Short Storytime

This story time will last about 15-20 minutes. Such a short story time would be good to use during library visits/orientations for daycares, preschools, head-starts, elementary schools, etc. Note: This story time was planned with four year olds in mind, but can be adapted to suit older children.


Greeting and Wiggle

Whole Body Movement: “Tall as a Tree”

Hello Song & Invitation to Listen

Puppets: “This Little Mouse”

Book: A Visitor for Bear by Bonny Becker

Puppets: “This Little Mouse”

Game: “Mr. Mouse, Mr. Mouse, Where’s the Cheese?”

Craft: Mouse stick puppets

Tall as a Tree

Tall as a tree Reach for the ceiling

Wide as a house Stretch toward walls

Thin as a pin Press arms to body

Small as a mouse Squat down small

[Source: Whatcom County Library System’s (WA) Preschool Theme Handbook “Mice, ” p. 59]

Hello Song

If you want to hear a story, clap your hands (clap, clap)

If you want to hear a story, clap your hands (clap, clap)

If you want to hear a story,

If you want to hear a story,

If you want to hear a story, clap your hands (clap, clap)

If you’re ready for a story, zip your lips (zip, zip)

If you’re ready for a story, zip your lips (zip, zip)

If you’re ready for a story,

If you’re ready for a story,

If you’re ready for a story, zip your lips (zip, zip)

[Source: Amelia Evans- first verse, Sarah C. Searles- second verse]

This Little Mouse

This little mouse knocked on the door

This little mouse likes tea

This little mouse likes cheese

This little mouse likes crackling fires

And this little mouse, he likes big, brown bears!

[Source: Bridget R. Wilson]