Translation & Interpretation

Services categories

[Translation] - Chinese to English; English to Chinese

- Fields: Management: SCM, MIS; Technology: IT, RFID; Industrial Engineering; Computer Science; Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

- These and dissertation; SCI paper

(中翻英; 英翻中 - 領域: 工業工程/管理/資訊/機電/RFID供應鏈; 國際期刊論文)

[Academic paper writing/proofreading] - SCI paper


[College application] - Bachelor, Master and Ph.D.

- Recommendation letter, study plan, autobiography

- English interview

(學士/碩士/博士英文讀書計畫, 推薦函, 自傳, 英文面試)

[TOEIC training] (多益考試)

[English interview] (英語面談/簡報)

[Interpretation] (口譯)

[Conversation] (英語會話)

About translator & interpreter

姓名: 陳振傑 (Steve)


紐約州立大學水牛城校區 工業工程碩士 (SUNY/Buffalo, NY)

芝加哥帝博大學 電腦科學碩士 (DePaul University, Chicago, IL)

TOEIC instructor, Institute of Excellence, TOPCHURCH

台灣大學進修推廣部 中英文口譯研習班第16期結業 (Interpretation)

(授課教師:王麗莎老師; Instructor: Lisa Wang)

美商晨星(Morningstar)與美商芝加哥期貨(First Options, Chicago)

資深系統分析師 (Senior System/Analyst)

Senior SAP Project Manager at IBM, SAP, Arthur Andersen Business

Consulting, Foxconn, Everlight, SONY, 頂新

台大翻譯社 翻譯員 (Translator)

演講: 美國商會(Speech: American Chamber of Commerce)

TOEIC score: > 900

教學經歷: 國立台北科技大學/明志科技大學/元智大學 講師 (Instructor)

Contact info: send mail to stevessschen at gmail dot com for more info.

Summary of works Steve has done:

Details of works Steve has done: