidents, illness

* Readings, past present and future counseling

* Cleansing, balancing and protection

* Additional ceremonies as needed

Don Martin speaks in the Quechua dialect