Pirate Party
(September 2011)
Language Learning: Pirate Vocabulary
Movement Song: “Two Hornpipes (Tortuga)” (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest)
Book: How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long
Group Game: Tick, Tick, Tock
Release to Stations:
Craft: Spyglasses
Game #1: Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate
Game #2: Treasure Chest Coin Toss
Game #3: Walk the Plank
Book Display: Pirates!
(Play mixed CD while guests are at the stations)
Come back together for…
Door Prize Drawing
(May 2012)
Language Learning: Pirate Vocabulary
Ahoy- Hey/hello
Matey- friend
Yo ho ho- laughter
Shiver me timbers- expression of surprise
Booty- treasure
Sea Dog- old pirate or sailor
Scallywag- scoundrel/troublemaker
Arrr- Yes
Argh- hello, goodbye, or an expression of disgust
Do you know any other pirate words?
Book: Henry and the Buccaneer Bunnies by Carolyn Crimi
Share: Pirate Hall of Fame from The Great Pirate Activity Book by Deri Robins
Group Game: Tick, Tick, Tock
Release to Stations:
Craft: Spyglasses
Game #1: Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate
Game #2: Treasure Chest Coin Toss
Game #3: Walk the Plank
Game #4: Treasure Island Board Game from The Great Pirate Activity Book by Deri Robins
Book Display: Pirates!
Note: Play CD (Disney’s Ultimate Swashbuckler 10-Song CD Collection) while guests are at the stations
Come back together for…
Door Prize Drawing
Refreshments (“Grub & Grog”)- kool-aid, cookies, pirate’s treasure trail mix
(September 2013)
Language Learning: Pirate Vocabulary
Ahoy- Hey/hello
Matey- friend
Yo ho ho- laughter
Shiver me timbers- expression of surprise
Booty- treasure
Sea Dog- old pirate or sailor
Scallywag- scoundrel/troublemaker
Arrr- Yes
Argh- hello, goodbye, or an expression of disgust
Do you know any other pirate words?
Music: Disney’s Ultimate Swashbuckler 10-Song CD Collection
Henry and the Buccaneer Bunnies by Carolyn Crimi
Poems from Shiver Me Timbers: Pirate Poems & Paintings by Douglas Florian
“Pirates Wear Patches”
“Pirate Patter”
“Buried Treasure”
“Me, Pirate”
“Pirates Pirate”
“A Pirate’s Life”
“Famous Pirates” from Pirates by Greg Nickles, Bobbie Kalman, & Barbara Bedell
Group Games:
Individual Games:
Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate
Treasure Chest Coin Toss
Walk the Plank
Treasure Island Board Game from The Great Pirate Activity Book by Deri Robins
Pirate Duck Ring Toss
Craft: Treasure Maps
Refreshments: Vanilla Wafers, Goldfish crackers, Kool-aid
Take Home: Little Critter Pirate Paper Doll
Door Prize: Ninjas vs. Pirates play set