How to Prepare for your Healing: Reflecting

The greatest difference between denial of a problem and entering the healing process is that in denial you say "everything is all right, nothing needs to be changed"

In healing you say "everything is all right and everything must be changed."

Change is the word that equals healing. There is no profound healing without change and there is no positive change that is not accompanied by a profound healing of some part of us.

What questions should I ask myself before the ceremony?

You can enter the healing process in two ways. You can ask the Universe to chose for you :

What needs to be healed (changed) most in my body, belief systems, relationships, etc today?

What do I need to let go of (and who do I need to let go of) to initiate the healing process?

What do I need to bring into my life to make me feel more alive, more expanded, more joyful?

This is a good way to start if you are overwhelmed or truly unaware of your issue

If you are aware of your issue, there is a second way to enter the healing process by being more specific, more precise, more laser-like.

State it in "one sentence or less" the specific issue that needs to be healed and ask specific questions;

How can I mend this bone more quickly and heal all of the underlying emotional, physical and spiritual issues that led me to breaking it in the first place?

And how would it feel if I healed all of the causes of reasons that led to these issues in the first place?

How can I let go of conscious and unconscious resistance to the healing of this bone so that it can return to normal structure and function?

You can ask similar questions concerning relationships, emotions, finances, and spiritual matters

The more aware you are as you are entering your healing ceremony, the clearer you state your healed outcome (your healing intent) - the deeper your healing will be.

And don't forget to state "This, or something better"

When we are not overly fixed on or attached to the outcome we desire, we allow Creator's energy to move within us, through us and around us, creating a reality we did not even dream possible.

Lake Sandoval, Tambopata, Madre de Dios, Peru, 2011

entrance via canal

All healing is ultimately self-healing when you come into the right relationship with all Life (Ainy)

The greatest Healers in the world can only help you enter an internal state of being where healing is possible, where healing can "happen." This is a state of Being, where you allow it to take place.

True deep healing is always a miracle, a grace that sets your life on a different path, forever changes you and the perception of the world around you.

Ultimately, healing yourself from a serious wound, whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual is an act of self-love. You need to feel worthy of receiving the healing and claim it as your birth right.

There are subconscious programs (active or latent traumas or wounds) that are not allowing you to be who you truly are. They are like mind viruses, slowing down or even shutting down normal operating systems.Those programs are the beliefs and emotions that we have absorbed from others, which part of our defence mechanism, part of our armour.

The armour may be rigid or ineffective, always keeping you in fight, flight or freeze - keeping you in a survival mode and not allowing to thrive.

All of the pain and all of the suffering that is related to keeping you constantly fearful, angry and on high alert is "not who you really are." It is just a misaligned part of you that is not in Ainy with all Life

Healing is allowing yourself to let go of "who you are not" (the ego-personality which is finite) and allowing yourself to become "who you truly are" (the immortal Soul and Spirit)

There may be a great deal of resistance when you enter the healing process. Anyone who has ever healed any parts of themselves to a significant depth knows that healing is neither a joy ride nor a day at the spa.

I say that healing is not for "Sissies". Often it requires the discipline of a warrior to move from where you are to where you want to be, to close the gap.

The Healing Ceremonies start the process of healing, the process of personal change, moving out of your comfort zone, leaving things and people that you need to leave behind and becoming the person your Soul and Spirit ask you to be.

And sometimes you are a caregiver and you cannot abandon the people you are caring for. So you do the best you can with the resources you have. If you could have done better, you would have...

Lake Sandoval, Tambopata, Madre de Dios, Peru, August 2011

Beach - we were promised no piranhas here.